/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2815083 * @preserve **/ (function (_, $, Backbone, Drupal) { Drupal.quickedit.EntityModel = Drupal.quickedit.BaseModel.extend({ defaults: { el: null, entityID: null, entityInstanceID: null, id: null, label: null, fields: null, isActive: false, inTempStore: false, isDirty: false, isCommitting: false, state: 'closed', fieldsInTempStore: [], reload: false }, initialize: function initialize() { this.set('fields', new Drupal.quickedit.FieldCollection()); this.listenTo(this, 'change:state', this.stateChange); this.listenTo(this.get('fields'), 'change:state', this.fieldStateChange); Drupal.quickedit.BaseModel.prototype.initialize.call(this); }, stateChange: function stateChange(entityModel, state, options) { var to = state; switch (to) { case 'closed': this.set({ isActive: false, inTempStore: false, isDirty: false }); break; case 'launching': break; case 'opening': entityModel.get('fields').each(function (fieldModel) { fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate', options); }); break; case 'opened': this.set('isActive', true); break; case 'committing': { var fields = this.get('fields'); fields.chain().filter(function (fieldModel) { return _.intersection([fieldModel.get('state')], ['active']).length; }).each(function (fieldModel) { fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate'); }); fields.chain().filter(function (fieldModel) { return _.intersection([fieldModel.get('state')], Drupal.quickedit.app.changedFieldStates).length; }).each(function (fieldModel) { fieldModel.set('state', 'saving'); }); break; } case 'deactivating': { var changedFields = this.get('fields').filter(function (fieldModel) { return _.intersection([fieldModel.get('state')], ['changed', 'invalid']).length; }); if ((changedFields.length || this.get('fieldsInTempStore').length) && !options.saved && !options.confirmed) { this.set('state', 'opened', { confirming: true }); _.defer(function () { Drupal.quickedit.app.confirmEntityDeactivation(entityModel); }); } else { var invalidFields = this.get('fields').filter(function (fieldModel) { return _.intersection([fieldModel.get('state')], ['invalid']).length; }); entityModel.set('reload', this.get('fieldsInTempStore').length || invalidFields.length); entityModel.get('fields').each(function (fieldModel) { if (_.intersection([fieldModel.get('state')], ['candidate', 'highlighted']).length) { fieldModel.trigger('change:state', fieldModel, fieldModel.get('state'), options); } else { fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate', options); } }); } break; } case 'closing': options.reason = 'stop'; this.get('fields').each(function (fieldModel) { fieldModel.set({ inTempStore: false, state: 'inactive' }, options); }); break; } }, _updateInTempStoreAttributes: function _updateInTempStoreAttributes(entityModel, fieldModel) { var current = fieldModel.get('state'); var previous = fieldModel.previous('state'); var fieldsInTempStore = entityModel.get('fieldsInTempStore'); if (current === 'saved') { entityModel.set('inTempStore', true); fieldModel.set('inTempStore', true); fieldsInTempStore.push(fieldModel.get('fieldID')); fieldsInTempStore = _.uniq(fieldsInTempStore); entityModel.set('fieldsInTempStore', fieldsInTempStore); } else if (current === 'candidate' && previous === 'inactive') { fieldModel.set('inTempStore', _.intersection([fieldModel.get('fieldID')], fieldsInTempStore).length > 0); } }, fieldStateChange: function fieldStateChange(fieldModel, state) { var entityModel = this; var fieldState = state; switch (this.get('state')) { case 'closed': case 'launching': break; case 'opening': _.defer(function () { entityModel.set('state', 'opened', { 'accept-field-states': Drupal.quickedit.app.readyFieldStates }); }); break; case 'opened': if (fieldState === 'changed') { entityModel.set('isDirty', true); } else { this._updateInTempStoreAttributes(entityModel, fieldModel); } break; case 'committing': { if (fieldState === 'invalid') { _.defer(function () { entityModel.set('state', 'opened', { reason: 'invalid' }); }); } else { this._updateInTempStoreAttributes(entityModel, fieldModel); } var options = { 'accept-field-states': Drupal.quickedit.app.readyFieldStates }; if (entityModel.set('isCommitting', true, options)) { entityModel.save({ success: function success() { entityModel.set({ state: 'deactivating', isCommitting: false }, { saved: true }); }, error: function error() { entityModel.set('isCommitting', false); entityModel.set('state', 'opened', { reason: 'networkerror' }); var message = Drupal.t('Your changes to @entity-title could not be saved, either due to a website problem or a network connection problem.
Please try again.', { '@entity-title': entityModel.get('label') }); Drupal.quickedit.util.networkErrorModal(Drupal.t('Network problem!'), message); } }); } break; } case 'deactivating': _.defer(function () { entityModel.set('state', 'closing', { 'accept-field-states': Drupal.quickedit.app.readyFieldStates }); }); break; case 'closing': _.defer(function () { entityModel.set('state', 'closed', { 'accept-field-states': ['inactive'] }); }); break; } }, save: function save(options) { var entityModel = this; var entitySaverAjax = Drupal.ajax({ url: Drupal.url('quickedit/entity/' + entityModel.get('entityID')), error: function error() { options.error.call(entityModel); } }); entitySaverAjax.commands.quickeditEntitySaved = function (ajax, response, status) { entityModel.get('fields').each(function (fieldModel) { fieldModel.set('inTempStore', false); }); entityModel.set('inTempStore', false); entityModel.set('fieldsInTempStore', []); if (options.success) { options.success.call(entityModel); } }; entitySaverAjax.execute(); }, validate: function validate(attrs, options) { var acceptedFieldStates = options['accept-field-states'] || []; var currentState = this.get('state'); var nextState = attrs.state; if (currentState !== nextState) { if (_.indexOf(this.constructor.states, nextState) === -1) { return '"' + nextState + '" is an invalid state'; } if (!this._acceptStateChange(currentState, nextState, options)) { return 'state change not accepted'; } if (!this._fieldsHaveAcceptableStates(acceptedFieldStates)) { return 'state change not accepted because fields are not in acceptable state'; } } var currentIsCommitting = this.get('isCommitting'); var nextIsCommitting = attrs.isCommitting; if (currentIsCommitting === false && nextIsCommitting === true) { if (!this._fieldsHaveAcceptableStates(acceptedFieldStates)) { return 'isCommitting change not accepted because fields are not in acceptable state'; } } else if (currentIsCommitting === true && nextIsCommitting === true) { return 'isCommitting is a mutex, hence only changes are allowed'; } }, _acceptStateChange: function _acceptStateChange(from, to, context) { var accept = true; if (!this.constructor.followsStateSequence(from, to)) { accept = false; if (from === 'closing' && to === 'closed') { accept = true; } else if (from === 'committing' && to === 'opened' && context.reason && (context.reason === 'invalid' || context.reason === 'networkerror')) { accept = true; } else if (from === 'deactivating' && to === 'opened' && context.confirming) { accept = true; } else if (from === 'opened' && to === 'deactivating' && context.confirmed) { accept = true; } } return accept; }, _fieldsHaveAcceptableStates: function _fieldsHaveAcceptableStates(acceptedFieldStates) { var accept = true; if (acceptedFieldStates.length > 0) { var fieldStates = this.get('fields').pluck('state') || []; if (_.difference(fieldStates, acceptedFieldStates).length) { accept = false; } } return accept; }, destroy: function destroy(options) { Drupal.quickedit.BaseModel.prototype.destroy.call(this, options); this.stopListening(); this.get('fields').reset(); }, sync: function sync() {} }, { states: ['closed', 'launching', 'opening', 'opened', 'committing', 'deactivating', 'closing'], followsStateSequence: function followsStateSequence(from, to) { return _.indexOf(this.states, from) < _.indexOf(this.states, to); } }); Drupal.quickedit.EntityCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Drupal.quickedit.EntityModel }); })(_, jQuery, Backbone, Drupal);