/** * @file * Wide viewport search bar interactions. */ ((Drupal) => { const searchWideButtonSelector = '[data-drupal-selector="block-search-wide-button"]'; const searchWideButton = document.querySelector(searchWideButtonSelector); const searchWideWrapperSelector = '[data-drupal-selector="block-search-wide-wrapper"]'; const searchWideWrapper = document.querySelector(searchWideWrapperSelector); /** * Determine if search is visible. * * @return {boolean} * True if the search wrapper contains "is-active" class, false if not. */ function searchIsVisible() { return searchWideWrapper.classList.contains('is-active'); } Drupal.olivero.searchIsVisible = searchIsVisible; /** * Closes search bar when a click event does not happen at an (x,y) coordinate * that does not overlap with either the search wrapper or button. * * @see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229895 * * @param {Event} e click event */ function watchForClickOut(e) { const clickInSearchArea = e.target.matches(` ${searchWideWrapperSelector}, ${searchWideWrapperSelector} *, ${searchWideButtonSelector}, ${searchWideButtonSelector} * `); if (!clickInSearchArea && searchIsVisible()) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define toggleSearchVisibility(false); } } /** * Closes search bar when focus moves to another target. * Avoids closing search bar if event does not have related target - required for Safari. * * @see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229895 * * @param {Event} e focusout event */ function watchForFocusOut(e) { if (e.relatedTarget) { const inSearchBar = e.relatedTarget.matches( `${searchWideWrapperSelector}, ${searchWideWrapperSelector} *`, ); const inSearchButton = e.relatedTarget.matches( `${searchWideButtonSelector}, ${searchWideButtonSelector} *`, ); if (!inSearchBar && !inSearchButton) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define toggleSearchVisibility(false); } } } /** * Closes search bar on escape keyup, if open. * * @param {Event} e keyup event */ function watchForEscapeOut(e) { if (e.key === 'Escape') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define toggleSearchVisibility(false); } } /** * Set focus for the search input element. */ function handleFocus() { if (searchIsVisible()) { searchWideWrapper.querySelector('input[type="search"]').focus(); } else if (searchWideWrapper.contains(document.activeElement)) { // Return focus to button only if focus was inside of the search wrapper. searchWideButton.focus(); } } /** * Toggle search functionality visibility. * * @param {boolean} visibility * True if we want to show the form, false if we want to hide it. */ function toggleSearchVisibility(visibility) { searchWideButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', visibility === true); searchWideWrapper.classList.toggle('is-active', visibility === true); searchWideWrapper.addEventListener('transitionend', handleFocus, { once: true, }); if (visibility === true) { Drupal.olivero.closeAllSubNav(); document.addEventListener('click', watchForClickOut, { capture: true }); document.addEventListener('focusout', watchForFocusOut, { capture: true, }); document.addEventListener('keyup', watchForEscapeOut, { capture: true }); } else { document.removeEventListener('click', watchForClickOut, { capture: true, }); document.removeEventListener('focusout', watchForFocusOut, { capture: true, }); document.removeEventListener('keyup', watchForEscapeOut, { capture: true, }); } } Drupal.olivero.toggleSearchVisibility = toggleSearchVisibility; /** * Initializes the search wide button. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Adds aria-expanded attribute to the search wide button. */ Drupal.behaviors.searchWide = { attach(context) { const searchWideButtonEl = once( 'search-wide', searchWideButtonSelector, context, ).shift(); if (searchWideButtonEl) { searchWideButtonEl.setAttribute('aria-expanded', searchIsVisible()); searchWideButtonEl.addEventListener('click', () => { toggleSearchVisibility(!searchIsVisible()); }); } }, }; })(Drupal);