// $Id$ List of maintainers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND ====== - M: the maintainer - S: status: "supported" : someone is actually paid to look after this. "maintained" : someone actually looks after it. "fixes/patches" : it has a maintainer but they don't have time to do much other than throw the odd patch in. "orphan" : no current maintainer, but maybe you could take the role as you write new code? - W: website with status or information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOG API M: James Walker <walkah@walkah.net> S: maintained DISTRIBUTED AUTHENTICATION MODULES M: Moshe Weitzman <weitzman@tejasa.com> S: maintained DOCUMENTATION COORDINATOR M: Steven Peck <speck@blkmtn.org> S: maintained FILTER SYSTEM M: Steven Wittens <unconed@drupal.org> S: maintained FORM SYSTEM M: Károly Négyesi <chx@mail.tvnet.hu> S: maintained LOCALE MODULE M: Gabor Hojtsy <goba@php.net> S: maintained LOGGING M: Khalid Baheyeldin <drupal@2bits.com> S: maintained MENU SYSTEM M: Károly Négyesi <chx@mail.tvnet.hu> S: maintained PATH MODULE M: Matt Westgate <drupal@asitis.org> S: maintained POSTGRESQL M: Sammy Spets <sammys-drupal@synerger.com> S: maintained SECURITY COORDINATOR M: Heine Deelstra <hdeelstra@gmail.com> S: maintained STATISTICS MODULE M: Jeremy Andrews <jeremy@kerneltrap.com> S: maintained UPDATE MODULE M: Derek Wright <http://drupal.org/user/46549/contact> Earl Miles <http://drupal.org/user/26979/contact> S: maintained XML-RPC SERVER/CLIENT M: John VanDyk <http://drupal.org/user/2375/contact> S: maintained DEBIAN PACKAGE M: Hilko Bengen <bengen@debian.org> S: maintained TRANSLATIONS COORDINATOR M: Gerhard Killesreiter <gerhard@killesreiter.de> S: maintained THE REST: M: Dries <dries@drupal.org>