Lauri Eskola
Issue #3096566 by huzooka, aleevas, Dinesh18, ravi.shankar, phenaproxima, lauriii: Copy media library styles from Seven to Claro
2020-01-15 18:12:24 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3088805 by huzooka, martin107, lauriii, xjm: Simplify Claro's CSS directory structure
2019-11-15 14:21:05 +00:00 |
Issue #3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, webchick, shaal, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed
2019-10-15 15:34:52 +01:00 |
Issue #3079738 by lauriii, saschaeggi, webchick, xjm, andrewmacpherson, shimpy, effulgentsia, Wim Leers, DyanneNova, svettes, rainbreaw, fhaeberle, ckrina, AaronMcHale, justafish, catch, charlieweb82, AntoineH, lot007, pzajacz, kostyashupenko, jasonbarrie, antonellasevero, finnsky, worldlinemine, bnjmnm, RobLoach, Dennis Cohn, huzooka, Archita Arora, joachim, jrockowitz, benjifisher, shaal, Gábor Hojtsy, quiron, L2G2, ccasals, hampercm, if-jds, abhisekmazumdar, Kami Amiga, pivica, zrpnr, BrightBold, imalabya, jhedstrom, Neslee Canil Pinto, maliknaik, junaidmasoodi, Maithri Shetty, pranav73, mandclu, modulist, nod_, philosurfer, phenaproxima, mherchel, mlncn, rafuel92, leymannx, kiboman, Swapnil_Kotwal, anevins, evankay, rfmarcelino, thamas, brianperry, idebr, joelpittet, boulaffasae, alexpott, volkerk, DuneBL, Eli-T, Mahenkvyas22: Add Claro administration theme to core
2019-10-13 13:42:58 -07:00 |