Lauri Eskola
Issue #2976404 by dpi, JKerschner, jibran: Missing disabled styling for date and time fields
2019-04-02 11:36:29 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order
2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00 |
Issue #3041053 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, xjm, larowlan, phenaproxima, webchick, effulgentsia, DyanneNova, Sam152, lauriii, dead_arm, bnjmmn, balsama: Mark Layout Builder as a stable module
2019-03-28 16:35:39 -05:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3024505 by alexpott, markconroy: Add quote standards to Stylelint config
2019-01-14 17:55:33 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3024518 by alexpott, markconroy: Upgrade stylelint to the latest version
2019-01-14 12:23:21 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2992299 by oriol_e9g, bkosborne: Classy and Seven are adding : after label when you have checkboxes in a container inline
2018-12-03 11:09:37 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2975388 by NickWilde, idebr: Replace Firefox @-moz-document url-prefix() css selector, since its support is being removed
2018-10-01 16:40:58 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2829185 by vaplas, Jo Fitzgerald, anmolgoyal74, chipway, gaurav.kapoor, mark_fullmer, amit.drupal, cilefen, longwave, xjm, wturrell, anavarre: Fix spelling errors in Drupal core comments
2018-09-20 17:12:38 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2945571 by bendeguz.csirmaz, samuel.mortenson, Jo Fitzgerald, lauriii, rp7: Off canvas looks funky when using Seven theme
2018-08-27 12:33:45 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2982097 by anmolgoyal74, Anatoliy Vorobyov, KondratievaS, jhcastanod, jonathanshaw, lauriii, twfahey, pivica, ricksta: Margin on form-items in table rows (Seven)
2018-07-20 07:14:07 +03:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #2854624 by lauriii, AaronChristian, vaplas, yogeshmpawar, tkoleary, ckrina, Gábor Hojtsy, chrisrockwell, andrewmacpherson: Details and accordion update based on Seven Style Guide
2018-06-27 13:32:57 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2930534 by ddavidd, if-jds, sdewitt, rickmanelius, andrewmacpherson, benjifisher, jerseycheese: Seven pager items do not meet WCAG AA 1.4.3 for contrast
2018-04-17 12:44:51 +03:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866804 by harsha012, joelpittet, BrightBold, csd713: Update stylelint rule declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-03-03 13:34:30 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866801 by harsha012, joelpittet, BrightBold, droplet, Akshay kashyap, arunkumark, bmx269: Update stylelint rules color-hex-length to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-02-11 23:27:54 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2880703 by alexpott, droplet, Daniel.Moberly, yogesh01: Status report page without JavaScript is messed up
2018-01-29 13:09:54 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2939940 by bmx269, joelpittet: Update stylelint rules color-hex-case to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-28 08:18:54 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866818 by harsha012, BrightBold, brahmjeet789, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule number-leading-zero to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-28 08:11:52 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2930542 by sahil432, sdewitt, andrewmacpherson: Disabled form labels in Seven theme's node meta-data do not meet WCAG AA 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
2018-01-22 09:00:08 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866819 by harsha012, jpassetti, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule number-no-trailing-zeros to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-12 09:42:36 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866810 by BrightBold, harsha012, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule function-comma-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-09 18:38:49 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866823 by harsha012, Mukeysh, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule selector-type-no-unknown to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-08 17:06:47 +00:00 |
Issue #2863354 by benqwerty, DuaelFr, andrewmacpherson, xjm, mgifford, lauriii, ckrina: Add border to dialog [x] close button for hover and focus states
2018-01-05 17:06:05 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866808 by BrightBold, pk188, idebr: Update stylelint rule declaration-block-trailing-semicolon to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:56:09 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866809 by BrightBold: Update stylelint rule declaration-colon-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:45:13 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866799 by cwells: Update stylelint rule at-rule-empty-line-before to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:37:45 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2866812 by idebr: Update stylelint rule function-name-case to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:34:59 +00:00 |
Issue #2660124 by tim.plunkett, samuel.mortenson, phenaproxima, tstoeckler, yoroy, dead_arm, xjm, Manuel Garcia, EclipseGc, larowlan, DyanneNova, tedbow: Dynamically build layout icons based on well formed config
2017-10-30 15:46:59 -05:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2236789 by singh_haneet, Neograph734, petruk.dmitriy, idebr, herom, joelpittet, LewisNyman, xjm: Styling of inline radios broken: inappropriate trailing colons (breaks EditorImageDialog)
2017-10-11 08:58:22 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2909882 by Manuel Garcia, yoroy: Throbbers showing within dropbuttons jump to next line
2017-10-06 22:43:54 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2902413 by vaplas, fisherman90: Hangnail on the active task in Seven theme
2017-09-30 16:11:27 +03:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2887860 by drumm, Cottser: Allow attributes to be passed to admin blocks (admin_block theme hook)
2017-09-05 19:08:13 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2803875 by amateescu, timmillwood, mcdruid, shashikant_chauhan, sidharthap, Manuel Garcia, Berdir: Node form meta information should not come from a theme
2017-07-20 20:32:19 +01:00 |
Gabor Hojtsy
Issue #2863431 by Manuel Garcia, seanB, naveenvalecha, Gábor Hojtsy, Berdir, tstoeckler, timmillwood, tacituseu, marcoscano: Change "Save and keep un-/published" buttons for media module
2017-07-11 16:15:20 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2068063 by timmillwood, Berdir, tduong, Manuel Garcia, nlisgo, yongt9412, esod, lauriii, jonathan1055, vijaycs85, yoroy, amit.drupal, tkoleary, ifrik, Bojhan, xjm, tstoeckler, amateescu: Change "Save and keep un-/published" buttons to a "Published" checkbox and an included "Save" button
2017-06-15 13:02:05 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2854111 by abbym, pritish.kumar, mahalingam_cs, trong.nguyen.tcec, Manuel Garcia, Cottser: Large images are not responsive, exceed the available space
2017-06-07 09:51:00 +03:00 |
Chris McCafferty
Issue #2878548 by alexpott, droplet, Cottser, idebr, joelpittet, xjm, martin107: Fix CSS whitespace issues
2017-05-19 12:46:41 -04:00 |
Gabor Hojtsy
Issue #2843083 by timmillwood, Manuel Garcia, Sam152, naveenvalecha, amateescu, yoroy, Gábor Hojtsy, xjm, jojototh, Bojhan, lauriii: Select entity type / bundle in workflow settings
2017-05-12 10:21:36 +02:00 |
Roy Scholten
Issue #2857933 by brentschuddinck, benqwerty, yoroy, Chi, rachel_norfolk, agomezmoron, lauriii, sandipauti, alarez, tar_inet: Change background color of dialog close button
2017-03-24 15:17:03 +01:00 |
Issue #2854851 by chrisrockwell, Chi: Max width and min height change to status page affects installer screens as well, but shouldn't
(cherry picked from commit 0885b37c95 )
2017-02-23 09:50:01 -08:00 |
Issue #665790 by chrisrockwell, Sumit kumar, lauriii, joelpittet, sun, vulcanr, vaplas, yoroy, leahtard, tompagabor, aspilicious, ckrina, Gábor Hojtsy, David_Rothstein, Manuel Garcia, rootwork, nod_, kostyashupenko, pguillard, Bojhan, droplet, typhonius, wturrell, mgifford, webkenny, cosmicdreams, tkoleary, YesCT, marcvangend, markabur, LewisNyman, mrfelton, oriol_e9g, prabhu9484, catch, hedrickbt, tsvenson, longwave, dww, kika, borisson_, rdellis87, realityloop, klonos: Redesign the status report page
2017-02-07 12:44:37 -08:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2820200 by altrugon, bkosborne, thpoul: Display resize icon for CKEditor on Seven theme
2016-12-05 12:10:22 +00:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2392729 by AlviMurtaza, Sumit kumar, Manjit.Singh, simply021, skippednote, studiozut, Vidushi Mehta, vipulaSD, vova_ob, deepakkumar14, Truptti, Maninders, vsawant, meeli, Cottser, jeffrey.vargas, lamaxi, LewisNyman, emma.maria: Optimize Seven's select boxes for small screens
2016-08-11 22:16:08 -04:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2765957 by chanchal2002, Manjit.Singh, brahmjeet789, kostyashupenko, AaronChristian: Core installation page content overflows its background (CSS bug)
2016-08-01 18:36:39 -04:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2090937 by darketaine, thpoul, Wim Leers, ironkiat, kostyashupenko, himanshugautam, Cottser, davidhernandez, Reinmar, Bojhan, tic2000, LewisNyman, emma.maria: Seven theme: style CKEditor-native dialogs to match Drupal-native dialogs
2016-07-27 12:18:30 -04:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2611268 by darketaine, iamDamon, thpoul: Link field on node edit causes horizontal scrollbar
2016-06-05 15:59:49 -04:00 |
Issue #2546248 by scythian, XaviP, darrenwh, mikebell_, ingaro, urbanlegend, jhodgdon, davidhernandez, andypost, joelpittet, emma.maria, cdykstra, Cottser, LewisNyman, joachim: Use consistent style to mention HTML tags in code comments
2016-05-26 14:12:15 -05:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2489660 by katzilla, lucur, AlviMurtaza, swati_qa, ijf8090, dawehner, Cottser, ayang: Views UI text overlap in older versions of Firefox
2016-04-01 11:59:50 -04:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2675522 by HOG, kostyashupenko, gvso, dawehner, pradeep22saini: Styling for Views UI rearrange filters
2016-04-01 11:23:05 -04:00 |
Scott Reeves
Issue #2407955 by dernetzjaeger, darketaine, stefan.r, ChuChuNaKu, ironkiat, LewisNyman, Cottser, wellme, mgifford, emma.maria: Clean up unused images in the Seven theme
2016-04-01 11:04:11 -04:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2489450 by LewisNyman, marieke_h, kfitz, jcnventura, jibla, Bojhan, manauwarsheikh, matthodgson: Remove unnecessary focused/hover effects on details and vertical tabs
2015-12-10 13:27:11 +00:00 |