Commit Graph

1375 Commits (fc11a4f5c19de1a197a4a25828d9d3e187a161c7)

Author SHA1 Message Date
effulgentsia 71142958f9 Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
Alex Pott fbe0991b98 Issue #2577963 by yched, amateescu, klausi: Let entity_ref Selection handlers be in charge of the field validation 2015-11-12 22:41:33 +00:00
webchick de14b6d199 Issue #2590993 by mikeryan, webflo, svendecabooter, dixon_, phenaproxima: Create stub entities with proper default values 2015-11-12 12:34:55 -08:00
Alex Pott e13d1bcda0 Issue #2602410 by xaiwant: Invalid @param name in core/modules/comment/src/CommentStorage.php 2015-11-02 16:44:53 +00:00
Alex Pott 03de872802 Issue #2604618 by andypost, xjm: Views operations dropbuttons do not work with Comment because it does not specify a list builder 2015-11-02 15:17:52 +00:00
Alex Pott 30c6960459 Issue #2500931 by mikeker, jhedstrom, Berdir: Views feed doesn't encode embedded HTML anymore 2015-10-30 16:23:06 +00:00
Alex Pott ae32878a41 Issue #2600996 by heykarthikwithu: Removal of unused variable CommentController::getReplyForm 2015-10-27 12:29:33 +00:00
xjm 0618992706 Issue #2599250 by krknth: Fixing order of documentation sections 2015-10-24 11:05:02 -07:00
xjm 639272360e Issue #2502621 by Pravin Ajaaz, hussainweb, Peacog, jhodgdon, ivanjaros: Replace implement notes with inheritdoc tag 2015-10-23 13:59:43 -07:00
Alex Pott 83054ca920 Issue #2588547 by mikeryan, dawehner, YesCT: CommentLinkBuilder causes fatal error when comment field not named 'comment' 2015-10-19 16:25:24 -07:00
webchick ad81d250b5 Issue #2594263 by phenaproxima, neclimdul, Gábor Hojtsy, Kazanir: Add translation data to Migrate Drupal's test fixtures 2015-10-19 13:50:52 -07:00
webchick 5e5738dcdd Issue #2560637 by phenaproxima, benjy, quietone, mikeryan, chx, neclimdul: Improve handling of uid 1 during migration 2015-10-19 10:44:31 -07:00
Alex Pott a2c96ec5f4 Issue #2578955 by dawehner, jhodgdon, Wim Leers, catch: Implement auto route generation but DON'T use it for all core entities 2015-10-17 06:13:46 -07:00
Alex Pott 93088f8720 Issue #2590059 by Sagar Ramgade, GoZ, sdstyles, jhodgdon: Fix double occurrence of prepositions 2015-10-15 11:02:38 +01:00
Alex Pott b0e82e5871 Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
Alex Pott 1cd13a8f53 Issue #2515018 by joshi.rohit100, sdstyles, joelpittet: Lowercase the instances of camelcase'd instanceOf in core for consistency 2015-10-09 16:39:35 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8b65164c5a Issue #2533800 by alexpott: Remove all unused use statements from core 2015-10-08 20:46:26 +01:00
effulgentsia 190032b775 Issue #2072945 by Berdir, plach, effulgentsia, Schnitzel, andypost, Wim Leers: Remove the $langcode parameter in EntityAccessControllerInterface::access() and friends 2015-10-07 12:30:24 -07:00
Alex Pott 4ea2fc71c0 Issue #2578559 by yched: Have ViewsSelection no longer extend SelectionBase 2015-10-06 03:15:38 +01:00
effulgentsia ace96debbe Issue #2073217 by andypost, Berdir, plach: Remove the $langcode parameter from the entity view/render system 2015-10-05 16:33:05 -07:00
Alex Pott 641eb3f8d7 Issue #2571647 by mpdonadio, joelpittet, pjonckiere: Create DateFormatterInterface 2015-10-05 22:00:23 +01:00
xjm 176d9947e0 Issue #2560049 by hass, chrisfree, cilefen, Wim Leers, Gábor Hojtsy: Incorrect capitalisation of translatable strings 2015-10-05 11:28:57 -05:00
Alex Pott daad7b1c00 Issue #2571533 by damiankloip, yched: Allow setting custom storage on FieldStorageConfig 2015-10-05 11:05:53 +01:00
webchick 5a89e6af2a Issue #2574597 by Upchuk, jhedstrom, Berdir, klausi: Comment body doesn't show up in preview for Anonymous users 2015-10-04 23:17:02 -07:00
xjm d1e4b70c6b Issue #2572525 by mdoedens, ifrik, jhodgdon: Update the hook_help for the comment module again 2015-10-04 20:41:41 -04:00
effulgentsia 804d87927e Issue #2463567 by borisson_, Wim Leers, Xano: Push CSRF tokens for forms to placeholders + #lazy_builder 2015-10-03 07:26:32 -07:00
Alex Pott 18d4de1a4c Issue #2579021 by Wim Leers, Berdir, sasanikolic, Fabianx: Prevent comment forms from marking rendered nodes as uncacheable 2015-10-02 22:04:04 +01:00
webchick 9eb5b8be50 Issue #2577155 by mikeryan, benjy: Some source plugins produce duplicate rows 2015-10-02 10:20:45 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 400baf1609 Issue #2464427 by jibran, Wim Leers, Berdir, borisson_: Replace CacheablePluginInterface with CacheableDependencyInterface 2015-10-02 09:26:50 +01:00
effulgentsia 708ce0a998 Issue #2576533 by alexpott, stefan.r, Wim Leers, dawehner, xjm, effulgentsia, catch: Rename SafeStringInterface to MarkupInterface and move related classes 2015-10-01 16:25:03 -07:00
Alex Pott 6b4e81ad57 Issue #2567257 by dawehner, stefan.r, effulgentsia, pwolanin, catch, Xano, mr.baileys, Wim Leers, k4v, Dave Reid, chx, googletorp, plach, lauriii, Berdir, webchick, alexpott, stefan.r: hook_tokens() $sanitize option incompatible with Html sanitisation requirements 2015-10-01 14:01:21 +01:00
Alex Pott de0bbdd952 Revert "Issue #2567257 by dawehner, stefan.r, effulgentsia, pwolanin, catch, Xano, mr.baileys, Wim Leers, k4v, Dave Reid, chx, googletorp, plach, lauriii, Berdir, webchick, alexpott, stefan.r: hook_tokens() $sanitize option incompatible with Html sanitisation requirements"
This reverts commit 542a1663cf.
2015-10-01 12:45:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 542a1663cf Issue #2567257 by dawehner, stefan.r, effulgentsia, pwolanin, catch, Xano, mr.baileys, Wim Leers, k4v, Dave Reid, chx, googletorp, plach, lauriii, Berdir, webchick, alexpott, stefan.r: hook_tokens() $sanitize option incompatible with Html sanitisation requirements 2015-10-01 12:42:36 +01:00
webchick 9fc8bba35e Issue #2573559 by phenaproxima, mikeryan: Remove MigrateDrupalTestBase::testSourcePlugin() 2015-09-30 11:43:24 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bef7274a7c Issue #2476947 by mdrummond, Wim Leers, davidhernandez, lauriii, joelpittet, andypost, Cottser, JeroenT, Manuel Garcia, rpayanm: Convert "title" page element into a block 2015-09-30 14:00:49 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a6c2e2b1c5 Issue #2506213 by hchonov, mkalkbrenner: Update content entity changed timestamp on UI save 2015-09-28 22:08:45 +01:00
webchick 8477f6b786 Issue #2554321 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, quietone, neclimdul, benjy: Clean up Migrate's test suite 2015-09-28 10:19:56 -07:00
Alex Pott d0c13760c6 Issue #2543258 by LKS90, hchonov, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, Berdir, yched, plach: Entity references of untranslatable fields are not displayed in the correct translation 2015-09-27 13:13:18 +02:00
Alex Pott f7f70ff8cf Issue #2375981 by ameymudras, andypost, larowlan, prashantgoel, yogen.prasad, swentel, kaustubhb, RavindraSingh, Jeff Burnz: Test that Comments field title does not show when there are no comments 2015-09-26 15:57:21 +02:00
effulgentsia a9b2470f6f Issue #2571909 by alexpott, larowlan, stefan.r, Wim Leers, lauriii, effulgentsia, Upchuk, dunix: CommentForm selects using the user formatted name 2015-09-25 23:32:08 -07:00
webchick 1d1fe19702 Issue #2112679 by Berdir, damiankloip, nlisgo, krlucas, lokapujya, m1r1k, piyuesh23, blueminds, stefan.r, subhojit777, dawehner, kerby70, Dustin LeBlanc, znerol, JeroenT, borisson_, scor, amitgoyal, s_leu: getUsername() should return the username getDisplayName() for the formatted user name 2015-09-23 17:26:38 -07:00
effulgentsia 1a37b0929b Issue #2573657 by catch, Xano, stefan.r: comment_tokens() filters instead of escapes some plain-text strings 2015-09-23 15:53:43 -07:00
catch c1aa46fbe6 Issue #2567183 by dawehner, pfrenssen, hussainweb: Re-export all built-in configuration in core 2015-09-23 12:37:12 +02:00
Alex Pott 6bfdc3bd5e Issue #2570355 by Sutharsan, stefan.r, kgoel, josephdpurcell, joelpittet, justAChris, dawehner, pfrenssen, pwolanin, David_Rothstein, catch: Replace remaining !placeholder and @placeholder with :placeholder for URLs 2015-09-22 08:16:37 +02:00
Alex Pott 7a25f513f5 Issue #2560783 by stefan.r, joelpittet, lauriii, Cottser, Sutharsan, kgoel, justAChris, Gábor Hojtsy, dawehner, jhodgdon, effulgentsia, xjm, andypost, googletorp: Replace !placeholder with :placeholder for URLs in hook_help() implementations 2015-09-21 12:38:19 +01:00
Alex Pott b9ae4cd1bd Issue #2473947 by Cottser, davidhernandez, rachel_norfolk, rteijeiro, cilefen, alimac, akalata, YesCT, mortendk: Prefix form-item-* classes with js- 2015-09-20 18:37:40 +01:00
Alex Pott 9d11fa42b5 Issue #2569465 by penyaskito: CommentItem must override mainPropertyName() 2015-09-20 08:10:57 +01:00
effulgentsia e7a7de9f8c Issue #2557113 by stefan.r, alexpott, dawehner, joelpittet, cilefen, lauriii, plach, catch, chx, xjm: Make t() return a TranslationWrapper object to remove reliance on a static, unpredictable safe list 2015-09-18 21:33:21 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8691e08fdf Issue #2545972 by alexpott, joelpittet, ericjenkins, stefan.r, Wim Leers, Cottser: Remove all code usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() and rely more on Twig autoescaping 2015-09-17 15:55:30 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 53b28208bb Issue #2568605 by pguillard: Replace remaining !placeholder for Non-URL HTML outputs only in template_preprocess_comment() 2015-09-15 13:36:26 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole b353cd51e6 Issue #2511516 by lauriii, Xano, Wim Leers, dawehner: Make local tasks and actions hooks provide cacheability metadata, to make the blocks showing them cacheable 2015-09-15 12:37:16 +01:00
Alex Pott df7ced5544 Issue #2561259 by stefan.r, lauriii, joelpittet, andypost: Cast (optgroup) array keys that may hold translated strings to string 2015-09-13 12:25:37 +01:00
webchick 24e346cce9 Issue #2340401 by benjy, roderik, mikeryan, dawehner, andypost, chx, phenaproxima, larowlan: Fill commented entity during stub comment saving 2015-09-11 14:00:52 -07:00
webchick dc644d1df3 Issue #2565791 by mikeryan, subhojit777, quietone, phenaproxima: Fix migration labels 2015-09-10 10:29:44 -07:00
Alex Pott dd8f5660d9 Issue #2529034 by penyaskito, vijaycs85, yched: Replace direct access to FieldConfigBase::default_value with methods 2015-09-10 10:28:11 +01:00
webchick a41cddd940 Issue #2488078 by rashid_786, ifrik, jhodgdon, andypost: Update hook_help for Comment module about field UI need to manage comment fields 2015-09-09 23:21:49 -07:00
xjm 570fba20cd Issue #2564353 by alexpott, joelpittet, xjm, justAChris, nlisgo, subhojit777: Remove !placeholder usage from SafeMarkup::format() 2015-09-09 19:04:37 -05:00
Alex Pott 9b8dddd5a3 Issue #2556729 by karmazzin: Remove usage of deprecated UrlGeneratorInterface::generateFromPath() in CommentController::renderNewCommentsNodeLinks() 2015-09-09 14:39:35 +01:00
Alex Pott d551f8c9d5 Issue #2555899 by geertvd: Add test coverage for Comment link handlers handler 2015-09-08 13:46:00 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0f9fd871e4 Issue #2551907 by Wim Leers, dawehner: Follow-up for #2483183: make the Breadcrumb value object use composition instead of inheritance 2015-09-05 09:34:41 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 56bcfe4ece Issue #2560641 by alexpott, lauriii, Xano, borisson_, ianthomas_uk, olli: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from render arrays 2015-09-03 23:37:10 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole f13b2d59bd Revert "Issue #2560641 by alexpott, lauriii, Xano, borisson_, ianthomas_uk: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from render arrays"
This reverts commit 3100760954.
2015-09-03 23:36:44 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 3100760954 Issue #2560641 by alexpott, lauriii, Xano, borisson_, ianthomas_uk: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from render arrays 2015-09-03 23:36:26 +01:00
webchick 5fb22f43a5 Issue #2532534 by phenaproxima, miguelc303: Migration Files for Drupal 7 Comments 2015-09-03 10:07:45 -07:00
Alex Pott 2b1f8e6ac3 Issue #507488 by lauriii, mdrummond, Wim Leers, Manuel Garcia, pwolanin, davidhernandez, chx, jibran, andypost, dawehner, Xano, tuutti, Gábor Hojtsy, LewisNyman, maximiliam, eiriksm, borisson_, bill richardson, Fabianx, joelpittet, Jeff Burnz, xjm, webchick, Bojhan, EclipseGc, emma.maria, tim.plunkett: Convert page elements (local tasks, actions) into blocks 2015-09-01 12:24:09 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9f97162dd3 Issue #2557467 by alexpott: Deprecate check_url and convert usages to existing UrlHelper methods 2015-08-31 08:51:38 +01:00
webchick 0e05f3b6b1 Issue #2505905 by eiriksm, nod_, nidaismailshah, mikebell_, jhodgdon: JSDoc comment module 2015-08-28 23:35:46 -07:00
webchick f72ef07766 Issue #2522012 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, chx, benjy: Remove broken idlist handling, replace with more robust exception handling 2015-08-28 14:00:47 -07:00
webchick b302b65718 Issue #2549013 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, benjy: Remove load plugins 2015-08-27 13:37:44 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole f384961721 Issue #2557519 by alexpott, joelpittet: Remove many usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() and replace with Html::escape() 2015-08-26 11:34:29 +01:00
Alex Pott 6c8fe4bdb4 Issue #2214241 by mortendk, mdrummond, lauriii, galooph, ShaunDychko, jjcarrion, b0unty, joelpittet, scor, amitgoyal, aboros, Manuel Garcia, hkirsman, BLadwin, hussainweb, sushilkr, emma.maria, nlisgo, yched, LewisNyman, davidhernandez, mikl, camoa, dman, dodorama: Field default markup - removing the divitis 2015-08-26 09:36:43 +01:00
webchick 8aee36fd83 Issue #2557253 by phenaproxima, neclimdul: MigrateFullDrupalTestBase test discovery gobbles all the memory 2015-08-25 10:04:11 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole dd23c88ab7 Issue #2530846 by Berdir, mbovan: Fix and improve comment cache tag usage 2015-08-24 22:03:13 +01:00
effulgentsia 764890d629 Issue #2349819 by amateescu, swentel, Leksat, larowlan, dawehner, Gábor Hojtsy, mpdonadio, benjy, jmuzz, yched, jibran, marthinal, dmsmidt: String field type doesn't consider empty string as empty value 2015-08-20 12:15:48 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 98e2b931b3 Issue #2552013 by Wim Leers: Follow-up for #2481453: ensure the 'url.query_args': MainContentViewSubscriber::WRAPPER_FORMAT cache context is set 2015-08-20 16:22:26 +01:00
Alex Pott 3d73a39c2c Issue #2546416 by borisson_, lauriii: Rename ViewUnitTestBase to ViewKernelTestBase 2015-08-18 15:36:01 +01:00
webchick d2404bee75 Issue #2550823 by phenaproxima, neclimdul: Migrate Drupal integration tests should load all dump files 2015-08-15 11:25:18 -07:00
Alex Pott db390cded0 Issue #2430669 by larowlan, marthinal, clemens.tolboom, jibran: Cannot create comments from REST - field access is too strict 2015-08-14 13:08:26 +01:00
Alex Pott bb96982ee4 Issue #2483183 by lauriii, martin107, Wim Leers, tim.plunkett, moshe weitzman, bfr, Fabianx, dawehner: Make breadcrumb block cacheable 2015-08-13 16:31:50 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 45a48e8e01 Issue #2501931 by alexpott, alimac, cmanalansan, davidhernandez, scotself, cilefen, RavindraSingh, peezy, YesCT, pwolanin: Remove SafeMarkup::set in twig_render_template() and ThemeManager and FieldPluginBase:advancedRender 2015-08-13 12:33:54 +01:00
Alex Pott 3f0ff2198b Revert "Issue #2501931 by alexpott, alimac, cmanalansan, davidhernandez, scotself, cilefen, RavindraSingh, peezy, YesCT, pwolanin: Remove SafeMarkup::set in twig_render_template() and ThemeManager and FieldPluginBase:advancedRender"
This reverts commit 9ccb44e236.
2015-08-13 10:23:05 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9ccb44e236 Issue #2501931 by alexpott, alimac, cmanalansan, davidhernandez, scotself, cilefen, RavindraSingh, peezy, YesCT, pwolanin: Remove SafeMarkup::set in twig_render_template() and ThemeManager and FieldPluginBase:advancedRender 2015-08-13 09:54:02 +01:00
Alex Pott f85c0c140d Issue #2505879 by RavindraSingh, geertvd, borisson_, JvE: Call to undefined method stdClass::id() 2015-08-12 19:20:38 +01:00
Alex Pott cdd12a90bb Issue #2455125 by mpdonadio, rteijeiro, jhodgdon, dawehner: Update EntityViewsData use of generic timestamp to use Field API formatter 2015-08-06 12:12:06 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole b2303acfd6 Issue #2543332 by Wim Leers, effulgentsia, Fabianx, Crell, dawehner, borisson_: Auto-placeholdering for #lazy_builder without bubbling 2015-08-06 11:05:23 +01:00
webchick 05a8db295e Issue #2534004 by phenaproxima, mikeryan: Move module-specific migration support into the comment module 2015-08-03 21:08:57 -07:00
Alex Pott d4011a5423 Issue #2031883 by mortendk, rachel_norfolk, andypost, zestagio, epari.siva, nguerrier, Manjit.Singh, rteijeiro, MathieuSpil, pablo.guerino, HOG, lauriii, LewisNyman, joelpittet, Wim Leers, Cottser, minneapolisdan: Markup for: comment.html.twig 2015-07-30 12:33:32 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole f8629621bb Issue #2514044 by dawehner, stefan.r, alexpott: Do not use SafeMarkup::format in exceptions 2015-07-28 17:03:59 +01:00
Alex Pott 37c1ee8c47 Issue #2056089 by BarisW, TR, mgifford, rodvolpe, Dom., nambisolo, nod_, katewelling, Manjit.Singh, jhodgdon, Bojhan, Wim Leers: UI problems on the Modules/Extend page 2015-07-27 13:03:51 +01:00
Alex Pott 4b12bbf0db Issue #2338081 by pwolanin, dawehner, effulgentsia, kgoel, vijaycs85, mpdonadio, chx, brandon.holtsclaw, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, Fabianx, catch, YesCT, JvE: Local Tasks, Actions, and Contextual links mark strings from derivatives (or alter hooks) as safe and translated 2015-07-24 22:09:33 +01:00
effulgentsia 1a0cdcd32c Issue #2525910 by dawehner, effulgentsia, Berdir, lauriii, larowlan, timmillwood, Wim Leers, chx, arlinsandbulte, Fabianx, Gábor Hojtsy, Dave Reid, alexpott, catch: Ensure token replacements have cacheability + attachments metadata and that it is bubbled in any case 2015-07-22 07:16:01 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 20f1c993b6 Issue #2351015 by plach, effulgentsia, Wim Leers, dawehner, martin107, damiankloip, cilefen, Fabianx, catch, pwolanin, Damien Tournoud, znerol, YesCT, larowlan: URL generation does not bubble cache contexts 2015-07-16 15:26:21 +01:00
Alex Pott 55d056dcaf Issue #2509650 by willzyx: Faulty dependency to Renderer in Drupal\comment\CommentLazyBuilders 2015-07-15 14:49:36 +01:00
webchick 100f2a22fd Issue #2532646 by TR: "@return boolean" is wrong, use "@return bool" 2015-07-14 21:35:42 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 99aa535dc9 Issue #2493033 by Berdir, Wim Leers, lauriii, Fabianx, effulgentsia, dawehner, catch, msonnabaum, Crell, webchick: Make 'user.permissions' a required cache context 2015-07-14 15:08:37 +01:00
Alex Pott 268ffb4a31 Issue #2526004 by andypost: UnpublishByKeywordComment should inject needed services properly 2015-07-14 10:08:01 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9024fa617c Issue #2506195 by alexpott, joelpittet, xjm, David_Rothstein, Fabianx, pwolanin: Remove SafeMarkup::set() from Xss::filter() 2015-07-11 09:10:48 +01:00
Alex Pott 794be16300 Issue #2354889 by larowlan, dawehner, lauriii, Berdir, catch, martin107, pfrenssen, EclipseGc, Fabianx, Wim Leers, dsnopek, jibran, tim.plunkett, andypost: Make block context faster by removing onBlock event and replace it with loading from a ContextManager 2015-07-08 13:01:20 +01:00
Alex Pott 46e6f72399 Issue #2512866 by lauriii, Berdir, Wim Leers, Fabianx, effulgentsia, catch, dawehner: CacheContextsManager::optimizeTokens() optimizes ['user', 'user.permissions'] to ['user'] without adding cache tags to invalidate that when the user's roles are modified 2015-07-08 12:50:52 +01:00
xjm 2c7dc8fda3 Issue #2527406 by Gábor Hojtsy, Berdir: CommentForm::init() and MessageForm::init() are useless/broken 2015-07-08 08:27:57 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a362252a2b Issue #2512718 by Berdir, pfrenssen, Wim Leers, Fabianx, dawehner, catch, effulgentsia, plach, Gábor Hojtsy: EntityManager::getTranslationFromContext() should add the content language cache context to the entity 2015-07-07 17:08:46 +01:00
Alex Pott de1930407d Issue #2453175 by tim.plunkett, plach, rteijeiro, effulgentsia, eshta, dawehner, fago, Berdir, alexpott: Remove EntityFormInterface::validate() and stop using button-level validation by default in entity forms 2015-07-06 12:38:03 +01:00
xjm 79c11b6b9e Issue #2492585 by pguillard, yarik.lutsiuk, andypost, Mile23: Deprecate comment_view() & comment_view_multiple() 2015-07-06 12:19:26 +01:00
Alex Pott ebb21d2804 Issue #2450993 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, Crell, dawehner, effulgentsia: Rendered Cache Metadata created during the main controller request gets lost 2015-07-05 19:00:05 +01:00
xjm 52b3deb617 Issue #2526084 by andypost, yarik.lutsiuk: Fix comment in Comment entity 2015-07-05 10:31:55 +01:00
Alex Pott 1f53649bfb Issue #1392754 by tss, justAChris, jhodgdon: Comply with new documentation standards for @file for namespaced class files 2015-06-26 21:53:33 +01:00
Alex Pott 68d4f0be10 Issue #2511472 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, dawehner: Refactor all usages of drupal_render()/Renderer::render() that break #2450993 2015-06-24 16:31:20 -05:00
Alex Pott 8584bcc1c4 Issue #2505841 by andypost: Make CommentAdminOverview use link templates 2015-06-23 21:44:01 -05:00
Alex Pott 4eff3d1c46 Issue #2422353 by andypost: Comment module should check that comment body field exists 2015-06-23 21:40:45 -05:00
Alex Pott bd1399448f Issue #2505835 by andypost: Optimize CommentAdminOverview 2015-06-20 15:32:01 -05:00
Alex Pott 5d3a761e61 Issue #2506369 by catch, dawehner, Wim Leers: Cache CSS/JS asset resolving 2015-06-20 12:16:07 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 872b4963ec Issue #2495073 by dawehner, catch: Views feed display plugin has to get all views data on init 2015-06-12 16:10:37 +01:00
Alex Pott 3b62b84f4e Issue #2195083 by Les Lim, ParisLiakos, Xano, gaurav_varshney, ravi.khetri, fago, jain_deepak: Add a dedicated @Constraint annotation class 2015-06-11 11:51:06 +01:00
Alex Pott fa2a7a56f7 Issue #2499835 by phenaproxima, chx, benjy: Remove broken Fake DB driver 2015-06-10 00:07:08 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 68e606c354 Issue #2502255 by dawehner, larowlan: Enable tags cache plugin by default for Views 2015-06-09 22:58:45 +01:00
Alex Pott 4ba73b4bb5 Issue #2456521 by pjonckiere, mpdonadio, jhodgdon, rteijeiro, David_Rothstein, xjm: Add DateFormatter::formatDiff() as a non-buggy alternative to DateFormatter::formatInterval() when the start and end of the interval are known 2015-06-09 15:17:14 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 5803f9080e Issue #2392293 by bircher, tim.plunkett, alexpott, cilefen, gobinathm: Refactor hook_system_info_alter implementations to use ModuleUninstallValidatorInterface 2015-06-09 10:47:28 +01:00
Alex Pott 23e7b47779 Issue #2279105 by mgifford, nidaismailshah, thedavidmeister, amitgoyal, rpayanm, ameenkhan07, rakhimandhania, jhodgdon: Remove as many "..." and ellipsis characters from the codebase as possible without altering the meaning of text 2015-06-08 23:40:25 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 15c848bd62 Issue #2381277 by dawehner, plach, damiankloip, alexpott, olli, fgm, Wim Leers, Fabianx: Make Views use render caching and remove Views' own "output caching" 2015-06-08 15:48:29 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 30ca0d1de6 Issue #2481453 by dawehner, pwolanin, rteijeiro, neclimdul, znerol: Implement query parameter based content negotiation as alternative to extensions 2015-06-08 11:11:09 +01:00
Alex Pott 068edfc14e Issue #2395831 by dawehner, fago, martin107, cafuego, YesCT, plach, jibran, larowlan, Wim Leers, effulgentsia, klausi: Entity forms skip validation of fields that are not in the EntityFormDisplay 2015-06-05 21:46:55 +01:00
Jennifer Hodgdon c3cb303173 Issue #2493691 by nod_, eiriksm, dawehner: Add JSDoc for core modules JS 2015-06-05 13:17:55 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 4509204286 Issue #2478483 by Wim Leers, Fabianx: Introduce placeholders (#lazy_builder) to replace #post_render_cache 2015-06-05 10:47:02 +01:00
Alex Pott c31fec26b0 Issue #2476059 by willzyx, tadityar, yarik.lutsiuk, Berdir: Remove EntityInterface->getSystemPath(), all its implementations and related usage 2015-06-03 16:21:36 +01:00
Alex Pott ae86ffd5ab Issue #2489560 by Manjit.Singh, Cottser, mortendk, LewisNyman: move comment.theme.css to classy 2015-06-02 16:13:44 +01:00
xjm 088f8b357a Issue #2491155 by mikeburrelljr, Mac_Weber, opdavies: Update and URLs in core modules (Follow-up to 2489912) 2015-05-24 15:08:46 -05:00
webchick e772e1fcb1 Issue #2486177 by disasm, amateescu, plach, Pere Orga, piyuesh23, webchick, Saphyel, dawehner, jibran, YesCT, yched, xjm, Gábor Hojtsy, Bojhan: Deleting an entity translation from the UI deletes the whole entity 2015-05-24 00:44:46 -07:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 6477492ee6 Issue #2473105 by ifrik, jhodgdon, lostkangaroo, opratr, LinL: Update hook_help texts that link to modules that can be uninstalled 2015-05-20 07:25:07 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6758f11560 Issue #2475263 by LKS90, Berdir: Remove Role::postSave() method 2015-05-20 10:40:58 +01:00
xjm f9b6f97613 Issue #2489912 by mikeburrelljr, opdavies, larowlan: Update URL in core modules 2015-05-18 14:08:10 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 5eb13a958e Issue #2473907 by alexpott, maijs: Tests not being run by testbot due to missing summary line 2015-05-18 12:28:42 +01:00
Alex Pott a451002a2c Issue #2428795 by mkalkbrenner, plach, yched, catch, hchonov, webchick, tstoeckler, pjonckiere, miro_dietiker, Schnitzel, klausi: Translatable entity 'changed' timestamps are not working at all 2015-05-15 11:09:40 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e242632ca1 Issue #2450897 by plach, epari.siva, dawehner, jibran, Fabianx: Cache Field views row output 2015-05-13 12:08:57 +01:00
Alex Pott 3d2b2237a0 Issue #2485983 by willzyx: Rename the remaining {Form}::getFormID to {Form}::getFormId 2015-05-10 17:09:22 -07:00
Alex Pott 69ce35544d Issue #2105797 by dawehner, fago, larowlan, effulgentsia, jibran, amateescu, yched: Add CompositeConstraintBase so that constraints involving multiple fields, such as CommentNameConstraint, can be discovered 2015-05-08 19:35:56 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole b5f7cccde4 Issue #1081266 by stefan.r, mikeytown2, jeroen.b, tsphethean, mfb, joseph.olstad, marcelovani: Avoid re-scanning module directory when a filename or a module is missing 2015-05-08 15:33:16 +01:00
Alex Pott d57ee5f9a3 Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo, catch, Crell, amateescu, pwolanin, morgantocker, Damien Tournoud, sun: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters 2015-05-05 09:42:09 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 1d2f9e9368 Revert "Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters"
This reverts commit ac4e35ce01.
2015-05-05 15:50:36 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9d61b04b85 Issue #2322949 by plach, kgoel, Berdir, fgm, damiankloip, dawehner: Implement generic entity link view field handlers 2015-05-05 14:21:59 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e0aae8c26a Issue #2432791 by alexpott, vijaycs85, tim.plunkett, joshtaylor, Fabianx, Berdir, yched, bojanz: Skip Config::save schema validation of config data for trusted data. 2015-05-05 11:47:16 +01:00
Alex Pott f8f024e3aa Issue #2030637 by yched, Mile23, daffie, Alumei, tidrif, chertzog, Berdir, swentel, ofry: Expand FieldConfig/BaseFieldOverride/FieldConfigBase with methods 2015-05-04 17:22:30 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole ac4e35ce01 Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters 2015-05-04 11:39:11 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole ea6548bcb1 Issue #2463009 by Wim Leers: Introduce CacheableResponseInterface: consolidate ways of setting X-Drupal-Cache-Tags/Contexts headers 2015-04-27 13:17:49 +01:00
Alex Pott 189be7243d Issue #2473759 by tim.plunkett, Berdir, effulgentsia: Form caches should be deleted after submission 2015-04-23 10:41:03 +01:00
xjm 0a1a3d8b98 Issue #2472043 by drumm, jcnventura: Canceling a user account, assigning content to Anonymous, should clear the comment name 2015-04-19 20:41:59 +02:00
Alex Pott 7e8d2129c4 Issue #2099137 by Wim Leers, amateescu, rteijeiro, larowlan, effulgentsia: Entity/field access and node grants not taken into account with core cache contexts 2015-04-18 18:26:45 +02:00
xjm 13e4f314e1 Issue #2471218 by amateescu, Wim Leers: Dummy comment entity necessary for building comment form is expensive to build 2015-04-18 16:30:47 +02:00
webchick bfadcb6b8d Issue #2470093 by keopx, jhodgdon, dawehner: Views plugin 'user' needs to be replaced with entity-aware 'field' plugin 2015-04-16 14:54:50 -07:00
Alex Pott b4b94c02d2 Revert "Issue #2459753 follow-up by tim.plunkett, alexpott: EntityForm::validate() should be able to modify the form structure"
This reverts commit fb5ea78b25.
2015-04-16 10:25:19 +02:00
webchick fb5ea78b25 Issue #2459753 follow-up by tim.plunkett, alexpott: EntityForm::validate() should be able to modify the form structure 2015-04-15 13:05:59 -07:00
Alex Pott 0670a5fe01 Revert "Issue #2459753 by tim.plunkett: EntityForm::validate() should be able to modify the form structure"
This reverts commit d4d83576d2.
2015-04-15 20:13:21 +02:00
Alex Pott d4d83576d2 Issue #2459753 by tim.plunkett: EntityForm::validate() should be able to modify the form structure 2015-04-15 18:37:18 +02:00
Alex Pott 418da36c28 Issue #2318579 by roderik, andypost, rteijeiro, ashutoshsngh, AjitS, vedpareek: Remove comment_prepare_thread() 2015-04-13 12:48:17 +01:00
Alex Pott b85ec521f5 Issue #2463579 by tstoeckler: Add an ellipsis to truncated comment titles 2015-04-12 11:01:15 +01:00
Alex Pott dc474512a6 Issue #2456705 by dawehner, adamwhite, larowlan, YesCT: Comment views field handlers need to be replaced with field/entity aware handlers 2015-04-12 09:34:17 +01:00
Alex Pott d48d9c9271 Issue #2448605 by martin107, willzyx, tim.plunkett, klausi, dpopdan: Replace usages of drupal_get_destination() with the redirect destination service 2015-04-09 15:56:37 +01:00
Alex Pott f2fdaeba50 Issue #2450153 by josephleon, damiankloip, joshi.rohit100, anksy: Add a default_formatter to UUIDs fields 2015-04-09 14:41:35 +01:00
Alex Pott a0078c51f8 Issue #2460695 by mitrpaka, rpayanm: No methods on RendererInterface should be static 2015-04-09 12:49:14 +01:00
Alex Pott 0972ecb314 Issue #2422101 by andypost, pcambra, penyaskito: CommentItem should override the generateSampleValue method and provide sample values 2015-04-08 12:39:15 +01:00
Alex Pott 6a7d1bb208 Issue #2454163 by larowlan, geertvd, rteijeiro: Replace comment_username handler with generic views handler 2015-04-08 11:49:25 +01:00
Alex Pott 3ab0ef9bb8 Issue #2458817 by Berdir, dawehner: Creating new user entities for anonymous users is very slow 2015-04-07 12:39:10 +01:00
webchick 24738eb523 Issue #2462589 by dawehner, jhodgdon: Provide test coverage for access checking of all views fields 2015-04-06 23:40:30 -07:00
webchick 9fd632c9bf Issue #2448765 by nlisgo, Damien Tournoud, vlad.n, rteijeiro, Berdir, Fabianx, dawehner: Element::children sort order undefined and slower than it could be - This makes tests fail in PHP7 2015-04-06 15:09:00 -07:00
Alex Pott a4f844d9e9 Revert "Issue #2458817 by Berdir, dawehner: Creating new user entities for anonymous users is very slow"
This reverts commit fcbb3c0c81.
2015-04-03 17:00:57 +01:00
Alex Pott fcbb3c0c81 Issue #2458817 by Berdir, dawehner: Creating new user entities for anonymous users is very slow 2015-04-03 16:58:03 +01:00
Alex Pott fdc1c3daf8 Issue #2383863 by rpayanm, mgifford, maximpodorov, Valentine94: Spellchecking Drupal - Comments 2015-04-02 11:59:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 95dc3178b5 Issue #2448503 by amateescu: Convert the "Field edit" form to an actual entity form 2015-04-01 14:04:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 8acb05761a Issue #2383015 by AjitS, jacob.embree: Revert back is redundant 2015-04-01 13:40:09 +01:00
Alex Pott bd1620fbb4 Issue #2454731 by amateescu: SQLite: Fix search\Tests\SearchRankingTest 2015-04-01 12:13:09 +01:00
Alex Pott 2b90b08353 Issue #2444231 by Wim Leers, nlisgo: Fix CacheableInterface so it makes sense (was: "Make Config objects & Entities implement CacheableInterface + add BubbleableMetadata::createFromCacheableObject()") 2015-04-01 10:39:13 +01:00
Alex Pott 284681aa43 Issue #1897058 by disasm, rteijeiro: Replace "boolean" with "bool" when used as param/return/var type 2015-03-31 17:03:31 +01:00
Alex Pott 030f536c0c Issue #2446869 by amateescu: Convert the "Field storage edit" form to an actual entity form 2015-03-31 16:46:22 +01:00
Alex Pott c4550b7ba4 Issue #2321599 by Temoor, rpayanm, subhojit777, vineeth@nair, LinL, pcambra: Replace all instances of comment_load(), entity_load('comment') and entity_load_multiple('comment') with static method calls 2015-03-31 16:42:21 +01:00
Alex Pott 14470fe129 Issue #2460479 by pjonckiere: CommentController::getReplyForm() docblock has a copy paste error 2015-03-31 15:46:06 +01:00
Alex Pott ea081822b4 Issue #2462151 by hussainweb, benjy: Remove unused Utility\String use statements 2015-03-30 16:13:40 +01:00
Alex Pott f3b8d0714e Issue #2457781 by prateekMehta, stefan.r, AjitS, hussainweb: Use Utility\Html class instead of Utility\String for decodeEntities() function 2015-03-30 10:20:36 +01:00
webchick 70f8ac6f31 Issue #2457887 by prateekMehta, stefan.r, rpayanm, alexpott: Use Utility\SafeMarkup class instead of Utility\String for placeholder(), checkPlain(),format() functions 2015-03-29 15:13:25 -07:00
Alex Pott ae3dc626d1 Issue #2451665 by dawehner: Don't rebuild the route on ModuleInstaller::install() (30% installer speedup) 2015-03-26 10:50:08 +00:00
catch 1208ddd979 Issue #2428703 by Wim Leers: Add a 'user.permissions' cache context (was: "Should cache contexts be able to associate a cache tag?") 2015-03-26 09:41:35 +00:00
Alex Pott c7fd064c22 Issue #2455131 by andypost, larowlan: Field comment_field_data.field_name should be using Field API formatter 2015-03-26 00:43:29 +00:00
Alex Pott 7d31cc8671 Issue #1548204 by andypost, sun, typhonius, amateescu: Remove user signature and move it to contrib 2015-03-24 23:06:30 +00:00
Alex Pott b4858c78ee Issue #1598924 by david_garcia, omegamonk: Query with duplicate placeholders throws PDO Exception 2015-03-23 09:59:17 +00:00
catch 40cc6312d9 Issue #2090115 by alexpott, xjm: Don't install a module when its default configuration has unmet dependencies 2015-03-22 18:53:45 +00:00
Alex Pott e5d6c142ff Issue #2455415 by rteijeiro, hussainweb, rpayanm, baisong: Rename Views plugin classes to support PHP 7 2015-03-22 11:20:34 +00:00
Alex Pott 86d2179a64 Issue #2456459 by andypost: CommentInterface::getCommentedEntity() should return FieldableEntityInterface 2015-03-21 00:34:39 +00:00
Alex Pott 98366a9e0d Issue #11883 by samwilson, Add test coverage for auto-comment title functionality and word-breaking 2015-03-19 12:31:35 +00:00
Alex Pott eaffcfc511 Issue #2451885 by Gábor Hojtsy: Config entities need to ship with language or are assumed undefined 2015-03-17 08:28:57 +00:00
webchick f3772b1300 Issue #2453143 by Wim Leers: CommentForm depends on configured field, but doesn't associate that cache tag 2015-03-16 13:15:59 -07:00
Alex Pott 40d57b3d13 Issue #356399 by dawehner, beejeebus, catch, sidharrell, klausi, nlisgo, Josh Waihi, Berdir, martin107: Optimize the route rebuilding process to rebuild on write 2015-03-16 08:42:16 +00:00
catch 4b812ec9bb Issue #2342045 by dawehner, Gábor Hojtsy, larowlan, joshtaylor: Standard views base fields need to use same rendering as Field UI fields, for formatting, access checking, and translation consistency 2015-03-15 20:31:04 +00:00
Alex Pott 59388d8c46 Issue #2433281 by neclimdul, mrjmd: Move Role Constants on to a Class/Interface 2015-03-14 21:50:47 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8f5fa6aa10 Issue #2433599 by Wim Leers: Ensure every (non-views) pager automatically associates a matching cache context 2015-03-12 15:52:02 +00:00
Alex Pott dc3d8a01b8 Issue #2431329 by plach: Make (content) translation language available as a field definition 2015-03-10 20:55:47 +00:00
Alex Pott 3e2af23798 Issue #2434697 by amateescu, pcambra: Remove UserAutocompleteController 2015-03-10 11:43:19 +00:00
Alex Pott db60a8c7ec Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, effulgentsia, pcambra, xjm, tim.plunkett, martin107, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator 2015-03-09 15:57:27 +00:00
Alex Pott 28e35f6517 Issue #2414539 by webflo, vijaycs85: Simplify schema definition for sequence 2015-03-09 08:23:40 +00:00
webchick d583b740d1 Issue #2322639 by hussainweb, LinL, Temoor, oenie, MKorostoff, mglaman, kyuubi, unstatu, omers, pcambra, legolasbo, benjy, JeroenT: Replace all instances of node_type_load(), node_type_get_types(), entity_load('node_type') and entity_load_multiple('node_type') with static method calls from DRUPAL SOUTH WOOOO! 2015-03-07 16:48:27 +11:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6ba9484cee Issue #2373491 by amateescu, jibran: Categorize field type plugins 2015-03-06 11:40:26 +00:00
webchick ebcca481ee Issue #2429447 by dawehner, jhodgdon, xjm, jibran: Use data table as views base table, if available 2015-03-06 08:46:35 +11:00
catch 975121d4a7 Issue #2407361 by cilefen, JeroenT, hussainweb, neclimdul, ircmaxell, tim.plunkett, nlisgo, Crell: Move usages of drupal_html_id() to Html::getUniqueId() 2015-03-05 09:37:01 +00:00
Jennifer Hodgdon a2defc66d0 Revert "Issue #2407361 by JeroenT, cilefen, hussainweb: Move usages of drupal_html_id() to Html::getUniqueId()"
This reverts commit 85b8c83782.
2015-03-04 16:40:58 -08:00
catch 85b8c83782 Issue #2407361 by JeroenT, cilefen, hussainweb: Move usages of drupal_html_id() to Html::getUniqueId() 2015-03-04 20:21:38 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6ffc61f5af Issue #2443485 by Berdir, dawehner: Remove extension:views cache tag and other views related cache improvements 2015-03-04 16:38:46 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 468646e3b7 Issue #2407765 by Wim Leers, borisson_: Wherever simple config is used to render output to end user, associate their cache tags 2015-03-04 15:13:24 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole fe04699eed Issue #2429257 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, effulgentsia: Bubble cache contexts 2015-03-03 10:28:03 +00:00
Alex Pott 0b5f5ce814 Issue #1768526 by swentel, Berdir: NodeFormController::validate() calls buildEntity() twice 2015-02-28 17:11:34 +00:00
Alex Pott b33a46bc1d Issue #2435493 by effulgentsia: Change String::format()'s '@' and '%' placeholders to be auto-escaped rather than always-escaped 2015-02-28 11:41:52 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e57b339ebe Issue #2430341 by Wim Leers: Comment pager-dependent cache key should be a cache context 2015-02-27 14:09:08 +00:00
Alex Pott 5430ac9117 Issue #2398073 by mohit_aghera, geertvd, sidharrell, Swarnendu-Dutta, piggito, jesperjb, larowlan, pingers, larsmw: Admin should not be able to edit email of authenticated commenters 2015-02-27 13:25:03 +00:00
Alex Pott 4b8a3c4b58 Issue #2428035 by amateescu: Bring some sanity into Field UI routes and forms 2015-02-27 11:59:13 +00:00
Alex Pott 78664846f9 Issue #2346119 by marvil07, roderik: Fix call to undefined method Select::setCountQuery() 2015-02-21 14:31:45 +00:00
Alex Pott 87ba2da98b Issue #2394951 by subhojit777, cilefen, Gábor Hojtsy, Kristen Pol, jhodgdon: Page title escaped with HTML markup when editing content translation 2015-02-19 09:46:52 +00:00
Alex Pott 2f1345a9ec Issue #2421699 by JeroenT: Remove usage of deprecated functions of WebTestBase 2015-02-18 12:39:20 +00:00
Alex Pott c00055f796 Issue #2426639 by mortendk: remove classes from comment modules templates 2015-02-17 16:20:08 +00:00
Alex Pott 7f6245abfa Issue #2426389 by olli, mikey_p, idebr, amateescu: Port SA-CONTRIB-2015-039 to D8 (views) 2015-02-17 12:51:06 +00:00
Alex Pott d63490f9f2 Issue #2350273 by larowlan, andypost: Move CommentViewBuilder::renderLinks post_render_cache callback to CommentPostRenderCache 2015-02-17 01:06:29 +00:00
Alex Pott 3edf291326 Issue #2398075 by andypost, sarav.din33, larowlan, nemethf, hussainweb: Breadcrumbs for comment entity 2015-02-16 22:43:15 +00:00
Alex Pott dac834ea5a Issue #2380071 by geertvd, pcambra, andypost, larowlan: No way to add comment field to any entity 2015-02-14 15:54:59 +00:00
Alex Pott 7f6f61f4a2 Issue #2229145 by znerol, neclimdul, larowlan, alexpott, joelpittet, almaudoh, tadityar: Register symfony session components in the DIC and inject the session service into the request object 2015-02-13 12:56:34 +00:00
webchick da571c5aa3 Issue #2419943 by martin107: Add inheritdoc to FieldPluginBase extending classes 2015-02-11 14:49:56 -08:00
Alex Pott 7b5e5a95e9 Issue #2404603 by mpdonadio, dawehner, larowlan, RavindraSingh: Add proper support for Url objects in FieldPluginBase::renderAsLink(), so we can remove EntityInterface::getSystemPath() 2015-02-11 13:49:32 +00:00
Alex Pott eebf624a3b Issue #2030633 by hussainweb, Mile23, carsonevans, czigor, Berdir, fernando_calsa, Geijutsuka, amitgoyal, Jānis Bebrītis, undertext: Expand FieldStorageConfig with methods 2015-02-10 13:39:31 +00:00
Alex Pott 6eb18e4ff5 Issue #2356967 by bzrudi71: PostgreSQL: Fix tests in comment test group 2015-02-10 13:07:03 +00:00
Alex Pott 2d714fbef2 Issue #2357199 by andypost, naiduharish: Consider CommentManagerInterface::addDefaultField() as deprecated and remove in favour of CommentTestTrait 2015-02-09 14:17:47 +00:00
Alex Pott 91ae64ac59 Revert "Issue #2229145 by znerol, neclimdul, larowlan, joelpittet, almaudoh: Register symfony session components in the DIC and inject the session service into the request object"
This reverts commit b926f5d868.
2015-02-07 21:37:26 +00:00
Alex Pott 03b7423abc Issue #2421849 by amateescu: Make SelectionBase::buildEntityQuery() protected 2015-02-07 11:12:27 +00:00
Alex Pott b926f5d868 Issue #2229145 by znerol, neclimdul, larowlan, joelpittet, almaudoh: Register symfony session components in the DIC and inject the session service into the request object 2015-02-07 10:57:50 +00:00
webchick e45522cfd9 Issue #2380457 by Gábor Hojtsy, vijaycs85, olli, dawehner: Some fixes of the views config schema 2015-02-05 23:09:26 -08:00
Alex Pott f100d942e3 Issue #2394883 by Gábor Hojtsy, plach, jhodgdon: Language setup for entity and field based rendering in views is independent, confusing UI, lacking test coverage 2015-02-05 10:33:13 +00:00
Alex Pott 0509fbe789 Issue #2164601 by yched, jibran, amateescu, pfrenssen: Stop auto-creating FieldItems on mere reading of $entity->field[N] 2015-02-05 08:58:52 +00:00
Alex Pott d6c4991d73 Issue #2418567 by martin107: Missing IDE type hinting 2015-02-04 10:17:38 +00:00
Alex Pott f46d6ad949 Issue #2358079 by pwolanin, Berdir: Require a specific placeholder format in db_query() in order to trigger argument expansion, and require explicit 'IN' parameter for conditions 2015-02-03 09:42:28 +00:00
webchick 4ae39d2fb8 Issue #2417645 by tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, pwolanin: Change destination query string handling to break dependence on system path 2015-02-02 13:58:16 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8c517bf37f Issue #2306407 by lauriii, penyaskito, mortendk, pakmanlh, Wim Leers, ypogue: Remove breadcrumb from page template 2015-01-30 11:48:30 +00:00
Alex Pott 9be3165caf Issue #1728804 by Berdir: Introduce (Content)EntityDeleteForm and children to handle entity deletions 2015-01-30 10:46:14 +00:00
Alex Pott 17df2c5cf9 Issue #1916790 by plach, YesCT, penyaskito, Gábor Hojtsy, das-peter, herom, larowlan: Convert translation metadata into regular entity fields 2015-01-25 12:03:16 +00:00
Alex Pott c15cf7d234 Revert "Issue #1916790 by plach, YesCT, penyaskito, Gábor Hojtsy, das-peter, herom, larowlan: Convert translation metadata into regular entity fields"
This reverts commit 920382d4ea.
2015-01-25 12:02:54 +00:00
Alex Pott 920382d4ea Issue #1916790 by plach, YesCT, penyaskito, Gábor Hojtsy, das-peter, herom, larowlan: Convert translation metadata into regular entity fields 2015-01-25 11:54:14 +00:00
Alex Pott 5f7ec33ace Issue #2197029 by dawehner, larowlan, ParisLiakos: Allow to inject dependencies into validation constraints 2015-01-24 12:19:41 +00:00
Alex Pott 5d20c57be1 Issue #2107243 by amateescu, jibran, larowlan, Xano: Decouple entity reference selection plugins from field definitions 2015-01-23 13:02:31 +00:00
Alex Pott c0b45ec139 Issue #2349659 by Maninder, lauriii, mortendk: Copy comment templates to Classy 2015-01-23 12:27:44 +00:00
Alex Pott 91a05649f2 Issue #2403485 by larowlan, kim.pepper, idebr, fago: Complete conversion of comment form validation to entity validation 2015-01-23 10:01:14 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole dd3a59762d Issue #2368797 by Wim Leers, dawehner, rteijeiro: Optimize ajaxPageState to keep Drupal 8 sites fast on high-latency networks, prevent CSS/JS aggregation from taking down sites and use HTTP GET for AJAX requests 2015-01-21 15:21:06 +00:00
Alex Pott 3d556b75df Issue #2350551 by Wim Leers, alexpott, damiankloip, arlinsandbulte: Views fields that have attached assets are lost when Views output caching is enabled 2015-01-19 09:43:59 +00:00
Alex Pott 3d14a7d25a Issue #2401505 by Berdir, jibran, larowlan: Add an entity collection template for lists 2015-01-19 09:37:11 +00:00
Alex Pott c34c3dfd05 Issue #2225427 by ianthomas_uk, martin107, JeroenT, LoMo: Remove remaining uses of deprecated language functions (mostly in object oriented code) 2015-01-18 09:47:33 +00:00
webchick 0cf457f43e Issue #1821620 by andythomnz, larowlan, joshi.rohit100, nick_schuch, tadityar, richardcanoe: Indentation in /core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php is incorrect 2015-01-17 13:15:02 -08:00
webchick 8f9c2bb7a4 Issue #2396537 by joachim, prajaankit, shackr, msound: page title for the 'Add comment type' form says only 'Add' 2015-01-17 13:00:41 -08:00
webchick 36c8416ff9 Issue #2091321 by er.pushpinderrana, jhodgdon, rootwork, ifrik, mparker17: Update hook_help for Field and Field UI module 2015-01-17 12:06:07 -08:00
Alex Pott 28977ae6fd Issue #2350837 by dawehner, Berdir, larowlan, Wim Leers: Convert most usages of EntityInterface::getSystemPath() to use routes 2015-01-17 09:13:34 +00:00
Alex Pott 04fc7879cd Issue #2405691 by larowlan: CommentAccessControlHandler checks for an invalid setting (anonymous_contact) 2015-01-15 11:34:57 +00:00
Alex Pott 125424bc3f Issue #2405675 by larowlan: Comment field settings don't save 2015-01-15 10:41:08 +00:00
Alex Pott 5859ca2cf2 Issue #2040135 by Wim Leers, Berdir: Caches dependent on simple config are only invalidated on form submissions 2015-01-15 09:36:26 +00:00
Alex Pott 77725b6084 Issue #2281645 by dawehner, andypost: Make entity annotations use link templates instead of route names 2015-01-13 10:32:23 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a042df2e2e Issue #2172017 by dawehner, larowlan, MegaChriz, kim.pepper, Désiré, Sam Hermans, tim.plunkett, Antti J. Salminen: Bulk operations does not respect entity access 2015-01-12 17:19:55 +00:00
Alex Pott 4d8bd967c3 Issue #2377117 by mglaman, rpayanm, pcambra: Replace all instances of entity_load('field_storage_config') and entity_load_multiple('field_storage_config') with static method calls 2015-01-12 15:49:29 +00:00
Alex Pott ff7473e82d Issue #2384481 by rpayanm, daffie, tadityar, hussainweb, areke, claudiu.cristea: Make the class variables protected for NodeType 2015-01-12 12:44:27 +00:00
Alex Pott 7a52a88b99 Issue #2399307 by larowlan, SteffenR: comment_form_field_ui_field_storage_edit_form_alter() no longer working 2015-01-12 12:17:08 +00:00
Alex Pott 338e96695e Issue #2328293 by keopx, JeroenT, ianthomas_uk, ashutoshsngh, rpayanm, hudo, a_thakur: Remove usage of language_list() 2015-01-11 22:25:46 +00:00
Alex Pott aff95777ed Issue #2309737 by rpayanm, hussainweb, max-kuzomko, herom, millerbennett, ianthomas_uk, quietone, Sutharsan, sumitmadan, toddmbloom: Remove deprecated format_plural usage 2015-01-10 13:56:47 +00:00
Alex Pott a3efcb6fb3 Issue #2389515 by nod_: Update ESLint rules 2015-01-10 01:36:01 +00:00
Alex Pott 1e08b50f42 Issue #2281619 by dawehner, tim.plunkett: Convert most direct usages within module code of routing related request attributes to use RouteMatchInterface instead 2015-01-09 15:14:23 +00:00
Alex Pott 1c94124a5a Issue #2344151 by larowlan: Comment field access doesn't work if $items isn't present 2015-01-08 10:36:12 +00:00
Alex Pott 942df46ad2 Issue #2401497 by plach: Field UI creates fields that can never be translated 2015-01-07 22:55:55 +00:00
Alex Pott b3f23196b3 Issue #2378565 by aneek, rpayanm, adci_contributor: Add langcode token to comment 2015-01-05 15:43:29 +00:00
Alex Pott 057b0cabaf Issue #2232477 by plach, yched, tstoeckler, amateescu: Fatal when adding new fields with NOT NULL constraints in a base table that contains existing entities 2015-01-02 21:39:42 +00:00
Alex Pott b778bfd1ec Issue #2143729 by tstoeckler, plach, jsbalsera, Berdir, mauzeh, damiankloip, andypost: Entity definitions miss a language entity key 2014-12-29 22:15:19 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 95d4c594b0 Issue #2395395 by alexpott, effulgentsia, Gábor Hojtsy: TestBase lacks a config method to be used consistently in tests 2014-12-23 15:11:54 +00:00
Alex Pott 8ae055fb2e Issue #2230637 by plach, fran seva, yched, swentel: Create a Language field widget and the related formatter 2014-12-23 09:26:11 +01:00
Alex Pott a081397f8e Issue #2217731 by crowdcg, lauriii, davidhernandez, aczietlow, jjcarrion, mortendk, karolus, pakmanlh, LewisNyman, aboros, joshua.boltz: Move field classes out of preprocess and into templates 2014-12-22 17:21:53 +01:00
Alex Pott 09b496ec2c Issue #2380023 by tibbsa, subhojit777, rpayanm: Clean-up Comment module Test members - ensure property definition and use of camelCase naming convention 2014-12-22 16:41:39 +01:00
Alex Pott 145b53cef3 Issue #2394041 by Gábor Hojtsy: Row language settings from entity views should be on display level for all views 2014-12-22 14:23:24 +00:00
Alex Pott bb4367b4e2 Issue #2372855 by Wim Leers, dawehner: Add content & config entity dependencies to views 2014-12-16 09:26:05 +00:00
webchick c02f12b7cb Issue #1963340 by amateescu, dags, andypost, agentrickard, mgifford, yoroy, pguillard, jibran, YesCT, xjm, LewisNyman, swentel, Hydra, yched, tim.plunkett, rteijeiro, ainz, Xano, Bojhan, Berdir: Change field UI so that adding a field is a separate task 2014-12-14 14:57:59 -08:00
Alex Pott 7cd91c92c0 Issue #2349553 by dawehner, pfrenssen, damiankloip: Store entity field information in the views data 2014-12-14 13:10:29 +01:00
Alex Pott 970ea07c17 Revert "Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, dawehner, xjm, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator"
This reverts commit 0bcabf50e0.
2014-12-13 21:44:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 0bcabf50e0 Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, dawehner, xjm, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator 2014-12-13 18:20:19 +01:00
Alex Pott fdec77fca1 Issue #2382543 by rpayanm, ianthomas_uk: Remove usage of drupal_html_class() and drupal_clean_css_identifier() 2014-12-12 10:08:12 +01:00
Alex Pott ee0b54397a Issue #2390013 by andypost: Follow-up comment widget should properly detect default value input 2014-12-12 09:40:58 +01:00
webchick 1419122c76 Issue #2183983 by Gábor Hojtsy, vijaycs85, Berdir, Wim Leers, webflo, alexpott: Find hidden configuration schema issues 2014-12-11 12:43:20 -08:00
Alex Pott 348a681b10 Issue #2391245 by Gábor Hojtsy, Wim Leers: Resolve remaining misc issues with configuration schema fails 2014-12-11 18:56:48 +01:00
Alex Pott 4efd487ccf Issue #2363155 by penyaskito: content_translation.settings config is not scalable 2014-12-11 10:09:33 +01:00
Alex Pott 9e8a5230ad Issue #2359509 by Berdir: Incorrect type safe check in Entity::onUpdateBundleEntity() results too many cache clears 2014-12-11 09:35:31 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 77c613e36f Issue #2382533 by Wim Leers: Attach assets only via the asset library system 2014-12-09 11:55:57 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 30a5046e35 Issue #2355909 by penyaskito, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, DuaelFr: language.settings config is not scalable 2014-12-08 16:25:00 +00:00
Alex Pott dedaf33cfe Issue #2385805 by Gábor Hojtsy: Views tests don't pass strict schema checking 2014-12-05 09:59:20 +00:00
Alex Pott 0df31af2b8 Issue #2384357 by amateescu: Simplify Field UI testing 2014-12-04 12:53:51 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 4ecc4ead39 Issue #2382557 by Wim Leers: Change JS settings into a separate asset type 2014-12-04 11:37:59 +00:00
Alex Pott 22d1816823 Issue #2325269 by Gábor Hojtsy, Arla: Test and fix views in test_views directories against their configuration schema 2014-12-02 16:18:11 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0f4bceb1fa Issue #2345867 by olli, Gábor Hojtsy: Remove node_row_node_view_preprocess_node() and dead code in the comment views wizard 2014-12-02 10:17:39 +00:00
Alex Pott 34c1da088f Issue #2383667 by Gábor Hojtsy: pathField and pathFieldsSupplemental is not used in Views wizards 2014-12-01 13:24:45 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 596978a71d Issue #2378095 by Wim Leers, Devin Carlson: Convert all remaining attached individual CSS/JS assets to attached asset libraries 2014-11-28 20:51:14 +00:00
Alex Pott 6ee87bc5ab Issue #2099259 by Berdir: Missing default access for all taxonomy term fields 2014-11-28 09:56:05 +00:00
Alex Pott bbcc4623a5 Issue #2381973 by Gábor Hojtsy, vijaycs85, dawehner: View wizard creates 'invalid' views out of the box, missing plugin_ids, insecure permissions 2014-11-28 09:52:27 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 09b562deed Issue #2318813 by Devin Carlson, Lowell: Comment module: Fix documentation that refers to enabling/disabling of modules 2014-11-27 16:10:57 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 7822393c30 Issue #2370305 by Gábor Hojtsy, yched: Refactor field type configuration schemas for DX, easier to find errors 2014-11-24 22:17:32 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6714300ac1 Issue #2316909 by Berdir, alexpott: Revisit all built-in test/default views configuration in core 2014-11-24 22:15:38 +00:00
Alex Pott 826245d509 Issue #2324055 by dawehner, cilefen, znerol: Split up the module manager into runtime information and extension information 2014-11-23 10:10:06 +00:00
Alex Pott 33b66b50d7 Issue #2377115 by mglaman: Replace all instances of entity_load('field_config') and entity_load_multiple('field_config') with static method calls 2014-11-21 23:50:15 +00:00
Alex Pott dd1350fb63 Issue #2378055 by Gábor Hojtsy: Reorganise config schema for entity_form_display / entity_view_display 2014-11-21 23:38:41 +00:00