If your module uses variable_get('file_directory_temp', ...) or
variable_get('file_directory_path', ...) please update it to use the new
A list of affected modules is available at http://drupal.org/node/26249#comment-54194.
Deprecates the primary_links module.
This patch was much needed. Thanks Richards!
NOTE: if some themers could investigate if there is room for improvement
with regard to theming, that would be awesome.
* Default form value
* Leftover debug function in form.inc
* PHP5 issue with comment date (I got this patch from another issue)
* Validation error fix (was calling legacy form validate)
* Lots o' warnings on comment preview
* Filter tips plus argument (gremlins. I swear this was not there.)
* Message to clear what's going on with system settings
* Non-freetagging taxonomies fixed
+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
* adds a "feed settings" section to admin/settings where 2 new settings are introduced:
* number of items per feed
* default length of feed descriptions (title only, teaser, full)
* patches all of core to obey the above - including the new aggregator (out) feeds
* adds support for adding namespaces in _nodeapi('rss item') - which means things like iTunes RSS and yahoo's media rss can be implemented by the appropriate modules (i.e. audio.module)
* includes some additional info in the default node feed - specifically the element (links directly to comments) - and dc:creator - to show node author information.
part of the node system! If you have a module that implements node
types, you'll have to udpate its CVS HEAD version.
We replaced _node_name() and _node_types() by _node(). The new _node()
hook let's you define one or more node types, including their names.
The implementation of the _node() hook needs to:
return array($type1 => array('name' => $name1, 'base' => $base1),
$type2 => array('name' => $name2, 'base' => $base2));
where $type is the node type, $name is the human readable name of the type
and $base is used instead of <hook> for <hook>_load, <hook>_view, etc.
For example, the story module's node hook looks like this:
function story_node() {
return array('story' => array('name' => t('story'), 'base' => 'story'));
The page module's node hook module like:
function page_node() {
return array('page' => array('name' => t('page'), 'base' => 'page'));
However, more complex node modules like the project module and the
flexinode module can use the 'base' parameter to specify a different base.
The project module implements two node types, proejcts and issues, so it
can do:
function project_node() {
return array(
array('project_project' => array('name' => t('project'), 'base' => 'project'),
array('project_issue' => array('name' => t('issue'), 'base' => 'project_issue'));
In the flexinode module's case there can only one base ...
This hook will simplify the CCK, and will make it easy (or easier) to merge
the story and page module.
In addition, node_list() became node_get_types(). In addition, we created
the following functions: node_get_name($type) and node_get_base($type).
list_themes() sorts the results by name. This uses filesort in MySQL since there aren't any indexes. Sorting is not used except in system_user(). This one use can be handled with ksort since it is not often executed (only on the user edit screen when multiple themes are enabled).
And a one line fix to remove a variable in system_user() is in here too.
NOTE: this patch works well, but the improved node edit form still has
some rough edges. It is important that we continue to improve
usability. Give it a try.
Changes include:
* parsing of the primary/secondary links has been moved out of phptemplate and into theme_get_setting.
* unnecessary and XHTML-invalidating duplicate div#help removed from themes/bluemarine/page.tpl.php (this is already generated by theme_help)
* weird generation of the "edit primary/secondary links" messages removed from bluemarine and placed in theme.inc
* unnecessary changes to themes/bluemarine/style.css rolled back (the phptemplate bluemarine had an older version of style.css than the one in core)
* chameleon updated to work with new link scheme (passes links through theme_links)