- Removed headline.module: it became obsolete.
- Removed backend.class: it became obsolete.
- Added export.module.
For now, you can use:
1. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rss
2. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rdf
- Renamed export to export.php.
For now, you can use:
1. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rss
2. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rdf
Renaming this file has main 3 advantages:
1. We no longer rely on .htaccess for being able to export.
2. It is more conform with the general naming conventions.
3. It removes a pseudo-hack with formatting the URI.
- Made import.module export blocks with feeds.
- Rewrote the cron system. Removed cron.module and moved all cron
related options to settings.module. Cron was a confusing thing:
it has been made simpler both in terms of code and configuration.
+ You had to rehash your modules to make the cron show up in
the list. This is no longer required.
+ You couldn't tell what cron "watchdog" or cron "story" were
up to. Instead, we now display a clear description message
for every cron involved.
+ The user interface of setting.module - and the admin section
in general, looks a bit ackward but I couldn't care less and
don't want to see this improve at the time being.
- Improved setting.module:
+ Now uses variable_set().
+ Added some help and documentaition on how to setup cron.
- Improved ./export.
- Updated CHANGELOG.
- I'm now going to look into UnConeD's question with regard to
check_output() and $theme->node(), as well as the filter and
macro stuff. I'll probably be fine-tuning setting.module a
bit more on my way.
- Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed
it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it
was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy
us anything. :I
(I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.)
- Added a very simple help.module to group all available
documentation on a single page.
- Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to
global $user when updating the combobox code.
- Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can
be maintained as a page in our collaborative book.
- Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the
descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new
"default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page"
- Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface
looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally-
made it possible to delete comments.
- Polished on:
+ account.module
+ structure.module
+ locale.module
+ module.module
+ forum.module
- Form-ified:
+ account.php
+ account.module
+ setting.module
+ cvs.module
+ submit.php
+ comment.module
+ forum.module
+ book.module
+ page.module
+ locale.module
- Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends"
on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list
certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and
to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail
digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though.
- I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as
well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite
some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what
he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
- fixed update bug in book.module
- provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
- all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed watchdog.inc
- improved robustness of sections.inc
- imporved story.module
- updated ./database/database.sql
- removed ban.inc and ban.module and integrated it in account.module
under the name "access control" --> the ban code was not really up
to standard so this has now been dealt with. This refactoring and
reintegration cuts down the code size with 100 lines too. :-)
(The ban.module code was really old and it showed.)
- added node.module and made the other modules reuse some of this
code --> cut down the code size of modules by at least 100 lines
and adds stability.
- added a status() function to admin.php to display a conform status
message where appropriate. See admin.php for usage.
- removed $theme->control() and made comments.inc handle this itself
wrapped in a $theme->box(). No need to clutter the themes with
such complexity --> updated all themes already. :-)
- some small visual changes to some administration pages to be more
consistent across different modules.
- fixed small visual glitch in includes/function.inc
- changed SQL tables around a bit to be more consistent
(result: small changes to a lot of different files)
- improved robustness of includes/node.inc
- improved output of cron.module
- improved output of node.php
- replaced the "open submission queue" (submission.php and submission.inc)
with an optional module (submission.module).
- tidied up the HTML code of some files