- watchdog (rewrite):
+ the collected information provides more details and insights
for post-mortem research
+ input limitation
- database abstraction layer:
+ mysql errors are now verbose and is no longer displayed in a
browser - fixes a possible security risk
- admin.php:
+ updated watchdog page
+ fixed security flaw
- diary.php:
+ fixed nl2br problem
- themes:
+ fixed comment bug in all 3 themes.
- misc:
+ renamed some global variables for sake of consistency:
$sitename --> $site_name
$siteurl --> $site_url
+ added input check where (a) exploitable and (b) possible
+ added input size check
+ various small improvements
+ fixed various typoes
... and much, much more in fact.
+ 'nocomments' should be removed as it's no longer supported.
+ '$sid' should be passed or you'll get moderation errors.
+ 'get' should be 'post' in the control form.
+ renamed the 'Refresh'-button to 'Save'.
visual changes:
- removed redundant files user.class.php, calendar.class.php
and backend.class.php.
- converted *all* mysql queries to queries supported by the
database abstraction layer.
- expanded the watchdog to record more information on what
actually happened.
- bugfix: anonymous readers where not able to view comments.
- bugfix: anonymous readers could gain read-only access to
the submission queue.
- bugfix: invalid includes in backend.php
- bugfix: invalid use of '$user->block'
and last but not least:
- redid 50% of the user account system