components such as lists, form items, removes an ugly hack from the
archive module and should fix the poll problem (although it doesn't
a little hack that sometimes patches the request_uri(); I don't think
this should trigger in first place. If it does, let me know the URL of
the form as well as the referring page. (If this needs fixing after all,
fixing this _inside_ request_uri() might be a better solution.)
of the "footer" hook (and because of the existence of the page module).
This caused the node view counter to be incremented twice per page view,
the cache being set twice, etc. Quite a bug.
- Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski.
- Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"! Patches by Michael Frankowski.
+ Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
+ Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
- Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/" script.
PHP's XML-RPC library is enabled.
- Renamed 'xmlrpc_encode' to '_xmlrpc_encode' to avoid redeclaration when
PHP's XML-RPC library is enabled.
- Removed 'if (funcion_exist("xmlrpc_encode"))' check from
- Added node_admin_settings() to let users set node defaults.
* Added _nodeapi("conf")
- Modified form_checkbox() to unset options. (Modified the patch from Ax.)
- Removed the _save() hook.
- Fixed a logical flaw in field_get() and field_set() which would break
- Moved some admin menus around and cleaned up some typos.
invoke module_init() *after* the locale module has been initialized. The
system module was translating string from within its init hook which is now
are not members of the site. Two examples are listhandler and import modules.
There is no easy way for these modules to display the true author of the
content. Usually, the content appears as if authored by Anonymous User. This
3 line patch enables modules to override the author name in their _view() hook.
or "operation" link.
- Made the main page of the administration section show an overview of all
watchdog entries with such action link.
- Fixed typo in PostgreSQL database scheme.
- page_header() now adds Last-Modified and ETag http headers.
- When running PHP as an Apache module page_header() will check the HTTP
headers for conditional gets, and will only push the content when it
fails. (Works for html and xml pages as they are all cached). Note:
this is a PHP limitation, so until PHP makes it work for other web
servers this won't work for them.
- Added created field to cache database to hold the timestamp when the
cache was created.
- Changed cache_get() to return an object with ->data and ->created.
- Update forum and locale modules.
- Changed cache API.
- Fixed caching bug in comment.module. Odd this hasn't been reported yet.
- Fixed caching bug in forum.module.
- Fixed caching bug in system.module.
- Fixed caching bug in block.module.
- Simplified caching support in forum.module thanks to improved cache API.
"This is a simple, generic pager for Drupal-CVS. It is designed to be
easily themeable and expandable. The code is highly-commented to
enhance readability."
"Pagers are constructed by combining the provided pieces (all of which
can be easily modified to display the text or image you prefer) into
your custom pager."
* Statistics module fixes by Jeremy:
- removed superfluous check for existence of watchdog()
- saving changes in admin page displays status and returns same page
- no longer return 1971/01/01 in "view statistics" table
- switched from "!=" to "<>" in SQL queries for ANSI-SQL compliance
- switched from "MAX(timestamp) as timestamp" to "MAX(timestamp) as
max_timestamp" moving towards ANSI-SQL compliance.
* Added a "theme_item_list" function to format itemized lists. Also
changed a couple of modules to take advantage of it. Makes for a
more consistent UI.
+ Blocks are not longer called if not rendered: major performance
+ Fixed some bugs (preview option was broken, path option was broken).
+ Removed "ascii"-type blocks.
+ Added permission to for "PHP blocks"
+ ...
+ You'll want to run "update.php":
ALTER TABLE blocks DROP remove;
ALTER TABLE blocks DROP name;
+ You'll want to update your custom modules as well as the modules in
the contrib repository. Block function should now read:
function *_block($op = "list", $delta = 0) {
if ($op == "list") {
return array of block infos
else {
return subject and content of $delta block
- request_uri() behaves on non-apache web servers. i've tested on IIS and
apache (many platforms).
- modules may now implement the _search_item() hook which overrides the
default formatting of search results. modules already can customize which
fields are indexed. no module currently uses this hook but
externalpage.module expects to do so.
- added an optional $attribs argument to l(), lm(), and la() which is an
associative array of attributes which are inserted into the <a> tag (feature
- drupal_str_replace() is deleted (i had recently added it). i verified that
no scripts are currently calling this function. use strtr() or str_replace()
- arbitrary elements may be added to the <channel> and <item> blocks of an
RSS feed by passing the $args associative array. the core RSS engine is now
able to support elements like <cloud> and <catagory> [1] and RSS 1.0[2]
* fixed mails not being parsed properly.
* tracker now shows user name when you view your own recent
* link to submission queue now points to the right place.
* fixed jabber module.
* theme is now activated when changed.
- applied Gerhards coding style patch.
+ Changed the db_query() API.
+ Wrapped all links in l(), lm(), la(), ..., drupal_url() functions.
+ XHTML-ified some HTML.
+ Wrapped a lot of text in the administrative pages in a t()
+ Replaced all $REQUEST_URI/$PATH_INFOs by request_uri().
+ Small bugfixes (eg. bug in book_export_html() and clean-ups (eg.
RSS code).
+ Fixed some bugs in the taxonomy module (eg. tree making bug), added
new functionality (eg. new APIs for use by other modules), included
Moshe's taxonomy extensions, and some documentation udpates.
+ ...
for the meta system. The patches add some extra functionality to the
comment system (for example, comments can be set read-only) and fix a
couple of small problems.
+ I integrated the required SQL updates from the varius *.mysql files
into the "update.php" script. Upgrading should be easy ...
+ I did not apply/commit the "user.diff" as requested by Marco ...
+ I didn't know what to do with "forum.module" and "forum2.module":
what do you want me to do with it Marco? Which one should go in?
+ Can we remove "node_index()" now; both from "node.module" and the
+ Thanks Marco!
login and one for user information.
- added link to help in book module (post-patch, see below).
- applied various patches:
Patch by Greg Tyrelle <>
- tracker module now shows usernames next to comments.
Patch by Moshe Weitzman <>
- book module has a more complete help.
- added administrative link to export book to html
- fixed non book nodes not showing up in trees.
Patch by moshe weitzman <>
- links can be defined in the configuration file.
- added who is online block.
- made weblog module more configurable.
- users may now delete their own accounts (Feature #8)
- users may now request a password using email address *or* username.
formerly required both items to match an account which was onerous.
- the link to request a new password is now presented whenever a user
fails login.
- there is now a confirmation message after submitting edits to your
user information.
- error messages in user.module may now be stylized by themes.
- <hook>_form has a $param setting you can fill with form parameters.
- improved wording for a few config settings.
- fixed various non-coding standard things.
SQL update. See below for more details.
- Merged the file "" into "".
- In addition, I renamed the field 'url' in the cache table to
a more generic 'cid' (cache identifier). It's no longer for
URLs only.
- Made the "cache_set()" function ASNI compliant such that it
will play nice with other databases such as Postgres.
- Added some extra input checking.
- Updated the old caching code in the functions "page_header()"
and "page_footer()" to use the new, generic cache API.
- Updated "update.php" to make the required SQL changes.
+ Improved input filtering; this should make the news items look
more consistent in terms of mark-up.
+ Quoted all array indices: converted all instances of $foo[bar]
to $foo["bar"]. Made various other changes to make the import
module compliant with the coding style.
+ Fixed small XHTML glitch
- comment system:
+ Made it possible for users to edit their comments (when certain
criteria are matched).
+ Renamed the SQL table field "lid" to "nid" and updated the code
to reflect this change: this is a rather /annoying/ change that
has been asked for a few times. It will impact the contributed
BBS/forum modules and requires a tiny SQL update:
sql> ALTER TABLE comments CHANGE lid nid int(10) NOT NULL;
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
+ Added a delete button to the comment admin form and made it so
that Drupal prompts for confirmation prior to deleting a comment
from the database. This behavior is similar to that of deleting
+ Disabled comment moderation for now.
+ Some of the above changes will make it easier to integrate the
upcomcing mail-to-web and web-to-mail gateways. They are part
of a bigger plan. ;)
- node system:
+ Made it so that updating nodes (like for instance updating blog
entries) won't trigger the submission rate throttle.
+ Fixed a small glitch where a node's title wasn't always passed
to the $theme->header() function.
+ Made "node_array()" and "node_object()" more generic and named
them "object2array()" and "array2object()".
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
- misc:
+ Applied three patches by Foxen. One to improve performance of
the book module, and two other patches to fix small glitches in Thanks Foxen!
- Fixed a glitch in the book overview in the admin section.
- When updating a book page through the admin section, no new revision
is created unless explictely specified.
- Improved the usability of the node and book pages a little.
- Bugfix: the "Edit comments" part of the node administration pages did not
display the correct comments.
- Bugfix: somethimes, update in a book page would mess up the book.
- Improvement: when "node administrators" update a book page through the
"update this book page"-link (like regular users do), their update will
be subject to moderation.
- Improvement: made some intermediate changes to the filter mechanism. Needs
more work.
as this breaks revisions.
- modified link_node() to take a third parameter $main, which will be passed on
to _link hooks. This lets modules decide which links a node will get when
shown on the main page, or when not.
- updated themes to use the new syntax.
Drupal to display submission guidelines, or any other kind of explanation
such as "NO TEST POSTS", for example.
- Added node versioning: it is possible to create revisions, to view old
revisions and to roll-back to older revisions. You'll need to apply a
SQL update.
I'm going to work on the book module now, so I might be changing a few
things to enable collaborative, moderated revisions - but feel free to
send some first feedback, if you like.
- Added some configuration options which can be used to set the minimum
number of words a blog/story should consist of. Hopefully this will
be usefull to stop the (almost empty) test blogs.
- Various improvements:
+ Fine-tuned new node permission system.
+ Fine-tuned the functions in
+ Fine-tuned some forms.
+ XHTML-ified some code.
by setting them in a $conf variable.
This will let you host several domains off the same Drupal installation with
the same databases with minor differences in settings.
Note: the values can not be changed by users in a GET or POST string.
tables: I changed all "id"s to "xid"s where "x" is the first letter of
the table name. I also renamed all remaining "userid"s to "uid"s as I
mentioned I would do. Take a look at ./drupal/updates/3.00-to-x.xx.sql
for the MySQL updates.
range of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and others.
For additional information and an 'how to upgrade', check the mails
sent to the mailing list.
- fixed small glitch in comment_del()
- changed the API of the form() function. The first parameter, the
"action"-attribute in the <form>-tag has been made optional. By
default, it will be set to "$REQUEST_URI".
Why? Because in 98% of the cases we would do:
global $REQUEST_URI;
$form = form($REQUEST_URI, $form_content);
while we can do:
$form = form($form_content);
Update your modules (and sorry for the inconvenience)!
- format_username() now takes a second optional parameter which gives the
real name of the user.
- updated the calls to format_username() where appropriate to show the name
of the user instead of the account id. Clicking on a name will still give you
the account info etc. If you find a place where the real name is not shown
let me know.
+ added RSS 0.91(5) feeds to the blog module which makes it possible
to both syndicate an particular user's latest blog entries, or the
latest entries of all users.
+ added RSS 0.91(5) feeds to the blog module which makes it possible
to both syndicate an particular user's latest blog entries, or the
latest entries of all users.
+ added $theme->images()
- blog.module:
+ improved user-friendliness and rewrote most of the output routines
+ made quoted text /italic/ by default
+ integrated discussion system like it should
+ ...
- marvin.theme:
+ small visual improvements
+ feedback wanted
- Added updated import.module (contributed by Julian):
+ user page do browse the headlines by feed and bundle, to display
the item descriptions, etc.
- Fixed small bug in
- Updated database.mysql
+ Made '$na' translatable on popular demand.
- node.module:
+ replaced a confusing configuration description, as suggested by
- statistics.module:
+ Added a 'most recent referers'-table sorted by timestamp.
- drupal.module:
+ Small update of the links.
- Fixed tiny quote problem in account.php.
- Fixed tiny bug in
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.module.
- Fixed tiny bug in meta.module.
- Simplified user_access() API.
- Rewrote link system: still needs fine-tuning and testing so don't
upgrade if you are running a production site. ;)
Updated all modules and themes to reflect this change. All other
themes and modules need updating too!
(groups) and 'permissions' ... (inspired by Zope's system).
+ Once installed, click the help-link for more information.
+ See updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql for the SQL updates.
- Modified loads of code to use our new access.module. The system
still has to mature though: new permissions have to be added and
existing permissions need stream-lining. Awaiting suggestions.
- As a direct result of the new access system, I had to rewrite the
way the top-level links in admin.php are rendered and displayed,
and xhtml-ified admin.php while I was at it.
- Home-brewed modules need updating, home-brewed themes not.
(Examples: file.module, trip_link.module)
- As soon we *finished* the refactoring of the user system (KJ has
been working on this refactoring already) we should consider to
embed this role and permission code into account.module ...
- Modifed form_select() to accept an optional 6th parameter which is appeneded
to the select tag. $value can now also be an array. This allows for multiple
form_select($header, $name, $values, $options, $help, "multiple=\"true\" size=\"10\"");
- Updated account.module to use the extended form_select() functionality.
it wasn't a good idea to split them up in first place, and it turned
out to be quite hard to decide where to put some variables.
Also moved some variables around and even renamed a few variables
while doing so.
- Added a page_header() and page_footer() to all top-level .php pages.
streamlined the existing code, added new watchdog type called "httpd"
for Apache errors. The latter should make it easier to add watchdog
filters later on.
- Clarified some watchdog messages.
'=' instead of ';' and ':'. It is considered to be more readable.
--> A _first_ step towards and improved index.module. Stay tuned
for more.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Changed all 'attribute' to 'attributes'.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
+ Important:
This might require to ieni-wieni small update to your custom
themes and/or node-related modules:
- themes: node_index($node->attribute) -> node_index($node)
- node modules: attribute -> attributes
update, you'll break your site as you need switching from structure
to index.module: so this can be considered an intermediate commit.
If you upgrade, and you are welcome to, just create a collection
called "section" (for now) and assign your nodes some attributes
in the described format.
Feedback and bugreports are welcomed. Questions will be answered.
- comment system:
+ when replying to a node (rather then to a comment), that
node is displayed above the reply form.
+ when replying to a comment (rather then to a node), that
comment is displayd above the reply form.
- removed, removed structure.module.
+ added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to. Currently,
index.module is the facto default index system.
See story.module for usage.
- book.module, story.module, poll.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ added preview functionality to administration section (via node
+ removed all references to (category, topic).
- moderate.module:
+ removed all references to (category, topic).
- book.module, story.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ increased the sizes of some textareas.
- submit.php:
+ removed all references to (category, topic).
- marvin.theme:
+ removed dead code: function story() was depricated.
- unconed.theme:
+ removed hardcoded references to
- marvin.theme, unconed.theme, jeroen.theme, yaroon.theme, example.theme:
+ removed all references to (category, topic).
- file.module, trip_link.module:
+ update preview functionality:
see story.module for example.
+ remove references to 'cid' and 'tid', use 'attribute' instead:
see story.module for example.
- extend and build upon index.module as well as making it configurable
- Modified check_mail() to allow '+' characters in mail addresses.
- Extend the regular expression to allow addresses valid in the RFC's.
Currently IP domains are banned, and so are many other extensions of RFC
822. This is not a priority since we currently support 96% of all addresses.
- Fixed a bug in node.php: UnConeD forgot to update 1 node_get_object().
- I changed the look of theme_morelink() a bit: it might not look better,
but at least the output is "correct".
- Various small improvements.
- Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
* Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
settings", "module settings" and "filters".
* Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
- Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
- Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
modules can implement and export new filters. Example filters are
an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
- Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
- Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
- Simplified field_set() API.
- Made UnConeD's cool common timestamp format conform with the
general coding style. Sorry to be so picky about this but I
really can't help it. ;)
this information to the "users"-field in both nodes and comments.
This database/table change reduces the number of SQL queries and
makes Drupal scale better where a lot of voting/moderation takes
place. Last but not least it can be considered a new and better
foundation for future moderation metrics / algorithms. In other
words: it is plain better.
--> oops, all voting/moderation results will be lost!
--> requires database update, see "2.00-to-x.xx.sql"!
- Updated database/database.mysql
+ path_uri(): returns the fully-qualified URI of your drupal site.
+ path_img(): returns the image directory or
in case you prefer to load-balance bandwidth usage.
Replaced all occurences of the variable "site_url" with path_uri()
and removed "site_url" from "setting.module".
- Drastically simplified the node_save() API, which should make the
node-forms more secure. Updated "story.module", "book.module",
"forum.module", "page.module" and "node.module" to reflect this
change. This is needs more testing so hit it, beat it, tease it.
- Fixed an occasional glitch in the configuration file loading logic.
- Made "queue.module" display an informative notice when an anonymous
user tries accessing the moderation queue.
- Updated the hard-coded information in drupal.module a bit.
Note that - when upgrading - you have to rename all your existing
configuration files to reflect this change: ->
By default, i.e. if no configuration file is found, setting.php
will be used instead. Using the ".php"-extension will fix most
configuration/security issues with .htaccess-files ...
- Removed some dead code from forum.module.
overhead, and a lot better (simpler) module API. I had to edit a
LOT of files to get this refactored but I'm sure it was worth the
For module writers / maintainers:
None of the hooks changed, so 95% of the old modules should still
work. You can remove some code instead as "$module = array(...)"
just became obsolete. Also - and let's thank God for this - the
global variable "$repository" has been eliminated to avoid modules
relying on, and poking in drupal's internal data structures. Take
a look at include/ to investigate the details/changes.
- Improved design of the content modules "story", "book" and "node"
(to aid smooth integration of permisions + moderate.module). I'm
still working on the permissions but I got side tracked for which
I "Oops!".
- Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed
it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it
was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy
us anything. :I
(I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.)
- Added a very simple help.module to group all available
documentation on a single page.
- Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to
global $user when updating the combobox code.
- Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can
be maintained as a page in our collaborative book.
- Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the
descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new
"default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page"
- Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface
looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally-
made it possible to delete comments.
- Polished on:
+ account.module
+ structure.module
+ locale.module
+ module.module
+ forum.module
- Form-ified:
+ account.php
+ account.module
+ setting.module
+ cvs.module
+ submit.php
+ comment.module
+ forum.module
+ book.module
+ page.module
+ locale.module
- Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends"
on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list
certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and
to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail
digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though.
- I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as
well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite
some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what
he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
- Added new form_* functions to, used for building
forms: it should improve 'stability' (no form typos, every-
thing properly escaped/unescaped) and should help providing
a very consistent user interface (wrt forms).
- Adjusted node.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Adjusted book.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Merged into!
- Slowly removing all global $status and $rstatus variables:
use node_status() instead.
- Apart from implementing the permission system, I'll spend
some time updating most modules today and tomorrow to use
the new form functions.
- Modified conf_init() to use default.conf if nothing else can be found.
- Added some comments to hostname.conf to reflect the changes and
provide more information on how to rename the file.
- The Drupal handbook should be updated once the CVS version is released.
- Should try to remove the remainder of info from hostname.conf and go for a
completely web-based administration if possible.
- Does having all the settings in a SQL database make Drupal add more
overhead than including a .conf file? If nobody knows for sure some tests
should be done. If yes, concider having the admin interface generate an
include file in addition to saving to the database.
- streamlined method invocation in
- added node_status() function to modules
- added NEW (mostly static) page module
- added NEW settings module
- fixed update bug in book.module
- provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
- all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed
- improved robustness of
- imporved story.module
- updated ./database/database.sql
the index page will only display stories for now but this will/can
change in the near future
- all other files now thinks in terms of nodes, rather then stories
certain users access to specific administration sections only.
Ex. a FAQ maintainer can only edit the FAQ, and members of an
"editorial board" can only edit comments, diaries and
stories, ..
- code review => rewrote include/ which is much easier now
- fixed 4 small bugs
This time I redid the "category"-stuff. Categories - from now on called sections - are now maintained from the admin pages, can have their own post, dump and timout thresholds as discussed earlier (some weeks ago). By tomorrow evening users will be able to enable or disable section as well - i.e. to customize the content of
- removed droplets
- added (optional) admin_blocks module
- added (optional) affiliate module
- added (optional) about module (only placeholder, under construction)
- fixed some tiny bugs (e.g. quote bug in search.php)
- partionally rewrote some modules to be big, bad and better
- partionally rewrote some modules to be more uniform
- added GNU GPL license to CVS
- installed PHP 4.0.4 on my localhost and now working
towards PHP 4.0.4 compatibility.
- I think I'll baptize the engine "drupal". If you have a
better idea, try convincing me ASAP.
- more testing (also with PHP 4.0.4)
- make "project"-module: download, info, blah blah
- complete documentation
- I rearranged some of the code and clean-up some of the mess.
- Added "blocks" which can be user defined/controlled: check
to see. The positioning of blocks is rather basic for the
moment, so I'm all open for input on that.