+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
* adds a "feed settings" section to admin/settings where 2 new settings are introduced:
* number of items per feed
* default length of feed descriptions (title only, teaser, full)
* patches all of core to obey the above - including the new aggregator (out) feeds
* adds support for adding namespaces in _nodeapi('rss item') - which means things like iTunes RSS and yahoo's media rss can be implemented by the appropriate modules (i.e. audio.module)
* includes some additional info in the default node feed - specifically the element (links directly to comments) - and dc:creator - to show node author information.
We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
* Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
* The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
- Slight addition to INSTALL.txt with regard to PHP versions.
- Updated/reworded some node type descriptions as per Boris' suggestions.
- Adding missing {} around a table name in update.php.
+ Moved the block configuration settings to the block administration pages like we did with the other modules (also, administrators had to enable the aggregator blocks twice).
+ Small UI changes to the 'add news feed' page.
changes are:
1. Simplified the statistics pages: there are less pages and on the
remaining pages there is a lot less visual clutter (less columns and
better presentation).
2. Reorganized the 'administer - logs' menu: flattened the menu structure
and removed a number of links.
3. Improved performance. Most statistics pages used about 160 slow SQL
queries which made the statistics pages fairly unusable on my system.
The new pages use at least 10 times less SQL queries and render much
faster. They are actually usable.
4. There is now a 'track'-tab on node pages, and a second subtrab on the
user accounts 'track'-tab for people with the 'access statistics'
permission. They can be used to resp. track the node and the user.
This makes the statistics more accessible.
5. Changed the way watchdog messages are filtered. This makes it easier
to introduce new watchdog types.
6. Reworked the statistics module's permissions.
7. Less code: 223 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-).
8. Fixed several glitches: for example, the statistics pages sorted the
'Name' column by user ID instead of by name. Unfortunately, it is
too difficult to backport these to DRUPAL-4-5.
1. Review the statistics modules help pages.
2. Help fine-tune the interfaces/views.
1. You'll want to run update.php.
The primary goal of this patch is to take the 'custom' and 'path' columns of the block overview page and make them into something understandable. As of Drupal 4.5 'custom' lacked an explanation which wasn't buried in help text and path required dealing with regular expressions.
Every block now has a configuration page to control these options. This gives more space to make form controls which do not require a lengthy explanation. This page also gives modules a chance to put their block configuration options in a place that makes sense using new operations in the block hook.
The only required changes to modules implementing hook_block() is to be careful about what is returned. Do not return anything if $op is not 'list' or 'view'. Once this change is made, modules will still be compatible with Drupal 4.5. Required changes to core modules are included in this path.
An additional optional change to modules is to implement the additional $op options added. 'configure' should return a string containing the configuration form for the block with the appropriate $delta. 'configure save' will come with an additional $edit argument, which will contain the submitted form data for saving. These changes to core modules are also included in this patch.