certain users access to specific administration sections only.
Ex. a FAQ maintainer can only edit the FAQ, and members of an
"editorial board" can only edit comments, diaries and
stories, ..
- code review => rewrote include/user.inc which is much easier now
- fixed 4 small bugs
This time I redid the "category"-stuff. Categories - from now on called sections - are now maintained from the admin pages, can have their own post, dump and timout thresholds as discussed earlier (some weeks ago). By tomorrow evening users will be able to enable or disable section as well - i.e. to customize the content of drop.org.
- removed droplets
- added (optional) admin_blocks module
- added (optional) affiliate module
- added (optional) about module (only placeholder, under construction)
- fixed some tiny bugs (e.g. quote bug in search.php)
- partionally rewrote some modules to be big, bad and better
- partionally rewrote some modules to be more uniform
- added GNU GPL license to CVS
- installed PHP 4.0.4 on my localhost and now working
towards PHP 4.0.4 compatibility.
- I think I'll baptize the engine "drupal". If you have a
better idea, try convincing me ASAP.
- more testing (also with PHP 4.0.4)
- make "project"-module: download, info, blah blah
- complete documentation
- I rearranged some of the code and clean-up some of the mess.
- Added "blocks" which can be user defined/controlled: check
to see. The positioning of blocks is rather basic for the
moment, so I'm all open for input on that.