node-forms more secure. Updated "node.module" and "queue.module"
to work with the new API.
The upgrade script, 2.00-to-x.xx.php, is still broken and needs
+ path_uri(): returns the fully-qualified URI of your drupal site.
+ path_img(): returns the image directory or
in case you prefer to load-balance bandwidth usage.
Replaced all occurences of the variable "site_url" with path_uri()
and removed "site_url" from "setting.module".
- Drastically simplified the node_save() API, which should make the
node-forms more secure. Updated "story.module", "book.module",
"forum.module", "page.module" and "node.module" to reflect this
change. This is needs more testing so hit it, beat it, tease it.
- Fixed an occasional glitch in the configuration file loading logic.
- Made "queue.module" display an informative notice when an anonymous
user tries accessing the moderation queue.
- Updated the hard-coded information in drupal.module a bit.
Note that - when upgrading - you have to rename all your existing
configuration files to reflect this change: ->
By default, i.e. if no configuration file is found, setting.php
will be used instead. Using the ".php"-extension will fix most
configuration/security issues with .htaccess-files ...
- Removed some dead code from forum.module.
- Added edit capabilities (allows you to view the backend-file url as well, wasn't possible before)
- Docs: replaced "" with the correct URL (using the site_url setting).
is selected.
- Made theme_link() less "hard coded", we still have to make
it fully configurable though.
- Fixed glitch in story submission: the warning messages were
not displayed.
- Tidied up block.module a bit.
overhead, and a lot better (simpler) module API. I had to edit a
LOT of files to get this refactored but I'm sure it was worth the
For module writers / maintainers:
None of the hooks changed, so 95% of the old modules should still
work. You can remove some code instead as "$module = array(...)"
just became obsolete. Also - and let's thank God for this - the
global variable "$repository" has been eliminated to avoid modules
relying on, and poking in drupal's internal data structures. Take
a look at include/ to investigate the details/changes.
- Improved design of the content modules "story", "book" and "node"
(to aid smooth integration of permisions + moderate.module). I'm
still working on the permissions but I got side tracked for which
I "Oops!".
- Added moderator information to forum.module.
- Simplified story.module, page.module, forum.module and book.module
by removing redundant code, and by doing other small house-keeping
- Added moderator permissions to nodes.
- Added moderator support to structure.module.
- Added new moderate.module.
- Renamed moderation.module to queue.module to avoid confusing.
Updated theme yaroon as it seems to have a hard-coded reference
to moderation.module.
- Polished on:
+ account.module: improved access list
+ fixed HTML typo in node.module
- Jeroen: can jeroen2.theme be removed from ./themes/yaroon?
- Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed
it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it
was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy
us anything. :I
(I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.)
- Added a very simple help.module to group all available
documentation on a single page.
- Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to
global $user when updating the combobox code.
- Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can
be maintained as a page in our collaborative book.
- Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the
descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new
"default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page"
- Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface
looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally-
made it possible to delete comments.
- Polished on:
+ account.module
+ structure.module
+ locale.module
+ module.module
+ forum.module
- Form-ified:
+ account.php
+ account.module
+ setting.module
+ cvs.module
+ submit.php
+ comment.module
+ forum.module
+ book.module
+ page.module
+ locale.module
- Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends"
on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list
certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and
to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail
digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though.
- I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as
well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite
some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what
he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
- Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed
it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it
was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy
us anything. :I
(I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.)
- Added a very simple help.module to group all available
documentation on a single page.
- Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to
global $user when updating the combobox code.
- Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can
be maintained as a page in our collaborative book.
- Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the
descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new
"default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page"
- Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface
looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally-
made it possible to delete comments.
- Polished on:
+ account.module
+ structure.module
+ locale.module
+ module.module
+ forum.module
- Form-ified:
+ account.php
+ account.module
+ setting.module
+ cvs.module
+ submit.php
+ comment.module
+ forum.module
+ book.module
+ page.module
+ locale.module
- Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends"
on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list
certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and
to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail
digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though.
- I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as
well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite
some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what
he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
- Added new form_* functions to, used for building
forms: it should improve 'stability' (no form typos, every-
thing properly escaped/unescaped) and should help providing
a very consistent user interface (wrt forms).
- Adjusted node.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Adjusted book.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Merged into!
- Slowly removing all global $status and $rstatus variables:
use node_status() instead.
- Apart from implementing the permission system, I'll spend
some time updating most modules today and tomorrow to use
the new form functions.
module to develop and test the permission system along with the
regular nodes. And hopefully, this forum module will grow into
a very useable piece of code for
Requires a new SQL table "forum", see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql.
- Removed 1 unused hook from page.module.
- Removed 1 unused function from
- Fixed an error in module_rehash_blocks() that didn't handle '-symbols.
- Removed some module depencies. Drupal will now run (sorta) even if there
are no modules installed.
- Changed theme_link() to check if certain modules are installed before
offering a link to them.
- Check all SQL queries to make sure they are addslashes'ed correctly.
- Check the effects of changing the PHP magic_quotes setting.
- Make the theme_link() function to be customizable either via the admin
page and/or in the module itself.
> - Fixed security issue: unchecked form-data in a db-query (line 82)
> - Fixed bug: the module now checks only against other *stories*
> (instead of nodes) with the same title.
- Took out the duplicate title check; after the story module has
been "nodified", duplicate titles are no longer a problem.
makes "promoting nodes" to the main page possible. Stories
and reviews could be promoted by default, but - on accasion
a good book entry could be manually promoted too. Thus all
existing content types can be shown on the main page, not
just stories.
Requires a SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Addition: implemented "auto-post new submissions" feature
to disable or by-pass the moderation queue in addition to
"moderate new submissions".
TODO: admin moderation versus registered user moderation.
- Addition: added category and topic support to page.module.
a node per node basis, rather then on a category per category
basis. The default settings for each individual category can
be changed though.
Example: it can be setup so that - by default - all stories
posted to the category "article" will have comments enabled
but stories submitted to "announcement" not.
Different configuration schemes can easily be added later.
Requires a SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql/database.mysql.
- Addition: made submit.php only use categories that users can
actually submit new content to.
CVS log messages. Our additional Perl script that hooks into
the CVS repository is also provided in ./scripts. Requires a
SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql.
Made it so that we can disable/enable comments on a category by category basis. In order to accomplish this I had to make a few (*temporary*) changes.
I moved all comment code from the "module level" (eg. story.module) to the "node level". It was nothing but the logical next step in nodifying drupal. This enables us to add comments to all existing content types including book entries. But also for book entries, this to can be toggled on and off. :-)
Moreover module writers don't have to worry about the complex comment logic: it is "abstracted" away. This implies that story.module got smaller, faster and easier to comprehend. :-)
In order to accomplish this, I had to update ALL THEMES, which I did - and on my way I updated Goofy, Oranzh and UnConeD - with the previous changes. All themes are up-to-date now! I also had to remove the [ reply to this story ] links, and temporally re-introcuded the "Add comment" button in the "Comment control". Tempora lly that is, UnConeD. ;)
I plan to upgrade either tommorow or wednesday so test away if you have some time to kill. ;)
Oh, I also fixed a few bugs and made various small improvements.
your theme:
- corrected some missing translations in story.module. Oops!
- grealty simplified the "moderation threshold mechanism"(tm) so
that module writers don't have to worry about this. As a result
story.module and book.module became a bit smaller and easier to
- greatly simplified new "category" and "topic" code which is soon
going to replace the "section" code. Needs more work though so
hang on thight.
- includes/ and modules/section.module are replaced by
includes/structure.module and modules/structure.module.
- beautified example.theme a bit without adding HTML complexity:
it is a good example but still useful as a theme
- made theme example use "categories" and "topics"
- made theme marvin use "categories" and "topics"
- added 2 new "story listings" to administrator interface of
story.module to verify story integrity.
- optimized comment table a bit (work in progress)
it now uses the new category code, incl content bindings.
You can setup different "categories" which map on a content
type. Example:
review -> review.module
article -> story.module
column -> story.module
announc. -> story.module
addons -> file.module
themes -> file.module
- "generalised" story.module and book.module's output.
- fixed bug in includes/
- fixed glitch in theme example.theme: it said "$how by" but
the variable $how has never been declared.
- added "drupal development settings" to display some timings
- more work on the categories/topics -> does NOT work yet
footer message like a copyright notice. Themes should use this!
- small improvement to example theme
- added theme_footer to theme marvin
- small improvement to
- slightly improved story.module, node.module and book.module
- made the "default theme" a setting from the setting page
- polished a bit on the export function: we can now export the
book or parts thereof through the following url:
(full book)
(where nid is the node id to start with)
The export routine demonstrates how it can be done yet the
output is too basic and can only improve over time.
- streamlined method invocation in
- added node_status() function to modules
- added NEW (mostly static) page module
- added NEW settings module
- fixed update bug in book.module
- provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
- all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed
- improved robustness of
- imporved story.module
- updated ./database/database.sql
- improved "track": it has now 2 boxes, one for "track
comments" and one for "track nodes"
- various small improvements to the book module based on the
feedback we got.
- fixed typo in moderation module
- ...
- removed and ban.module and integrated it in account.module
under the name "access control" --> the ban code was not really up
to standard so this has now been dealt with. This refactoring and
reintegration cuts down the code size with 100 lines too. :-)
(The ban.module code was really old and it showed.)
- added node.module and made the other modules reuse some of this
code --> cut down the code size of modules by at least 100 lines
and adds stability.
- added a status() function to admin.php to display a conform status
message where appropriate. See admin.php for usage.
- removed $theme->control() and made handle this itself
wrapped in a $theme->box(). No need to clutter the themes with
such complexity --> updated all themes already. :-)
- some small visual changes to some administration pages to be more
consistent across different modules.
(reported by UnConeD)
- added "add node" link to book selection box and made it display the
current location
- removed tabs and whitespaces from themes - done automatically
- fixed small visual glitch in includes/
- changed SQL tables around a bit to be more consistent
(result: small changes to a lot of different files)
- improved robustness of includes/
- improved output of cron.module
- improved output of node.php
comments on the drupal page where originally *not* click-able but this
turned out to be confusing only. Now we live in a nodified world, we
can simply link all comments without a single problem! :-)
(As section are story related and not per se node related, I'm wondering whether we should integrate the section stuff in the story module at some point?)
into a much more powerful and easier to maintain "book module": each
"page" in the big " book" is a node and everyone with
a user account can suggest new pages or updates of existing pages.
Ehm in affiliate-sites and dupal-site we use SCRIPT, but w3 complained about the fact that there was no TYPE attribute specified with SCRIPT, I added SCRIPT=\"\" with both tags... (I have no clue what type of script we are using but at least this fixes a bug :)) It worked here locally, let's hope it still does on the wired...
Also I corrected a </TTH> into a </TH> somewhere in the code of one of the modules, my eye just caught it, nothing special ;)
abstract() + article() = story()
abstract() and article() have been merged into a new function story()
which looks like:
function story($story_object, $reply) {
if (!reply) {
// full story
else {
// main page version / abstract
This should allow you to "compress" your theme as abstract() and
article() tended to be 98% identical.
=> I didn't really merge your themes so I leave it up to *you* to
improved the code!!! Do it ASAP as we release drupal 2.00 in 7
In future we'll have similar functions for other content types as
for example:
review($review, $reply);
enquete($enquete, $reply);
revised most of the SQL queries and tried to make drupal as secure as possible (while trying to avoid redundant/duplicate checks). For drupal's sake, try to screw something up. See the mail about PHPNuke being hacked appr. 6 days ago. The one who finds a problem is rewarded a beer (and I'm willing to ship it to Norway if required). I beg you to be evil. Try dumping a table a la "http://localhost/index.php?date=77778;DROP TABLE users" or something. ;)
$theme->comment() only takes 2 parameters ever since the comment
system rewrite 2 months ago. Make sure to update your local tree
before you start hacking away on your themes.
a seperate module called "rating.module". This should allow people
to experiment with different rating heuristics/algorithms.
- The rating module also generates a "Top 100 users" page, see:
- Adjusted ./scripts/php-clean to ignore png files.
(I should do it the way around and make it ignore everything but
our php files.)
- added a couple of missing t() functions
- improved the comments module, fixed the score problem Jeroen
reported earlier -> it's slicker but I hope it won't break anything
* last access field should not be updated when admin edits stuff
* saving empty access list caused warning message
* clicking the access links was confusing (no more links)
certain users access to specific administration sections only.
Ex. a FAQ maintainer can only edit the FAQ, and members of an
"editorial board" can only edit comments, diaries and
stories, ..
- code review => rewrote include/ which is much easier now
- fixed 4 small bugs
- replaced the "open submission queue" (submission.php and
with an optional module (submission.module).
- tidied up the HTML code of some files
This time I redid the "category"-stuff. Categories - from now on called sections - are now maintained from the admin pages, can have their own post, dump and timout thresholds as discussed earlier (some weeks ago). By tomorrow evening users will be able to enable or disable section as well - i.e. to customize the content of
though but I think this is stable enough for public consumption and
real-life testing.
==> a first big step towards a flexible comment engine.
- Required theme updatins:
UnConeD: check your $theme->controls() as I added a very, very
dummy implementation
- Required database updates:
alter table users modify mode tinyint(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;
alter table comments change sid lid int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
alter table comments add link varchar(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;
update comments set link = 'story';
IMPORTANT: you have to drop 2 tables "blocks" and "layout"
and you have to recreate them again with those
in database/database.mysql
- integrated the documentation written by UnConeD
integrated them were appropriate. It works better and the code is
more readable then it used to be:
- story authors can no longer moderate their own stories
(requested by Natrak)
- fix inie-winnie small detail in theme marvin
- drastically improved administration section
- drastically revamped story administration:
added new feature to schedule the publishing of stories
- applied correct naming conventions to submission.php
- fixed 1 small glitch in boxes
- somewhat expanded the documentation
= changed one SQL table
- updated the faq with info on drupal
- ... and more things I forgot about
- configuration:
+ renamed $db_name to $db_user
+ renamed $db_base to $db_name
- fixed small diary glitch
- fixed initial-comment-score problem
- fixed comment rating bug: improved the API and updated the
- removed some tabs from Steven ;)
- fixed backend warnings and improved robustness
I'm not happy yet with the headline grabber - it generates
too many SQL errors.
- some small cosmetic changes in comment.module
- fixed minor glitch in format_interval()
- expanded documentation
(written by Jeroen)
- fixed bug in includes/
- fixed bug in modules/backend.class
- renamed some of the SQL tables (!)
- started making the diary.module truly modular (not finished yet)
- renamed "admin_blocks" to "boxes"
- added new functionality to "boxes": apart from PHP boxes, you
can now create ASCII boxes as well as HTML boxes for those who
are not confident with PHP.
(requested by stalor)
- added drupal-site module to keep track of known drupal sites
- added small Perl script to generate encrypted CVS passwords
- removed droplets
- added (optional) admin_blocks module
- added (optional) affiliate module
- added (optional) about module (only placeholder, under construction)
- fixed some tiny bugs (e.g. quote bug in search.php)
- partionally rewrote some modules to be big, bad and better
- partionally rewrote some modules to be more uniform
- added GNU GPL license to CVS
- installed PHP 4.0.4 on my localhost and now working
towards PHP 4.0.4 compatibility.
- I think I'll baptize the engine "drupal". If you have a
better idea, try convincing me ASAP.
- more testing (also with PHP 4.0.4)
- make "project"-module: download, info, blah blah
- complete documentation
- I rearranged some of the code and clean-up some of the mess.
- Added "blocks" which can be user defined/controlled: check
to see. The positioning of blocks is rather basic for the
moment, so I'm all open for input on that.
- improved web interface of account module.
- added simple permission system with both administrators
and regular users. It can be made more fine-grained but
it will do for now.
- various small enhancements to the other modules, but
nothing big.
1. improved .htaccess to be more "secure": to keep prying
eyes out
2. rewrote the administration section from scratch using a
modular approach
3. improved the information gathered by error.php - we can
now (hopefully) track what bots are crawling us.
4. fixed a bug in submit.php, fixed a bug in theme zaphod,
fixed a bug in theme marvin.
5. rewrote cron from scratch - it now interfaces with
modules as it should have been from the beginning.
Very cool if you ask me - it can use UNIX/Linux
6. updated to be module aware - needs more
work though - maybe this afternoon?
7. updated most modules: small bugfixes, improvements, and
even the documentation
8. removed diary.php and made it a module - you can now
run a site without a diary system if someone
would prefer so
9. updated all themes to use the new modules where
10. added a robots.txt because the error message in the
watchdog become annoying.
11. added the new configuration system (mutliple vhosts
on the same source tree) - use hostname.conf instead
12. removed and made it a module
13. added format_interval() to (UnConeD)
14. whatever I forgot ...