- Adds drupal_set_header() and drupal_get_headers().
- Cache now stores custom headers.
- Replace theme_head() with drupal_get_html_head(), added drupal_set_html_head().
- Added RSS autodiscover links to node, blog and taxonomy pages.
- Added support for new tags:
+ Optinal feed image: <image> tag.
+ Dublin core dates: <dc:date> <dcterms:created>, <dcterms:issued>,
- Usability improvements:
+ On the administration page, made the feed/bundle titles link
to the feeds/bundles' pages. On the feed/bundle's page, made
the 'Last updated' field link to the administration page.
+ Moved the 'syndication' menu one level down.
- Updated some content sensitive help.
- Further improved themeability.
- Fixed some invalid HTML.
1. Remove the theme object. There is no need to keep it around since meta
information for a theme can be retrieved via list_themes(). All we really
need is the theme name.
2. Check if the user selected theme is enabled during theme initialization.
This is the easiest place to put the check and doesn't mess with the user's
settings. Their database profile will still contain the disabled theme
selection, but they will be rendering the default admin-selected theme
until their chosen theme is once again activated.
To be discussed and investigated: when a form element has no title an empty
<label> tag will be emitted (eg. "remember me" checkbox). This doesn't make
sense but is our best option for now.
* fixes all doxygen warnings [#]_ in the current code base
+ changes @param style from phpDocumentor (@param type $var desc) to doxygen (@param $var desc)
+ documents all undocumented parameters
+ escapes / fixes html warnings
+ fixes @defgroup in theme.inc
* adds more groupings [#]_
+ drupal_{set|get}_title, drupal_{set|get}_breadcrumb
+ pager.inc: pager_api (pager_query(), pager_display()), pager pieces
* adds a new group "themeable" which contains all themeable functions.
+ block_list() (in block.module): returns an array of block objects for
+ theme_blocks() (in theme.inc): uses block_list() and theme("block") to
actually render them.
+ Decouples blocks content and layout, allows block_list() to be used
for non-output purposes (think "pull").
+ Unifies naming in theme.inc: render_blocks()) didn't really fit there.
+ Puts block_list() in blocks.module where it logically belongs.
- Removed some cruft from the Xtemplate theme. Patch by Ax.
Some TODO's:
* The sidebars of theme Marvin and theme UnConeD look unstyled.
* CSS-ify theme UnConeD so we can remove the class around the functions.
* Rewrite theme_init() not to use a class and simplify theme()
- Improvement: removed a left-over from Drupal 4.2.0 (dead code).
- Improvement: replaced hard-coded XHTML around the XML icons with class="xml-icon".
- Improvement: removed the custom navigation menus shown at the top of the "user information page" and integrated them in the new navigation block. The "my account" link in the navigation menu will unfold. Also removed the "delete account" link/functionality (for now).
- Improvement: fix for "magic quotes" settings. Patch by Steven. I also removed check_php_settings().
- Improvement: block themability improvements. Modified patch from Ax and Steve/CodeMonkeyX.
- Fixed bug #2617: editing user information does not work. Patch by Kjartan.
- Bugfix: block patch fix. Patch by Gerhard.
- Bugfix: fixed broken URL in ping. Patch by Gerhard.
(This should fix the problems shown on http://www.blo.gs/info.php?id=1515.)
- Improvement: added better password generator. Patch #1 by Al. Fixes bug
- Improvement: performance improvement to the blog module. Patch by Marco.