Commit Graph

470 Commits (cb7f3159f368fb0453dd13500b01fd048c40b74a)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nathaniel Catchpole 7dd31494f3 Issue #1979094 by Berdir, dawehner, msonnabaum, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia: Fixed Separate create access operation entity access controllers to avoid costly EntityNG instantiation. 2013-07-16 10:33:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 31efff2728 Issue #2036087 by YesCT: Add public identifier to all render methods in all views plugins in core. 2013-07-15 18:39:32 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 22a6d8ccec Issue #2012382 by damiankloip: Improve efficiency of access checker matching on routes. 2013-07-15 10:22:26 +01:00
Alex Pott d03acd3ce9 Issue #1831080 by dawehner, IshaDakota, YesCT: Remove the 'More' area from the bottom of handler configuration. 2013-07-14 14:01:25 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 7232dbf9f1 Issue #2024893 by bdone, dawehner: Change status filter on admin/people to 'active'/'blocked'. 2013-07-13 12:03:08 +01:00
Dries c02ba60087 Issue #2039199 by Berdir: Convert ->uid to ->id(), isAnonymous() and isAuthenticated(). 2013-07-11 13:29:02 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 45418a7ca0 Issue #1987896 by tim.plunkett: Follow-up to Convert user_page() to a new style controller. 2013-07-10 23:18:09 +01:00
Alex Pott cd7ca03c27 Issue #2033447 by tim.plunkett: Remove obsolete ContainerFactoryPluginBase. 2013-07-10 17:05:43 +01:00
Alex Pott 06cb438e03 Issue #2003892 by tim.plunkett, vijaycs85: Convert date formats to config entities. 2013-07-09 19:57:20 +01:00
Alex Pott c250f7354d Issue #2016589 by amateescu, tim.plunkett: Add a dedicated @EntityReferenceSelection annotation. 2013-07-09 15:39:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 45a9e859d6 Issue #2026347 by Berdir: Adding methods to UserInterface/AccountInterface. 2013-07-09 15:39:11 +01:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 176fbe7c71 Issue #2036273 by bdone, LinL, Cottser: Fix typo in API docs 2013-07-08 11:21:18 -07:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 2c01cd0ba9 Issue #2035077 by lazysoundsystem, Crell, Cottser: Remove a few remaining t() from test asserts 2013-07-08 10:49:45 -07:00
Alex Pott a4c65bec40 Issue #1825896 by dawehner, damiankloip, heddn: Add module owner to plugin data on handlers. 2013-07-05 21:54:59 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8ceb6e1719 Issue #1971158 by Berdir, beejeebus, alexpott, amateescu: Add loadMultiple() and listAll() caching to (cached) config storage. 2013-07-05 14:45:20 +01:00
Dries 36975492e9 Issue #1784234 by linclark: Use types and properties in RDF mappings. 2013-07-03 12:29:13 -04:00
Alex Pott b48f8fda69 Issue #2030925 by echoz: Quote rtl attribute selector. 2013-07-02 13:40:19 +01:00
Dries 58de5374c4 Issue #2024833 by claudiu.cristea: Adopt load() and loadMultiple() on entity storage controllers. 2013-06-30 20:09:38 -04:00
Dries d988a30f87 Issue #1810370 by plach, kfritsche, berdir, alexpott, xjm, chx: Entity Translation API improvements. 2013-06-30 20:09:38 -04:00
Dries 099a8ace5f Issue #2014309 by nod_: Sticky table headers default to FALSE. 2013-06-29 17:49:17 -04:00
Alex Pott aa9c2ccc85 Issue #1890878 by corvus_ch, ygerasimov, berenddeboer, Crell, fubhy the cat, effulgentsia: Add modular authentication system, including Http Basic; deprecate global . 2013-06-29 17:26:55 +01:00
Alex Pott 4c357934c2 Issue #1754246 by webflo, swentel, penyaskito, andypost, alexpott, YesCT, dagmar: Languages should be configuration entities. 2013-06-29 11:56:53 +01:00
Alex Pott bfba7b8de9 Issue #2015789 by fubhy, echoz, rteijeiro, LewisNyman, penyaskito: Remove language_css_alter() (RTL stylesheets) in favor of HTML 'dir' attribute. 2013-06-28 09:47:08 +01:00
Alex Pott 4586ea128d Issue #2014821 by amateescu, swentel: Introduce form modes UI and their configuration entity. 2013-06-27 22:24:39 +01:00
Alex Pott 0b8c586069 Issue #1987896 by tim.plunkett, kgoel, vijaycs85: Convert user_page() to a new style controller. 2013-06-27 09:23:39 +01:00
Dries e94b01e516 Issue #1996714 by amateescu: Convert FileItem and ImageItem to extend EntityReferenceItem. 2013-06-26 21:52:15 -04:00
Dries 760292ee83 Issue #2017217 by alexpott: Fixed Random failure on UserPasswordResetTest. 2013-06-26 10:39:02 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 2c4e8fe672 Issue #2024985 by tim.plunkett: Remove obsolete user_build_filter_query(). 2013-06-26 10:30:41 +01:00
Alex Pott 356dc8bacd Issue #1969698 by xjm, damiankloip, tim.plunkett, yched: ConfigEntity::save() should disallow saving ID/UUID conflicts (Field UUID changes can badly corrupt field data). 2013-06-25 23:57:46 +01:00
Alex Pott de3558c214 Issue #2024867 by vijaycs85: Rename translation_entity() to content_translation(). 2013-06-25 20:16:20 +01:00
Dries b4655c58f6 Issue #1869600 by linclark, scor, jesse.d: Refactor RDF mappings to be inline with the new Entity Field API. 2013-06-24 18:21:37 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 195849b2a4 Issue #1872876 by chx, fubhy, dawehner, alexpott, tim.plunkett: Turn role permission assignments into configuration. 2013-06-24 17:38:32 +01:00
Dries 98b6331e1e Issue #1984610 by Albert Volkman, dawehner, tim.plunkett: Convert user_pass() to a new-style Form object. 2013-06-20 15:02:06 -04:00
Dries 7a0c707eeb Issue #2020167 by mikeker, dawehner, irinaz, tim.plunkett: Add a name and email search field to the admin/people view. 2013-06-20 14:22:20 -04:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 5d0f9d91c3 Issue #2022207 by pcambra, Berdir: Make references to User class in test docs reference UserInterface instead 2013-06-20 09:33:23 -07:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 0366140fa0 Issue #2013094 by pwieck, Cottser: Remove unnecessary template_preprocess() reference from all Twig files 2013-06-20 07:02:02 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 00cb147e14 Issue #1668866 by ParisLiakos, aspilicious, tim.plunkett, pdrake, g.oechsler, dawehner, Berdir, corvus_ch, damiankloip, disasm, marcingy, neclimdul: Replace drupal_goto() with RedirectResponse. 2013-06-19 17:07:30 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 270db4a504 Issue #1852454 by patrickd, xjm, YesCT, Berdir, amateescu, Pancho, djroshi, dealancer, Wim Leers, jessebeach: Restrict module and theme name lengths to 50 characters. 2013-06-19 10:14:55 +01:00
Alex Pott 851d7d0ff2 Issue #1777956 by fago, klausi, sun, dasjo: Provide a way to define default values for entity fields. 2013-06-19 10:31:20 +02:00
Alex Pott 72bd779d56 Issue #1981342 by aspilicious, andypost, swentel: Drop procedural usage of fields in [s-u-v] modules. 2013-06-18 14:29:20 +02:00
Alex Pott 9dd08c04a1 Issue #2009690 by jeroen12345,, InternetDevels, hussainweb: Replace theme() with drupal_render() in user module. 2013-06-18 14:09:48 +02:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 32eadec8b4 Issue #2018569 by dawehner | yannickoo: Added Group permissions in the new views handler. 2013-06-18 10:49:39 +01:00
Alex Pott 73fbcf8072 Issue #2011018 by tim.plunkett: Reconcile entity forms and confirm forms. 2013-06-17 23:26:42 +02:00
Alex Pott 116f0a389e Issue #2003366 by sillygwailo, Joe9, kenianbei, pcambra, heddn, YesCT, damiankloip: Rename Views method pre_render() to preRender(). 2013-06-17 22:53:40 +02:00
Alex Pott 7db53be1c0 Issue #2021491 by fubhy: Fixed UserBCDecorator (hasRole(), addRole(), removeRole()). 2013-06-17 18:17:56 +02:00
Nathaniel Catchpole ecfbc27f34 Issue #1838310 by ParisLiakos, Jose Reyero: Remove st(), get_t() and for good. 2013-06-17 14:35:07 +01:00
webchick aca11af903 Issue #2020403 by hardik.patel99 | thedavidmeister: Typo in docblock for template_preprocess_username() 'insure'. 2013-06-17 01:46:04 -05:00
Alex Pott cf8f023c02 Issue #2017449 by ParisLiakos: Drupal\Tests\user\Views\Argument\RolesRidTest is in the wrong place. 2013-06-17 02:15:30 +02:00
Alex Pott 5bf89a4573 Issue #2008356 by dawehner, tim.plunkett: Provide a _entity_list() route default to replace Controller\EntityListController and mimic _entity_form(). 2013-06-17 00:06:21 +02:00
Alex Pott 1648a479c4 Issue #1893772 by chx, fubhy, slashrsm: Move entity-type specific storage logic into entity classes. 2013-06-16 11:40:11 +02:00