Angie Byron
#282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif.
2008-10-12 04:30:09 +00:00
Angie Byron
#319466 : SA-2008-47 ( #295053 ): CSRF in cached forms.
2008-10-11 04:06:29 +00:00
Angie Byron
#313213 by maartenvg, Gábor Hojtsy: Add a 'title' attribute for permissions to allow for localization of permission names
2008-10-09 15:15:55 +00:00
Angie Byron
#206138 by pwolanin: Rename mis-named 'module' attribute in node types.
2008-10-08 03:27:56 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #310212 by justinrandell, catch, et all: killed in _user hook, as well as two small kittens.
2008-10-06 11:30:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #305645 by pwolanin: ['REQUEST_TIME'] -> REQUEST_TIME. Improved developer experience.
2008-09-17 07:11:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #302763 by Dave Reid, Rob Loach: replace time() by ['REQUEST_TIME'] as per Rasmus' suggestion. Removed drupal_referrer() for consistency.
2008-09-06 08:36:22 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #245329 by christefano and dmitrig01: code comment love.
2008-07-24 16:25:19 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #252013 by Eaton, pwolanin, Susurrus et al: drupal_render() now printes #markup, not #value.
2008-07-16 21:59:29 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #193076 by quicksketch, dmitrig01 and paul.lovvik: drag and drop support for poll module.
2008-05-15 20:56:48 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #221964 by chx, dopry, webernet, moshe, webchick, justinrandall, flobruit
et al. Can you say 'registry'? Drupal now maintains an internal registry of
all functions or classes in the system, allowing it to lazy-load code files as
needed (reducing the amount of code that must be parsed on each request). The
list of included files is cached per menu callback for subsequent loading by
the menu router. This way, a given page request will have all the code it needs
but little else, minimizing time spent parsing unneeded code.
2008-05-06 12:18:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #245115 by kkaefer, John Morahan, JohnAlbin et al: after a long discussion we've decided to make the concatenation operator consistent with the other operators.
2008-04-14 17:48:46 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #216072 by recidive, David Rothstein, ptalindstrom et al: switched from numeric block IDs to string IDs.
The short explanation is that Drupal uses a lot of numeric deltas in the block system; blocks are identified by the 'module' and the 'delta'. In early Drupal, delta was numeric, but somewhere along the line it was changed to be possibly a string. In modern Drupal, block overrides are easily done via block-MODULE-DELTA.tpl.php. The primary motivation to switch to string IDs everywhere is to make these deltas friendlier to themers:
block-user-0.tpl.php --> block-user-navigation.tpl.php
block-user-1.tpl.php --> block-user-login.tpl.php
You get the picture.
2008-04-10 10:28:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #30984 by webchick, keith.smith, kkaefer, Crell et al: provide descriptions for permissions on the permission administration page.
2008-02-20 13:46:43 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #209236 by traxer: added a validation function for the poll form.
2008-01-15 07:57:46 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#153998 by David_Rothstein and myself: clean up permissions in book, blog, blogapi, forum and locale modules
2008-01-09 09:51:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #202078 by chx: fixed poll AHAH problem with caching.
2008-01-04 08:04:45 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#203582 by David_Rothstein: some core hook_access() implementations are not using the passed in account
2008-01-01 17:46:30 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#204996 by chx: poll bar theme gets NULL as default, so use that here as well
2007-12-31 12:28:32 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #204996 by chx: fixed access check and warning in poll module.
2007-12-31 08:48:41 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#67895 patch by myself, tested by JirkaRybka and blackdog: move poll votes with poll options, when an option is removed, instead of dropping all old votes, solving an old data loss bug
2007-12-17 21:58:38 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#200069 by keith.smith: new standard for 'more information' links in module help texts, as the handbook we referred to before was renamed
2007-12-14 18:08:50 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#189025 by AjK: fix two small E_ALL bugs in poll.module
2007-12-14 09:24:08 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#197297 by DanW (as GHOP 17), and keith.smith: clean up lots of help texts, update to drag and drop functionality, drupal.module removal, etc
2007-12-13 09:34:40 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#198579 by webernet and hswong3i: a huge set of coding style fixes, including:
- whitespaces at end of lines
- indentation
- control structure usage
- whitespace in empty lines
- phpdoc comment formatting
2007-12-08 14:06:23 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#196667 (GHOP 45) by fberci: add '@ingroup themeable' to all themeable functions
2007-12-06 09:58:34 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #162381 by Heine et al: properly escape strings.
2007-11-28 10:29:21 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#120960 by blakehall, JirkaRybka, catch: improve usability of content editing permission names
2007-11-26 11:44:04 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#189009 by AjK: edit own poll permission was missing from poll module (although available for other content types)
2007-11-05 16:28:25 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #89196 by catch, keith, earnie, webchick et al: string massaging.
2007-10-25 15:32:56 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#184198 by Eaton: move button title change in polls to the theme, so it does not interfere with the cached form
2007-10-22 09:25:33 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#184867 by deekayen, catch and keith.smith: fix some spelling errors in our source code and messages printed
2007-10-21 18:59:02 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#184199 by quicksketch: proper weights for poll form fields, so the fields are not reordered
2007-10-17 19:36:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #155870 by quicksketch et al: AHAH-ification of the poll module.
2007-10-17 12:34:16 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#72487 by chx, pwolanin and moshe weitzman: let node_access() work on arbitrary users, so independent user access checks can be done in a request
2007-10-11 16:37:43 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#172642 by dvessel: block theme file name suggestion for poll nodes
2007-09-06 12:18:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #172836 by Crell: split poll module.
2007-09-05 08:33:16 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#170677 by chx: roll back poll data loading to the load operation
2007-08-30 17:01:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #168028 by dvessler, merlinofchaos, pwolanin et al: both theme functions and templates may need include files. Flush your caches.
2007-08-26 07:46:11 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#111127 by chx: cache node_load(), so heavy operations loading data from external sources and only invoked once (note that you should do everything dynamic in the view op, not the load op)
2007-08-25 09:25:49 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#110511 by bjaspan: poll listing page should have a 'count_sql' because the original query uses group by, so it is not countable properly
2007-08-09 10:37:41 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #163723 by Eaton and Frando: fix default page.tpl markup (and removed some whitespace).
2007-08-02 20:08:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #162871 by merlinofchaos: poll module cleanup + tplified the module.
2007-08-02 10:46:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Rollback of patch #147723 : delete API. Talked to Steven and Gabor and we
unanimously agreed to rollback the deletion API. We all support the
features this patch added, yet not its actual design and implementation.
After some talk, we decided that it would be better for Drupal -- in the
long term -- not to go with a solution that isn't 100%. We also recognize
that in the short term, this patch would have been useful addition. So
let's figure out how we can implement this properly in D7.
2007-07-01 17:41:16 +00:00
Gábor Hojtsy
#154064 by pwolanin: get hook_help() up to speed to menu changes, allowing router path based lookups, and also full path argument lookup with a passed argument array
2007-06-30 19:46:58 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#147723 : Deletion API (by hunmonk). Woop woop.
2007-06-22 05:44:21 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #146667 by Eaton: correct builder argument ordering, eliminate redundant arguments
2007-06-04 07:22:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #146470 by Eaton et al: standardize form API3 hook parameter order.
2007-05-28 06:08:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #142773 by kbahey: made Drupal work correctly when behind a reverse proxy.
2007-05-25 15:04:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #138706 by eaton, chx, webchick, yched et al: form api 3 ... yay. :)
2007-05-14 13:43:38 +00:00