Commit Graph

825 Commits (c6e6709878839e0639d73d7c1e4420a8008e8a33)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex Pott 93088f8720 Issue #2590059 by Sagar Ramgade, GoZ, sdstyles, jhodgdon: Fix double occurrence of prepositions 2015-10-15 11:02:38 +01:00
webchick 961bf74b9c Issue #2558927 by quietone, phenaproxima, lostkangaroo, anavarre: d6_imagecache_presets reports failure for missing table 2015-10-13 12:13:06 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8b65164c5a Issue #2533800 by alexpott: Remove all unused use statements from core 2015-10-08 20:46:26 +01:00
xjm bfb117c569 Issue #2487588 by YesCT, Leksat, Schnitzel, alexpott, anavarre, xjm: Move CMI import/export directory "staging" to "sync", as it is confused with staging environments 2015-10-05 18:29:54 -05:00
effulgentsia 866be5fb95 Issue #2476407 by borisson_, hussainweb, znerol, Fabianx, Wim Leers, dawehner, Crell, Berdir: Use CacheableResponseInterface to determine which responses should be cached 2015-10-05 15:09:09 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6e0225e304 Issue #2520540 by alexpott: Enforced configuration dependencies shouldn't have to be repeated in the calculated dependencies 2015-10-05 16:26:08 +01:00
webchick 5cb07837f8 Issue #2566771 by Cottser, mortendk, jstoller, LewisNyman, mdrummond, Gints Ērglis, sqndr, Chernous_dn, Manjit.Singh, axe312, emma.maria, davidhernandez, lauriii, jaxxed, akalata: [Voltron patch] Move all remaining *.theme.css to Classy 2015-09-30 13:56:54 -07:00
webchick 9fc8bba35e Issue #2573559 by phenaproxima, mikeryan: Remove MigrateDrupalTestBase::testSourcePlugin() 2015-09-30 11:43:24 -07:00
webchick 191aec4229 Issue #2500483 by svendecabooter, phenaproxima, lostkangaroo: Upgrade path for Image 7.x 2015-09-30 10:52:55 -07:00
webchick 8477f6b786 Issue #2554321 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, quietone, neclimdul, benjy: Clean up Migrate's test suite 2015-09-28 10:19:56 -07:00
Alex Pott d0c13760c6 Issue #2543258 by LKS90, hchonov, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, Berdir, yched, plach: Entity references of untranslatable fields are not displayed in the correct translation 2015-09-27 13:13:18 +02:00
Alex Pott 08b1d335b1 Issue #2511036 by martins.kajins, mdrummond, Cottser: image-widget.html.twig never gets used (image_widget gets overridden by FieldWidget::process) 2015-09-26 15:43:39 +02:00
catch c1aa46fbe6 Issue #2567183 by dawehner, pfrenssen, hussainweb: Re-export all built-in configuration in core 2015-09-23 12:37:12 +02:00
Alex Pott 6bfdc3bd5e Issue #2570355 by Sutharsan, stefan.r, kgoel, josephdpurcell, joelpittet, justAChris, dawehner, pfrenssen, pwolanin, David_Rothstein, catch: Replace remaining !placeholder and @placeholder with :placeholder for URLs 2015-09-22 08:16:37 +02:00
Alex Pott 10aa780193 Issue #2571945 by swentel: Remove !placeholder in image module 2015-09-21 17:42:48 +02:00
Alex Pott 7a25f513f5 Issue #2560783 by stefan.r, joelpittet, lauriii, Cottser, Sutharsan, kgoel, justAChris, Gábor Hojtsy, dawehner, jhodgdon, effulgentsia, xjm, andypost, googletorp: Replace !placeholder with :placeholder for URLs in hook_help() implementations 2015-09-21 12:38:19 +01:00
Alex Pott b37e84f08b Issue #1934568 by David_Rothstein, StryKaizer, borisson_, martin107, pwolanin, ofry, amitgoyal: Allow sites using the 'image_allow_insecure_derivatives' variable to have partial protection from the Drupal 7.20 security issue 2015-09-19 17:57:15 +01:00
Alex Pott 6a2778f406 Issue #2568427 by neclimdul: Fix migration yaml 2015-09-15 09:43:02 +01:00
webchick dc644d1df3 Issue #2565791 by mikeryan, subhojit777, quietone, phenaproxima: Fix migration labels 2015-09-10 10:29:44 -07:00
Alex Pott a351a02a4f Issue #2556731 by karmazzin: Remove usage of deprecated UrlGeneratorInterface::generateFromPath() from ImageStyleListBuilder::build() 2015-09-09 14:38:21 +01:00
Alex Pott 7b10e66693 Issue #2529560 by John Cook, dawehner, Xano, lauriii, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, nlisgo, Crell, plach, Fabianx: Expand support for link objects 2015-09-09 13:22:51 +01:00
Alex Pott e12fd0d08d Issue #2248501 by mbovan, Berdir: ImageItem should not have description and display properties 2015-09-07 12:08:10 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 42c9be9328 Issue #2560851 by alexpott, Xano: Deprecate EntityListBuilder::getLabel() and remove usages of SafeMarkup::checkPlain() 2015-09-02 13:18:50 +01:00
webchick e53688fa26 Issue #2560435 by mikeryan, phenaproxima: Need an API for retrieving migration messages 2015-09-01 12:53:03 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e580940021 Issue #2559605 by Cottser, stefan.r: Convert SafeMarkup::checkPlain() in render arrays to #plain_text 2015-08-31 08:45:25 +01:00
webchick d66acd1607 Issue #2130283 by phenaproxima, quietone, samhassell: Variable to config: image.settings [d7] 2015-08-28 14:22:15 -07:00
webchick d3f9129ad7 Issue #2510160 by lostkangaroo, neclimdul, phenaproxima: d6 Imagecache -> d8 Image module migration should be included in core 2015-08-27 14:17:57 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a7fc1a2728 Issue #2557871 by alexpott: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from template preprocess functions and attributes 2015-08-27 15:43:18 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 97ea6b5612 Issue #2551511 by alexpott, stefan.r, RavindraSingh, pjonckiere, JeroenT, Mariano: Remove SafeMarkup::set() from AllowedTagsXssTrait 2015-08-27 10:53:01 +01:00
Alex Pott 6c8fe4bdb4 Issue #2214241 by mortendk, mdrummond, lauriii, galooph, ShaunDychko, jjcarrion, b0unty, joelpittet, scor, amitgoyal, aboros, Manuel Garcia, hkirsman, BLadwin, hussainweb, sushilkr, emma.maria, nlisgo, yched, LewisNyman, davidhernandez, mikl, camoa, dman, dodorama: Field default markup - removing the divitis 2015-08-26 09:36:43 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 089e4f6bf7 Issue #2555259 by martin107, dawehner: Add config schema for image_convert image effect 2015-08-24 22:11:15 +01:00
Alex Pott 3d73a39c2c Issue #2546416 by borisson_, lauriii: Rename ViewUnitTestBase to ViewKernelTestBase 2015-08-18 15:36:01 +01:00
Alex Pott 457517fa1e Issue #2427213 by mortendk, andypost, jwilson3, pjbaert, corbacho, Manuel Garcia, Jeff Burnz, andrewmacpherson: Replace feed.png with feed.svg 2015-08-07 17:32:01 +01:00
Alex Pott 19f73693a9 Issue #1364670 by mondrake, mrfelton, dinarcon, das-peter, zuuperman, er.pushpinderrana, cchanana, drupaldrop, fietserwin: ImageStyle::transformDimensions unable to deal with all effects 2015-08-05 13:28:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 01e703d2a2 Issue #2473951 by Cottser, cilefen, yannickoo, davidhernandez, LewisNyman: Prefix form-required classes with js- 2015-08-04 11:54:55 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole f8629621bb Issue #2514044 by dawehner, stefan.r, alexpott: Do not use SafeMarkup::format in exceptions 2015-07-28 17:03:59 +01:00
Alex Pott 73585ec182 Issue #2392559 by mondrake, mitrpaka, JeroenT, rpayanm, adci_contributor, ianthomas_uk: Remove all uses of file_stream_wrapper_get_* and file_get_stream_wrappers 2015-07-14 08:24:29 +01:00
Alex Pott faada60f3d Issue #2321969 by rpayanm, subhojit777, prics, LinL, JeroenT, Temoor, prashantgoel, Mile23, pcambra, Sumi: Replace all instances of file_load(), file_load_multiple(), entity_load('file') and entity_load_multiple('file') with static method calls 2015-07-13 12:56:25 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a362252a2b Issue #2512718 by Berdir, pfrenssen, Wim Leers, Fabianx, dawehner, catch, effulgentsia, plach, Gábor Hojtsy: EntityManager::getTranslationFromContext() should add the content language cache context to the entity 2015-07-07 17:08:46 +01:00
Alex Pott d433aecf0a Issue #2508735 by darol100, dawehner, pwolanin, Chi, Fabianx, tim.plunkett: Code injection via preg_replace() 2015-07-01 12:30:50 +01:00
Alex Pott e044adb014 Issue #2509300 by dawehner, catch, larowlan: Path alias UI allows node/1 and /node/1 as system path then fatals 2015-06-29 18:15:19 +01:00
Alex Pott 1f53649bfb Issue #1392754 by tss, justAChris, jhodgdon: Comply with new documentation standards for @file for namespaced class files 2015-06-26 21:53:33 +01:00
Alex Pott 68d4f0be10 Issue #2511472 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, dawehner: Refactor all usages of drupal_render()/Renderer::render() that break #2450993 2015-06-24 16:31:20 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a1bc737216 Issue #1305882 by dawehner, nod_, Fabianx, Steven Jones, sun, nlisgo: drupal_html_id() considered harmful; remove ajax_html_ids to use GET (not POST) AJAX requests 2015-06-22 14:16:58 +01:00
Alex Pott fd23cc5cd0 Issue #2358409 by tien.xuan.vo, Haza: image_image field element is processed 2 times 2015-06-18 06:24:54 +01:00
xjm 0f88b173b4 Issue #2501827 by cwells, kgoel, jcloys, YesCT, crowdcg, Bojhan: Remove SafeMarkup::set() in file_save_upload() and allow render/template code to control a single-item list 2015-06-14 15:25:26 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 68e606c354 Issue #2502255 by dawehner, larowlan: Enable tags cache plugin by default for Views 2015-06-09 22:58:45 +01:00
Alex Pott 23e7b47779 Issue #2279105 by mgifford, nidaismailshah, thedavidmeister, amitgoyal, rpayanm, ameenkhan07, rakhimandhania, jhodgdon: Remove as many "..." and ellipsis characters from the codebase as possible without altering the meaning of text 2015-06-08 23:40:25 +01:00
Alex Pott 96aaa70ac9 Issue #2473943 by Manjit.Singh, Cottser, mu5a5hi, LewisNyman, mortendk, rteijeiro, rachel_norfolk: Prefix form-file and form-managed-file classes with js- 2015-06-08 22:53:52 +01:00
Alex Pott f3e2e68157 Issue #2489664 by sumitmadan, davidhernandez, Manjit.Singh, Cottser: Remove unnecessary markup from core templates, a.k.a. divitis 2015-06-02 17:41:21 +01:00
xjm 088f8b357a Issue #2491155 by mikeburrelljr, Mac_Weber, opdavies: Update and URLs in core modules (Follow-up to 2489912) 2015-05-24 15:08:46 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e0aae8c26a Issue #2432791 by alexpott, vijaycs85, tim.plunkett, joshtaylor, Fabianx, Berdir, yched, bojanz: Skip Config::save schema validation of config data for trusted data. 2015-05-05 11:47:16 +01:00
Alex Pott f8f024e3aa Issue #2030637 by yched, Mile23, daffie, Alumei, tidrif, chertzog, Berdir, swentel, ofry: Expand FieldConfig/BaseFieldOverride/FieldConfigBase with methods 2015-05-04 17:22:30 -07:00
xjm a6274c0f47 Issue #2350569 by webflo, alexpott, tim.plunkett: Allow external update of ConfigEntity properties that are associated with a PluginCollection 2015-04-26 15:19:18 -05:00
Alex Pott ec8033c1ce Issue #2453711 by rbmboogie: Use public: false for request and response policy services 2015-04-21 00:07:10 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole b986c827fb Issue #2368987 by Wim Leers, Berdir, Schnitzel, epari.siva, bircher, vijaycs85, likin: Move internal page caching to a module to avoid relying on config get on runtime 2015-04-17 11:54:56 +01:00
Alex Pott 9def61241e Issue #2388023 by GoZ: File/Image field formatters don't add a cache tag for the file they display 2015-04-16 14:36:07 +02:00
Alex Pott 454203f85f Issue #2469911 by joshi.rohit100: The edit image styles form's cancel link should be styled a a button 2015-04-14 17:58:43 +02:00
Alex Pott 1f9399f690 Issue #2321901 by JeroenT, epari.siva, unstatu, Temoor, lokapujya, LinL, pcambra, piyuesh23: Replace all instances of entity_load('image_style') and entity_load_multiple('image_style') with static method calls 2015-04-14 16:21:18 +02:00
Alex Pott a5b11ccf4a Issue #2464817 by amateescu: A few PHPUnit tests are not in the correct namespace 2015-04-03 14:12:33 +01:00
Alex Pott b58ab8cef8 Issue #2451789 by olli, jibran: Entity reference joins to the wrong base table in views 2015-04-02 10:43:32 +01:00
Alex Pott 95dc3178b5 Issue #2448503 by amateescu: Convert the "Field edit" form to an actual entity form 2015-04-01 14:04:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 030f536c0c Issue #2446869 by amateescu: Convert the "Field storage edit" form to an actual entity form 2015-03-31 16:46:22 +01:00
Alex Pott 5b19144783 Issue #2459971 by Gábor Hojtsy: The langcode key on configuration files is not explicit in configuration schema 2015-03-31 10:40:13 +01:00
webchick 70f8ac6f31 Issue #2457887 by prateekMehta, stefan.r, rpayanm, alexpott: Use Utility\SafeMarkup class instead of Utility\String for placeholder(), checkPlain(),format() functions 2015-03-29 15:13:25 -07:00
Alex Pott d87af02686 Issue #2303765 by davidhernandez, larowlan, mgifford: Make the default 'alt' attribute for Image fields required 2015-03-22 14:12:54 +00:00
Alex Pott eaffcfc511 Issue #2451885 by Gábor Hojtsy: Config entities need to ship with language or are assumed undefined 2015-03-17 08:28:57 +00:00
Alex Pott 59388d8c46 Issue #2433281 by neclimdul, mrjmd: Move Role Constants on to a Class/Interface 2015-03-14 21:50:47 +00:00
catch 78d22bc728 Issue #2448213 by alexpott: Remove admin templates from Classy 2015-03-11 08:28:47 +00:00
Alex Pott 28e35f6517 Issue #2414539 by webflo, vijaycs85: Simplify schema definition for sequence 2015-03-09 08:23:40 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6ba9484cee Issue #2373491 by amateescu, jibran: Categorize field type plugins 2015-03-06 11:40:26 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bed817c98e Issue #2446127 by mikey_p: Fix misnamed page_cache_response_policy services 2015-03-06 10:38:42 +00:00
webchick ebcca481ee Issue #2429447 by dawehner, jhodgdon, xjm, jibran: Use data table as views base table, if available 2015-03-06 08:46:35 +11:00
Alex Pott 27f0b0f114 Issue #2425637 by pcambra, swentel: ConfigEntityInterface should extend ThirdPartySettingsInterface 2015-02-27 16:41:49 +00:00
Alex Pott ef0cb6e091 Issue #2405469 by yched, googletorp, amateescu, larowlan, Berdir: FileFormatterBase should extend EntityReferenceFormatterBase 2015-02-27 11:47:51 +00:00
Alex Pott 2f1345a9ec Issue #2421699 by JeroenT: Remove usage of deprecated functions of WebTestBase 2015-02-18 12:39:20 +00:00
Alex Pott 61eae01613 Issue #2091337 by genjohnson, no_angel, jhodgdon, ifrik, thijsvdanker, theMusician, amitgoyal: Update hook_help for Image module 2015-02-17 16:17:51 +00:00
Alex Pott cd57d598a4 Issue #1906264 by mgifford, mitsuroseba, blueminds, johanv, claudiu.cristea, kattekrab, amitgoyal, Required alt tag missing on image alt tag input 2015-02-13 17:04:35 +00:00
Alex Pott eebf624a3b Issue #2030633 by hussainweb, Mile23, carsonevans, czigor, Berdir, fernando_calsa, Geijutsuka, amitgoyal, Jānis Bebrītis, undertext: Expand FieldStorageConfig with methods 2015-02-10 13:39:31 +00:00
Alex Pott 4210a02bea Issue #2417625 by geertvd, yannickoo: "Column not found" when adding file relationship 2015-02-09 10:42:38 +00:00
webchick 7c05a8b5db Issue #2420751 by Wim Leers, mondrake, attiks: ImageEffectBase::transformDimensions() should have a sane default implementation 2015-02-06 09:20:55 -08:00
Alex Pott 16d3e1cb3d Issue #2349687 by mortendk, LewisNyman, lauriii, runand: Copy image templates to Classy 2015-02-06 13:34:59 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 02b9e08b7a Issue #2361775 by alexpott, swentel: Third party settings dependencies cause config entity deletion 2015-02-04 13:07:28 +00:00
Alex Pott f46d6ad949 Issue #2358079 by pwolanin, Berdir: Require a specific placeholder format in db_query() in order to trigger argument expansion, and require explicit 'IN' parameter for conditions 2015-02-03 09:42:28 +00:00
webchick e69cd76706 Issue #2416763 by xjm, Wim Leers, effulgentsia: Convert Url::fromUri() base:// scheme to base: 2015-01-30 15:15:21 -08:00
Alex Pott 9be3165caf Issue #1728804 by Berdir: Introduce (Content)EntityDeleteForm and children to handle entity deletions 2015-01-30 10:46:14 +00:00
webchick 0fb9bb5474 Issue #2364157 by mpdonadio, dawehner, martin107, Berdir, pcambra, naveenvalecha, tim.plunkett: Replace most existing _url calls with Url objects 2015-01-29 20:56:19 -08:00
Alex Pott a2ea305b62 Issue #2142653 by corbacho, sqndr, LewisNyman, floretan, BarisW, G-raph, JamesLefrère, lokapujya, LoMo, Outi: Change default logo filetype to .svg and add an SVG version of Druplicon 2015-01-22 10:55:30 +00:00
Alex Pott 3d14a7d25a Issue #2401505 by Berdir, jibran, larowlan: Add an entity collection template for lists 2015-01-19 09:37:11 +00:00
Alex Pott 28977ae6fd Issue #2350837 by dawehner, Berdir, larowlan, Wim Leers: Convert most usages of EntityInterface::getSystemPath() to use routes 2015-01-17 09:13:34 +00:00
Alex Pott 9fd145fcb3 Issue #2396687 by hussainweb: Clean-up image module test members - ensure property definition and use of camelCase naming convention 2015-01-15 11:39:48 +00:00
Alex Pott 5859ca2cf2 Issue #2040135 by Wim Leers, Berdir: Caches dependent on simple config are only invalidated on form submissions 2015-01-15 09:36:26 +00:00
Alex Pott 77725b6084 Issue #2281645 by dawehner, andypost: Make entity annotations use link templates instead of route names 2015-01-13 10:32:23 +00:00
webchick 06bed5c795 Issue #2399931 by dawehner, yched: Generic entity api field handler should live in views module not in field module 2015-01-06 09:20:24 -08:00
webchick 082b123fa2 Revert "Issue #2399931 by dawehner, yched: Generic entity api field handler should live in views module not in field module"
Oops. Wrong patch!

This reverts commit 938051c41d.
2015-01-06 09:19:27 -08:00
webchick 938051c41d Issue #2399931 by dawehner, yched: Generic entity api field handler should live in views module not in field module 2015-01-06 09:18:24 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0485e555a4 Issue #2357801 by dawehner, amitgoyal: File field default values are not deployable -- use UUIDs for the default file 2015-01-06 13:50:10 +00:00
Alex Pott 057b0cabaf Issue #2232477 by plach, yched, tstoeckler, amateescu: Fatal when adding new fields with NOT NULL constraints in a base table that contains existing entities 2015-01-02 21:39:42 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 95d4c594b0 Issue #2395395 by alexpott, effulgentsia, Gábor Hojtsy: TestBase lacks a config method to be used consistently in tests 2014-12-23 15:11:54 +00:00
Alex Pott 970ea07c17 Revert "Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, dawehner, xjm, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator"
This reverts commit 0bcabf50e0.
2014-12-13 21:44:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 0bcabf50e0 Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, dawehner, xjm, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator 2014-12-13 18:20:19 +01:00
webchick 1419122c76 Issue #2183983 by Gábor Hojtsy, vijaycs85, Berdir, Wim Leers, webflo, alexpott: Find hidden configuration schema issues 2014-12-11 12:43:20 -08:00
Alex Pott 348a681b10 Issue #2391245 by Gábor Hojtsy, Wim Leers: Resolve remaining misc issues with configuration schema fails 2014-12-11 18:56:48 +01:00
Alex Pott 4acf770cb4 Issue #2384535 by rpayanm, fernando_calsa, areke, Sharique: Make the class variables protected for ImageStyle 2014-12-04 12:14:47 +00:00
Alex Pott 5e83b6c6e3 Issue #2363077 by stefan.korn, eojthebrave: Max and min resolution not working 2014-12-04 11:05:04 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 596978a71d Issue #2378095 by Wim Leers, Devin Carlson: Convert all remaining attached individual CSS/JS assets to attached asset libraries 2014-11-28 20:51:14 +00:00
Alex Pott b71d7e6a52 Issue #2350723 by rjacobs: State toggles for Enable alt/title and Require alt/title not functioning 2014-11-25 13:20:43 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 7822393c30 Issue #2370305 by Gábor Hojtsy, yched: Refactor field type configuration schemas for DX, easier to find errors 2014-11-24 22:17:32 +00:00
Alex Pott dd1350fb63 Issue #2378055 by Gábor Hojtsy: Reorganise config schema for entity_form_display / entity_view_display 2014-11-21 23:38:41 +00:00
Alex Pott 3741a5e255 Issue #1433796 by hampercm, claudiu.cristea, joshi.rohit100, gitesh.koli, undertext, yoroy, larowlan, rpayanm, opratr, jaffaralia, webbykat, nmudgal: Link to images styles from image field display settings 2014-11-21 10:59:54 +00:00
Alex Pott 49b1c1d7a8 Issue #2376899 by Gábor Hojtsy: ImageFieldTestBase::createImageField() takes a description in field settings errorneously 2014-11-20 10:34:00 +00:00
Alex Pott 633d84281a Issue #2339151 by EclipseGc, tim.plunkett, Gábor Hojtsy, effulgentsia: Conditions / context system does not allow for multiple configurable contexts, eg. language types 2014-11-19 21:03:06 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 03d3d538c5 Issue #2368349 by Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott: Entity view and form display configuration schemas are too verbose / key ones missing 2014-11-19 12:26:05 +00:00
Alex Pott 91c38c8f98 Issue #2328111 by dawehner, martin107, neclimdul: Replace most instances of the DRUPAL_ROOT constant with the app.root container parameter. 2014-11-17 12:20:57 +00:00
Alex Pott 5c3a1c67ad Issue #2322509 by prics, cilefen, gaurav.goyal, harijari, Temoor: Replace all instances of node_load(), node_load_multiple(), entity_load('node') and entity_load_multiple('node') with static method calls. 2014-11-09 23:40:48 -08:00
Alex Pott 789de472d0 Issue #2354597 by esod, YesCT, vadim.hirbu, ashutoshsngh: Remove usage of form_set_value(). 2014-11-07 12:05:32 -08:00
Alex Pott 12ba160d0a Issue #2361797 by rpayanm, Palashvijay4O, er.pushpinderrana: Remove usage of drupal_strlen(). 2014-11-05 09:24:11 +00:00
Alex Pott 80eccb1896 Issue #2361823 by rpayanm, javivf: Remove usage of drupal_strtolower(). 2014-11-03 16:13:43 +00:00
Alex Pott 69be11ebad Issue #2326875 by tim.plunkett, iMiksu | almaudoh: Convert file_element_info() to Element classes. 2014-10-22 09:57:33 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 985edb1548 Issue #2351847 by damiankloip: Fixed Rename getCacheTag() to getCacheTags(). 2014-10-21 09:46:57 +01:00
Alex Pott 22c82583c9 Issue #2246647 by mpdonadio, cilefen, YesCT, tim.plunkett: Rename PluginBag to LazyPluginCollection. 2014-10-17 22:06:53 +01:00
Alex Pott 8f3f79ad34 Issue #2304969 by pwolanin, cilefen, Berdir, Devin Carlson, klausi: Fixed Port private files access bypass from SA-CORE-2014-003. 2014-10-15 11:24:55 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bf49837832 Issue #2028109 by tim.plunkett, almaudoh, twistor, larowlan, slashrsm, Berdir, Arla, neclimdul, Cottser: Convert hook_stream_wrappers() to tagged services. 2014-10-14 12:06:10 +01:00
webchick 0366f4be91 Issue #2330899 by attiks, Jelle_S, fietserwin: Allow image effects to change the MIME type + extension, add a convert image effect. 2014-10-10 08:26:40 -07:00
webchick 4724ae1d1f Issue #2246675 by rpayanm, johnstorey, holly.ross.drupal | mgbellaire: Remove all unnecessary 'template' lines in hook_theme() declarations. 2014-10-09 11:41:26 -07:00
Alex Pott 195d49998a Issue #2347465 by tim.plunkett, dawehner, cilefen: Convert all instances of #type link/links to convert to use routes. 2014-10-09 07:39:37 +01:00
Alex Pott af221c8f01 Issue #2308549 by mgifford: Added Document accessibility features in Image. 2014-10-05 17:41:19 +02:00
Alex Pott 84cad37f29 Issue #2346101 by realityloop: Fixed Alternate text should be called Alternative text. 2014-10-05 17:03:25 +02:00
Alex Pott 82d059aaef Issue #2248505 by leevingo, Berdir: Improve property definition labels. 2014-10-04 13:54:49 +02:00
Alex Pott 2bccde8fd7 Issue #2329771 by davidhernandez, lauriii, pakmanlh: Move image classes from preprocess to templates. 2014-10-02 12:19:49 +02:00
Alex Pott b653ff81be Issue #2343841 by tripper54: Fixed Remove broken link to 2014-10-01 18:16:54 +02:00
Alex Pott 002ae719c9 Issue #2343661 by larowlan, tim.plunkett | xjm: Rename l() to _l() and url() to _url(), and document replacements. 2014-09-30 10:10:00 +02:00
Alex Pott 420248266f Issue #2344821 by yched: Unify 'name' / 'field_name' in FieldConfig / FieldStorageConfig. 2014-09-28 18:36:18 +02:00
webchick a6492ce9d9 Issue #2343651 by xjm, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, dinarcon, dawehner: Remove most remaining l() calls. 2014-09-28 00:21:34 -07:00
webchick 0eda196d46 Issue #2340251 by iMiksu, alexpott, tim.plunkett, dawehner, Wim Leers: Remove most remaining url() calls. 2014-09-27 00:03:46 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 1cbe233f83 Issue #657166 by mgifford, TR, Haza, cs_shadow, heaths1: Use × instead of x. 2014-09-26 12:05:09 +01:00
webchick b79faf63ba Issue #2215369 by fietserwin, svanou: Fixed PHP 5.5 imagerotate() fails when incorrect color indices are passed in. 2014-09-22 20:37:14 -07:00
Alex Pott fb6c562c9e Issue #2263981 by znerol, beejeebus: Introduce a robust and extensible page cache-policy framework. 2014-09-20 11:14:29 +01:00
webchick 1476c56c62 Issue #2312093 by alexpott, yched, andypost, swentel | xjm: Rename FieldInstanceConfig to FieldConfig. 2014-09-19 19:45:52 -07:00
Alex Pott 52a101bc1d Issue #2328411 by dawehner, geerlingguy, herom: Convert all permissions to yml files and permission callbacks. 2014-09-18 08:41:29 +01:00
Alex Pott 179e7c2bd1 Issue #2337709 by tim.plunkett: Convert form_state_values_clean() to FormStateInterface::cleanValues(). 2014-09-16 12:16:27 +01:00
Alex Pott f070288cce Issue #2143653 by swentel, tstoeckler, yoroy | ifrik: Added Show default image on image field. 2014-09-15 14:22:51 +01:00
Alex Pott 5de9e40727 Issue #2199637 by Berdir, sun, swentel: Replace "required" flag of Field module with proper dependencies. 2014-09-13 15:22:42 +01:00
Alex Pott d39c014754 Issue #2334383 by jbrown, ashutoshsngh, er.pushpinderrana: Remove usage of form_error(). 2014-09-12 19:57:00 +01:00
Alex Pott 6d8e333e95 Issue #999338 by lauriii, joelpittet, Sir-Arturio, mgifford, mlncn, alarcombe, sun | Eric_A: Fixed theme_image() alt attribute cannot be passed in $variables['attributes'] . 2014-09-12 16:58:23 +01:00
webchick dbed0b48cd Issue #2335659 by tim.plunkett, dawehner, effulgentsia, sun: Remove FormState ArrayAccess usage from core. 2014-09-11 23:41:27 -07:00
Alex Pott 360af27e0e Issue #1664268 by droplet, G-raph, csakiistvan: Drop some browser specific prefixes. 2014-09-11 17:57:14 +01:00
Alex Pott 535c590988 Issue #2123225 by Jelle_S, attiks, Risse, bradklaver | Wim Leers: Fixed Do not upscale by default. 2014-09-11 12:16:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 840cd4c885 Issue #2318281 by tim.plunkett, dawehner | kim.pepper: Provide a standard way to check a plugin is an instance of the required interface. 2014-09-10 12:58:56 +01:00
Alex Pott ee6ddbe8ac Issue #2332389 by tim.plunkett: Finish adding methods to FormStateInterface. 2014-09-10 09:53:11 +01:00
Alex Pott fe85f9be3c Issue #2320157 by moshe weitzman, Wim Leers, penyaskito, tim.plunkett: Generate placeholder content for Field types. 2014-09-09 22:15:21 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 4c8576c3f0 Issue #2022875 by Berdir, alexpott, Xano, swentel, tim.plunkett, Resolve difference between submitForm(), submit(), and save() in EntityFormController. 2014-09-09 14:01:03 +01:00
Alex Pott 73b0592ffe Issue #2084985 by mondrake: Added Implement ThirdPartySettingsInterface in ImageStyle. 2014-09-09 11:05:34 +01:00
Alex Pott 27b28ea4a6 Issue #2319159 by mondrake | alexpott: Fixed Crop anchor selector does not work. 2014-09-08 15:08:54 +01:00
webchick dcc880bc10 Issue #2326719 by plach, effulgentsia: Move pseudo-private table mapping functions from ContentEntityDatabaseStorage to public API of DefaultTableMapping. 2014-08-29 15:38:20 -07:00
webchick de5fe262f2 Issue #2318087 by tim.plunkett: Replace ['input'] with FormState::getUserInput(). 2014-08-23 12:18:55 -07:00
Alex Pott cd65494f73 Issue #2318297 by fietserwin: Rotate effect: do not use html entity for 'degree' but its unicode character. 2014-08-22 18:21:34 +01:00
Alex Pott 629ebca291 Issue #1976158 by Berdir | msonnabaum: Rename entity storage/list/form/render "controllers" to handlers. 2014-08-22 12:59:25 +01:00
Alex Pott 7fff6e850a Issue #2297875 by herom, bfr: Replace calls to form_set_error() to $form_state->setErrorByName(). 2014-08-22 02:04:33 +01:00
Alex Pott 01372dd529 Issue #2323521 by herom: Fixed a couple of t() calls in core. 2014-08-20 17:28:00 +01:00
Alex Pott d11fff212a Issue #2290267 by jhodgdon: Image-related plugin classes need more docs links. 2014-08-20 16:29:27 +01:00
Alex Pott a7364b37de Issue #2324113 by penyaskito: Move Drupal/Core/Utility/Color to Drupal/Component/Utility/Color. 2014-08-20 15:52:22 +01:00
Alex Pott c281ef5a38 Issue #2322377 by slashrsm | roald.umandal: Fixed No validation for default image. 2014-08-18 18:08:20 +01:00
Alex Pott 0463b81a08 Issue #2322889 by sun: Fixed Various setUp() and tearDown() methods are not protected. 2014-08-18 16:50:50 +01:00
Alex Pott cdab062b60 Issue #2307053 by mondrake: Fixed Rotate effect UI does not allow to set background color to transparent. 2014-08-11 08:46:10 -05:00
Alex Pott 83fa87f8ae Issue #1938910 by JeroenT, Temoor, gnuget, pratik60, dsnopek, Brandonian | duellj: Convert image theme tables to table #type. 2014-08-11 08:44:02 -05:00
Alex Pott 8196034a57 Issue #2316533 by tim.plunkett: Add getValue/setValue/hasValue and isValueEmpty to FormState. 2014-08-08 11:25:54 -05:00
Alex Pott 9eac446013 Issue #1676910 by cs_shadow, penyaskito, lokeoke | xjm: Rename randomName() to randomMachineName(). 2014-08-06 09:50:23 +01:00
Alex Pott 627a719a7f Issue #2189661 by tim.plunkett: Replace $form_state['redirect_route'] with setRedirect(). 2014-08-06 09:05:02 +01:00
Alex Pott 8170deca0a Issue #2314873 by undertext, Crell: Standardize image style entity route names. 2014-08-05 10:39:25 +01:00
webchick 73a65a3605 Issue #2313397 by tim.plunkett: Replace FormBuilderInterface::setValue() with FormStateInterface::setValueForElement(). 2014-08-04 10:23:18 -07:00
Alex Pott 537457b512 Issue #2308821 by tim.plunkett: Replace FormErrorInterface with $form_state->setErrorByName() and $form_state->setError(). 2014-08-04 11:19:36 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a91ef2b853 Issue #2272481 by herom, ParisLiakos, tim.plunkett: Remove usages of watchdog() from forms, plugins and controllers. 2014-07-31 13:46:06 +01:00
Dries fc5e111aca Issue #2225353 by tim.plunkett: Convert to an object and provide methods like setError(). 2014-07-30 20:50:42 -04:00
Alex Pott 59c3c9757c Issue #2305023 by dawehner: Fixed Rename getCancelRoute to getCancelUrl. 2014-07-25 15:44:31 +01:00
Alex Pott 64387e5c5e Issue #2078473 by blueminds | Berdir: Added Use entity access API for checking access to private files. 2014-07-24 16:35:27 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a57630c83d Issue #2287727 by yched, swentel, alexpott: Rename Field[instance]Config classes and entity types (again). 2014-07-18 19:56:27 +01:00
Alex Pott 87e675f09b Issue #1825952 by Fabianx, joelpittet, bdragon, heddn, chx, xjm, pwolanin, mikey_p, ti2m, bfr, dags, cilefen, scor, mgifford: Turn on twig autoescape by default 2014-07-18 10:05:22 +01:00
Alex Pott 697991fade Issue #2073759 by mondrake, fietserwin, claudiu.cristea: Convert toolkit operations to plugins. 2014-07-17 23:18:18 +01:00
Alex Pott b560f348bd Issue #2303605 by cilefen: Rename *.menu_links.yml to * files to improve DX. 2014-07-16 23:39:40 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e25a1ec76b Issue #2295737 by Gábor Hojtsy, vijaycs85, alexpott: Fixed Not all shipped configuration passes validation even with all modules enabled. 2014-07-16 14:27:26 +01:00
Alex Pott f2b6aa7a75 Issue #2291137 by cilefen | webchick: Rename various *links.yml files to improve DX. 2014-07-15 12:29:14 +01:00
Alex Pott 5ffb1d3cfe Issue #2216535 by jhodgdon, Berdir: Replace Node overview topic and Node API topic with Entity Hooks topic. 2014-07-11 13:04:53 +01:00
webchick 30c2afed20 Issue #697760 by sun: Replace getInfo() in tests with native phpDoc + annotations (following PHPUnit). 2014-07-10 20:50:37 -07:00
Alex Pott 8bc9c2e524 Issue #2297201 by slashrsm: Fixed Wrong return type on ImageStyleInterface::setName(). 2014-07-07 14:44:10 +01:00
Alex Pott 8878f6b107 Issue #2286837 by ParisLiakos, damiankloip: Remove drupal_get_hash_salt(). 2014-07-07 11:48:03 +01:00
Alex Pott 0dc696df7a Issue #2218463 by znerol, damiankloip, rbayliss: Fixed Private file and image style downloads throw 500 error when page cache is active. 2014-07-06 18:29:47 +01:00
webchick 94e0188a10 Issue #2294129 by xjm, tim.plunkett: Switch hook_help() to use RouteMatch instead of Request. 2014-06-29 20:33:08 -07:00
webchick 5cd540a56d Issue #2286681 by alexpott, tim.plunkett: Fixed Make public properties on ConfigEntityBase protected. 2014-06-27 08:09:42 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole dbb3bb005c Issue #2257587 by fietserwin: Remove parameter in calls between and within Image and toolkit. 2014-06-26 12:26:01 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 86e432e05e Issue #2143291 by plach, alexpott, xjm, effulgentsia, pwolanin, swentel | yched: Clarify handling of field translatability. 2014-06-20 18:40:27 +01:00
Dries e9bb4a20e4 Issue #2172241 by swentel, webflo | ivanjaros: Fixed Files and image widgets completely broken. 2014-06-18 22:03:01 +02:00
webchick 40942c7412 Issue #2282125 by joshi.rohit100, mtift: Fixed Remove instances of '@return self'. 2014-06-15 23:42:31 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0c33183a9e Issue #2256679 by alexpott, tim.plunkett: Fixed Use config schema to determine which config entity properties to export regardless of whether they are public or protected. 2014-06-14 10:03:25 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 4e3ee43e76 Issue #2228763 by larowlan, alexpott, martin107, jessebeach, xjm: Create a comment-type config entity and use that as comment bundles, require selection in field settings form. 2014-06-13 10:34:04 +01:00
webchick 9f47a87405 Issue #1898420 by mondrake, joelpittet, InternetDevels, claudiu.cristea, c4rl, DamienMcKenna, Albert Volkman, shanethehat, thedavidmeister: Image.module - Convert theme_ functions to Twig. 2014-06-12 19:52:19 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bc7e413dfb Issue #2281905 by Berdir: Stop caching plugin discovery/info hooks by language. 2014-06-12 10:10:59 +01:00
Alex Pott ae8eb106ef Issue #2211227 by mondrake, xjm | fietserwin: Refactor image and imagetoolkit: isExisting, isSupported, supportedTypes, getMimeType. 2014-06-09 09:48:54 -05:00
Alex Pott 6bf9738ab6 Issue #2251223 by tim.plunkett: ConfigurableImageEffectInterface should use ConfigurablePluginInterface and PluginFormInterface. 2014-06-08 17:37:06 -05:00
webchick c993e0df92 Issue #1079116 by fearlsgroove, joachim, ryanissamson, manarth, katherined, droppinshucks, BiigNiick | fietserwin: Fixed Inaccurate text: Images must be smaller than !max pixels. 2014-06-06 14:49:10 -05:00