Here's a new patch that unifies the node/52 and book/view/52 paths for nodes. It involves a small change to hook_view(), which is discussed first:
Currently hook_view() expects node modules to return a themed node. However, each module does this the same way; they modify $node as necessary, then call theme('node', $node) and return the result. We can refactor this so that the calling function node_view() calls theme('node') instead. By doing this, it becomes possible for hook_nodeapi('view') to be called after hook_view() where the node contents are filtered, and before theme('node') where the body is enclosed in other HTML. This way the book module can insert its navigation into the body right before the theming.
Advantages of this refactoring:
- I can use it for book.module to remove the extra viewing path.
- The function of hook_nodeapi('view') becomes more like hook_view(), as neither will expect a return value.
- We more closely follow the flow of other nodeapi calls, which usually directly follow their corresponding specific node type hooks (instead of preceding them).
- The attachment.module people could use it to append their attachments in a list after the node.
- Gabor could use it instead of his filter perversion for his "articles in a series" module.
- A little less code in each view hook.
- The content hook is no longer needed, so that means even less code.
- Any modules written to use nodeapi('view') could be affected (but these would all be post-4.4 modules).
- Implementations of hook_view() would need to be updated (but return values would be ignored, so most would work without updates anyway).
Now the patch takes advantage of this API shift to inject its navigation at the end of all book nodes, regardless of the viewing path. In fact, since the paths become identical, I've removed the book/view handler entirely. We should probably provide an .htaccess rewrite for this (one is still needed for node/view/nn anyway). At the same time, there is a check in book_block() that shows the block appropriately on these pages.
Currently pager_query() is the black sheep of the database query family, because it does not allow for printf-style arguments to be inserted in the query. This is a problem because it introduces developer confusion when moving from an unpaged query to a paged one, and it encourages substitution of variables directly into the query, which can bypass our check_query() security feature.
This patch adds this ability to pager_query(). The change is backwards-compatible, but a couple calls to the function in core have been changed to use the new capability.
Changes are as follows:
"maintain personal blog" -> "edit own blog" (aggregator.module, blog.module, blogapi.module)
"maintain personal pages" -> "edit own pages" (page.module)
"maintain personal stories" -> "edit own stories (story.module)
* The _validate hook and the _nodeapi('validate') hook of the node API (1) no longer take an 'error' parameter and (2) should no longer return an error array. To set an error, call form_set_error().
* The _form hook of the node module no longer takes a form hook and should not worry about displaying errors. Ditto for _nodeapi('form_post') and _nodeapi('form_pre').
+ Introduced tabs. First, we extended the menu system to support tabs. Next, a tab was added for every link that was (1) an administrative action other than the implicit 'view' (2) relevant to that particular page only. This is illustrated by the fact that all tabs are verbs and that clicking a page's tab leads you to a subpage of that page.
+ Flattened the administration menu. The tabs helped simplify the navigation menu as I could separate 'actions' from 'navigation'. In addition, I removed the 'administer > configuration'-menu, renamed 'blocks' to 'sidebars' which I hope is a bit more descriptive, and made a couple more changes. Earlier, we already renamed 'taxonomy' to 'categorization' and we move 'statistics' under 'logs'.
+ Grouped settings. All settings have been grouped under 'administer > settings'.
+ Update core themes: only Xtemplate default supports tabs and even those look ugly. Need help.
+ Update contributed modules. The menu() hook changed drastically. Updating your code adhere the new menu() function should be 90% of the work. Moreover, ensure that your modue's admin links are still valid and that URLs to node get updated to the new scheme ('node/view/x' -> 'node/x').
administrators will be able to define a custom 403 page, just as they
can define 404 pages now.
This needs to be documented in the "Changes since / migrating to ..."
configurable! Menu items can be disabled, repositioned, added and
so on.
Upgrading to requires you to run update.php.
This functionality depricates some of the 'navigation modules' in the
contributions repository. Furthermore, modules can now 'suggest'
menu items and site adminstrators can choose to enable them. Modules
in the contributions repository should try to take advantage of this.
+ Updated the _user() hook's "$type == 'view'" case to match the
"$type == 'edit'" case. That is, both have to return an associtive
array of the format array('category' => 'fields').
+ Updated the profile pages to group fields by category. Made possible
thanks to the above change.
+ Moved logic out of the theme_ functions.
+ Added a 'created' field to the users table and renamed the 'timestamp'
fied to 'changed' (cfr. node table). Update.php will try to determine
a 'created' timestamp for existing users.
+ The profile module no longer uses serialized data but has its own set
of tables. Known existing profile data is migrated by these new tables.
TODO: migrate the birthday field.
+ The profile fields can be grouped, and within each group, profile fields
can be sorted using weights.
+ The profile pages can be themed.
+ The profiles can be browsed based on certain properties/settings.
+ Change the _user hook: (i) 'private_view' and 'public_view' are merged
into 'view' as there are no private fields and (ii) 'edit_form' has
been renamed to 'edit'.
+ Avatar handling has been refactored and is now part of the user module.
The users table has a dedicted 'picture' field.
+ Simplified the way themes should use display/visualize pictures or
+ Made it possible for administrators to replace or delete avatars.
+ ...
I hope this make for a good base to build on collectively.
- Adds drupal_set_header() and drupal_get_headers().
- Cache now stores custom headers.
- Replace theme_head() with drupal_get_html_head(), added drupal_set_html_head().
- Added RSS autodiscover links to node, blog and taxonomy pages.
- Added support for new tags:
+ Optinal feed image: <image> tag.
+ Dublin core dates: <dc:date> <dcterms:created>, <dcterms:issued>,
- Usability improvements:
+ On the administration page, made the feed/bundle titles link
to the feeds/bundles' pages. On the feed/bundle's page, made
the 'Last updated' field link to the administration page.
+ Moved the 'syndication' menu one level down.
- Updated some content sensitive help.
- Further improved themeability.
- Fixed some invalid HTML.
+ removes the lots of pagers and indirect pager themeing
+ add the theme_pager() function, which should be called as
theme("pager", ...) to get a pager.
Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
by the theme.
- Improvement: removed a left-over from Drupal 4.2.0 (dead code).
- Improvement: replaced hard-coded XHTML around the XML icons with class="xml-icon".
- Improvement: removed the custom navigation menus shown at the top of the "user information page" and integrated them in the new navigation block. The "my account" link in the navigation menu will unfold. Also removed the "delete account" link/functionality (for now).
- Improvement: fix for "magic quotes" settings. Patch by Steven. I also removed check_php_settings().
- Improvement: block themability improvements. Modified patch from Ax and Steve/CodeMonkeyX.
- Fixed bug #2617: editing user information does not work. Patch by Kjartan.
called but will be as soon the remaining links have been transformed to use
the menu system.)
- Made sure the menu does not render links with no callback and no children.
Like this, the 'create content' link is not being shown when the user has
no permission to add any content.