+ made some improvements to the node access checks
- queue module:
+ form()-ified the queue module and added some extra information
or guidelines
+ added a few missing translations
+ ...
+ Added the "delete node"-link: apparently it got lost during the last
commit. Odd.
+ Changed "Edit node" to "Edit <node_name>" on the 'edit node'-page of
the admin section. (There a 4 "Node"s that still need to be removed
+ Updated the initial submission page (the old submit.php) to include
some descriptions.
+ Changed node_form() to use good ol' tables instead of div/CSS-tags.
+ Revised the "revision API": I think we have both an easy and powerful
API now that should make everyone happy.
+ Improved the usability of the rollback functionality a bit.
+ Removed the "view node" link from the "node overview" page in the
admin section and added a "delete node" link instead.
+ Added a few missing translations; there might be missing more
translations though.
- book.module:
+ Made the book module use the "revision API" instead of having it poke
and use the innards and underlying details of the revision system.
- queue.module:
+ Made the queue module use the improved revision number.
- module.inc:
+ Applied Moshe's patch: added more arguments to module_invoke()
- mail-to-sql.pl:
+ Added support for more header fields and for folded fields
- no database updates required
+ fixed a typo in node_load(): it should be faster now
- book module:
+ removed the functions book_parent() and book_parent_query() as
they were no longer needed. Gerhard & co: this should fix the
occasional SQL errors you get, and should improve performance.
+ made the "next", "previous" and "up" links work correctly ...
+ XHTML-ified the code
+ added some missing translations
I'm working on the book module now to make it possible to update book
Drupal to display submission guidelines, or any other kind of explanation
such as "NO TEST POSTS", for example.
- Added node versioning: it is possible to create revisions, to view old
revisions and to roll-back to older revisions. You'll need to apply a
SQL update.
I'm going to work on the book module now, so I might be changing a few
things to enable collaborative, moderated revisions - but feel free to
send some first feedback, if you like.
- Added some configuration options which can be used to set the minimum
number of words a blog/story should consist of. Hopefully this will
be usefull to stop the (almost empty) test blogs.
- Various improvements:
+ Fine-tuned new node permission system.
+ Fine-tuned the functions in node.inc.
+ Fine-tuned some forms.
+ XHTML-ified some code.
+ introduced basic node permissions ("create", "delete", "update" and
"view") at the node level: it's up to the "<$node->type>_module" to
hide gory details (if any).
+ made the "blog it"-feature in the blog and import module work with
the new node system, in specific with the new centralized forms.
+ made it possible to update blogs.
+ made the page module work with the new node system.
+ various smaller improvements.
Example: set site_frontpage to "node" and site_frontpage_extra to
"$meta = 'news'" and only nodes with that meta tag will be displayed on
your main page.
This requires some internal knowledge of how the various modules work
and what settings can be passed to <module>_page() functions.
'updates/3.00-to.x.xx.mysql' for the required MySQL updates.
- Renamed some "author" fields to "uid" fields for sake of consistency.
- Fixed the coding style of some PHP files.
- Fixed the moderation queue (fairly untested though).
- Re-introduced the temporary SQL table in _node_get().
- Added a missing 'auto_increment' to 'updates/3.00-to-x.xx.mysql'.
tables: I changed all "id"s to "xid"s where "x" is the first letter of
the table name. I also renamed all remaining "userid"s to "uid"s as I
mentioned I would do. Take a look at ./drupal/updates/3.00-to-x.xx.sql
for the MySQL updates.
range of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and others.
For additional information and an 'how to upgrade', check the mails
sent to the mailing list.
- fixed small glitch in comment_del()
- changed the API of the form() function. The first parameter, the
"action"-attribute in the <form>-tag has been made optional. By
default, it will be set to "$REQUEST_URI".
Why? Because in 98% of the cases we would do:
global $REQUEST_URI;
$form = form($REQUEST_URI, $form_content);
while we can do:
$form = form($form_content);
Update your modules (and sorry for the inconvenience)!
+ when replying to a comment, the author's name was displayd as being 'anonymous'.
- blog.module:
+ fixed the URLs of the links in the "latest blogs"-block.
- fixed book.module not generating next/prev links properly
- re-added default node options to the admin page
- fixed a potential bug in node.php. Nodes with same titles were confusing it
at times, should fix the bug reported by Gerhard Killesreiter.
applying a patch. Mea culpa.
(reported by Axel)
- bugfix #2: incorrect deactivation of the delete link in node_links().
(patch by Axel)
- improvement: added confirmation page upon deletion of a node ("Do you
really want to delete this node?"), and removed the old and confusing
"node has to be blocked first".
(patch by Axel)
- format_username() now takes a second optional parameter which gives the
real name of the user.
- updated the calls to format_username() where appropriate to show the name
of the user instead of the account id. Clicking on a name will still give you
the account info etc. If you find a place where the real name is not shown
let me know.
- format_username() now takes a second optional parameter which gives the
real name of the user.
- updated the calls to format_username() where appropriate to show the name
of the user instead of the account id. Clicking on a name will still give you
the account info etc. If you find a place where the real name is not shown
let me know.
- removed comment_controls().
- modified comment_render() to use $theme->comment_controls().
- added BaseTheme->comment_controls().
- can now search for status independant of language.
- string is now a regular expression. For wildcard searches do .*text.*.
- can search in modules + pages, all modules or a specific module.
- fixed viewing other accounts info would show the active users name in the
real name field.
- now shows users recent contributions and comments (if the user has access to
- real name is now shown to all users.
- improved the locale support.
- added a wrapper table for comment_thread_max() as suggested by nick.
- added a links option so pages can be displayed on the links of the site in an
easy way. (Requires an SQL update.)
- made HTML and text type pages be $theme->box()ed again.
- made the page body hidden in a comment during editing, in case things
crash you should still be able to retrieve your code. Will keep working on a
better solution.
- made all node types be listed in the node listings.
+ added new "tab" to import.module called "news sources".
+ improvement to import.module navigation.
- theme.inc:
+ renamed 'your contributions' to 'your submissions'.
+ small improvements to feed administration
+ added some additional error/watchdog message upon failure
+ improved the robustness of the parser routine; more feeds
get parsed succesfully now.
+ added RSS 0.91(5) feeds to the blog module which makes it possible
to both syndicate an particular user's latest blog entries, or the
latest entries of all users.
+ added $theme->images()
- blog.module:
+ improved user-friendliness and rewrote most of the output routines
+ made quoted text /italic/ by default
+ integrated discussion system like it should
+ ...
- marvin.theme:
+ small visual improvements
+ Fixed "rotten date" (as remco like to calls it).
+ Added "URL to monitor" field.
+ Added some error checking.
+ Apply the updates in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql.
+ fixed visual glitch with 'read more' link (blog comments)
+ made it possible to delete your last blog item
+ fixed timestamp bug when previewing a new blog
+ fixed potential problem with blog_save()
+ fixed a few HTML/XHTML tinkos.
- statistics.module:
+ "yoursite.com" should no longer show up under "external referrers"
+ fixed "Referers of the last 31 years 37 weeks 1 hour 46 min 40 sec" bug
+ xhtml-ified
- node.inc:
+ fixed watchdog message
- import.module:
+ small block improvement
+ feedback wanted
- Added updated import.module (contributed by Julian):
+ user page do browse the headlines by feed and bundle, to display
the item descriptions, etc.
- Fixed small bug in common.inc.
- Updated database.mysql
+ PHP-pages were rendered invalid under certain criteria.
- Fixed bug in meta.module:
+ When editing an existing node, the meta-field was not properly set
in the forms.
+ Made '$na' translatable on popular demand.
- node.module:
+ replaced a confusing configuration description, as suggested by
- statistics.module:
+ Added a 'most recent referers'-table sorted by timestamp.
- drupal.module:
+ Small update of the links.
- Fixed tiny quote problem in account.php.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.inc.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.module.
- Fixed tiny bug in meta.module.
- Simplified user_access() API.
- Rewrote link system: still needs fine-tuning and testing so don't
upgrade if you are running a production site. ;)
Updated all modules and themes to reflect this change. All other
themes and modules need updating too!
+ the node scheduler did not un-schedule a node!
- Fixed comment bugs (as a result of the formification):
+ no signatures where being attached to the comments.
+ check_input was used where is should have been check_output,
with broken filters as the immediate result.
- Locale'd the day-of-the-week-letters. Don't worry, you won't find any "F" or "S" in your locale database, just "Friday" and "Sunday".
- Fixed a bug with 28/20-day months. Skipping a month ahead from e.g. January 31st would have you end up on March 3rd. Same for skipping backwards.
- Made the selected date always appear in bold.
- Prevented all skipping into the future. This was still possible by skipping whole months.
makes the ever-confusing "rehash modules" (see module.module) no
longer needed, hence making module.module redundant. :-)
- Removed module.module.
- Renamed conf.module to system.module, and added some information
about the available modules to system.module.
- Various small changes.
- Added import documentation: written by Gerhard, revised by Dries.
- A quick introduction on content syndication needs to be written
for import.module.
- If some one who is native English could go over the these text,
please do.
(groups) and 'permissions' ... (inspired by Zope's system).
+ Once installed, click the help-link for more information.
+ See updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql for the SQL updates.
- Modified loads of code to use our new access.module. The system
still has to mature though: new permissions have to be added and
existing permissions need stream-lining. Awaiting suggestions.
- As a direct result of the new access system, I had to rewrite the
way the top-level links in admin.php are rendered and displayed,
and xhtml-ified admin.php while I was at it.
- Home-brewed modules need updating, home-brewed themes not.
(Examples: file.module, trip_link.module)
- As soon we *finished* the refactoring of the user system (KJ has
been working on this refactoring already) we should consider to
embed this role and permission code into account.module ...
(groups) and 'permissions' ... (inspired by Zope's system).
+ Once installed, click the help-link for more information.
+ See updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql for the SQL updates.
- Modified loads of code to use our new access.module. The system
still has to mature though: new permissions have to be added and
existing permissions need stream-lining. Awaiting suggestions.
- As a direct result of the new access system, I had to rewrite the
way the top-level links in admin.php are rendered and displayed,
and xhtml-ified admin.php while I was at it.
- Home-brewed modules need updating, home-brewed themes not.
(Examples: file.module, trip_link.module)
- As soon we *finished* the refactoring of the user system (KJ has
been working on this refactoring already) we should consider to
embed this role and permission code into account.module ...
- Modifed form_select() to accept an optional 6th parameter which is appeneded
to the select tag. $value can now also be an array. This allows for multiple
form_select($header, $name, $values, $options, $help, "multiple=\"true\" size=\"10\"");
- Updated account.module to use the extended form_select() functionality.
- Moved account_password() and account_validate() to user.inc.
- Greatly reduced the number of SQL calls in account_save() when editing an
account. Now uses one db_query() call instead of 1 + (2 * # of access
- Fixed access not being saved when account was added.
- Should now be possible to edit and add accounts. There were certain bugs
before that would cause odd errors.
+ renamed 'overview' to 'preview' as suggested by Kristjan.
- meta.module:
+ renamed 'verify' to 'preview' to make it consistent with
+ fixed comma-bug with attribute list reported by Kristjan.
- node.module:
+ fixed typo: "id$nid" should have been "id=$nid"
it wasn't a good idea to split them up in first place, and it turned
out to be quite hard to decide where to put some variables.
Also moved some variables around and even renamed a few variables
while doing so.
- Added a page_header() and page_footer() to all top-level .php pages.
- Changed meta.module, node.module and index.php to use comma-seperated
lists of attributes rather then "foo=a,bar=b" lists. This makes it a
a lot easier to use both modules. In addition, error handling can be
discarded as it can't be made any simpler, really ...
It fits rather nicely in Drupal's design so I'm getting more and more
happy with this meta.module (but we are not 100% there yet).
- node.module, node.inc:
+ Improved the node-related admin interface so that navigating back
and forth the administrative menus is made both easier and faster.
+ Removed some redundant database fields from the node table. See
+ Added 2 news hooks called "node_insert" and "node_update". Just
like this is the case with the existing hook "node_delete" these
new hooks will automatically get called when a node has been
inserted or udpated. Note that this is an optional call-back that
only needs to be implemented when required. With the addition of
these two hooks, the node mechanism (version 1) is pretty well
- watchdog.module:
+ Fixed bug whit the 'regular messages' query in the watchdog.module.
- book.module:
+ Fixed bug in book.module: the 'parent' was not set properly when
updating a book page.
+ Made it so that older versions of a book page are automatically
reactived upon deletion of the most recent version, i.e. when
doing a version roll-back.
- comment.inc:
+ Undid Remco's patch to comment.inc; it does not work in some cases.
- conf.module:
+ Fine-tuned some of the options in conf.module a bit.
- marvin.theme:
+ Visual changes to make it look better on Windows browsers. Mind
to give some feedback on this?
+ Fixed 3 HTML typos/bugs.
+ XHTML-ified the theme at a best effort basis; I didn't carry the
XHTML specification with me.
+ Made use of the theme_slogan variable to display the site's slogan.
+ As soon we have at least one valid XHTML theme we can wonder on how
to integrate other XML namespaces (cfr. MathML story at drop.org).
- database.mysql:
+ Updated database.mysql so that it contains all the latest "database
- Added a conf option to disable/enable user registrations.
- Added a add account feature to account.module.
- Moved some functions from account.php to account.module.
- Move most (all?) of account.php to account.module.
easier to sort through all the watchdog "noise". I'm sure the current
filters will do for 99% of all the Drupal sites though.
(Sorry for the awful color scheme, Coney but I can't do any better.)
associate different collections - think "combobox" here - with
different content types, all hardcoded references to "section"
have been removed and the admin-friendliness of the meta admin
section has been slightly improved.
I'll keep working on it during the weekend - if time allows me
to. Moreover, I'll focus on the usability/user-friendlines of
the meta admin section as well as graceful input-checking, and
Requires an SQL update, see updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
Index.module will be removed, or meta.module will be renamed as
soon we can ditch one of them. For now, having both coexist is
not going to harm your setup and is useful to make a comparison
and / or to migrate from index.module to meta.module.
Index.module is de-coupled form the rest of the system so you
will have to use meta.module after having upgraded. You have
been warned.
- Updated CHANGELOG.
The export feature should be expanded to allow titles to be used, and made
more flexible. Will look more at this during the weekend.
streamlined the existing code, added new watchdog type called "httpd"
for Apache errors. The latter should make it easier to add watchdog
filters later on.
- Clarified some watchdog messages.
'=' instead of ';' and ':'. It is considered to be more readable.
--> A _first_ step towards and improved index.module. Stay tuned
for more.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Changed all 'attribute' to 'attributes'.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
+ Important:
This might require to ieni-wieni small update to your custom
themes and/or node-related modules:
- themes: node_index($node->attribute) -> node_index($node)
- node modules: attribute -> attributes
update, you'll break your site as you need switching from structure
to index.module: so this can be considered an intermediate commit.
If you upgrade, and you are welcome to, just create a collection
called "section" (for now) and assign your nodes some attributes
in the described format.
Feedback and bugreports are welcomed. Questions will be answered.
- comment system:
+ when replying to a node (rather then to a comment), that
node is displayed above the reply form.
+ when replying to a comment (rather then to a node), that
comment is displayd above the reply form.
- removed structure.inc, removed structure.module.
- node.inc:
+ added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to. Currently,
index.module is the facto default index system.
See story.module for usage.
- book.module, story.module, poll.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ added preview functionality to administration section (via node
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- moderate.module:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- book.module, story.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ increased the sizes of some textareas.
- submit.php:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- marvin.theme:
+ removed dead code: function story() was depricated.
- unconed.theme:
+ removed hardcoded references to drop.org.
- marvin.theme, unconed.theme, jeroen.theme, yaroon.theme, example.theme:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- file.module, trip_link.module:
+ update preview functionality:
see story.module for example.
+ remove references to 'cid' and 'tid', use 'attribute' instead:
see story.module for example.
- extend and build upon index.module as well as making it configurable
+ we no longer wrap the output in a $theme->box(). If you want it in
a box, just use $theme->box().
+ increased the sizes of the main "body"-form to make editing larger
pages easier.
- Slightly improved the parsing algorithm; in some cases, were tags
have attributes, things went wrong. We ignore attributes for now
as we don't do anything with those.
<item rdf:about="http://foo.com"></item>
- Improvement to node listings.
- Patched story.module to work with new node.module!
- UnConeD: poll.module needs updating. Let me know if you want me to do
it as I assume you will update it unless otherwise mentioned.
- Added improved node scheduler:
+ Automatically post node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically queue node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically dump node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
Requires a database update, see ./updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Refactored the admin interface of node.module. It is only a start
but it should show the direction we are going.
+ The new interface is easier to extend with new functionality
and operations. New "edit xxx" links can easily be added on
our way.
+ The new interface tries to cover all content- or node-related
functions. Thus making a special admin interface for each new
node type redundant. To demonstrate this, I removed the admin
hook from page.module and forum.module. This removes quite a
bit of logic from the invidual modules which is a good sign if
you ask me.
A centralized GUI or interface covering all node-related
administration should make Drupal easier to administer.
- All node-related nodes need updating. This should be trivial and
I'll hapilly tackle this later tonight.
- There will be bugs, and I'm still working on this but I would like
to get some feedback (from Natrak et all) on both user-friendliness
and usability of this new interface. I'm still working on it as we
speak ...
structure.module either needs work, or replacement by index.module:
see "admin > node > node settings".
It will do for now and it can always made better when we can think
of a better solution; it is the best I could think of. Now what?
index.module or structure.module? I'm currently pro index.module.
- Drastically simplified "variable.inc".
- Removed most dependecies on structure.module from all content related
modules. Thus making our modules more modular. ;)
- Fixed calculation glitch in queue.module.
- Fixed potential function name clash/conflict in rating.module, and
simplified some code on my way.
- Started removing all global variables $status and $rstatus. Global
variables are "yucky" so in near future, we will replace all global
$status variables by a call to node_status(). Originally, $status
was only introduced as a temporary hack and nothing is as permanent
as a temporary hack so I took it out when still possible.
- Changed the watchdog messages a bit.