update, you'll break your site as you need switching from structure
to index.module: so this can be considered an intermediate commit.
If you upgrade, and you are welcome to, just create a collection
called "section" (for now) and assign your nodes some attributes
in the described format.
Feedback and bugreports are welcomed. Questions will be answered.
- comment system:
+ when replying to a node (rather then to a comment), that
node is displayed above the reply form.
+ when replying to a comment (rather then to a node), that
comment is displayd above the reply form.
- removed structure.inc, removed structure.module.
- node.inc:
+ added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to. Currently,
index.module is the facto default index system.
See story.module for usage.
- book.module, story.module, poll.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ added preview functionality to administration section (via node
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- moderate.module:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- book.module, story.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ increased the sizes of some textareas.
- submit.php:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- marvin.theme:
+ removed dead code: function story() was depricated.
- unconed.theme:
+ removed hardcoded references to drop.org.
- marvin.theme, unconed.theme, jeroen.theme, yaroon.theme, example.theme:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- file.module, trip_link.module:
+ update preview functionality:
see story.module for example.
+ remove references to 'cid' and 'tid', use 'attribute' instead:
see story.module for example.
- extend and build upon index.module as well as making it configurable
- created a BaseTheme class in theme.inc.
- added links($links = array(), $status = 0, $node = 0) to BaseTheme.
- modified all themes to extend from BaseTheme.
- modiefied theme_link() to take advantage of $theme->links().
- theme_morelink() does not require a $theme argument.
- add the other standard variables and functions to BaseTheme.
- some themes could use some more modifications.
- marvin.theme still has a story() function.
- created a BaseTheme class in theme.inc.
- added links($links = array(), $status = 0, $node = 0) to BaseTheme.
- modified all themes to extend from BaseTheme.
- modiefied theme_link() to take advantage of $theme->links().
- theme_morelink() does not require a $theme argument.
- add the other standard variables and functions to BaseTheme.
- some themes could use some more modifications.
- marvin.theme still has a story() function.
+ we no longer wrap the output in a $theme->box(). If you want it in
a box, just use $theme->box().
+ increased the sizes of the main "body"-form to make editing larger
pages easier.
- Slightly improved the parsing algorithm; in some cases, were tags
have attributes, things went wrong. We ignore attributes for now
as we don't do anything with those.
<item rdf:about="http://foo.com"></item>
algorithm a bit. --> Needs testing! I improved this last night
and only got around to testing this rather briefly/quickly. It
was to late already. ;-)
(This is part of a larger set of changes I'm slowly working on
which I will feed to CVS in steps after more testing.)
- Added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to.
- Improvement to node listings.
- Patched story.module to work with new node.module!
- UnConeD: poll.module needs updating. Let me know if you want me to do
it as I assume you will update it unless otherwise mentioned.
- Added improved node scheduler:
+ Automatically post node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically queue node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically dump node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
Requires a database update, see ./updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Refactored the admin interface of node.module. It is only a start
but it should show the direction we are going.
+ The new interface is easier to extend with new functionality
and operations. New "edit xxx" links can easily be added on
our way.
+ The new interface tries to cover all content- or node-related
functions. Thus making a special admin interface for each new
node type redundant. To demonstrate this, I removed the admin
hook from page.module and forum.module. This removes quite a
bit of logic from the invidual modules which is a good sign if
you ask me.
A centralized GUI or interface covering all node-related
administration should make Drupal easier to administer.
- All node-related nodes need updating. This should be trivial and
I'll hapilly tackle this later tonight.
- There will be bugs, and I'm still working on this but I would like
to get some feedback (from Natrak et all) on both user-friendliness
and usability of this new interface. I'm still working on it as we
speak ...
structure.module either needs work, or replacement by index.module:
see "admin > node > node settings".
It will do for now and it can always made better when we can think
of a better solution; it is the best I could think of. Now what?
index.module or structure.module? I'm currently pro index.module.
- Drastically simplified "variable.inc".
- Removed most dependecies on structure.module from all content related
modules. Thus making our modules more modular. ;)
- Fixed calculation glitch in queue.module.
- Fixed potential function name clash/conflict in rating.module, and
simplified some code on my way.
- Started removing all global variables $status and $rstatus. Global
variables are "yucky" so in near future, we will replace all global
$status variables by a call to node_status(). Originally, $status
was only introduced as a temporary hack and nothing is as permanent
as a temporary hack so I took it out when still possible.
- Changed the watchdog messages a bit.
- Modified check_mail() to allow '+' characters in mail addresses.
- Extend the regular expression to allow addresses valid in the RFC's.
Currently IP domains are banned, and so are many other extensions of RFC
822. This is not a priority since we currently support 96% of all addresses.