Jeroen Bensch
Has he gone insane! No. I just (but that's just my opinion) made a major improvement to my theme. In one of my unentertained moments I often just browse to drop and stare at my theme for a while. ;) Then I saw that the border around my boxes was 2 pixels wide and grey. Cool. But I thought, let's try it the same way as I do the stories. With a slick 1 pixel wide black border. And so I did. And I admit, it just looks a whole lot better, slicker, smoother, professional. You probably won't notice it at all, and probably no-one would notice. But again, I'd advise you to take a look at and look at the boxes before Dries updates these .gifs. Another thing, Unconed, you probably know more or this. What do you think I should use for my images? .gif or .png. What's the advantage of .png, and most of all, is it smaller in size?
P.S.: another jeroen.theme is coming up. Don't even know what I changed anymore but I changed something...
2001-03-05 22:03:29 +00:00 |