- Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
* Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
settings", "module settings" and "filters".
* Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
- Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
- Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
modules can implement and export new filters. Example filters are
an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
- Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
- Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
overhead, and a lot better (simpler) module API. I had to edit a
LOT of files to get this refactored but I'm sure it was worth the
For module writers / maintainers:
None of the hooks changed, so 95% of the old modules should still
work. You can remove some code instead as "$module = array(...)"
just became obsolete. Also - and let's thank God for this - the
global variable "$repository" has been eliminated to avoid modules
relying on, and poking in drupal's internal data structures. Take
a look at include/module.inc to investigate the details/changes.
- Improved design of the content modules "story", "book" and "node"
(to aid smooth integration of permisions + moderate.module). I'm
still working on the permissions but I got side tracked for which
I "Oops!".
- fixed update bug in book.module
- provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
- all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed watchdog.inc
- improved robustness of sections.inc
- imporved story.module
- updated ./database/database.sql
revised most of the SQL queries and tried to make drupal as secure as possible (while trying to avoid redundant/duplicate checks). For drupal's sake, try to screw something up. See the mail about PHPNuke being hacked appr. 6 days ago. The one who finds a problem is rewarded a beer (and I'm willing to ship it to Norway if required). I beg you to be evil. Try dumping a table a la "http://localhost/index.php?date=77778;DROP TABLE users" or something. ;)
- added a couple of missing t() functions
- improved the comments module, fixed the score problem Jeroen
reported earlier -> it's slicker but I hope it won't break anything
certain users access to specific administration sections only.
Ex. a FAQ maintainer can only edit the FAQ, and members of an
"editorial board" can only edit comments, diaries and
stories, ..
- code review => rewrote include/user.inc which is much easier now
- fixed 4 small bugs
- replaced the "open submission queue" (submission.php and submission.inc)
with an optional module (submission.module).
- tidied up the HTML code of some files
integrated them were appropriate. It works better and the code is
more readable then it used to be:
(see http://drop.org/discussion.php?id=44&pid=0#0)
- story authors can no longer moderate their own stories
(requested by Natrak)
- fix inie-winnie small detail in theme marvin
- configuration:
+ renamed $db_name to $db_user
+ renamed $db_base to $db_name
- fixed small diary glitch
- fixed initial-comment-score problem
- fixed comment rating bug: improved the API and updated the
- removed some tabs from Steven ;)
- fixed backend warnings and improved robustness
I'm not happy yet with the headline grabber - it generates
too many SQL errors.
- some small cosmetic changes in comment.module
- fixed minor glitch in format_interval()
- expanded documentation
(written by Jeroen)
- fixed bug in includes/module.inc
- fixed bug in modules/backend.class
- renamed some of the SQL tables (!)
- started making the diary.module truly modular (not finished yet)
- renamed "admin_blocks" to "boxes"
- added new functionality to "boxes": apart from PHP boxes, you
can now create ASCII boxes as well as HTML boxes for those who
are not confident with PHP.
(requested by stalor)
- added drupal-site module to keep track of known drupal sites
- added small Perl script to generate encrypted CVS passwords
- removed droplets
- added (optional) admin_blocks module
- added (optional) affiliate module
- added (optional) about module (only placeholder, under construction)
- fixed some tiny bugs (e.g. quote bug in search.php)
- partionally rewrote some modules to be big, bad and better
- partionally rewrote some modules to be more uniform
- added GNU GPL license to CVS
- installed PHP 4.0.4 on my localhost and now working
towards PHP 4.0.4 compatibility.
- I think I'll baptize the engine "drupal". If you have a
better idea, try convincing me ASAP.
- more testing (also with PHP 4.0.4)
- make "project"-module: download, info, blah blah
- complete documentation
- I rearranged some of the code and clean-up some of the mess.
- Added "blocks" which can be user defined/controlled: check
to see. The positioning of blocks is rather basic for the
moment, so I'm all open for input on that.
- improved web interface of account module.
- added simple permission system with both administrators
and regular users. It can be made more fine-grained but
it will do for now.
- various small enhancements to the other modules, but
nothing big.
1. improved .htaccess to be more "secure": to keep prying
eyes out
2. rewrote the administration section from scratch using a
modular approach
3. improved the information gathered by error.php - we can
now (hopefully) track what bots are crawling us.
4. fixed a bug in submit.php, fixed a bug in theme zaphod,
fixed a bug in theme marvin.
5. rewrote cron from scratch - it now interfaces with
modules as it should have been from the beginning.
Very cool if you ask me - it can use UNIX/Linux
6. updated widget.inc to be module aware - needs more
work though - maybe this afternoon?
7. updated most modules: small bugfixes, improvements, and
even the documentation
8. removed diary.php and made it a module - you can now
run a drop.org site without a diary system if someone
would prefer so
9. updated all themes to use the new modules where
10. added a robots.txt because the error message in the
watchdog become annoying.
11. added the new configuration system (mutliple vhosts
on the same source tree) - use hostname.conf instead
of config.inc
12. removed calendar.inc and made it a module
13. added format_interval() to functions.inc (UnConeD)
14. whatever I forgot ...