Commit Graph

631 Commits (a132d4584d8ec55c3706e1c1b68fbf0d1c075fdb)

Author SHA1 Message Date
effulgentsia 2090a96a21 Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
webchick de14b6d199 Issue #2590993 by mikeryan, webflo, svendecabooter, dixon_, phenaproxima: Create stub entities with proper default values 2015-11-12 12:34:55 -08:00
Alex Pott 35ed46b43e Issue #2575703 by borisson_, stefan.r, Berdir, joshi.rohit100: Remove default fall-through from PlaceholderTrait::placeholderFormat() 2015-11-01 23:00:34 +00:00
Alex Pott 22716ab7fe Issue #2602662 by mikeryan, phenaproxima: Feed ID should be required base field for aggregator items 2015-10-30 22:48:31 +00:00
Alex Pott 30c6960459 Issue #2500931 by mikeker, jhedstrom, Berdir: Views feed doesn't encode embedded HTML anymore 2015-10-30 16:23:06 +00:00
xjm cced89ec12 Issue #2600304 by marvin_B8, anil280988, GoZ, justAChris: Bad @file description in core/ classes 2015-10-24 14:07:04 -07:00
xjm 639272360e Issue #2502621 by Pravin Ajaaz, hussainweb, Peacog, jhodgdon, ivanjaros: Replace implement notes with inheritdoc tag 2015-10-23 13:59:43 -07:00
webchick ad81d250b5 Issue #2594263 by phenaproxima, neclimdul, Gábor Hojtsy, Kazanir: Add translation data to Migrate Drupal's test fixtures 2015-10-19 13:50:52 -07:00
Alex Pott a2c96ec5f4 Issue #2578955 by dawehner, jhodgdon, Wim Leers, catch: Implement auto route generation but DON'T use it for all core entities 2015-10-17 06:13:46 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8b65164c5a Issue #2533800 by alexpott: Remove all unused use statements from core 2015-10-08 20:46:26 +01:00
effulgentsia 190032b775 Issue #2072945 by Berdir, plach, effulgentsia, Schnitzel, andypost, Wim Leers: Remove the $langcode parameter in EntityAccessControllerInterface::access() and friends 2015-10-07 12:30:24 -07:00
Alex Pott 97823b5a54 Issue #2429191 by claudiu.cristea, amateescu, yched, nlisgo, Berdir, alexpott, klausi, Wim Leers, xjm, catch: Deprecate entity_reference.module and move its functionality to core 2015-10-06 12:02:22 +01:00
effulgentsia ace96debbe Issue #2073217 by andypost, Berdir, plach: Remove the $langcode parameter from the entity view/render system 2015-10-05 16:33:05 -07:00
Alex Pott 641eb3f8d7 Issue #2571647 by mpdonadio, joelpittet, pjonckiere: Create DateFormatterInterface 2015-10-05 22:00:23 +01:00
xjm 176d9947e0 Issue #2560049 by hass, chrisfree, cilefen, Wim Leers, Gábor Hojtsy: Incorrect capitalisation of translatable strings 2015-10-05 11:28:57 -05:00
webchick 5c2bf5d3ab Issue #2578989 by ifrik, alvar0hurtad0, jhodgdon, Bojhan, snehi, mairi, rachel_norfolk: Update link descriptions on the Configuration page that are not correct for D8 2015-10-04 23:38:58 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 400baf1609 Issue #2464427 by jibran, Wim Leers, Berdir, borisson_: Replace CacheablePluginInterface with CacheableDependencyInterface 2015-10-02 09:26:50 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bef7274a7c Issue #2476947 by mdrummond, Wim Leers, davidhernandez, lauriii, joelpittet, andypost, Cottser, JeroenT, Manuel Garcia, rpayanm: Convert "title" page element into a block 2015-09-30 14:00:49 +01:00
webchick ede86717c0 Issue #2500469 by svendecabooter, phenaproxima: Migration path for Aggregator 7.x 2015-09-29 08:43:23 -07:00
webchick 8477f6b786 Issue #2554321 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, quietone, neclimdul, benjy: Clean up Migrate's test suite 2015-09-28 10:19:56 -07:00
Alex Pott d0c13760c6 Issue #2543258 by LKS90, hchonov, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, Berdir, yched, plach: Entity references of untranslatable fields are not displayed in the correct translation 2015-09-27 13:13:18 +02:00
Alex Pott c73fdfce64 Issue #2483869 by almaudoh, stefan.r, swentel, Berdir: Make Unique Field constraints generic 2015-09-26 15:54:04 +02:00
catch c1aa46fbe6 Issue #2567183 by dawehner, pfrenssen, hussainweb: Re-export all built-in configuration in core 2015-09-23 12:37:12 +02:00
Alex Pott 6bfdc3bd5e Issue #2570355 by Sutharsan, stefan.r, kgoel, josephdpurcell, joelpittet, justAChris, dawehner, pfrenssen, pwolanin, David_Rothstein, catch: Replace remaining !placeholder and @placeholder with :placeholder for URLs 2015-09-22 08:16:37 +02:00
Alex Pott f6291230bf Issue #2571923 by nevergone: Remove HTML support from date formats and replace remaining !placeholder for aggregator 2015-09-21 17:32:38 +02:00
Alex Pott 7a25f513f5 Issue #2560783 by stefan.r, joelpittet, lauriii, Cottser, Sutharsan, kgoel, justAChris, Gábor Hojtsy, dawehner, jhodgdon, effulgentsia, xjm, andypost, googletorp: Replace !placeholder with :placeholder for URLs in hook_help() implementations 2015-09-21 12:38:19 +01:00
Alex Pott 0f6f909f01 Issue #2568781 by dawehner, lauriii, stefan.r: Replace remaining !placeholder for Non-URL HTML outputs only for $entity->label() 2015-09-17 12:12:15 +01:00
Alex Pott b1c52e8129 Issue #2567855 by lauriii, xjm: Replace !placeholder with @placeholder in format_string() for non-URLs 2015-09-15 10:37:12 +01:00
xjm 497ebcd2e3 Issue #2506445 by joelpittet, Ryan Weal, Sutharsan, alexpott, subhojit777, justAChris, nlisgo, effulgentsia, rpayanm, larowlan, chx, xjm, dawehner, geertvd, lauriii, izus, andypost, borisson_, Sharique: Replace !placeholder with @placeholder in t() and format_string() for non-URLs in tests 2015-09-14 17:50:07 -05:00
xjm 227f520049 Issue #2568015 by alexpott, dawehner: Replace !placeholder in UpdateFeedItemTest 2015-09-14 12:47:02 -05:00
webchick dc644d1df3 Issue #2565791 by mikeryan, subhojit777, quietone, phenaproxima: Fix migration labels 2015-09-10 10:29:44 -07:00
Alex Pott 75f6c2f4cb Issue #2501895 by ifrik, jhodgdon: Too many pages with the same name ("Settings") 2015-09-08 11:24:01 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9210d05cc6 Issue #2560751 by lauriii, alexpott: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from Views titleQuery() 2015-09-03 16:43:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 2b1f8e6ac3 Issue #507488 by lauriii, mdrummond, Wim Leers, Manuel Garcia, pwolanin, davidhernandez, chx, jibran, andypost, dawehner, Xano, tuutti, Gábor Hojtsy, LewisNyman, maximiliam, eiriksm, borisson_, bill richardson, Fabianx, joelpittet, Jeff Burnz, xjm, webchick, Bojhan, EclipseGc, emma.maria, tim.plunkett: Convert page elements (local tasks, actions) into blocks 2015-09-01 12:24:09 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9f97162dd3 Issue #2557467 by alexpott: Deprecate check_url and convert usages to existing UrlHelper methods 2015-08-31 08:51:38 +01:00
webchick f72ef07766 Issue #2522012 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, chx, benjy: Remove broken idlist handling, replace with more robust exception handling 2015-08-28 14:00:47 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a7fc1a2728 Issue #2557871 by alexpott: Remove all usages SafeMarkup::checkPlain() from template preprocess functions and attributes 2015-08-27 15:43:18 +01:00
webchick 8aee36fd83 Issue #2557253 by phenaproxima, neclimdul: MigrateFullDrupalTestBase test discovery gobbles all the memory 2015-08-25 10:04:11 -07:00
effulgentsia 764890d629 Issue #2349819 by amateescu, swentel, Leksat, larowlan, dawehner, Gábor Hojtsy, mpdonadio, benjy, jmuzz, yched, jibran, marthinal, dmsmidt: String field type doesn't consider empty string as empty value 2015-08-20 12:15:48 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole d8a3d5d4e4 Issue #2549791 by alexpott, Wim Leers: Remove SafeMarkup::xssFilter() and provide ability to define #markup escaping strategy and what tags to filter 2015-08-19 11:29:44 +01:00
Alex Pott 12b8a2f779 Issue #2228823 by StryKaizer, ParisLiakos, joshi.rohit100, Nitesh Sethia, Aron Novak, geertvd: Aggregator feed overview misleading text 2015-08-18 15:40:52 +01:00
Alex Pott 3d73a39c2c Issue #2546416 by borisson_, lauriii: Rename ViewUnitTestBase to ViewKernelTestBase 2015-08-18 15:36:01 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a5bfd122e1 Issue #2550945 by alexpott, joelpittet, xjm, Wim Leers, stefan.r: Add Html::escape() 2015-08-17 08:34:08 +01:00
webchick d2404bee75 Issue #2550823 by phenaproxima, neclimdul: Migrate Drupal integration tests should load all dump files 2015-08-15 11:25:18 -07:00
Alex Pott cdd12a90bb Issue #2455125 by mpdonadio, rteijeiro, jhodgdon, dawehner: Update EntityViewsData use of generic timestamp to use Field API formatter 2015-08-06 12:12:06 +01:00
Alex Pott 4104c3ffad Issue #2533984 by phenaproxima: Move module-specific migration support into the aggregator module 2015-07-28 16:33:12 +01:00
Alex Pott efd4da3a8f Issue #2401159 by kim.pepper, Jaesin: Convert instances of Guzzle getBody(TRUE) 2015-07-25 00:16:20 +01:00
Alex Pott 58a6dbb8a4 Issue #2525884 by jesperjb, joshi.rohit100, Berdir: Avoid unecessary cache tag invalidations in ConfigEntityBase and aggregator Item entity 2015-07-24 16:54:24 +01:00
effulgentsia 8b83aa0838 Issue #2493911 by dawehner, larowlan, damiankloip, hussainweb, jibran, cilefen, benjy, iMiksu, mtdowling: Update guzzle, goutte and mink-goutte-driver to the latest release 2015-07-21 14:33:30 -07:00
Alex Pott ae32aaae81 Issue #2151103 by twistor, kerby70, ParisLiakos, cilefen: Zend feed plugins are incorrectly registered 2015-07-16 13:34:09 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9024fa617c Issue #2506195 by alexpott, joelpittet, xjm, David_Rothstein, Fabianx, pwolanin: Remove SafeMarkup::set() from Xss::filter() 2015-07-11 09:10:48 +01:00
Alex Pott eb70a1c1cc Issue #2509600 by andypost: AggregatorFeedBlock should return render array 2015-07-08 18:02:33 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a362252a2b Issue #2512718 by Berdir, pfrenssen, Wim Leers, Fabianx, dawehner, catch, effulgentsia, plach, Gábor Hojtsy: EntityManager::getTranslationFromContext() should add the content language cache context to the entity 2015-07-07 17:08:46 +01:00
Alex Pott ebb21d2804 Issue #2450993 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, Crell, dawehner, effulgentsia: Rendered Cache Metadata created during the main controller request gets lost 2015-07-05 19:00:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 1f53649bfb Issue #1392754 by tss, justAChris, jhodgdon: Comply with new documentation standards for @file for namespaced class files 2015-06-26 21:53:33 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole d579f51362 Issue #1314214 by stefan.r, phayes, ergophobe, YesCT, damienwhaley, kbasarab, Tor Arne Thune, basic, pfrenssen, yannickoo, simolokid, fietserwin, bzrudi71: MySQL driver does not support full UTF-8 (emojis, asian symbols, mathematical symbols) 2015-06-18 15:36:24 +01:00
Alex Pott 3b62b84f4e Issue #2195083 by Les Lim, ParisLiakos, Xano, gaurav_varshney, ravi.khetri, fago, jain_deepak: Add a dedicated @Constraint annotation class 2015-06-11 11:51:06 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 68e606c354 Issue #2502255 by dawehner, larowlan: Enable tags cache plugin by default for Views 2015-06-09 22:58:45 +01:00
Alex Pott 4ba73b4bb5 Issue #2456521 by pjonckiere, mpdonadio, jhodgdon, rteijeiro, David_Rothstein, xjm: Add DateFormatter::formatDiff() as a non-buggy alternative to DateFormatter::formatInterval() when the start and end of the interval are known 2015-06-09 15:17:14 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 15c848bd62 Issue #2381277 by dawehner, plach, damiankloip, alexpott, olli, fgm, Wim Leers, Fabianx: Make Views use render caching and remove Views' own "output caching" 2015-06-08 15:48:29 +01:00
Alex Pott f3e2e68157 Issue #2489664 by sumitmadan, davidhernandez, Manjit.Singh, Cottser: Remove unnecessary markup from core templates, a.k.a. divitis 2015-06-02 17:41:21 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 537da55a56 Revert "Issue #1314214 by stefan.r, phayes, ergophobe, YesCT, damienwhaley, Tor Arne Thune, kbasarab, pfrenssen, basic, yannickoo, simolokid: MySQL driver does not support full UTF-8 (emojis, asian symbols, mathematical symbols)"
This reverts commit b105158ab7.
2015-06-02 17:06:45 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole b105158ab7 Issue #1314214 by stefan.r, phayes, ergophobe, YesCT, damienwhaley, Tor Arne Thune, kbasarab, pfrenssen, basic, yannickoo, simolokid: MySQL driver does not support full UTF-8 (emojis, asian symbols, mathematical symbols) 2015-06-02 10:13:37 +01:00
Alex Pott 1827c1ec57 Issue #2349775 by Manuel Garcia, saki007ster, mortendk, Manjit.Singh, brahmjeet789, tombo, davidhernandez: Remove classes from Views templates 2015-05-25 13:02:30 +01:00
xjm 088f8b357a Issue #2491155 by mikeburrelljr, Mac_Weber, opdavies: Update and URLs in core modules (Follow-up to 2489912) 2015-05-24 15:08:46 -05:00
webchick e772e1fcb1 Issue #2486177 by disasm, amateescu, plach, Pere Orga, piyuesh23, webchick, Saphyel, dawehner, jibran, YesCT, yched, xjm, Gábor Hojtsy, Bojhan: Deleting an entity translation from the UI deletes the whole entity 2015-05-24 00:44:46 -07:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 6477492ee6 Issue #2473105 by ifrik, jhodgdon, lostkangaroo, opratr, LinL: Update hook_help texts that link to modules that can be uninstalled 2015-05-20 07:25:07 -07:00
xjm f9b6f97613 Issue #2489912 by mikeburrelljr, opdavies, larowlan: Update URL in core modules 2015-05-18 14:08:10 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 5eb13a958e Issue #2473907 by alexpott, maijs: Tests not being run by testbot due to missing summary line 2015-05-18 12:28:42 +01:00
Alex Pott d57ee5f9a3 Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo, catch, Crell, amateescu, pwolanin, morgantocker, Damien Tournoud, sun: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters 2015-05-05 09:42:09 -07:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 1d2f9e9368 Revert "Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters"
This reverts commit ac4e35ce01.
2015-05-05 15:50:36 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole ac4e35ce01 Issue #1923406 by stefan.r, yannickoo: Use ASCII character set on alphanumeric fields so we can index all 255 characters 2015-05-04 11:39:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 0489c18b8a Issue #2456701 by kgoel, Cottser, dawehner, jhodgdon: Replace aggregator_title_link Views formatter with Field API formatter 2015-05-03 17:09:05 +01:00
Alex Pott 5f987ee0ac Issue #2455149 by k4v, jhodgdon, dawehner, Berdir: Aggregator xss fields should be using Field/Entity formatters 2015-04-20 15:55:28 +01:00
webchick 8f07297676 Issue #2375689 by Arla, Wim Leers, dawehner, tim.plunkett, Berdir: BlockBase::blockAccess() should return AccessResult instead of a bool 2015-04-16 09:45:19 -07:00
Alex Pott fe6ef2a778 Issue #2429501 by ParisLiakos, EclipseGc, mitrpaka: AggregatorFeedBlock does not output item links 2015-04-08 11:52:49 +01:00
webchick 24738eb523 Issue #2462589 by dawehner, jhodgdon: Provide test coverage for access checking of all views fields 2015-04-06 23:40:30 -07:00
Alex Pott fdc1c3daf8 Issue #2383863 by rpayanm, mgifford, maximpodorov, Valentine94: Spellchecking Drupal - Comments 2015-04-02 11:59:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 5b19144783 Issue #2459971 by Gábor Hojtsy: The langcode key on configuration files is not explicit in configuration schema 2015-03-31 10:40:13 +01:00
webchick 70f8ac6f31 Issue #2457887 by prateekMehta, stefan.r, rpayanm, alexpott: Use Utility\SafeMarkup class instead of Utility\String for placeholder(), checkPlain(),format() functions 2015-03-29 15:13:25 -07:00
Alex Pott 0884e7b786 Issue #2455153 by damiankloip: Switch revision log views fields to use 'field' formatter 2015-03-27 23:10:54 +00:00
catch 938e2f648c Issue #2428805 by Wim Leers: Remove the ability to configure a block's cache contexts 2015-03-25 20:12:42 +00:00
catch 40cc6312d9 Issue #2090115 by alexpott, xjm: Don't install a module when its default configuration has unmet dependencies 2015-03-22 18:53:45 +00:00
Alex Pott e5d6c142ff Issue #2455415 by rteijeiro, hussainweb, rpayanm, baisong: Rename Views plugin classes to support PHP 7 2015-03-22 11:20:34 +00:00
Alex Pott c393119b77 Issue #2348773 by geertvd, IT-Cru: Aggregator item counts are formatted as date intervals 2015-03-20 14:24:07 +00:00
catch 4b812ec9bb Issue #2342045 by dawehner, Gábor Hojtsy, larowlan, joshtaylor: Standard views base fields need to use same rendering as Field UI fields, for formatting, access checking, and translation consistency 2015-03-15 20:31:04 +00:00
Alex Pott 59388d8c46 Issue #2433281 by neclimdul, mrjmd: Move Role Constants on to a Class/Interface 2015-03-14 21:50:47 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8f5fa6aa10 Issue #2433599 by Wim Leers: Ensure every (non-views) pager automatically associates a matching cache context 2015-03-12 15:52:02 +00:00
Alex Pott 809854e005 Issue #2449069 by Berdir: Remove default block_plugin cache tags, because they're useless 2015-03-10 09:20:59 +00:00
Alex Pott db60a8c7ec Issue #2273923 by mpdonadio, pfrenssen, effulgentsia, pcambra, xjm, tim.plunkett, martin107, cilefen: Remove html => TRUE option from l() and link generator 2015-03-09 15:57:27 +00:00
Alex Pott 28e35f6517 Issue #2414539 by webflo, vijaycs85: Simplify schema definition for sequence 2015-03-09 08:23:40 +00:00
Alex Pott a120969efe Issue #2223435 by Sutharsan, Xano, tim.plunkett: Do not use t() in block plugins anymore 2015-03-01 12:36:58 +00:00
Alex Pott 38ea2f114f Issue #2424745 by martin107: aggregator module document tidy 2015-02-19 10:06:24 +00:00
Alex Pott 61e09de0f3 Issue #1763964 by ParisLiakos, mrded: Use #type => link for theme_aggregator_block_item() 2015-02-18 12:58:33 +00:00
Alex Pott e26375e83f Issue #2427409 by ParisLiakos: Feed image doesnt display 2015-02-17 16:10:55 +00:00
Alex Pott e21ef112a7 Issue #1807160 by Mile23, martin107, ParisLiakos, Lars Toomre: Add missing type hinting to Aggregator module docblocks 2015-02-17 16:03:37 +00:00
Alex Pott 7f6245abfa Issue #2426389 by olli, mikey_p, idebr, amateescu: Port SA-CONTRIB-2015-039 to D8 (views) 2015-02-17 12:51:06 +00:00
Alex Pott 99466a04e4 Issue #2420037 by daffie: Remove EntityViewsDataInterface from some subclasses of EntityViewsData which implements EntityViewsDataInterface 2015-02-16 23:46:58 +00:00
Alex Pott 7b5e5a95e9 Issue #2404603 by mpdonadio, dawehner, larowlan, RavindraSingh: Add proper support for Url objects in FieldPluginBase::renderAsLink(), so we can remove EntityInterface::getSystemPath() 2015-02-11 13:49:32 +00:00
Alex Pott b631c16a76 Issue #1189806 by mortendk, lauriii, jussil, Dragan Eror, cluke009, DickJohnson, rteijeiro, tlattimore: Convert aggregator-item.html.twig to HTML5 2015-02-10 14:59:11 +00:00