'=' instead of ';' and ':'. It is considered to be more readable.
--> A _first_ step towards and improved index.module. Stay tuned
for more.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Changed all 'attribute' to 'attributes'.
+ Important:
If you update from CVS - apply the queries in 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
+ Important:
This might require to ieni-wieni small update to your custom
themes and/or node-related modules:
- themes: node_index($node->attribute) -> node_index($node)
- node modules: attribute -> attributes
update, you'll break your site as you need switching from structure
to index.module: so this can be considered an intermediate commit.
If you upgrade, and you are welcome to, just create a collection
called "section" (for now) and assign your nodes some attributes
in the described format.
Feedback and bugreports are welcomed. Questions will be answered.
- comment system:
+ when replying to a node (rather then to a comment), that
node is displayed above the reply form.
+ when replying to a comment (rather then to a node), that
comment is displayd above the reply form.
- removed structure.inc, removed structure.module.
- node.inc:
+ added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to. Currently,
index.module is the facto default index system.
See story.module for usage.
- book.module, story.module, poll.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ added preview functionality to administration section (via node
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- moderate.module:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- book.module, story.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ increased the sizes of some textareas.
- submit.php:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- marvin.theme:
+ removed dead code: function story() was depricated.
- unconed.theme:
+ removed hardcoded references to drop.org.
- marvin.theme, unconed.theme, jeroen.theme, yaroon.theme, example.theme:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- file.module, trip_link.module:
+ update preview functionality:
see story.module for example.
+ remove references to 'cid' and 'tid', use 'attribute' instead:
see story.module for example.
- extend and build upon index.module as well as making it configurable
+ we no longer wrap the output in a $theme->box(). If you want it in
a box, just use $theme->box().
+ increased the sizes of the main "body"-form to make editing larger
pages easier.
- Slightly improved the parsing algorithm; in some cases, were tags
have attributes, things went wrong. We ignore attributes for now
as we don't do anything with those.
<item rdf:about="http://foo.com"></item>
- Improvement to node listings.
- Patched story.module to work with new node.module!
- UnConeD: poll.module needs updating. Let me know if you want me to do
it as I assume you will update it unless otherwise mentioned.
- Added improved node scheduler:
+ Automatically post node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically queue node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
+ Automatically dump node at date 'xx/xx/xx, xx:xx'.
Requires a database update, see ./updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Refactored the admin interface of node.module. It is only a start
but it should show the direction we are going.
+ The new interface is easier to extend with new functionality
and operations. New "edit xxx" links can easily be added on
our way.
+ The new interface tries to cover all content- or node-related
functions. Thus making a special admin interface for each new
node type redundant. To demonstrate this, I removed the admin
hook from page.module and forum.module. This removes quite a
bit of logic from the invidual modules which is a good sign if
you ask me.
A centralized GUI or interface covering all node-related
administration should make Drupal easier to administer.
- All node-related nodes need updating. This should be trivial and
I'll hapilly tackle this later tonight.
- There will be bugs, and I'm still working on this but I would like
to get some feedback (from Natrak et all) on both user-friendliness
and usability of this new interface. I'm still working on it as we
speak ...
structure.module either needs work, or replacement by index.module:
see "admin > node > node settings".
It will do for now and it can always made better when we can think
of a better solution; it is the best I could think of. Now what?
index.module or structure.module? I'm currently pro index.module.
- Drastically simplified "variable.inc".
- Removed most dependecies on structure.module from all content related
modules. Thus making our modules more modular. ;)
- Fixed calculation glitch in queue.module.
- Fixed potential function name clash/conflict in rating.module, and
simplified some code on my way.
- Started removing all global variables $status and $rstatus. Global
variables are "yucky" so in near future, we will replace all global
$status variables by a call to node_status(). Originally, $status
was only introduced as a temporary hack and nothing is as permanent
as a temporary hack so I took it out when still possible.
- Changed the watchdog messages a bit.
- Removed headline.module: it became obsolete.
- Removed backend.class: it became obsolete.
- Added export.module.
For now, you can use:
1. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rss
2. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rdf
- Renamed export to export.php.
For now, you can use:
1. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rss
2. http://drupal/export.php?headlines.rdf
Renaming this file has main 3 advantages:
1. We no longer rely on .htaccess for being able to export.
2. It is more conform with the general naming conventions.
3. It removes a pseudo-hack with formatting the URI.
- Made import.module export blocks with feeds.
headline code is still in place 'till the new code has proven
to be stable. See "syndication.module" for the new code.
+ Improved the parser and tested it against RSS 0.9, RSS 0.91,
RSS 0.92, RSS 1.0, RDF and XML feeds.
+ Improved the administration interface. It might be a bit fuzzy
at first. Maybe some native English like Julian, Michael (or any
one else with knowledge in the field) can help out by suggesting
better naming, terminology or descriptions - as well as by
writing the help section for this module? I'd have no idea how
much this would be appreciated.
+ We can *easily* recognize new tags or extensions: we parse out
"link", "title", "description" and "author" right now, but we
will have to revise which tags to support and which not. New
tags can be added in less than 10 minutes (if you are familiar
with the code). Read: we have something we can build on.
+ Within each item, tags can now appear is random order which is
or was not the case with the old headline code where we expect
<link>s prior to <description>s for example.
+ Feed updates only (ie. always) happen through cron. Neither do
we use one global cron for updating all feeds; instead, every
feed can specify his own update-interval.
+ Newly fetched headlines are "appended" to the pool of existing
headlines (read: we don't replace the whole feed), and headlines
automatically "expire" after x days or hours. (Every headline
has a timestamp.)
+ Got rid of backend.class; it is integrated in the module.
+ Switched to more generic names: "headline" became "item" and
"backend" became "feed". This should ease future non-headline
oriented syndication.
+ You can associate attributes or keyword lists with every feed.
At the moment new items will automatically inherit their feeds
attributes but in future we can use heuristics to make these
attributes "mutate" when and where we see fit. The attributes
can be maintained by hand as well.
+ We don't export any blocks yet; we will soon do as soon this
new code has been tested for a bit more. We will only export
bundles though so if you want to export by feed/source, you
will have to make a source-specific bundle.
- Polished a bit on a few other modules: nothing major.
for the different content types. These weights are used when
calculating each user's gravity. This is a required step before
we can even think of "nodifying" the diary or headline module.
- Polished a bit more on the other modules' crons.