Lauri Eskola
Issue #3179157 by komalkolekar, mherchel: Small variant of select form element doesn't look correct in RTL
2020-10-29 14:33:32 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3157308 by hansa11, kishor_kolekar, riccardoR, steinmb, mherchel: Classy stylesheet attached from Olivero twig template for node
2020-10-26 15:37:34 +00:00 |
Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0
2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3161010 by steinmb, ravi.shankar, kiran.kadam911, mherchel: Olivero: Syntax error in layout-builder-twocol-section.css
2020-10-20 16:28:12 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3177345 by raman.b, andrewmacpherson: Powered by Drupal block fails WCAG contrast (minimum)
2020-10-19 17:39:31 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3111409 by mherchel, proeung, larowlan, alexpott, lauriii, Gábor Hojtsy, andrewmacpherson, catch, xjm, andypost, rahulrasgon, rabbitlair, mrconnerton, poojakural, boulaffasae, jerseycheese, shimpy, Indrajith KB, DuneBL, kiran.kadam911, komalkolekar, keboca, hawkeye.twolf, andrewozone, Maithri Shetty, alexdmccabe, sd9121, Sreenivas Bttv, katannshaw, mgifford, nod_, webchick, mtift, rainbreaw, Berdir, brianperry, thejimbirch, Dom., q0rban, nitesh624, hansa11, himanshu_sindhwani, kostyashupenko, shaktik, bnjmnm, sharma.amitt16, sonam.chaturvedi, steinmb, shaal, ressa, Ramya Balasubramanian, Sebacic, pradeepjha, tanmaykadam, thedrupalkid, vinitk, volkswagenchick, viappidu, vebrovski, Ujval Shah, Webbeh, Yuri, trebormc, msuthars, mrinalini9, bash247, chetanbharambe, ellenoise, anevins, andriyun, CocoM, JayKandari, ambuj_gupta, hussainweb, jhodgdon, Pooja Ganjage, ju.vanderw, jwitkowski79, MaxPah, Lokender Singh2, jponch, KarenS, KarinG, Lal_: Add new Olivero frontend theme to Drupal 9.1 core as beta; later make it stable and the default
2020-10-16 12:43:55 +03:00 |