- watchdog (rewrite):
+ the collected information provides more details and insights
for post-mortem research
+ input limitation
- database abstraction layer:
+ mysql errors are now verbose and is no longer displayed in a
browser - fixes a possible security risk
- admin.php:
+ updated watchdog page
+ fixed security flaw
- diary.php:
+ fixed nl2br problem
- themes:
+ fixed comment bug in all 3 themes.
- misc:
+ renamed some global variables for sake of consistency:
$sitename --> $site_name
$siteurl --> $site_url
+ added input check where (a) exploitable and (b) possible
+ added input size check
+ various small improvements
+ fixed various typoes
... and much, much more in fact.
- fixed a bug in account.php: the confirmation url is now correct.
- improved error checking + security in diary.php.
- fixed a bug in the html code of theme zaphod.
- improved the date handling: always call format_date().
- expanded account information in administration pages.
- added a new variable $siteurl to ./includes/
- added comment moderation to theme zaphod.
- "alter table users add timezone varchar(8);"
- !!! added new timezone feature !!! :o)
by means of better security checks in order to avoid malicious behavior.
In addition, quite some code has been fine-tuned.
However, as a result, every theme will require a small update ...
visual changes:
- removed redundant files user.class.php, calendar.class.php
and backend.class.php.
- converted *all* mysql queries to queries supported by the
database abstraction layer.
- expanded the watchdog to record more information on what
actually happened.
- bugfix: anonymous readers where not able to view comments.
- bugfix: anonymous readers could gain read-only access to
the submission queue.
- bugfix: invalid includes in backend.php
- bugfix: invalid use of '$user->block'
and last but not least:
- redid 50% of the user account system
- improved the user information page.
- improved the story submission page.
- fixed comments score bug: '.00' --> 'x.00'
- tried fixing the calendar wrapping - UnConeD, is it fixed now?
- provided a link back to the submission queue after having voted
for a story.
- fixed comment subject bug (and security flaw) by replacing
quotes by ".
- updated theme 'zaphod': fixed 2 bugs.
- updated theme 'marvin': fixed 1 bug and improved the layout so
things wrap (hopefully) better in Windows.
- comments have by default no subject pre-set - if no subject is
provided, the user is warned and when a comment eventually got
submitted without a subject, a subject is composed using the x
first characters of the comment's body.
- improved comments on submit.php
- corrected a typo in the FAQ.
- replace 'article.php' by 'discussion.php'
- comment() still uses old references to account.php: the
parameters you supply to account.php does no longer hold.
You have to update those links to the new syntax.
- commentcontrol() is outdated - copy paste the one of
theme 'marvin' and adjust it to your likings.
* On a side note:
Jeroen: I'm feeling somewhat better at the moment so normally it
should be OK if you'd stop by tonight (after 19:30h).
Give me some feedback on this. ;-)
- Added a basic implementation of comment moderation
- Updated and renamed my 2 themes: I removed redundant boxes and tried to
work towards simplicity.
- Disabled the other themes as they are broken (I gave you sufficent time
to update them).
- Removed redundant files.
- Added security checks with regard to the usage of HTML tags.
made quite a lot of additions. The most remarkable addition is the
diary server, which I slapped together in less then 40 minutes. Most
of the other changes are however `unvisible' for the user but add much
value to a better maintainability from a developer's objective. Like
always, I fixed quite a number of small bugs that creeped into the code
so we should have a bigger, better and more stable
Unfortunatly, some theme update _are_ required:
* use format_username() where usernames are used
* use format_date() where timestamps/dates are used
* use format_email() where e-mail addresses are displayed
* use format_url() where url are displayed
* replace 'formatTimestamp' with format_date
* replace 'morelink_*' with 'display_morelink'
[most of these functions are in or]
___PLEASE___ (<- this should get your attention ;) update your themes
as soon as possible - it only takes 30 min. to get in sync with the
other themes. Don't start whining about the fact you don't know what
to change ... either eat the source cookie, or ask me to elaborate on
a few changes. Just let me know what's puzzling you and I'll try to
help you out!
* Add checks for max. text length in textarea's? Is there an HMTL
attribute for this or ...?
* Comment moderation + mojo
* Edit/admin user accounts: block, delete, change permissions, ...
* E-mail password, change password, change e-mail address -> extra
checks and routines to validate such `special' changes.
* Input checking - input filter: bad words, html tags, ...