- puts the long multiline help text into one string
- fixes the ambiquity of calling two things on the same name: "custom block"
now the user customizeable blocks are called custom blocks, and the admin
defined blocks are called Administator Defined Blocks
- added info on throttle to the explanation on when a block is displyed
- also fixing some small typos
- Adds drupal_set_header() and drupal_get_headers().
- Cache now stores custom headers.
- Replace theme_head() with drupal_get_html_head(), added drupal_set_html_head().
- Added RSS autodiscover links to node, blog and taxonomy pages.
- Added support for new tags:
+ Optinal feed image: <image> tag.
+ Dublin core dates: <dc:date> <dcterms:created>, <dcterms:issued>,
- Usability improvements:
+ On the administration page, made the feed/bundle titles link
to the feeds/bundles' pages. On the feed/bundle's page, made
the 'Last updated' field link to the administration page.
+ Moved the 'syndication' menu one level down.
- Updated some content sensitive help.
- Further improved themeability.
- Fixed some invalid HTML.
+ Added some a new theme fucntions to the aggregator to make it possible to
theme the aggregator page.
+ Removed the <table> and much hardcoded CSS as well as theme("box")-es.
+ Added the aggregator's theme functions to Doxygen's themeable group.
+ Added breadcrumb trails to the aggregator pages.
+ Updated the core themes to take advantages of the improved themeability.
+ Added drupal_http_request().
+ Replaced rssfeeds with OPML feed subscription list.
+ Added support for pubDate.
+ Added support for conditional gets using ETag and Last-Modified.
* Wrapper around xml_parser_create() which extracts the encoding from the XML
* data first and sets the output encoding to UTF-8. This function should be
* used instead of xml_parser_create(), because PHP's XML parser doesn't check
* the input encoding itself.
* This is also where unsupported encodings should be converted.
* Callers should take this into account: $data might have been changed after
* the call.
* @param $data The XML data which will be parsed later.
To do this cleanly, I reorganised some bits of system.module: there is now a generic handler available for simple variable-get/set based configuration pages. Look at filter_admin() or system_view() for example usage.
(based on the patch by Goba)
To do this cleanly, I reorganised some bits of system.module: there is now a generic handler available for simple variable-get/set based configuration pages. Look at filter_admin() or system_view() for example usage.
(based on the patch by Goba)
- Re-added STYLE/ON*= filtering (this got lost a while ago due to reorganisation)
- Added form_group's to node.module's filter options
- Fixed incorrect filter usage in poll.module
<div class="user-login-block"> is now inside the <form> instead of the
other way around.
- Simplified the user login block by removing some CSS that was no longer
needed. The block module already emits block-related classes and an id.
- Fixed the title and breadcrumb trail of the comment delete page, added
missing cache flush, improved usability and made it so that when you delete
a comment replies are deleted as well.
- Added 'delete comment' links to the comments on node pages. Hopefully
this will make it easier to maintain old threads such as those attached to
the book pages on drupal.org.
- Comment module maintenance: added missing t() functions and improved
consistency of the calls to drupal_set_message(), used radio buttons instead
of a selection box.
- put text directly into t(), which also means that multipart help text becomes
a multiline string
- use modern XHTML tagging, no <b> and <i>
- put links and URLs out of the translated text where appropriate
- let referred menu items and form elements get the same name as in the menu /
form, so only one translation would be needed
- use %variable instead of $variable when variables need to go into the string
- add translation to form items previously untranslated
- use example.com in example URLs
To be discussed and investigated: when a form element has no title an empty
<label> tag will be emitted (eg. "remember me" checkbox). This doesn't make
sense but is our best option for now.
the theme functions left the poll module's poll_view() function in a
state where it does not display the poll results or vote forms on their
own pages, since it uses another (proprietary) $block parameter to
handle the case when the poll is rendered to be displayed in a block.
Patch by Goba.
- Adds possibility to hide menu item when it has no children. (Fixes the
node/add problem when user doesn't have access to create any node
- More doxygen comments.
+ removes the lots of pagers and indirect pager themeing
+ add the theme_pager() function, which should be called as
theme("pager", ...) to get a pager.
Contributed themes and modules need to be updated:
- modules: status() is no more; use drupal_set_message() instead.
- themes: use drupal_get_message() to check for status messages and
visualize them.
+ Fix modules help to read better and be accurate
+ Add groups to throttle_settings()
+ Provide much more detailed information in all _settings options
+ Fix links in module's "Throttle status" block
- removed statistics_init() -- auto-throttle logic moved to
- renamed internal-only update_throttle() to _update_throttle()
- removed some odd white spaces
- fixed 'Popular content' block's subtitles to actually display
- removed custom user-page configuration
- added user-page configuration as group into statistics_settings()
- inlined logic to display user-page within statistics_page()
- changed references of "top content" to "most popular content"
- updated help to reflect recent changes
- removed references to title/subtitle text configuration
- properly load _settings data for popular content block
- fix admin pages to display referrers and top nodes (don't return...)
- Remove custom configuration of "admin/system/block/top nodes block".
- Three remaining configuration options moved to "admin/system/modules/statistics".
- Move simple logic to display block within statistics_block().
* fixes all doxygen warnings [#]_ in the current code base
+ changes @param style from phpDocumentor (@param type $var desc) to doxygen (@param $var desc)
+ documents all undocumented parameters
+ escapes / fixes html warnings
+ fixes @defgroup in theme.inc
* adds more groupings [#]_
+ drupal_{set|get}_title, drupal_{set|get}_breadcrumb
+ pager.inc: pager_api (pager_query(), pager_display()), pager pieces
* adds a new group "themeable" which contains all themeable functions.