- Fixing a bug caused by the PHP5 patches.
Beware: PHP4's array_merge() will silently accept objects and convert them to arrays. We should not depend on this behaviour in the future.
File.inc / file-using modules:
- Removing the constant FILE_SEPARATOR: forward slashes work fine on Windows, and it was being used incorrectly as an URL separator sometimes.
- Adding @ to mkdir and chmod to supress ugly PHP errors. They are already reported with drupal_set_message().
- Fixing default for variable 'file_directory_temp'.
- Clarifying the help tip for 'file_directory_temp' in admin > settings.
- Admin - upload only shows up for 'access administration section' perms
- Users without 'upload files' perm do not see the attachments form (and cannot attach even when sending their own http request)
Note: if a user can edit a node, but not 'upload files', then the attachments are left untouched (and cannot be changed).
This makes sense because people will expect attachments to work everywhere when they enable this module. This also matches comment.module's behaviour, where comments are allowed by default unless turned off.