Neil Drumm
#18870 by zen. Only allow the new comment anchor to be output forthe first new comment.
2006-12-30 21:20:38 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#60664 by Heine. Only check if new comments are duplicates.
2006-12-25 22:39:08 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#69111 by robertDouglass. Speed up the new comments block.
2006-12-19 09:02:28 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#92242 : Don't indent when comment view is flat.
2006-12-15 01:33:00 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#102353 : More efficient query for comment.module fix
2006-12-13 22:44:54 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#102353 : Fix comment tracking when comment module has been disabled.
2006-12-13 10:24:58 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#93897 : Fix comment de-indenting multiple levels at a time.
2006-12-12 09:20:17 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#102606 : More documentation for constants (webchick)
2006-12-12 06:14:21 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#60916 : Fix comment subject being empty when comment only contains HTML tags.
2006-12-12 06:06:41 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#102783 : link to right permissions section in comment help
2006-12-12 05:39:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
2006-12-11 17:13:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #102026 by robert douglas: improved PHPdoc comments.
2006-12-08 16:16:30 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #102151 by robert douglass: removed unneeded 'GROUP BY' clause in thread-building code.
2006-12-08 15:32:10 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #100836 by webernet: make collapsed comments work again.
2006-12-06 15:44:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #92149 by Chris Kennedy: more sentence capitalization.
2006-12-05 17:48:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #51314 by kjartan, eafarris, et al: hide the last comment block if there are no comments.
2006-12-01 16:50:36 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#99579 by Heine. Don't placeholder the number of comments per page.
2006-11-27 02:14:33 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#97824 by webchick. Move enclosing elements out of t().
2006-11-26 23:10:29 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#99645 by chx. Reshuffle some comments.
2006-11-26 22:35:20 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#97231 by pwolanin. Keep the node type in a property and use it consistently.
2006-11-26 02:43:48 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch # #98366 by webchick and ac: simplified strings for translators.
2006-11-24 10:18:24 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #98365 by webchick and RobRoy: added missing t() functions.
2006-11-24 09:01:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #87298 by webchick, neil, dww et al: show version numbers on modules page.
2006-11-21 20:55:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #92992 by webchick and neclimdul: clean up documentation that is superseded by the new 'by module' administration dashboard.
2006-11-21 20:14:19 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#84961 : Add 'select all' and range select feature to admin tables.
2006-11-21 08:16:39 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#93821 by lyricnz. Fix an undefined variable.
2006-11-12 00:11:15 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#92149 by Egon Bianchet. Fix an uncapitalized link.
2006-11-10 08:37:20 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #82938 by edkwh and natrak: error in comments admin page after clicking on Update without selecting any comments.
2006-10-24 20:31:25 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#84146 : Use 'Sentence capitalization' for menu items, page titles, form items, etc
2006-10-22 08:28:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #78399 by Eaton and chx: don't allow HTML in the title.
2006-10-18 18:00:40 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#84443 by Shakur. Do not depend on a url argument being defined.
2006-10-17 08:45:51 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #87995 by merlinofchaos: added missing css.
2006-10-15 19:57:06 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #87995 by merlinofchaos: cleaned up CSS and simplified the code.
2006-10-11 13:17:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #87755 by kjartan: anonymous comments can't save names.
2006-10-09 06:59:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #81740 by merlinofchaos, webchick, moshe, neclimdul et al: added package support to the modules page.
2006-10-05 15:47:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #83007 by edkwh: fixed multi-comment delete.
2006-09-17 19:09:34 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#73584 by keve an flk. Properly check if a variable is set.
2006-09-09 00:23:11 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #82465 by webchick: renamed variables in hooks for consistency.
2006-09-08 16:33:02 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#82336 by jvandyk. Set the default input format if we don't have one.
2006-09-05 02:36:02 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Rollback of patch #68418 : clean up node submit hooks. Needs more thinkering.
Restores the old node API.
2006-08-31 21:58:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #80952 by earl, webchick, neclimdul et al: .info files
2006-08-31 20:22:37 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#81481 by erdemkose. Show the comment subject on delete confirmation.
2006-08-31 08:55:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #68418 by Moshe et al: clean up node submit hooks.
2006-08-29 18:43:26 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#80574 Eaton and chx. Replace $_POST['edit'] with $_POST.
2006-08-29 09:12:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #80895 by webchick et al: make it easier to disable form elements.
2006-08-27 12:54:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #76444 by chx, moshe, eaton, angie et al: make it possible to control access to form elements.
2006-08-22 11:13:04 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #79498 by Eaton: fixed editing comments and nodes.
2006-08-19 21:40:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #77919 by chx, eaton, moshe, et al: enable programmaticaly submitted forms via the pull model.
2006-08-18 18:58:47 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#76802 : Introduce placeholder magic into t()
2006-08-18 12:17:00 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #74326 by Eaton, Royboy, chx, et al: building $node->body with arrays like FAPI for viewing.
Once again, we're paving the path for CCK in core ... :)
2006-08-10 15:42:33 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #77896 by killes: don't clear cache inside loop.
2006-08-10 05:47:37 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #77422 by timcn: corrected various paths in the documentation.
2006-08-07 15:04:16 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#62340 by chx, webchick, Jaza, Eaton, mathieu, and myself. Configurable node types.
2006-08-06 23:00:42 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#73884 by RobRoy, various code cleanup.
2006-08-05 00:26:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #72079 by Earl et al: give Drupal an overall administration page ... :-)
2006-07-31 11:25:55 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#73605 by RobRoy, make hook_link() implementations consistent with documentation.
2006-07-19 07:15:35 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#73748 by RobRoy, add a themeable wrapper for comments
2006-07-19 06:19:17 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#74070 : urlencode to drupal_urlencode()
2006-07-18 10:44:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #73351 by Kris, Goba et al: only display comment link in RSS, if applicable.
2006-07-13 12:29:15 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #72284 by me:
+ reorganized ?q=admin/settings
+ deprecated the _settings hook
2006-07-10 19:27:52 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#72865 by AjK, use more standard is_numeric() instead of ctype_digit().
2006-07-10 18:00:37 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#71925 by Steven, remove # prefix from link array keys.
2006-07-04 08:59:05 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#63990 by Heine and chx, allow commenting on nodes containing forms
2006-07-02 20:24:17 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#67745 by AjK, handle deleting non-existant comments better.
2006-07-02 02:59:21 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#51556 by greggles, Fixing an inaccurate comment.
2006-05-20 08:14:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #18260 by Ber, m3averck et al: allow overriding of links returned by modules
2006-05-18 14:58:57 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#61802 by Zen, Double spaced sentences clean up
2006-05-07 00:08:36 +00:00
Neil Drumm
#61678 by Zen, Comment body validation should rely on fapi
2006-05-04 09:34:56 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#58953 : Flat collapsed mode and newest first order broken
2006-04-27 22:03:20 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #58953 by tenrapid: critical bugfix: Flat Collapsed mode and Newest First order broken.
2006-04-24 18:42:53 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#58221 , Turn #after_build into a functions array in order to make validation of date fields possible. Patch by yched, tenrapid
Also makes forms API more consistent (see #pre_render)
2006-04-20 07:11:37 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #58921 by markus_petrux: critical bug: database error when rendering comments in PostgreSQL.
Tested with MySQL only!
2006-04-17 20:45:00 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#51002 : Admins could not see unpublished comments (plus minor usability enhancements for previewing/unpublished)
2006-04-15 04:07:18 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#5371 , drupal_get_destination, pager and tablesort array handling, patch by Steven
2006-04-13 08:25:27 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#58166 , fixes for typos, patch by Uwe Herrmann
2006-04-11 11:33:15 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#56942 : Comment cids should belong to the associated nid
2006-04-04 07:07:45 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#57133 : admin/comment needs to remember sort order in page
2006-04-04 01:26:05 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#56346 : XHTML validation error due to comment.module links
2006-03-30 17:23:29 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#34132 , remove remnants of nodeapi('fields'), patch by myself
2006-03-28 06:12:15 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #55666 : Comment reply form anchor fixes
2006-03-27 08:08:31 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#53348 , Handling of deleted/blocked user accounts, patch by jreyero and Zen
2006-03-26 19:31:00 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#55622 , Security threat -- any user can delete comments, patch by robertgarrigos
2006-03-24 11:38:00 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#54687 , Typo with page redirection upon login, patch by matt westgate
2006-03-20 16:40:06 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #51142 by markus: hook_comment not called for all update operations.
2006-03-06 20:52:55 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #51543 by wtanaka: clicking on 'add new comment' takes you to the wrong place.
2006-03-06 18:09:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #50835 by markus: print message when replying to non-existing comment.
2006-03-04 18:01:54 +00:00
Gerhard Killesreiter
#50771 , Wrong user name in admin/comment, patach by Markus Petrux
2006-02-27 14:54:24 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #51347 by eafarris: fixed typo: coment -> comment.
2006-02-26 19:52:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #46690 by Zen: 'user comments' -> 'comment settings'.
2006-02-26 19:47:55 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #50755 by markus: = -> ==.
2006-02-22 19:02:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #47699 by wtanaka: performance improvement.
2006-02-22 10:05:06 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #49912 : -> (Today's critical bugfix #5.)
2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #43572 by Tobias: don't accept spaces.
2006-02-14 19:17:00 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #48622 by adrian: remove drupal_goto from _submit functions.
2006-02-10 05:25:57 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #48518 : Editing own comment broken under postgresl
2006-02-09 09:09:03 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #48239 : Comment thread coding inefficient
2006-02-09 08:33:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #47705 by DriesK: comment moderation/approval wasn't working due to a bug with its forms.
2006-02-04 09:54:16 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #47045 by Cvbge: fixed problem with deleting comments.
2006-02-01 14:04:50 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #46227 by chx: comment token is broken.
2006-01-31 15:26:39 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #45723 by wtanaka: creating a comment, editing a comment, or anything that validates a comment fails on PHP5.
2006-01-26 08:48:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #40752 by moshe/wtanaka: login and regsiter links on each comment don't redirect back to the topic.
2006-01-26 08:27:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #40753 by wtanaka/killes: #comment-form has disappeared from comment.module
2006-01-25 08:54:40 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #44101 by Cvbge: deleting a comment creates incorrect entry in node_comment_statistics.
2006-01-22 07:26:33 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #45380 by Neil: usability improvement: disable anonymous commenting options when anonymous people can't comment.
2006-01-20 09:33:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #45530 by Morbus: filter_form shouldn't default to #weight 0
When a form element doesn't specify a #weight, it is assumed internally as #weight 0. However, to ensure that our form elements display visually *as they were defined in the array* we, in form_builder, count the number of elements, divide by 1000, and set that as the weight:
# Assign a decimal placeholder weight to preserve original array order
if (!isset($form[$key]['#weight'])) {
$form[$key]['#weight'] = $count/1000;
The above code will set the #weights of elements that have not defined a weight to something like 0 (first element in array definition), 0.001, 0.002, and so on. However, anytime a form element *explicitly* defines a #weight of 0, that #weight is kept at exactly 0, which would cause that form element to appear BEFORE the elements that didn't have a #weight defined (and thus received a #weight such as 0.002).
Consider the following pseudo example:
$form['game_title'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
$form['game_description'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
$form['game_format'] = filter_form(variable_get('game_format', NULL));
return $form;
Here, we're not definiing weights on our two textfields. We then add an filter_form. The second parameter of the filter_form is $weight, which defaults to 0. After this $form hits form_builder, we have weights 0 (game_title), 0.001 (game_description), and 0 (filter_form) respectively. This is then sorted by weight, which causes filter_form (the third element in the array) to appear BEFORE game_description (0 is lighter than 0.001).
The short lesson is: explicitly defining #weight 0 for a form element is probably a bad idea. This patch changes the default #weight of filter_form to NULL, instead of 0, and also removes any other explicit setting of #weight to 0 in core.
2006-01-20 09:04:34 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #45349 by Morbus Iff: input filters aren't sorting correctly infForms API.
2006-01-19 08:54:41 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #43325 by chx/drumm/merlinofchaos: critical bugfix: made editing comments work.
2006-01-18 15:09:39 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #40755 by wtanaka: make the comment block themable.
2006-01-17 18:02:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Removed reference to comment moderation.
2006-01-10 19:41:15 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #43097 : restore admin/comment tablesort
2006-01-08 00:29:37 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Comment bug: anchor links should be specified using $fragment in url() and drupal_goto().
2006-01-06 01:14:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #40563 by chx, merlingofchaos, et al: bug fix: fixed the default comment settings on node sumbission forms.
2006-01-05 14:35:55 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #39743 by merlinofchaos: critical bugfix: fixed comment ordering setting.
2006-01-05 10:53:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #42971 by markus_petrux: input format not correctly shown when editing a comment.
2006-01-03 23:04:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch 41169 by Chris: got rid of expensvie object 2 array casts.
2005-12-31 10:48:56 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #38999 by saerdna: There's no need that users with the "administer comments" role has to go via admin/comments to delete comments. this patch simply adds the delete link on each comment if you have administer comments role. "access administration pages" not needed; because if they not have it they can still delete from admin/comments.
2005-12-19 10:12:52 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #41081 by billturner: fixed problem with the comment settings form.
2005-12-15 16:31:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #34920 by Morbus/webchick/tangent: fixed order of form fields.
2005-12-15 16:24:40 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #41133 by DriesK: as of PHP 5.1.0, strtotime() returns FALSE on failure instead of -1.
Changed code to be compatible with all versions.
2005-12-15 16:02:50 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #40631 by Chris Johnson: is_array() slower than isset() or empty().
2005-12-14 20:10:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28595 by Cvbge: fixed problems with bulk comment operations.
2005-12-08 09:11:32 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28595 by Jeremy: added support for bulk operations on comments.
2005-12-07 05:35:02 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #39778 by chx: obliterate nodeapi op form in favor of the forms API's way of doing things. Tested with help from webchick.
2005-12-05 09:11:33 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #36434 by assimonds: fixed problem with editing signatures.
2005-12-03 19:39:15 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #39576 by chx: rename '_execute' to '_submit' and '#execute' to '#submit'.
2005-12-02 15:21:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #39024 by Zen: comments that should be in the moderation queue get published.
2005-11-27 11:45:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #37798 by Neil: fixed problem with node settings.
2005-11-27 11:11:46 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #39013 by drumm: more logical naming of themeable functions
2005-11-27 11:07:02 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #37798 by Neil: allow non-workflow form elements on the node type settings page.
2005-11-25 10:11:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #38575 by Neil: fixed infinite loop in comment.module.
2005-11-23 08:23:45 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #38491 by Neil: refactor comment viewing controls to _execute model.
2005-11-22 15:48:46 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #35726 by asimmonds: post_process -> build_after
2005-11-22 15:13:15 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #35726 by asimmonds/chx: converted the comment module to the forms API's _execute model.
2005-11-21 08:32:31 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #34295 by assimonds: added missing defines to comment.module. Improves
readability of the code.
2005-11-15 07:29:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #34295 by DrupalJapan and chx:
+ Fixed problem with configuration of comment display options.
+ Introduced defines for the various comment settings.
2005-11-13 09:05:38 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Add missing url()s around form actions (these would break without clean URLs)
2005-11-13 02:32:18 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #35644 by webchick: forms API simplificiations.
2005-11-12 11:26:16 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #36727 by Goba: fixed incorrect use of drupal_goto().
2005-11-08 20:57:41 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #26139 by webchick / Kieran / documentation team: improved admin help of core modules! /
2005-11-01 10:17:34 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #34645 : Make $links in theme_comment consistent with theme_node (Stefan)
2005-10-20 09:27:36 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Typo
2005-10-20 08:56:34 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Code style
2005-10-20 08:53:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #33752 by chx, adrian, et al: another batch of form API changes/fixes.
2005-10-11 19:44:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #33433 by chx: fixed a number of form API problems.
* Default form value
* Leftover debug function in
* PHP5 issue with comment date (I got this patch from another issue)
* Validation error fix (was calling legacy form validate)
* Lots o' warnings on comment preview
* Filter tips plus argument (gremlins. I swear this was not there.)
* Message to clear what's going on with system settings
* Non-freetagging taxonomies fixed
2005-10-08 12:21:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29465 : new form API by Adrian et al.
+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
2005-10-07 06:11:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch by chx: fixed validation check.
2005-10-01 08:43:51 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Add some extra options.
2005-09-29 08:04:51 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #26031 by leafish_dylan: fixed comment pager (broken SQL query).
2005-09-27 18:34:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28786 by Neil: moved pagers out of table.
2005-09-27 18:10:19 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28786 by Neil: move pagers out of table.
2005-09-24 07:53:26 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
Patch #19934 by Morbus, chx: conf_init() should strip out port numbers in
2005-09-19 19:13:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29866 by Florian, Uwe: made the recent comments block only show comments on public nodes.
2005-09-19 15:11:05 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28420 by Jeremy: provide a more generic interface that can be used
to validate other form submissions, not just comments. Two new functions
are introduced, form_token() and form_validate(). The first function uses
a private key and a public key to set a token in a hidden field. The second
function validates the token. The comment and contect module are updated to
use these functions.
2005-09-18 12:04:10 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #3986 by James (and Boris :)):consolidated all feed-related settings in one place.
* adds a "feed settings" section to admin/settings where 2 new settings are introduced:
* number of items per feed
* default length of feed descriptions (title only, teaser, full)
* patches all of core to obey the above - including the new aggregator (out) feeds
* adds support for adding namespaces in _nodeapi('rss item') - which means things like iTunes RSS and yahoo's media rss can be implemented by the appropriate modules (i.e. audio.module)
* includes some additional info in the default node feed - specifically the element (links directly to comments) - and dc:creator - to show node author information.
2005-09-18 10:37:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16140 by Gerhard: cure array_merge() warning due to invalide menu callback.
2005-09-07 20:45:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #7582 by Gerhard: improved node revisions!
All node revisions were stored in a serialized field in the node table and retrieved for _each_ page view although they are rarely needed. We created a separate revisions table which would be in principle identical to the node table, only that it could have several old copies of the same node. This also allows us to revision-related information, and to provide log entries to non-book pages when a new revision is being created.
1. Provide upgrade instructions for node module maintainers!
2. Upgrade modules that implement node types.
3. Provide an upgarde path for revisions. Dependency on the upgrade system.
2005-08-30 15:22:29 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Renamed 'user comments' to 'comment options' for consistency.'
2005-08-28 15:16:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29385 by chx: no ?> add end of files.
2005-08-25 21:14:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #23620 by Robin: don't hard code forms into comment.module. Will be
depricated by form API patch though. Hopefully helps migration.
2005-08-17 20:07:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #27737 by Gerhard: format_name($object) -> theme('username', $object).
Usernames can now be themed; eg. an icon/avatar could be added.
TODO: update contributed modules + update the migration docs.
2005-08-01 05:14:05 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #27551 : Rename check_output() to check_markup(). Needs contrib updates!
2005-07-29 21:06:33 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #27624 , #27614 , #27627 : dead code
2005-07-29 08:18:20 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #25285 : Use correct permission for node form comment admin
2005-07-25 09:41:29 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Fixed typo reported by Stefan: theem -> theme
2005-07-20 15:13:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #18656 by Moshe: unifies the admin comment form and the usual comment form, similar to what we did for nodes. This resulted lots of duplicate code removal. Also gave administrators the ability to change the author and timestamp of a comment. Also removed comment links from the bottom of the comment preview box (as we did for nodes)
Modifications: fixed breadcrumbs, tidied up delete confirmation page to be consistent with node deletions..
2005-07-19 17:51:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #25634 by chx: simplified node_load().
2005-07-17 18:29:32 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Removed tab.
2005-07-05 19:31:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Fixed problems with filter formats and problem with XML-RPC server.
2005-06-29 19:53:14 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #25603 by Stefan: made the sizes of forms consistent.
TODO: document the defaults in the PHPdoc comments.
2005-06-27 18:33:33 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16204 by Thox: committed the collapsible form elements patch.
NOTE: this patch works well, but the improved node edit form still has
some rough edges. It is important that we continue to improve
usability. Give it a try.
2005-06-21 09:45:45 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #23285 : Allow theming of comment previews, like node previews.
2005-05-22 21:14:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #22804 by Cvbge: fixed typo in documentation.
2005-05-14 17:23:18 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #21221 by Robert: make status values in comment.module defined constants for readability.
2005-05-05 20:12:49 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch 20910 by chx: centralize print theme page.
2005-04-24 16:34:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #18215 by ankur: make sure the comment statistics update after approval in the moderation queue.
2005-04-08 13:34:10 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch by Drumm: change the wording for clarity.
2005-04-08 13:06:37 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- By default, do not show comment controls.
2005-04-07 05:24:08 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #20103 by Neil: Removing another place where we have hard coded HTML instead of the form functions. The unpublish selection actually didn't seem to work, so I removed it since we have delete. It should be implemented as a link anyway.
2005-04-07 05:21:30 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #19451 by JonBob: improved consistency of module descriptions. We should write guidelines for this -- maybe in the PHPDoc code of the _help hook.
2005-04-01 15:55:02 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #18817 : Clean up plain-text checking (see drupal-devel!)
2005-03-31 09:25:33 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #19009 by chx: fixed a bug with comment replies letting one access nodes.
2005-03-20 19:42:14 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #18939 (Stefan): Always use paragraph tags around page help text.
2005-03-18 07:07:04 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #17161 by Morbus: increase 40-character limit in URL field for comments.
2005-03-16 22:14:15 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #14109 by wulff/Morbus: added missing t() funciton
2005-03-16 19:31:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #18692 by Goba: old comments (comments for nodes having no entry in the history table anymore) are counted as new comments, since the timestamp retrieved from the history table is used to check for new comments (which is 0, if an entry was not found). This patch sets the timestamp used to check for new comments to the NODE_NEW_LIMIT value at least (which is when the history table was/should have been pruned).
2005-03-12 08:52:29 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #18676 by frjo: When anonymuos users are allowed to add comments there are a required e-mail field. This field are, as far as i can see, not shown publicly. A user asked me about this and after confirming that it is not shown publicly I added a description that inform the users of this. I have included a patch that add the description "The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly". This is the same description that is used by the profile module.
2005-03-10 18:28:21 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#18329 : Unify confirmation messages (and make them themable)
2005-03-03 20:51:27 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #17877 : Auto-fill comment subject during _validate rather than _save.
2005-02-27 02:56:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #17208 by asimmonds: help text fixes:
- permissions menu link updates in a number of modules help
- anchor link fix in distributed auth help
- "my account" link fix in user help
- spelling correction in tracker.module help
- I also changed 'admin/access/perms' to 'admin/access/permissions'.
2005-02-12 07:51:14 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11366 by Junyor: fixed twin comment problem in HEAD.
2005-02-11 19:01:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16246 by Moshe: added mechanism to direct the user back to the referring page after completing a form.
(Moshe: the patch against node.module failed to apply.)
2005-02-01 19:45:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch by Jose A Reyero: fixed probem with db_rewriste_sql() in the comment.module.
2005-01-31 19:30:13 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16253 by Goba: incremental improvements to the new content markers.
Goba: it would be nice if one of the core themes would showcase this functionality. ;-)
2005-01-30 09:53:19 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16111 by chx: generalized node_rewrite_query to db_rewrite_query.
2005-01-29 22:02:37 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16253 by Goba: this simple and straightforward patch adds the ability to define different types of markers (while retaining the old default behaviour of the new and required markers to look the same). Someone with enough time on his hands might be able to partition the new marker to a real new marker and a changed marker (since node_is_new() returns TRUE even if nodes changed, and not only when they are new). This is the base on which the new patch can be worked though.
2005-01-27 12:57:08 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #14170 by Neil: improved default workflow (default node type) configuration page.
Modified the patch to remove some redundant code, to translate strings, and to better use the menu system.
2005-01-24 21:20:16 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Fix tracker pager count query being wrong (it did not return a count but a set, and it counted nodes with more than 1 comment as multiple nodes).
- Clean up various SQL queries: removing literally inserted data (db_escape_string is evil!), fixing single "%" which should be "%%", fixing integers being compared as strings.
2005-01-19 01:46:25 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- The real code fixes ;)
2005-01-17 19:00:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #14731 by chx: made it possible to rewrite node queries.
2005-01-16 18:44:49 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Fix comment pager counting unpublished comments.
2005-01-12 16:02:42 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Fix comment pager counting unpublished comments.
2005-01-12 16:02:20 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Updated two watchdog calls.
2005-01-09 10:06:26 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13260 by UnConeD: watchdog module improvements.
We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
* Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
* The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
2005-01-09 09:22:40 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #14917 by UnConeD/Steven:
1) The different types of search, which used to be radio button options in the search form, are now subtabs of "search" (default "search/node"). This seems better from a UI point of view, but also has another advantage: modules which implement a custom search form (flexinode, project) can add it as a subtab of search. This means that all search forms will be located in the same place, and also without needing an extra api call to search.module.
2) The current code was a bit hackish, as the indexing of comments along with nodes was hardcoded in node.module. Instead, I created a nodeapi operation "update index" which allows modules to add more data for a node that is being indexed. Comments are now indexed using this mechanism and from comment.module, which is a lot cleaner.
3) The search results format was also hardcoded to include "N comments". I replaced this with a nodeapi operation "search result" and moved the comment code to comment.module where it belongs. This op is quite useful, as for example I also modified upload.module to add "N attachments" to a search result if any are present.
2004-12-31 09:30:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #14882 by Jeremy: removed some cruft: status = 2 is no more.
2004-12-29 18:41:52 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #14710 by tangent: only show post button if preview is optional or if we are in preview mode. We show the post button in preview mode even if there are form errors so that optional form elements (e.g., captcha) can be updated in preview mode.
2004-12-23 06:47:24 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Making comment moderation query PGSQL/ANSI compatible.
2004-12-20 02:05:00 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13907 by Neil: less ways to set the page title.
* Less logic in theme code.
* Encourages use of the menu system.
* Easier to find where a title or breadcrumb comes from in other people's code because there are less places to look. Look in menu and then grep for the appropriate set function. Looking for calls to theme_page() is hard because there are too many of them.
* Very slightly more efficient.
2004-12-15 21:19:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Fixed typo: db_queryd() -> db_query()
2004-12-11 12:26:40 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Bugfix: make sure to update the node_comment_statistics table when a node is updated.
2004-12-11 11:41:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Refactored the queue module: removed the queue module's field from the node table. With help from Gerhard.
- Slight addition to INSTALL.txt with regard to PHP versions.
- Updated/reworded some node type descriptions as per Boris' suggestions.
- Adding missing {} around a table name in update.php.
2004-12-07 16:55:38 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13816 by Neil: tidied up the comment module code a bit.
2004-12-02 20:24:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13647 by Goba:
1. Fixed broken watchdog calls: two watchdog calls omitted the type parameter, and thus injected logs into the type field, instead of the message field.
2. Removed t() functions from user contributed content.
2004-11-29 17:52:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #12555 by svemir: fixed problem with the 'Preview comment' button not being present when previews are optional.
2004-11-29 12:59:21 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13263 and #13265 by arnab: added word-based truncation and made the comment module use it to extract subjects.
2004-11-21 20:17:44 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch 13180 by chx: renamed check_query() to db_escape_string() and implemtented it properly per database backend.
Read the manual for pg_escape_string: "Use of this function is recommended instead of addslashes()." Or read sqlite_escape_string: "addslashes() should NOT be used to quote your strings for SQLite queries; it will lead to strange results when retrieving your data."
2004-11-21 08:25:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #12783 by Stefan: various small consistency/usability improvements.
2004-11-15 11:16:39 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11875 by Neil Drumm: block module configuration improvements.
The primary goal of this patch is to take the 'custom' and 'path' columns of the block overview page and make them into something understandable. As of Drupal 4.5 'custom' lacked an explanation which wasn't buried in help text and path required dealing with regular expressions.
Every block now has a configuration page to control these options. This gives more space to make form controls which do not require a lengthy explanation. This page also gives modules a chance to put their block configuration options in a place that makes sense using new operations in the block hook.
The only required changes to modules implementing hook_block() is to be careful about what is returned. Do not return anything if $op is not 'list' or 'view'. Once this change is made, modules will still be compatible with Drupal 4.5. Required changes to core modules are included in this path.
An additional optional change to modules is to implement the additional $op options added. 'configure' should return a string containing the configuration form for the block with the appropriate $delta. 'configure save' will come with an additional $edit argument, which will contain the submitted form data for saving. These changes to core modules are also included in this patch.
2004-10-31 07:34:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #12232 by Steven/UnConed: search module improvements.
1) Clean up the text analyser: make it handle UTF-8 and all sorts of characters. The word splitter now does intelligent splitting into words and supports all Unicode characters. It has smart handling of acronyms, URLs, dates, ...
2) It now indexes the filtered output, which means it can take advantage of HTML tags. Meaningful tags (headers, strong, em, ...) are analysed and used to boost certain words scores. This has the side-effect of allowing the indexing of PHP nodes.
3) Link analyser for node links. The HTML analyser also checks for links. If they point to a node on the current site (handles path aliases) then the link's words are counted as part of the target node. This helps bring out commonly linked FAQs and answers to the top of the results.
4) Index comments along with the node. This means that the search can make a difference between a single node/comment about 'X' and a whole thread about 'X'. It also makes the search results much shorter and more relevant (before this patch, comments were even shown first).
5) We now keep track of total counts as well as a per item count for a word. This allows us to divide the word score by the total before adding up the scores for different words, and automatically makes noisewords have less influence than rare words. This dramatically improves the relevancy of multiword searches. This also makes the disadvantage of now using OR searching instead of AND searching less problematic.
6) Includes support for text preprocessors through a hook. This is required to index Chinese and Japanese, because these languages do not use spaces between words. An external utility can be used to split these into words through a simple wrapper module. Other uses could be spell checking (although it would have no UI).
7) Indexing is now regulated: only a certain amount of items will be indexed per cron run. This prevents PHP from running out of memory or timing out. This also makes the reindexing required for this patch automatic. I also added an index coverage estimate to the search admin screen.
8) Code cleanup! Moved all the search stuff from into search.module, rewired some hooks and simplified the functions used. The search form and results now also use valid XHTML and form_ functions. The search admin was moved from search/configure to admin/search for consistency.
9) Improved search output: we also show much more info per item: date, author, node type, amount of comments and a cool dynamic excerpt à la Google. The search form is now much more simpler and the help is only displayed as tips when no search results are found.
10) By moving all search logic to SQL, I was able to add a pager to the search results. This improves usability and performance dramatically.
2004-10-31 03:03:27 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#12128 : Change label for comment subject settings to match behaviour;
2004-10-28 23:56:14 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Comment deleting broken
2004-10-18 20:10:18 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11670 by TDobes: comment.module did not properly set a breadcrumb for creating/previewing new comments. The node on which your commenting and its location within the menu is not displayed. Instead, there is only a "Home" link. This is especially apparent when the "add new comment" form is set up to display on a separate page.
2004-10-17 19:09:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #10664 by TDobes: fixed collapsed comments + updated the code comments.
2004-10-16 07:22:26 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #9252 by TDobes: admins should be able to edit anonymous commenters' names.
2004-10-15 16:57:20 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11605 by TDobes: if a user happens to have uid=0 defined in their database, the name assigned to that user will always override any name submitted by an anonymous commenter. Checking against $user->uid instead of $user->registered_name fixes this problem.
2004-10-15 11:13:11 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11577 by drumm: changed t('ago') -> t('%time ago', ...) to make it
translatable in languages such as Spanish.
2004-10-15 05:10:35 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#10677 : Confirmation when deleting a block + unifying confirmation screens.
2004-10-14 15:28:24 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#11503 : Fixing bad t()
2004-10-13 20:29:12 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#11503 : consistency improvements by Stefan
2004-10-12 16:16:22 +00:00
Steven Wittens
#11503 : (more) missing t()
2004-10-12 16:10:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Orphaned the node_link() hook as per #9769 .
2004-10-10 11:12:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Fixed critical bug #10664 : made comment in collapsed mode work. One more down.
2004-10-10 10:56:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #4925 by erikhopp: comment module emits too many id="comment"s, so the comment form's one has been renamed to 'comment-form'. This is also more consistent with the 'node-form' one.
2004-10-09 06:43:50 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Hopefully fixing all filter issues with comments.
2004-10-07 14:33:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11316 by ankur: added missing %d in INSERT-query.
2004-10-05 21:42:58 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Fixing problems with filter formats and comments.
2004-10-05 19:45:32 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11286 by Neill: fixed broken link in form description.
2004-10-05 05:08:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #10920 by jhriggs: fixed bug with comment moderation.
2004-09-30 18:13:25 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Modified version of #10230 : Put placement of filter format selector in a module's hands, and move it below the relevant textarea.
2004-09-28 19:13:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #10977 by Gerhard: added node permission checks to the SQL queries.
NOTE: I had to modify the book module patch for it to work -- it was throwing SQL errors at me.
2004-09-27 20:10:29 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #10722 by drumm: the user's signature was not remembered when the 'my account' form was found to be invalid.
2004-09-20 20:02:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #8179 by JonBob: reintroduced menu caching.
2004-09-16 07:17:56 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Fixed SQL problem in _comment_update_node_statistics().
2004-09-14 20:29:34 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #10308 by Bart Jansens/ccourtne: fixed shadow copies.
- Patch #10308 by ccourtne: performance improvements: comment statistics are now cached in a new SQL table which significantly improves performance of the forum block and the forum pages. These pages are about 3 times faster now!
2004-09-14 05:48:02 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Bugfix: comment subject where not always enabled by default because the default value of comment_subject_field varies.
2004-09-11 13:45:23 +00:00
Steven Wittens
Comment previewing was broken since 1.263, resulting in a double page.
2004-09-05 10:29:38 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #9292 : Make Drupal (somewhat) PHP5 compatible. xtemplate is still horribly broken.
2004-08-22 17:03:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch by JonBob: for consistency and readability, add brief descriptions of each source file inside the @file comment block at the head of the file. This helps with Doxygen indexing, and also allows neophytes to see what a file does immediately on opening the source, regardless of the organization of the hooks.
2004-08-21 06:42:38 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Code improvements by Stefan: use capital letters for header titles (and added some missing t() functions).
2004-08-19 15:41:57 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Code improvements by Stefan: made all status messages consistent (and easier to translate).
2004-08-18 19:57:27 +00:00