Dries Buytaert
- Patch #610324 by dww: added CHANGELOG entry for Update manager.
2009-10-21 19:34:53 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #493030 by scor: updated CHANGELOG.txt with RDF support.
2009-10-19 20:32:10 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #473268 by sun: documentation improvements for edit in place.
2009-10-17 11:39:15 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#560780 by quicksketch, ksenzee, Arancaytar, yched, and arianek: Added Image Field to image.module. Hellooooo, native image handling in core! :D
2009-10-12 05:22:57 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #578676 by sun: clean ups for cron queue.
2009-09-25 23:48:24 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #11218 by David_Rothstein, sun, quicksketch, duncf, awood456, dropcube, mgifford | pwolanin, dww, RobRoy, Crell, webchick, beginner, ray007, bjaspan, chx, Gábor Hojtsy, Steven, Dries, lutegrass, sym, guardian, matt2000, geerlingguy, SeanBannister, matt westgate, com2, praseodym: allow default text formats per role, and integrate text format permissions.
2009-09-20 07:32:19 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch ##525540 by jvandyk, sun, jhodgdon, fago | webchick, TheRec, Dave Reid, brianV, sun.core, cweagans, Dries: gave trigger.module and includes/actions.inc an API overhaul. Simplified definitions of actions and triggers and removed dependency on the combination of hooks and operations. Triggers now directly map to module hooks.
2009-09-19 11:07:37 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #569282 by joshmiller: removal of Site configuration and fixed a number of broken links.
2009-09-10 06:32:54 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #499156 by Wim Leers: added CDN to CHANGELOG.txt.
2009-09-05 06:03:29 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #331171 by pwolanin, mfb, drewish: allow modules to alter the MIME extension mapping rather than setting a huge variable.
2009-08-31 05:47:34 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #300993 by sun: added CHANGELOG.txt entries for user module.
2009-08-27 21:41:44 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #559658 by sun, dropcube: store filter settings per format, general API clean-up and documentation improvements.
2009-08-27 21:18:20 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #537434 by chx, bangpound, moshe weitzman, David Strauss: move the blog API module to contrib.
2009-08-25 10:58:32 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#497118 by chx, catch, pwolanin, JoshuaRogers, and Jacob Singh: Remove the function registry. While the hope was that this would result in improved performance for low-end hosts, it comes at the expense of critical development experience problems and less benefit than something like APC. Class registry remains intact to facilitate autoloading.
2009-08-24 00:14:23 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
Ahem. Reverting everything.
2009-08-24 00:12:44 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
Of all the patches to accidentally commit without a message. :( Rolling back registry rip. Let's try that again.
2009-08-24 00:10:46 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#367595 follow-up by xmacinfo: CHANGELOG.txt entry to Translatable Fields.
2009-08-23 04:43:14 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#537862 follow-up by Crell: CHANGELOG.txt entry for node access improvements.
2009-08-23 02:51:22 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #331611 by sun, joshmiller, TheRec, Rob Loach, Damien Tournoud: add a poormanscron-like feature to core.
2009-08-22 16:01:10 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#552084 by jhodgdon: Removed references to 'CCK' in core.
2009-08-19 22:46:05 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#400292 by effulgentsia: Allow preprocess functions for theme hooks implemented as functions.
2009-08-19 22:44:05 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#491190 follow-up by bangpound: Add CHANGELOG.txt entry for taxonomy term fields.
2009-08-14 05:44:20 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#485974 by pwolanin, Damien Tournoud, mr.baileys: Improved security by limiting the number of allowed login attempts.
2009-08-08 20:52:33 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#292253 by Damien Tournoud: Remove per-user themes selection from core.
2009-08-05 19:40:55 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#526120 by catch: Remove the related terms feature from Taxonomy module. This can now be accomplished with Field API.
2009-08-04 06:50:07 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #504666 by catch, yched, et al: make comments fieldable. Oh my. Bye bye comments as nodes?
2009-07-31 19:44:21 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #534414 by Gábor Hojtsy: fix missing docs and consistency issues with and .
2009-07-30 08:28:47 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #211747 by chx, alex_b, dww: allow specifying version information as part of module dependencies.
2009-07-28 19:06:16 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #524728 by David_Rothstein, JoshuaRogers, JacobSingh et al: refactor install.php to allow Drupal to be installed from the command line.
2009-07-28 12:13:47 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #374441 by tic200, Damien Tournoud, scor: refactor Drupal HTML corrector using PHP5's XML/Dom parser.
2009-07-27 20:15:35 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #227232 by dopry, c960657, jmstacey, pwolanin, aaron, drewish: added initial support for PHP file wrappers.
2009-07-27 19:53:18 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#371374 by quicksketch, drewish, eojthebrave, and dopry: ImageCache UI in core. Hell yeah! :D Resizable, scalable, croppable, grey-scalable, rotatey images for all.
2009-07-21 07:09:47 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#315035 by Damien Tournoud, Rob Loach, sun, mfer, et al: Adding jQuery UI 1.7.2 to core.
2009-06-27 23:10:59 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #413192 by catch et al: make taxonomy terms fieldable (not to be confused with taxonomy terms as fields).
2009-06-12 13:59:56 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #372743 by bjaspan, yched, KarenS, catch et al: node body and teasers as fields. Oh, my.
2009-06-12 08:39:40 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #334283 by Damien Tournoud, andypost, Freso et al: add context to t() to help deal with ambigious strings (and improved the locale APIs a bit). Example: May is both a short month name as a long month name in English, but not necessarily in other languages.
2009-06-08 05:00:12 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#480660 follow-up by catch: Code style changes and changelog entry.
2009-06-04 20:09:29 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #19646 by JamesAn: added CHANGELOG.txt entry.
2009-06-02 06:24:06 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #428744 by Gabor: make the main page content a real block and clean up some of the content API.
2009-05-21 21:12:25 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #456824 by catch: add better caching to drupal_lookup_path().
2009-05-16 19:07:02 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #453080 by Gabor Hojtsy: moved the footer message to a block.
2009-05-12 13:43:46 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #428800 by Gabor Hojtsy: convert the mission statement to a block so we have more flexibility to place it.
2009-05-12 08:31:17 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #407202 by Damien Tournoud: make it clear that PostgreSQL and SQLite are supported.
2009-05-03 05:03:44 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #240873 by Gábor Hojtsy, sun: block system clean-ups. Thanks for the review sun.
2009-04-30 21:44:20 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#301362 by moshe weitzman, David Strauss, Narayan Newton, and chx: Default to InnoDB in MySQL.
2009-04-25 16:57:19 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#401956 follow-up by akahn: Forgot to remove from CHANGELOG.txt.
2009-04-22 15:30:36 +00:00 |
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #147310 by c960657 et al: better cache headers for reverse proxies.
2009-04-22 09:45:03 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#323112 follow-up by keith.smith: Celebrate Vertical Tabs in README.txt. Hooray! :D
2009-04-12 16:42:30 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#401956 by chx and Damien Tournoud: Add an optional filter to turn [internal:node/123] into a link to an internal Drupal page.
2009-03-15 01:53:16 +00:00 |
Angie Byron
#315533 by JohnAlbin and catch: Remove all core themes but Garland and Stark. Yay for making Drupal 75% more palatable to designers. These themes can be found in contrib thanks to the venerable John Wilkins. :)
2009-03-14 16:41:30 +00:00 |