containing two elements, the first being the requested title, and the second being
the result list. Advantages:
* Cleaner search code in
* Po extraction is possible and works fine
* No hardcoded exceptions for node and comment modules, since any module can
return results in order of relevance (or another order)
- puts the long multiline help text into one string
- fixes the ambiquity of calling two things on the same name: "custom block"
now the user customizeable blocks are called custom blocks, and the admin
defined blocks are called Administator Defined Blocks
- added info on throttle to the explanation on when a block is displyed
- also fixing some small typos
- Adds drupal_set_header() and drupal_get_headers().
- Cache now stores custom headers.
- Replace theme_head() with drupal_get_html_head(), added drupal_set_html_head().
- Added RSS autodiscover links to node, blog and taxonomy pages.
- Added support for new tags:
+ Optinal feed image: <image> tag.
+ Dublin core dates: <dc:date> <dcterms:created>, <dcterms:issued>,
- Usability improvements:
+ On the administration page, made the feed/bundle titles link
to the feeds/bundles' pages. On the feed/bundle's page, made
the 'Last updated' field link to the administration page.
+ Moved the 'syndication' menu one level down.
- Updated some content sensitive help.
- Further improved themeability.
- Fixed some invalid HTML.
+ Added some a new theme fucntions to the aggregator to make it possible to
theme the aggregator page.
+ Removed the <table> and much hardcoded CSS as well as theme("box")-es.
+ Added the aggregator's theme functions to Doxygen's themeable group.
+ Added breadcrumb trails to the aggregator pages.
+ Updated the core themes to take advantages of the improved themeability.
+ Added drupal_http_request().
+ Replaced rssfeeds with OPML feed subscription list.
+ Added support for pubDate.
+ Added support for conditional gets using ETag and Last-Modified.
* Wrapper around xml_parser_create() which extracts the encoding from the XML
* data first and sets the output encoding to UTF-8. This function should be
* used instead of xml_parser_create(), because PHP's XML parser doesn't check
* the input encoding itself.
* This is also where unsupported encodings should be converted.
* Callers should take this into account: $data might have been changed after
* the call.
* @param $data The XML data which will be parsed later.
To do this cleanly, I reorganised some bits of system.module: there is now a generic handler available for simple variable-get/set based configuration pages. Look at filter_admin() or system_view() for example usage.
(based on the patch by Goba)
To do this cleanly, I reorganised some bits of system.module: there is now a generic handler available for simple variable-get/set based configuration pages. Look at filter_admin() or system_view() for example usage.
(based on the patch by Goba)
- Re-added STYLE/ON*= filtering (this got lost a while ago due to reorganisation)
- Added form_group's to node.module's filter options
- Fixed incorrect filter usage in poll.module
<div class="user-login-block"> is now inside the <form> instead of the
other way around.
- Simplified the user login block by removing some CSS that was no longer
needed. The block module already emits block-related classes and an id.
- Fixed the title and breadcrumb trail of the comment delete page, added
missing cache flush, improved usability and made it so that when you delete
a comment replies are deleted as well.
- Added 'delete comment' links to the comments on node pages. Hopefully
this will make it easier to maintain old threads such as those attached to
the book pages on
- Comment module maintenance: added missing t() functions and improved
consistency of the calls to drupal_set_message(), used radio buttons instead
of a selection box.
- put text directly into t(), which also means that multipart help text becomes
a multiline string
- use modern XHTML tagging, no <b> and <i>
- put links and URLs out of the translated text where appropriate
- let referred menu items and form elements get the same name as in the menu /
form, so only one translation would be needed
- use %variable instead of $variable when variables need to go into the string
- add translation to form items previously untranslated
- use in example URLs
To be discussed and investigated: when a form element has no title an empty
<label> tag will be emitted (eg. "remember me" checkbox). This doesn't make
sense but is our best option for now.
the theme functions left the poll module's poll_view() function in a
state where it does not display the poll results or vote forms on their
own pages, since it uses another (proprietary) $block parameter to
handle the case when the poll is rendered to be displayed in a block.
Patch by Goba.
- Adds possibility to hide menu item when it has no children. (Fixes the
node/add problem when user doesn't have access to create any node
- More doxygen comments.
+ removes the lots of pagers and indirect pager themeing
+ add the theme_pager() function, which should be called as
theme("pager", ...) to get a pager.
Contributed themes and modules need to be updated:
- modules: status() is no more; use drupal_set_message() instead.
- themes: use drupal_get_message() to check for status messages and
visualize them.
+ Fix modules help to read better and be accurate
+ Add groups to throttle_settings()
+ Provide much more detailed information in all _settings options
+ Fix links in module's "Throttle status" block
- removed statistics_init() -- auto-throttle logic moved to
- renamed internal-only update_throttle() to _update_throttle()
- removed some odd white spaces
- fixed 'Popular content' block's subtitles to actually display
- removed custom user-page configuration
- added user-page configuration as group into statistics_settings()
- inlined logic to display user-page within statistics_page()
- changed references of "top content" to "most popular content"
- updated help to reflect recent changes
- removed references to title/subtitle text configuration
- properly load _settings data for popular content block
- fix admin pages to display referrers and top nodes (don't return...)
- Remove custom configuration of "admin/system/block/top nodes block".
- Three remaining configuration options moved to "admin/system/modules/statistics".
- Move simple logic to display block within statistics_block().
* fixes all doxygen warnings [#]_ in the current code base
+ changes @param style from phpDocumentor (@param type $var desc) to doxygen (@param $var desc)
+ documents all undocumented parameters
+ escapes / fixes html warnings
+ fixes @defgroup in
* adds more groupings [#]_
+ drupal_{set|get}_title, drupal_{set|get}_breadcrumb
+ pager_api (pager_query(), pager_display()), pager pieces
* adds a new group "themeable" which contains all themeable functions.
Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
by the theme.
+ block_list() (in block.module): returns an array of block objects for
+ theme_blocks() (in uses block_list() and theme("block") to
actually render them.
+ Decouples blocks content and layout, allows block_list() to be used
for non-output purposes (think "pull").
+ Unifies naming in render_blocks()) didn't really fit there.
+ Puts block_list() in blocks.module where it logically belongs.
- Removed some cruft from the Xtemplate theme. Patch by Ax.
- Optimized user_external_load(), only need to fetch the data once.
- Removed unused functions:
- Fixed user_validate_name() to not accept \.
- Modified user_validate_name() to use alnum, which varies depending on
the system locale.
- Optimized user_validate_name() to not use unnecessary regular
- Optimized user_access() by using less logic to fetch permissions and
- Removed uncessary logic from user_deny().
- Fixed user_fields() to properly cache $fields.
- Optimized user_set_authmaps() to not perform unnecessary queries.
- Removed return value from user_set_authmaps().
- Translation fix: made the word 'permission' translatable in the system module' help text. Patch by Goba.
- Translation fix: the ping module's help text was translated twice. Patch by Goba.
Patch by Stefan.
- Usability improvement: introduced a form_group() function and updated
the node and comment module to take advantage of it. Patch #149 by
Eric Farris.
- Improvement: removed a left-over from Drupal 4.2.0 (dead code).
- Improvement: replaced hard-coded XHTML around the XML icons with class="xml-icon".
- Improvement: removed the custom navigation menus shown at the top of the "user information page" and integrated them in the new navigation block. The "my account" link in the navigation menu will unfold. Also removed the "delete account" link/functionality (for now).
- Improvement: fix for "magic quotes" settings. Patch by Steven. I also removed check_php_settings().
- Improvement: block themability improvements. Modified patch from Ax and Steve/CodeMonkeyX.
- Fixed bug #2617: editing user information does not work. Patch by Kjartan.
you logged out. Patch by Jeremy.
- Bugfix: fixed the authmap table in the MSSQL scheme. Patch by Moshe.
- Bugfix: properly themes some error messages in the user module. Patch
by Moshe.
TODO: the same should be done for the fields "comment", "moderate" and so
- Improvement: made posts/updates through the Blogger API show up on the admin
main page. Modified patch from Remco.
a reserved SQL keyword. Required for both PostgreSQL and MSSQL. Patch by
- Bugfix: renamed the 'path' table to 'url_alias' as 'path' is a reserved SQL
keyword. Required for both PostgreSQL and MSSQL. Patch by Adrian.
- comment.module: fixed an ambigous 'timestamp' query
- forum.module: prev/next links no longer excerpt from the title+body in
their title attribute. they now excerpt from only their title. this is
more consistent with rest of drupal, and GROUP BY on node.body which
isn't appreciated by MSSQL. also replaced some '' with NULL which caused
errors in MSSQL
- statistics.module: replaced a USING join with a standard ON join. USING
is not as widely supported, and functionally equivalent.
for the node. Fixes bug #3680. Patch by Matt.
- Bugfix: when creating a new node, don't try to insert a path if it wasn't set
in the node form. This destroys any paths which the user may have created
ahead of time for that node. Patch by Matt.
- Fixed bug #3642: removed duplicate settings from user page. Patch #14 by Moshe.
- Fixed bug #3503: added 'forum topic' link to the 'create content' menu. Patch
by Gobar. I think this might be more intuitive and consistent code-wise; I don't
want to introduce small hacks.
- Cache improvement: small cache improvement to prevent SQL errors. Patch by
by Nick (CodeMonkeyX).
- Bugfix: anonymous users could not change comment settings. Patch by Bart.
- Bugfix: the comment control form always showed "order by date - newest first",
no matter what order you selected. Patch by Bart.
- Small usability improvement: only display comment controls when there are
comments to show. Patch by Bart.
- Usability improvements to the user module: removed some redundant menu
items by taking advantage of the column sorting, added status messages
and so on. Patch by Moshe plus some fixes.
- Made the profile module use the table() function. Patch by Moshe.
- Fixed breadcrumb spacing. Patch by Moshe.
- Fixed colspan problem with node overview table. Patch by Stefan.
- Fixed inconsistency with table sorting. Patch 0122 by Al.
- Updates database.pgsql and database.mysql to work with current cvs. Patch
by Adrian.
- Updates update.php to be able to update postgres from 4.2 to current.
Patch by Adrian.
- Small fixes by me.
> Currently the admin menu does not work for comment.module and import
> module. Import module has the problem of not taking care of the fact in
> the arg() function calls that the module is pushed one level down in the
> menu (similar to the user.module and block.modules problems already
> fixed). The comment.module has a problem with trying to translate an $op
> which comes from the URL (and is therefore not translated).
> The attached patch also fixes the bogus URLs in import.module help texts
> (as the module part is pushed down into /admin/node instead of /admin).
TODO: rename user_mail() to drupal_mail() and move it to
Other modules, such as the project module, should use this as well
or they risk to send out /invalid/ mails.
called but will be as soon the remaining links have been transformed to use
the menu system.)
- Made sure the menu does not render links with no callback and no children.
Like this, the 'create content' link is not being shown when the user has
no permission to add any content.
1) As explained by Al, there is still a glitch with the 'create content'
2) The user module part of the patch did not apply due to Kjartan's earlier
+ Fixed CSS to use the same format as the rest of drupal.css.
+ Added fallback routine for menu icons.
+ Fixed anonymous users not seeing the menu.
+ Added proper access checks for admin and help menu items.
- Cleaned up coding style and unnecessary code in bloggerapi.module.
- Removed moderation notice from queue module, it prints even when users
are not posting from the web.
- Fixed bug #2895: locale: pager doesn't work in search
- Cleaned up coding style and unnecessary code in bloggerapi.module.
- Removed moderation notice from queue module, it prints even when users
are not posting from the web.
- Fixed bug #2895: locale: pager doesn't work in search
> If turning on both filters is bad, we shouldn't allow the user to
> select both, should we? The attached patch folds the Escape HTML option
> into the same dropdown as the Filter HTML option, preventing both from
> being activated.
> page.module:
> -output is in theme("node") instead of theme("box"). This is a must for the
> outline to work. The only difference is that the links are rendered by the
> theme_node function instead of in the page_view. The links _are_ the same.
- Added page titles. Modified version of patch 0104 by Kendow; patch updated
for HEAD branch.
> Modified 4.2.0 code to pass localized title text to theme header so user
> pages have meaningful <title> element content.
This adds session support for anonymous users and fixes a bug/typo.
1. changed rid for user #0 from 0 to 1 (rid 1 == anonymous user) to make
inner join work.
2. replaced "if ($user .." by "if ($user->uid .." because now $user is
always set (my previous change probably caused this).
3. db_next_id("user_uid") -> db_next_id("users_uid");
I repeat:
"This adds session support for anonymous users and fixes a bug/typo."
"The noise words description says that whitespace and line breaks will be
stripped out, but the code never does any trimming. This simple patch strips
the whitespace from the noise words. This probably takes care of bug #2804."
- Tracker module: adds a missing call to tablesort_pager().
- Tablesort:
+ add 'title' attributes
+ let arbitrary querystring params flow through to pager links
+ removed ugly border around the arrow
- Made sure the 'Topic' title is only shown above the topics, not the icons.
- Automatically shorten the username when it is too long. I implemented this
as part of format_name() and could therefore nuke some code in the
statistics module. This is change is somewhat experimental and I'm willing
to revert or change this if a number of people aren't too happy with this
- Left align the dates and authors: makes it easier/faster to scan.
- Made the little tablesort arrows clickable.
PostgreSQL and MSSQL database scheme as well.
- Made sure the update script updates the correct tables when database
prefixing is enabled. Patch by Bart Jansens.
- Improved the breadcrumb navigation of the book and the forum module as per
Keith Instone's suggestions.
- Updated page titles (or block titles) and links to match. Suggested by
Keith Instone.
- Added missing 'thread' field to the comment table of the MySQL database scheme.
Fixes bug #2590.
- Renamed some column titles in the forum module as per Moshe's suggestion.
- Introduced a 'more-link' class to position the 'more' links. Removed
hard-coded markup from the modules.
- Fixed bug in import module: the theme functions called a non-existing
2) Beautified the forum module views; rewritten to use the table() rendering functions, X HTML-ified the emitted code, added additional CSS tags, and removed hard-coded markup. This improves themeabality; it should be able to mimic the view and color scheme of, say,
3) Reorganized forms and links (interactive elements) to improve usability. Also ensured that the link names and page titles match.
4) Temporary removed container functionality: this simplified the work and eliminated some usability issues.
* Removed 'handbook' title.
* Added a 'books' link to the book location bar: the link takes you to
the book overview page.
* Renamed a few 'collaborative books' to 'books' so that the links and
page/box titles match.
- Applied modified version of mathias' 0073 patch: node form name.
$params["options"] is now an array so some contrib modules might
need minor changes.
- Applied mathhias' 0074 patch: missing access check on who is new
+ Dramatically improves performance of large discussions/threads: only
very few SQL queries are required.
+ Replaces custom pager with standard pager.
Modifications by me:
+ Reworded some code comments.
+ Removed dependencies on pager internals.
- Improvement: some small changes to the user module to ease translation and to make things slightly more consistent. This should be a better alternative for patch #54.
- Improvement: increase the maxlength of the node title. This should fix bug #2018 and #2176.
are those that have the "bypass input data check" permission set. Should
address bug #2147.
- Improvement: simplified index.php and modules/admin.module.
- Bugfix: fixed broken links in bloggerapi documentation. Patch by Chris
Johnson. Fixes bug #2030.
- Bugfix: fixed the date shown on a book module preview. Reported as part
of bug #2097.
- Bugfix: fixed broken URL in the book module documentation.
and the request will be terminated when something suspicious is
detected. This will be logged in the watchdog. With help from Marco.
- Fixed translation issue in the archive module. Patch by Gerhard.
- Removed dead parameter from variable_get(). Patch by Chris Johnson.
Fixes bug #2111.
- Improved input checking of taxonomy module. Patch by Gerhard.
Fixes bug #2112.
- Improvement: CSS improvements. Patch #40 by Al.
(TODO: we might be able to simplify admin.css now both drupal.css and
admin.css are included to render administration pages. Tags like "body"
and friends can probably be inherited.)
the fix was somewhat simpler. Fixes bug #2003.
- Bugfix: fixed problem with voting on certain poll pages. Patch #37 by Al.
- Improvement: removed stupid descriptions from profile module.
- Bugfix: fixed translation problems in the user module and the block module. Patch by Stefan.
- Improvement: made it impossible to delete user role #1 and #2. Patch #38 by Al.
- Improvement: fixed the "Allowed HTML tag" issues. Makes for better code and improved usability. Patch #35 by Al.
NOTE: as soon the compose tips make their way into CVS, most of this code can be removed.