When a form element doesn't specify a #weight, it is assumed internally as #weight 0. However, to ensure that our form elements display visually *as they were defined in the array* we, in form_builder, count the number of elements, divide by 1000, and set that as the weight:
# Assign a decimal placeholder weight to preserve original array order
if (!isset($form[$key]['#weight'])) {
$form[$key]['#weight'] = $count/1000;
The above code will set the #weights of elements that have not defined a weight to something like 0 (first element in array definition), 0.001, 0.002, and so on. However, anytime a form element *explicitly* defines a #weight of 0, that #weight is kept at exactly 0, which would cause that form element to appear BEFORE the elements that didn't have a #weight defined (and thus received a #weight such as 0.002).
Consider the following pseudo example:
$form['game_title'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
$form['game_description'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
$form['game_format'] = filter_form(variable_get('game_format', NULL));
return $form;
Here, we're not definiing weights on our two textfields. We then add an filter_form. The second parameter of the filter_form is $weight, which defaults to 0. After this $form hits form_builder, we have weights 0 (game_title), 0.001 (game_description), and 0 (filter_form) respectively. This is then sorted by weight, which causes filter_form (the third element in the array) to appear BEFORE game_description (0 is lighter than 0.001).
The short lesson is: explicitly defining #weight 0 for a form element is probably a bad idea. This patch changes the default #weight of filter_form to NULL, instead of 0, and also removes any other explicit setting of #weight to 0 in core.
* Default form value
* Leftover debug function in form.inc
* PHP5 issue with comment date (I got this patch from another issue)
* Validation error fix (was calling legacy form validate)
* Lots o' warnings on comment preview
* Filter tips plus argument (gremlins. I swear this was not there.)
* Message to clear what's going on with system settings
* Non-freetagging taxonomies fixed
+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
to validate other form submissions, not just comments. Two new functions
are introduced, form_token() and form_validate(). The first function uses
a private key and a public key to set a token in a hidden field. The second
function validates the token. The comment and contect module are updated to
use these functions.
* adds a "feed settings" section to admin/settings where 2 new settings are introduced:
* number of items per feed
* default length of feed descriptions (title only, teaser, full)
* patches all of core to obey the above - including the new aggregator (out) feeds
* adds support for adding namespaces in _nodeapi('rss item') - which means things like iTunes RSS and yahoo's media rss can be implemented by the appropriate modules (i.e. audio.module)
* includes some additional info in the default node feed - specifically the element (links directly to comments) - and dc:creator - to show node author information.
All node revisions were stored in a serialized field in the node table and retrieved for _each_ page view although they are rarely needed. We created a separate revisions table which would be in principle identical to the node table, only that it could have several old copies of the same node. This also allows us to revision-related information, and to provide log entries to non-book pages when a new revision is being created.
1. Provide upgrade instructions for node module maintainers!
2. Upgrade modules that implement node types.
3. Provide an upgarde path for revisions. Dependency on the upgrade system.
NOTE: this patch works well, but the improved node edit form still has
some rough edges. It is important that we continue to improve
usability. Give it a try.
- permissions menu link updates in a number of modules help
- anchor link fix in distributed auth help
- "my account" link fix in user help
- spelling correction in tracker.module help
- I also changed 'admin/access/perms' to 'admin/access/permissions'.
- Clean up various SQL queries: removing literally inserted data (db_escape_string is evil!), fixing single "%" which should be "%%", fixing integers being compared as strings.
We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
* Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
* The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
1) The different types of search, which used to be radio button options in the search form, are now subtabs of "search" (default "search/node"). This seems better from a UI point of view, but also has another advantage: modules which implement a custom search form (flexinode, project) can add it as a subtab of search. This means that all search forms will be located in the same place, and also without needing an extra api call to search.module.
2) The current code was a bit hackish, as the indexing of comments along with nodes was hardcoded in node.module. Instead, I created a nodeapi operation "update index" which allows modules to add more data for a node that is being indexed. Comments are now indexed using this mechanism and from comment.module, which is a lot cleaner.
3) The search results format was also hardcoded to include "N comments". I replaced this with a nodeapi operation "search result" and moved the comment code to comment.module where it belongs. This op is quite useful, as for example I also modified upload.module to add "N attachments" to a search result if any are present.