Commit Graph

2129 Commits (5d7ae0590544c8c9548e28854b71ad22dd03216a)

Author SHA1 Message Date
catch 6f48525b43 Issue #3220255 by mondrake, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of xpath on links to WebAssert 2021-08-06 07:52:55 +01:00
effulgentsia fe09f58c68 Issue #2993647 by AdamPS, alexpott, ravi.shankar, jonathanshaw, donquixote, lauriii, Wim Leers, larowlan, rodrigoaguilera: Correctly determine when to display fields as inline 2021-08-04 08:02:41 -07:00
catch 068f00c4c9 Issue #3191935 by mondrake, tedbow, xjm, alexpott, longwave: Replace usages of AssertLegacyTrait::assertNoText, which is deprecated 2021-07-28 14:41:19 +01:00
catch 686951d3c9 Issue #3153469 by longwave, hmendes, Hardik_Patel_12: Remove uses of t() in clickLink() calls 2021-07-28 08:48:45 +01:00
Lee Rowlands e41394ecb6
Issue #2935654 by longwave, hctom: Use of undefined $languages variable in NodeListBuilder::buildRow() 2021-07-16 09:00:22 +10:00
Alex Pott 1110b04d14
Issue #2347783 by kim.pepper, andypost, almaudoh, gumanist, aleevas, rodrigoaguilera, Berdir, saurabh-2k17, Spokje, dhirendra.mishra, alexpott, paulocs, izus, Wim Leers, KapilV, naveenvalecha, anmolgoyal74, subson, yo30, harsha012, mrinalini9, daffie, voleger, dww, fietserwin, tim.plunkett, joachim, larowlan: Deprecate drupal_get_path() and drupal_get_filename() and replace with ExtensionList::getPath() and ExtensionList::getPathname() 2021-07-15 11:20:33 +01:00
catch 76b129c1e1 Issue #3156244 by ravi.shankar, Deepak Goyal, Kumar Kundan, vakulrai, darchuletajr, Meenakshi_j, andrewmacpherson, marcoscano, penyaskito: Title variable isn't set by Syndicate block - so the link text is an unfinished sentence 2021-07-14 08:11:02 +01:00
catch 0e9bec38ca Issue #3037202 by claudiu.cristea, vsujeetkumar, Hardik_Patel_12, longwave, Berdir, martin107: Remove drupal_static() from node_mark() 2021-07-12 09:00:22 +01:00
Alex Pott 3e4b17a7c9
Issue #2669074 by kim.pepper, Berdir, gaydabura, andypost, ravi.shankar, KapilV, Wim Leers, bradjones1, nickolaj, alexpott, mondrake, 20th, yogeshmpawar, gaurav.kapoor, voleger, Pavan B S, Neslee Canil Pinto, aerozeppelin, Cameron Tod, daffie, dhruveshdtripathi, abramm, Nono95230, s.messaris, Mile23, claudiu.cristea, larowlan, catch, jibran, SpadXIII: Convert file_create_url() & file_url_transform_relative() to service, deprecate it 2021-07-09 14:18:01 +01:00
Lee Rowlands cffb02aad6
Issue #2571235 by alexpott, claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, gabesullice, IJsbrandy, benjifisher, alisonjo315, larowlan, Berdir, effulgentsia, longwave, herom, dmouse, heddn, catch: [regression] Roles should depend on objects that are building the granted permissions 2021-07-09 14:50:54 +10:00
Alex Pott 0f22eb1c63
Issue #1932810 by Berdir, jibran, joegraduate, joelpittet, JeroenT, RenatoG, tim.plunkett, tedbow, andypost, paulocs, hugronaphor, ankithashetty, Meenakshi_j, chr.fritsch, Beanjammin, nikitagupta, EclipseGc, dawehner, xjm, alexpott, fago, tstoeckler, catch, seanB, larowlan: Add entity bundles condition plugin for entities with bundles 2021-07-08 10:22:26 +01:00
Alex Pott 6bd1cdb690
Issue #3220956 by sudiptadas19, Anandhi Karnan, Meenakshi_j, guilhermevp, pameeela, Berdir: Update node templates that have @todo for removing the id attribute 2021-07-06 23:08:59 +01:00
catch c5886a79d2 Issue #2875279 by Spokje, John Cook, jungle, voleger, mradcliffe, mrinalini9, jpatel657, quietone, jonathanshaw, alexpott, joachim, rajeshwari10, RajeevK, Yogesh Pawar, James.Shee, lcngeo, borisson_, time2buzzthetower, ccasals, kavo: Update core modules to use the new batch builder 2021-06-28 13:30:58 +01:00
catch d3dabc4603 Issue #2897638 by Spokje, claudiu.cristea, istavros, PaulDinelle, drclaw, Giuseppe87, KapilV, Lendude: Views exposed sort identifiers are not configurable 2021-06-28 13:24:26 +01:00
catch 7a5adddaf1 Issue #3021804 by andypost, scott_euser, YurkinPark, mrinalini9, voleger, Lendude, longwave: Remove optional dependency on menu_ui module in \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\wizard\WizardPluginBase 2021-06-28 13:14:34 +01:00
catch 33ba45820a Issue #2719649 by Spokje, harsha012, jofitz, vprocessor, nikitagupta, cburschka, rasikap, hitesh-jain, quietone, longwave, mfernea, andypost, klausi, Malevi4, crazyrohila: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.InlineComment.SpacingBefore' coding standard 2021-06-24 13:35:45 +01:00
catch 1640eb2359 Issue #3209353 by Matroskeen, nishantghetiya, quietone: Add documentation for remaining node and taxonomy modules 2021-06-22 14:41:25 +01:00
catch 1c17abd79c Issue #3164520 by james.williams, Matroskeen, huzooka, raman.b, quietone, mikelutz: FieldableEntity::getFieldValues() does not guarantee that the returned field values are sorted by their delta 2021-06-22 14:33:10 +01:00
Lee Rowlands acb621d028
Issue #3048848 by jmikii, carletex, andypost, sulfikar_s, mrinalini9, himanshu_sindhwani, anantjain60, guilhermevp, johnwebdev, alexpott, quietone: Syndicate block outputs wrong feed URL 2021-06-22 06:38:49 +10:00
catch ba1ff55e88 Issue #3053167 by quietone, marvil07: Move state entries out of migrate_drupal.migrate_drupal.yml 2021-06-21 11:53:16 +01:00
catch e48dcff470 Issue #2879159 by Spokje, LoMo, ravi.shankar, quietone, mondrake: Some calls to assertEquals have expected/actual parameters reversed 2021-06-21 11:27:34 +01:00
catch ee6a1a71d4 Issue #3213734 by longwave, mondrake: AssertButtonsTrait has invalid PHP syntax 2021-06-10 15:08:59 +01:00
catch c7f050d5e9 Issue #3218024 by Charlie ChX Negyesi, longwave, Berdir: Field called "link" breaks the RSS Views plugins 2021-06-10 14:54:54 +01:00
catch bfe59b21ee Issue #2922570 by Berdir, paulocs, anmolgoyal74, dww, ravi.shankar, tobiasb, catch, plach, longwave, dawehner, joseph.olstad, alexpott, larowlan, Spokje, andypost, aamouri, Wim Leers, Daniel Kulbe, shabana.navas, klasseng, dschenk, ducktape, marcoliver, anevins, SaschaHannes, pankaj.singh, rpsu, tanubansal, Dom.: The node view page triggers a lot of expensive access checks for relationship links 2021-06-09 15:13:20 +01:00
catch 3066423e43 Issue #3186661 by Spokje, longwave, mondrake, paulocs, daffie: [May 24, 2021] Remove usage of drupalPostForm 2021-05-24 14:27:52 +01:00
catch f3ad0680a3 Issue #3133162 by jungle, ravi.shankar, Deepak Goyal, Neslee Canil Pinto, anmolgoyal74, xjm, Kristen Pol: Replace the start verb Test with Tests in method comments of tests 2021-05-24 14:26:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 3872f1a8ed
Issue #3139404 by mondrake, munish.kumar, pavnish, longwave: [May 25, 2021] Replace usages of AssertLegacyTrait::assertText, that is deprecated 2021-05-20 22:10:07 +01:00
Alex Pott 4a72cc3169
Issue #3207734 by Spokje, quietone: Fix Drupal.Commenting.InlineVariableComment 2021-05-20 21:47:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 3f75f72de2
Issue #3131281 by mondrake, rahulrasgon, longwave, ridhimaabrol24, naresh_bavaskar, jungle, daffie: [May 17th 2021] Replace assertEqual() with assertEquals() 2021-05-20 00:39:14 +01:00
catch 6802ea3355 Issue #3207968 by quietone, longwave, Spokje: Replace @codingStandards comments with phpcs: comments 2021-05-17 20:22:22 +01:00
catch 13c5855165 Issue #3211838 by mondrake, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of xpath on spans to WebAssert 2021-05-17 20:04:19 +01:00
catch 35021980e1 Issue #2909369 by Spokje, alexpott, longwave, mfernea: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.VariableComment.WrongStyle' coding standard 2021-05-13 20:26:47 +01:00
catch c6adb7c717 Issue #2730631 by jibran, benjifisher, claudiu.cristea, pdenooijer, merauluka, Deepak Goyal, mpp, gnuget, Spokje, sanjayk, idimopoulos, nikitagupta, ayushmishra206, ridhimaabrol24, mrinalini9, KapilV, harings_rob, Berdir, alexpott, catch, dawehner, tstoeckler, dpi, lexbritvin, mlncn, jhedstrom, kevin.dutra, amateescu, johnwebdev, Steven Spasbo: Upcast node and node_revision parameters of node revision routes 2021-05-11 21:35:27 +01:00
Alex Pott bd2a1eabe0
Issue #3206932 by Matroskeen, quietone, alexpott: Rename targetEntityType constant in d6_view_mode migration to simplify source plugin 2021-05-04 10:53:23 +01:00
catch 9c2bfa8df0 Issue #3203476 by mondrake, longwave, alexpott: Convert assertions involving use of xpath on divs to WebAssert 2021-04-28 11:08:17 +01:00
catch c2241ab659 Issue #3202052 by jonathanshaw, andypost: EntityQuery accessCheck: Views argument plugin ::titleQuery() should not be access sensitive 2021-04-08 09:04:44 +01:00
catch 14d175470c Issue #3207119 by longwave: Fix 'Squiz.WhiteSpace.ScopeKeywordSpacing' coding standard 2021-04-05 08:05:00 +01:00
Alex Pott e3dfd1a9db
Issue #2937858 by SherFengChong, Saviktor, longwave, jhodgdon, catch: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.DocCommentAlignment' coding standard 2021-04-04 09:39:06 +01:00
catch 65873adedc Issue #3204163 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: tests should not check access unless relevant 2021-04-01 18:46:09 +01:00
catch 3f057d61fa Issue #3204419 by jonathanshaw, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck: always specifiy accessCheck, don't rely on the default 2021-04-01 10:45:35 +01:00
Alex Pott 08766c5dee
Issue #2903911 by joshmiller, longwave, anmolgoyal74, ankithashetty, init90, Pooja Ganjage, _gradient_, daffie, borisson_: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.ParamMissingDefinition' coding standard 2021-03-29 16:22:14 +01:00
catch 7e922b6dd6 Issue #3201393 by Lendude, dww, imalabya, dawehner, anmolgoyal74, Abhijith S: Filter glossary view by status 2021-03-23 10:22:03 +00:00
catch 37a5b1a70f Issue #3201714 by jonathanshaw, ravi.shankar, longwave, catch, alexpott: EntityQuery accessCheck: data cleanup should never care about the current user 2021-03-20 19:29:51 +00:00
catch aef67cd5a3 Issue #3202040 by jonathanshaw: EntityQuery accessCheck: bundle delete forms should warn of content at risk regardless of access 2021-03-11 09:37:12 +00:00
catch 39e442948d Issue #3198400 by mondrake, daffie, alexpott, longwave: Convert assertions involving use of xpath on input tags to WebAssert 2021-03-08 12:15:37 +00:00
catch d922579647 Issue #3201470 by jonathanshaw, catch, longwave: EntityQuery accessCheck: Cron functions should never check access 2021-03-06 09:13:25 +00:00
Alex Pott 203ad064e4
Issue #2723621 by jofitz, mfernea, alexpott, abhisekmazumdar, neclimdul, snehi, Suresh Prabhu Parkala, ankithashetty, anmolgoyal74, anoopjohn, longwave, hgunicamp, empesan, kostyashupenko, Mile23, dawehner, idebr, daffie, catch: Fix Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.IncorrectTypeHint and Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.InvalidTypeHint 2021-02-20 13:24:51 +00:00
catch 3ce319d6a2 Issue #3187309 by longwave, Spokje, ayushmishra206, adityasingh, mondrake: Convert assertions involving use of xpath on select and option elements to WebAssert 2021-02-12 10:04:12 +00:00
Alex Pott 82c63a2a99
Issue #3192900 by quietone, Matroskeen: Combine some migration kernel tests 2021-02-08 23:36:18 +00:00
Alex Pott f0eaa97e13
Issue #2693485 by juhog, paulocs, Gogowitsch, Hardik_Patel_12, YesCT, Mirroar, Lal_, ravi.shankar, abhisekmazumdar, tim.plunkett, longwave, esolitos, TravisCarden, lapek, jhuhta, adriancid, samiullah, adalbertov, cilefen, mohit1604, Abhijith S, John Cook, alexpott, dawehner, pameeela, larowlan, catch, leisurman: Content types are ordered by machine name on /node/add page (+ similar issues with other entities) 2021-02-05 13:09:23 +00:00