- Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski.
- Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"! Patches by Michael Frankowski.
+ Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
+ Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
- Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/code-clean.sh" script.
- Renamed '---' to '<!--break-->'.
- Removed hard-coded call to the statistics module from the node module.
Patch by Gerhard.
- Removed tables from poll module. Modified patch by Al. Changes to Al's
patch are:
"polltext" -> "poll-text"
"pollfg" -> "poll-foreground"
"pollbg" -> "poll-background"
- Changed some 'statistics.foo's to 's.foo's. Patch by Gary.
[If this closes any bug reports, please update them on drupal.org.]
- Changed some '%s's to '%d's - there are more of these left to fix.
- Added pager support to the access log pages.
- Tried to improve the usability of the access log pages.
The syntax for db_query_range() was enhanced so it matches db_query(). So
you may pass extra arguments of the SQL statement which are checked via
check_query() and then substituted into the SQL statement. After these
optional arguments, you always pass $from and $count parameters which
define your range. Most often, the $from is 0 and the count is the max
number of records you want returned. Patch by Moshe.
- The pager_query() function for PEAR was enhanced so that it adds proper
GROUP BY statement counting the number of records to be paged. Patch by
James Arthur.
- MSSQL database scheme by Moshe.
The following modules need updating:
* glossary module
* feed module (Breyten's version)
* mailhandler module
* notify module
* project module
* smileys module
* admin module
* style module
* taxonomy_dhtml module
To avoid unexpected problems menu_add() is deprecated (it will print an
error message when used) and menu() should be used instead.
- Fixed a bug with get_tree and multiple parents.
- Fixed 3 wrong caches (this will avoid some queries).
- Extension to taxonomy_term_count_nodes() (feature #159): "currently
calling taxonomy_term_count_nodes() returns the amount of nodes in each
term, would it be possible to extend this function so that it would only
return the amount of nodes of a certain type under each term.
- Confirm deleting a vocabulary or a term (requested by Moshe).
- Use form_weight() in vocabulary and term forms.
- After submitting a term, we end up at the term page (requested by Moshe).
- Added status messages when adding, editing and deleting vocabularies and
- Minor clean ups
* Made sure all modules use the same link delimiter; "|" for now.
- Adds more title info to each line in the block: now showing author and number of comments in a unified way accross all modules.
- Added pager support to blog module.
- Blog module now uses standard node view, not its own hack which is more theme friendly (http://www.drupal.org/node.php?id=133).
- Blog module now uses node_feed() function for making RSS feeds. since all feeds are now consolidated, a couple tweaks to node_feed() and format_rss_* would lead us to support new RSS formats easily.
- Fixed bugs where unpublished entries were displayed.
"This is a simple, generic pager for Drupal-CVS. It is designed to be
easily themeable and expandable. The code is highly-commented to
enhance readability."
"Pagers are constructed by combining the provided pieces (all of which
can be easily modified to display the text or image you prefer) into
your custom pager."
* Statistics module fixes by Jeremy:
- removed superfluous check for existence of watchdog()
- saving changes in admin page displays status and returns same page
- no longer return 1971/01/01 in "view statistics" table
- switched from "!=" to "<>" in SQL queries for ANSI-SQL compliance
- switched from "MAX(timestamp) as timestamp" to "MAX(timestamp) as
max_timestamp" moving towards ANSI-SQL compliance.
* Added a "theme_item_list" function to format itemized lists. Also
changed a couple of modules to take advantage of it. Makes for a
more consistent UI.
- addressed one of Ax's issues:
> = there are quite some "$output .= " which should be "$output
> = "
> (whenever $output hasn't been initialized before)
- combined a few lines that could be accomplished in one step
- changed "!" to "." in comment "This site is currently
sustaining..." as if a low number, it looks silly.
changes include:
* a couple of coding style changes, renamed some "stats" into
"statistics", etc.
* removed the "Who's online" block from the user module.
* added db_affected_rows() to the resp. database abstraction
layers and made the statistics module use db_affected_rows()
* added update logic to "update.php".