when the taxonomy module is disabled. Reported by kyvinh.
- Improved forum documentation. Modified version of Kjartan's patch.
- Updating a forum topic through the admin interface, results in a
duplicate (and incomplete) forum topic. Also note that "Leave
shadow?" function is annoying; the status of the checkbox is lost
when clicking preview. Also, I think it should be disabled be
- page_header() now adds Last-Modified and ETag http headers.
- When running PHP as an Apache module page_header() will check the HTTP
headers for conditional gets, and will only push the content when it
fails. (Works for html and xml pages as they are all cached). Note:
this is a PHP limitation, so until PHP makes it work for other web
servers this won't work for them.
- Added created field to cache database to hold the timestamp when the
cache was created.
- Changed cache_get() to return an object with ->data and ->created.
- Update forum and locale modules.
+ Removed the "post content" permission and replaced it by more fine-grained permissions such as "maintain static pages", "maintain personal blog", "maintain stories", etc.
o Usability improvements to teasers:
+ Teaser forms are no more. Teasers are extracted automatically but can also be instructed using a delimiter "---". Furthermore, when a post it too short for a teaser, the user won't be bother with teaser stuff anymore.
+ Added an option to set the teaser length, or to disable teasers all together.
+ When previewing a post, both the short (if any) and the full version of a post are shown. This addresses a common complaint; for example, when writing a book page there was no way you could preview the short version of your post.
+ Forum posts can be teasered now. This is particularly helpful in the context of drupal.org where we promote forum topics.
o Bugfix: replaced all PHP short tags (<?) with long tags (<?php).
o Bugfix: removed hard-coded dependence on comment module.
o Bugfix: when the queue module was disabled, it was not possible to approve updated book pages.
o Bugfix: applied modified version of Marco's node_teaser() fix.
- Fixed a bug with get_tree and multiple parents.
- Fixed 3 wrong caches (this will avoid some queries).
- Extension to taxonomy_term_count_nodes() (feature #159): "currently
calling taxonomy_term_count_nodes() returns the amount of nodes in each
term, would it be possible to extend this function so that it would only
return the amount of nodes of a certain type under each term.
- Confirm deleting a vocabulary or a term (requested by Moshe).
- Use form_weight() in vocabulary and term forms.
- After submitting a term, we end up at the term page (requested by Moshe).
- Added status messages when adding, editing and deleting vocabularies and
- Minor clean ups
* Made sure all modules use the same link delimiter; "|" for now.
- Changed cache API.
- Fixed caching bug in comment.module. Odd this hasn't been reported yet.
- Fixed caching bug in forum.module.
- Fixed caching bug in system.module.
- Fixed caching bug in block.module.
- Simplified caching support in forum.module thanks to improved cache API.
- Adds more title info to each line in the block: now showing author and number of comments in a unified way accross all modules.
- Added pager support to blog module.
- Blog module now uses standard node view, not its own hack which is more theme friendly (http://www.drupal.org/node.php?id=133).
- Blog module now uses node_feed() function for making RSS feeds. since all feeds are now consolidated, a couple tweaks to node_feed() and format_rss_* would lead us to support new RSS formats easily.
- Fixed bugs where unpublished entries were displayed.
"This is a simple, generic pager for Drupal-CVS. It is designed to be
easily themeable and expandable. The code is highly-commented to
enhance readability."
"Pagers are constructed by combining the provided pieces (all of which
can be easily modified to display the text or image you prefer) into
your custom pager."
* Statistics module fixes by Jeremy:
- removed superfluous check for existence of watchdog()
- saving changes in admin page displays status and returns same page
- no longer return 1971/01/01 in "view statistics" table
- switched from "!=" to "<>" in SQL queries for ANSI-SQL compliance
- switched from "MAX(timestamp) as timestamp" to "MAX(timestamp) as
max_timestamp" moving towards ANSI-SQL compliance.
* Added a "theme_item_list" function to format itemized lists. Also
changed a couple of modules to take advantage of it. Makes for a
more consistent UI.
correctly. Patch by Stefan.
- Added missing t() functions and improved the %x directives for
better readability and to ease the process of translating your
site. Patches by Stefan.
- Made two small additions to the 'code-clean.sh' script; it will
now remove patch related junk.
- I removed the · related bits. Let's tackle these later on
in a separate patch after we got some sort of consensus.
- I removed the 'module_exist("drupal")' check in the user module;
I *think* it is incomplete and therefore incorrect.
- Stefan, try using quotes in your translations and check whether
everything still works. Example: translate the "Create account"
button to "Create \"haha\" account \'hihi\'" and see if you can
still create new accounts. Maybe automate this using a quick
hack in the locale module ...
- fixed comment flat list view missing 1 comment.
- changed update.php around a bit.
* security check isn't in effect if the db hasn't been updated.
* instructions re-organized.
* fixed some minor updates.
- updated database.mysql done by UnConeD.
- changelog update.
- fixed access checks on the register form, do this before you enter the
_save function. If registrations are disabled the register link will
no longer show (again).
- changed » to », using the names of entities are better than
the numbers.
- fixed user information being set when account is registered (properly this
time, really!)
- reversed the if(!...) commit.
- node_add specifies more defaults.
- added link to blog entries from user page.
- updated node modules not to cause errors when taxonomy module is disabled.
- added %date variable to user mail configuration.
- added hyperlinks to admin.php?mod=system (site configuration) for easy access.
- usual coding style and xhtml fixes.
* fixed mails not being parsed properly.
* tracker now shows user name when you view your own recent
* link to submission queue now points to the right place.
* fixed jabber module.
* theme is now activated when changed.
- applied Gerhards coding style patch.
+ Changed the db_query() API.
+ Wrapped all links in l(), lm(), la(), ..., drupal_url() functions.
+ XHTML-ified some HTML.
+ Wrapped a lot of text in the administrative pages in a t()
+ Replaced all $REQUEST_URI/$PATH_INFOs by request_uri().
+ Small bugfixes (eg. bug in book_export_html() and clean-ups (eg.
RSS code).
+ Fixed some bugs in the taxonomy module (eg. tree making bug), added
new functionality (eg. new APIs for use by other modules), included
Moshe's taxonomy extensions, and some documentation udpates.
+ ...
can jump directly to a certain date in the archives. Also made
the calendar link to itself such that it is self-contained.
- Code beautifications: quoted a lot of arrays, removed dead code
and simplified a few things.
- Replaced the Calendar class by one function "calendar_display":
using a class (or class instance, or object) doesn't make sense
in the archives' case.
- Renamed "calendar.module" to "archive.module".
- Fixed a /problem/ with node settings not always being saved like
- Reorganized the user menu: renamed a couple of links for clarity
and structure.
- Fixed a few typos.
+ Improved input filtering; this should make the news items look
more consistent in terms of mark-up.
+ Quoted all array indices: converted all instances of $foo[bar]
to $foo["bar"]. Made various other changes to make the import
module compliant with the coding style.
- theme.inc:
+ Fixed small XHTML glitch
- comment system:
+ Made it possible for users to edit their comments (when certain
criteria are matched).
+ Renamed the SQL table field "lid" to "nid" and updated the code
to reflect this change: this is a rather /annoying/ change that
has been asked for a few times. It will impact the contributed
BBS/forum modules and requires a tiny SQL update:
sql> ALTER TABLE comments CHANGE lid nid int(10) NOT NULL;
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
+ Added a delete button to the comment admin form and made it so
that Drupal prompts for confirmation prior to deleting a comment
from the database. This behavior is similar to that of deleting
+ Disabled comment moderation for now.
+ Some of the above changes will make it easier to integrate the
upcomcing mail-to-web and web-to-mail gateways. They are part
of a bigger plan. ;)
- node system:
+ Made it so that updating nodes (like for instance updating blog
entries) won't trigger the submission rate throttle.
+ Fixed a small glitch where a node's title wasn't always passed
to the $theme->header() function.
+ Made "node_array()" and "node_object()" more generic and named
them "object2array()" and "array2object()".
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
- misc:
+ Applied three patches by Foxen. One to improve performance of
the book module, and two other patches to fix small glitches in
common.inc. Thanks Foxen!
+ made some improvements to the node access checks
- queue module:
+ form()-ified the queue module and added some extra information
or guidelines
+ added a few missing translations
+ ...
+ Added the "delete node"-link: apparently it got lost during the last
commit. Odd.
+ Changed "Edit node" to "Edit <node_name>" on the 'edit node'-page of
the admin section. (There a 4 "Node"s that still need to be removed
+ Updated the initial submission page (the old submit.php) to include
some descriptions.
Drupal to display submission guidelines, or any other kind of explanation
such as "NO TEST POSTS", for example.
- Added node versioning: it is possible to create revisions, to view old
revisions and to roll-back to older revisions. You'll need to apply a
SQL update.
I'm going to work on the book module now, so I might be changing a few
things to enable collaborative, moderated revisions - but feel free to
send some first feedback, if you like.
- Added some configuration options which can be used to set the minimum
number of words a blog/story should consist of. Hopefully this will
be usefull to stop the (almost empty) test blogs.
- Various improvements:
+ Fine-tuned new node permission system.
+ Fine-tuned the functions in node.inc.
+ Fine-tuned some forms.
+ XHTML-ified some code.
+ introduced basic node permissions ("create", "delete", "update" and
"view") at the node level: it's up to the "<$node->type>_module" to
hide gory details (if any).
+ made the "blog it"-feature in the blog and import module work with
the new node system, in specific with the new centralized forms.
+ made it possible to update blogs.
+ made the page module work with the new node system.
+ various smaller improvements.