Commit Graph

241 Commits (389fbbff15ac2d2597b73c32ab991013f41fd852)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex Pott 8c01266a8c Issue #2850540 by Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott, David_Rothstein, davidhernandez, david.lukac, David Lesieur, David Stosik, David Strauss, david_garcia, dawehner, dcmistry, dclavain, dcam, dbjpanda, dboulet, David Latapie, David Hernández, danillonunes, danigrrl, Dave.Ingram, DanPir, Daniel_Rose, danquah, danylevskyi, Dave Cohen, Dave Reid, daulet2030, dasrecht, das-peter, dasjo, dcmouyard, dcrocks, desiboli, desbeers, dermario, DickJohnson, Didier Misson, develCuy, deveshpal, dileepmaurya, dimaro, digitaldonkey, DjebbZ, devuo, diego21, Dhorkiy, Devin Carlson, Denchev, Deciphered, DeNelo, dddave, ddrozdik, deepakaryan1988, delmarr, derek.deraps, dergachev, derEremit, denutkarsh, denis_kv, denjell, danielnolde, damiankloip, colan, codexmas, codemonkie, Corregidor, clemens.tolboom, colbol, cordoval, Crell, cpelham, Countzero, Cottser, corvus_ch, cosmicdreams, Cogax, Codenator, Claudis, Christopher James Francis Rodgers, CKoch, chrisjlee, chrispomeroy, chx, cilefen, claudiu.cristea, CMS Dude, claudinec, clashar, ciprian.stavovei, ckaotik, cpj, craychee, D4K0, czoper, czigor, cwells, cwgordon7, Damien Tournoud, DamienMcKenna, dagmita, dags, dagmar, daffie, Daniel_Rempe, dado, cweagans, cspitzlay, csakiistvan, crowdcg, crotown, criscom, crispiatico, csc4, csg, Cyclodex, cs_shadow, Cyberwolf, Cyberschorsch, cshuangtw, C_Logemann, dinarcon, disasm, elcuco, elachlan, el7cosmos, eiriksm, ekes, eleisoncruz, elfur, emmene-moi, emma.maria, emarchak, eliza411, emanuelrighetto, eigentor, ehegedus, edurenye, edrupal, edmoran, ecvandenberg, edgewl2, edutrul, edward_or, eftimitac, egouleau, Elijah Lynn, Eli-T, effulgentsia, dschenk, eojthebrave, epari.siva, ezra-g, ezeedub, evilehk, eugenesia, eule, Fabianx, Fannon, fago, fakingfantastic, facine, fabsor, Fidelix, fabpot, eshta, esclapes, er.manojsharma, ErnoVanhala, ErikWegner, epoitras, Eric_A, er.pushpinderrana, ericdsd, Everett Zufelt, Eyal Shalev, EvanDonovan, esbenvb,, ericski, echoz, ecedenyo, dpopdan, dpi, dpearcefl, douggreen, dpacassi, Dragan Eror, Drupa1ish, droplet, drubage, dropfen, dropcube, drewish, drifter, dorficus, donquixote, djevans, djdevin, dixon_, dishabhadra, divined, dlu, dman, dodorama, dokumori, docker, dobrzyns, Dmitriy.trt, Dom., drugan, drumm, dww, dvinegla, Ec1ipsis, DuttonMa, Désiré, dysrama, e0ipso, EclipseGc, EdizonTN, ebrowet, ebeyrent, e2thex, eaton, Dustin@PI, durifal, drupalninja99, DuaelFr, D Szkiba, drunken monkey, c_archer, drupleg, druprad, dudycz, duellj, dubois, dubcanada, dsnopek, dtarc, chrishks, chrischinchilla, Anushka-mp, Antti J. Salminen, Antonnavi, ankitgarg, annikaC, Anybody, Arla, aries, arianek, areke, anrikun, ardas, anish.a, anil280988, andrejsmuzikovs, andrei.dincu, ancamp, anarcat, anavarre, andremolnar, andyceo, anemes, aniket_m, aneek, andythomnz, andymartha, andypost, arkestra, arlinsandbulte, aspilicious, askibinski, ashwinikumar, Aunion, ashutoshsngh, astra, attiks, a_webb, avillager, a_thakur, Bairnsfather, attila.fekete, aturetta, August1914, AshishK-dupe, aroq, Ashish.Dalvi, Artusamak, Arnoldski, Aron Novak, arpitr, ars-, asb, aschiwi, arunaseva,, arshadcn, arskiainen, amourow, amontero, AkshayKalose, AjitS, aimeerae, agoradesign, agrozyme, Alan D., Alan Evans, akalata, akejoha, akahn, ajeverson, ainigma32, aitiba, agentrickard, afeijo, Dries, dan2k3k4, hchonov, achton, adam7, adci_contributor, acrollet, AdrianB, Adam Clarey, Adita, akoe, akozma, aloyr, almaudoh, alippai, alexweber, alimac, altavis, alvar0hurtad0, amitaibu, amitgoyal, ameymudras, ameenkhan07, alweb, amateescu, alex_b, Alumei, alarcombe, alansaviolobo, Alex Bukach, aks22, Albert Volkman, alberto56, alduya, Alex UA, Alice Heaton, alexkb, alexh58, alerque, alexanderpas, axe312, axel.rutz, CalebD, CaDyMaN, Bès, bsztreha, bucefal91, Cameron Tod, Caralin, c960657, c4doug, c31ck, bwinett, c-c-m, bsherwood, bshaffer, boztek, bowersox, botris, borisson_, botanic_spark, brandon.holtsclaw, brantwynn, bryanmanalo, bserem, bryancasler, brianV, BrightBold, BrockBoland, caktux, calebtr, charmi, chakrapani, cha0s, Chi, cesarmiquel, cheops90, chipway, ChristianAdamski, chrisbloomfield, Chris Luckhardt, Chris Dart, chishah92, chr.fritsch, Charles Belov, ChandeepKhosa, carsonevans, Carsten Müller, Carl Johan, calliandra, camoa, carwin, casey, cebasqueira, cedric_a, ceardach, cburschka, catch, cbiggins, borisbaldinger, boran, Bcwald, bbinkovitz, batigolix, basic, basvanderveen, BenK, Benia, bendev, benelori, beejeebus, bechtold, Berdir, bboty, barraponto, banviktor, babasse05, b0unty, azinck, axooh, ayelet_Cr, babruix, badrange, balintk, bannorb, balintcsaba, balagan, BalrajB, BarisW, benjf, benjifisher, blazey, blackdog, Bojhan.core, Bodo Maass, Bojhan, bleen, blue_waters, Boobaa, bookmarvel, bonus, bojanz, blueminds, bobrov1989, BlacKICEUA, BMDan, bforchhammer, BeyersdorferTJ, beretta627, benjy, bensemmel, bfroehle, bgm, bisonbleu, bjaspan, biro.botond, bird-cage, bighappyface, bill richardson, falcon03, faline, kenorb, kekkis, keith.smith, KevinVb, kcouch, keopx, kerby70, kgoel, kfritsche, keyral, kerrymick, kevee, Kevin Morse, KCarlile, Kazanir, Kartagis, Karmen, Buratino42, KarenS, karengrey, karmazzin, kbasarab, kbentham, kattekrab, kathyh, katbailey, kate_kalashnikova, Kifah Meeran, kholloway, koppie, kopeboy, kompressaur, kmharrell, knalstaaf, KRaisor, KrisBulman, kristiaanvandeneynde, kristink2, kriboogh, kreatIL, Kristen Pol, kostyashupenko, klonos, klausi, kiliweb, kikoalonsob, kika, kiamlaluno, kid_icarus, killerpoke,, kim.pepper, kiwad, Konstantin Komelin, Kiphaas7, killua99, KJankko, kardave, kalman.hosszu, joris.verschueren, jordanpagewhite, Jose Reyero, jonasdk, jonhattan, josedanielestrada, joseph.olstad, joshtaylor, joshua.boltz, joshmccormack, JoshuaRogers, josephdpurcell, joshi.rohit100, jomarocas, jojonmaster, johanv, joginderpc, joewatkins, joates, joelpittet, John Cook, John_B,, johnv, johnheaven, JonMcL, Jon Pugh, Jon@s, joyceg, jpd4nt, junedkazi, julien, JvE, juhovh, JulienD, justAChris, jvieille, k4v, kalabro, k4, jwilson3, jvns, jweowu, juanse254, juanramonperez, jstoller, jsbalsera, jrockowitz, jproctor, jrglasgow, Juan Duarte, Julfabre, juancasantito, juankvillegas, juampynr, jthorson, JuliaBayer, JuliaKM, krlucas, kscheirer, Mac_Weber, MacMladen, maciej.zgadzaj, m1r1k, maartendeblock, Malerio, Manjit.Singh, maijs, mallezie, magnjorg, magico, MantasK, maggo, m.c.t, lydie, lucascaro, ltrane, lsmith77, lpalgarvio, lslinnet, lucaschain, lucastockmann, lund.mikkel, lvbeck, luismagr, lucian.cazaciuc, Lukas von Blarer, Luxian, manningpete, manoloka, mark., mario.awad, mariancalinro, marcvangend, marfillaster, mark.labrecque, markcarver, earnie, josepvalls, ershov.andrey, estoyausente, dutchyoda, marcusx, marcushenningsen, Marc Angles, Maouna, Manuel Garcia, manu4543, franz, Marc Hannaford, manuel.afonso, marcus7777, Mariano, marcoscano, marco, marcel66, marcingy, lotyrin, lostkangaroo, laxman.ghavte, lavira, lauriii, laszlo.kovacs, lathan, lazysoundsystem, LeeHunter, leenwebb, leeotzu, lba_emanuel, Lendude, Leeteq, Leksat, larsmw, LatinBoy, l0ke, kurt.iverson, kunal.kursija, LaravZ, ksenzee, lachezar.valchev, lahoosascoots, Lars Toomre, LarsKramer, larowlan, lanthaler, lambic, langworthy, legaudinier, legolasbo, ljcarnieri, lixiphp, litwol, LittleViking, LoMo, lluvigne, lmeurs, longwave, LoveCharge, lonelyrobot, lomasr, loganfsmyth, lokapujya, lisarex, liquidcms, Letharion, Les Lim, leschekfm, leofishman, leonrenkema, LewisNyman, Liam McDermott, lilou, linclark, likin, lhangea, Liam Morland, LinL, joachim, jnicola, guillaumev, grubshka_v2, grisendo, Greg Sims, greggles, gumanist, guy_schneerson, Hadi Farnoud, h3rj4n, gyuhyon, guygg, gvso, Greg Boggs, greg.1.anderson, gobinathm, Grayside, gobilo, gnindl, gnuget, golddragon007, good_man, greenSkin, greenc, grahl, gpapadongonas, googletorp, goudal, Hanno, Haza, herom, henribergius, hellolindsay, hejazee, helenkim, herved, HOG, hguo, hinikato, hgoto, heyrocker, HnLn, heykarthikwithu, hefox, heddn, haripalrao, hargobind, hansfn, hairqles, hampercm, harrrrrrr, hass, Heine, heather, Heihachi88, hbblogger, hatcat, hauruck, gngn, gloob, Gabr1el, Freso, FrenchBarbu, foxtrotcharlie, FredCK, fran seva, franskuipers, fwalch, g089h515r806, fureigh, fubhy, frob, frodeste, foopang, fmizzell, FMB, fietserwin, fgm, fastangel, fenda, FiNeX, Fleshgrinder, fjd, floretan, filijonka, Frank Ralf, FrancescoQ, Frando, g3r4, Gabriel R., genjohnson, generalredneck, geertvd, gdevashi, geerlingguy, geoffreyr, Georgii, giancarlosotelo, giorgio79, george.echim, GiorgosK, GerdC, Gerhard Killesreiter, gbentley, gausarts, gagarine, gaele, gabriel.achille, Gaelan, Garrett Albright, gapple, garphy, gauravjeet, gauravkhambhala, esolitos, gaurav26570, gaspaio, gaurav.goyal, hitesh-jain, hitfactory, jcnventura, Jelle_S, Jeffrey C., jcisio, Jeff Burnz, jcost, jdanthinne, jepSter, jerdavis, jenlampton, jeni_dc, jeanfei, jefkin, jbrown, jayboodhun, Jaypan, JayMN, janoka, jamiezeidler, jan.stoeckler, Jaza, janusman, javisr, jaxxed, jasonyarrington, jaredsmith, japerry, japicoder, Jeroen, JeroenT, jmauro8ac, jlscott, jlbellido, jiv_e, jjcarrion, jmesam, jmikii, John Bickar, JohnAlbin, Jody Lynn, Jo Fitzgerald, jmmarquez, jmolivas, jimyhuang, jimmyX, jessebeach, jespermb, jeroenbegyn, Jerome F, jerdnas, jessehs, jgSnell, JirkaRybka, jibran, jhodgdon, jherencia, jgrubb, jhedstrom, jamiehollern, jamesliu78, ibullock, ianthomas_uk, iMiksu, iampuma, IceCreamYou2, icseh., id.medion, igasi, iliphil, ifux, ifrik, idebr, idflood, iamEAP, hussainweb, Hydra, Hummer, holly.ross.drupal, hkirsman, holist, holtzermann17, hook_awesome, hudo, huss, hswong3i, hron84, hostedpower, hpz, imadalin, InternetDevels, j0rd, j.somers, izus, ivanjaros, izmeez, j2r, jackhutton, jakow, jamesharv, jair, jaimeguzman, Jalandhar, jagalbraith, ivanchaer, itarato, intuited, indytechcook, imkartik, IshaDakota, Ismail Cherri, inwebsolutions, isholgueras, Jacine, JacobSanford, J-Lee, Ivan Zugec, isntall, iszabi, tomsm, webkenny, vyasamit2007, webflo, memoo, LAsan, YesCT, ygerasimov, mcdruid, SteffenR, TwoD, rbunch, my-family, sashken2, stkrzysiak, valthebald, tim.plunkett, tedbow, pounard, OnkelTem, zserno, opi, rvilar, Tor Arne Thune, plopesc, -enzo-, PetrL, @baux, SKAUGHT, willwh, naxoc, paulmckibben, nagwani, mlecha, trevjs, seutje, te-brian, mmatsoo, renat, vzblk, vodde83, pixelwhip, TravisCarden, yuREKLI, mikeker, ndvo, pbland, shenzhuxi, poiu, viirak, ronald_istos, mrsinguyen, nicrodgers, mmilano, tobiasb, starchild, micnap, MrHaroldA, Simon Georges, the_phi, plach, morenstrat, VladSavitsky, sdelbosc, tinker, TR, mas0h, mpg, Rafael Cansinos, ZenDoodles, miro_dietiker, robmc, skyredwang, timmillwood, pwieck, pbuyle, Mathijs Koenraadt, reglogge, phenaproxima, Shellingfox, markie, mustafau,, peximo, no_longer_active_13, mioan, _nolocation, Sumeet.Pareek, rupl, Martin Mayer, rodrigoaguilera, SebCorbin, Ryan Weal, sun.core, pbattino, surgeonbor, tylernichols, rachit_gupta, redsd, szato, maxchock, marthinal, vasi, Peacog, sfyn, mdupont, sushantpaste, Mixologic, mcrittenden, nicholosophy, twistor, mikemiles86, MattDanger, serundeputy, milopca, wuinfo, vegantriathlete, spacereactor, nsputnik, T-lo, rasskull, zeropx, pdrake, vaartio, willyk, maryedith, StryKaizer, tobiberlin, Pinolo, wadmiraal, Stefan Freudenberg, tloudon, vuzzbox, Sethie, Pr0v0dn1k, sylus, pixelite, markdorison, rahul.shinde, vasi1186, voxpelli, prestonso, mpdonadio, WigglyKoala, Vikas Negi, torpy, mecano, mstrelan, tsi, Stalski, Sborsody, vlkff, mhagedon, skipyT, pguillard, willieseabrook, rbosscher, robbertnl, 5ven, mr.baileys, nyirocsaba, pfrenssen, scottalan, nesta_, shanethehat, sense-design, tammo, pkiraly, rooby, mpp, mdrummond, xpound, tsvenson, sir_squall, zuuperman, sylvain_a, roald, wilco, Pol, Roberto Gerola, z.stolar, neclimdul, pwolanin, rszrama, michaelfavia, Robin Millette, naught101, pflame, yched, NITEMAN, stBorchert, markus_petrux, zirvap, mjohnq3, rickvug, stevepurkiss, yoroy, Shai, ultimike, mikl, nevergone, snufkin, thePanz, pp, znerol, Xano, mikey_p, RobLoach, pingers, wojtha, scor, yraffah, phillamb168, sinasalek, mr.york, spoit, parasite, sun, thamas, pillarsdotnet, quicksketch, netbjarne, perusio, roderik, RobertoGuzman, mattyoung, nevets, mfb, Robin Monks, xmacinfo, MichaelCole, omar, Stefan Nagtegaal, moshe weitzman, Steven, petiar, walkah, tetranz, oadaeh, nedjo, mikeryan, silverwing, mvc, nonsie, mgifford, merlinofchaos, natuk, rfay, svendecabooter, sime, Plascual, Uccio, NaX, webchick, paranojik, robertgarrigos, Pancho, toemaz, Owen Barton, Sweetchuck, Michelle, wmostrey, pieterdt, mlncn, noomz, skwashd, Mile23, podarok, yasenp, Thomas_Zahreddin, nbz, Nick_vh, pcambra, vermario, valdo, yurtboy, tstoeckler, mavimo, ressa, xslim, swentel, shuklasp, masipila, mikewink, mbyrnes, Pedro Lozano, stephen.colson, aaronott, vegardjo, prodosh, vasike, mradcliffe, SeanBannister, smokris, redndahead, R.Muilwijk, NonProfit, sdboyer, maxtorete, nikhilsukul, mkalkbrenner, marvil07, rych, Pepe Roni, matt2000, realityloop, netkaiser, rpsu, NancyDru, Sutharsan, ti2m, Sharique, steinmb, msonnabaum, mikispeed, mooffie, Olafski, mrf, theunraveler, yhager, rachel_norfolk, socketwench, mortendk, oriol_e9g, stella, mcarbone, mitchell, twomasc, zroger, Pasqualle, matason, martin_q, psynaptic, tky, zetagraph, ptmkenny, ramlev, philbar, Wim Leers, Steven Jones, Xen, Zoltán Balogh, yang_yi_cn, Shyamala, thehong, salvis, Matt V., quiron, SiliconMind, nadavoid, spearhead93, ximo, Paracetamol, Paul Broon, shnark, marvin_B8, maxterner23, zschmid, Pere Orga, omers, mtomaizy, simolokid, mbaynton, vaplas, oresh, 1ethylotest, mauzeh, zolt_toth, Mojtaba Reyhani, rpayanm, 12345678912345678, Tim Bozeman, no_angel, RavindraSingh, matsbla, stijndmd, smithworx, stefank, pjonckiere, ndobromirov, sic, swastik1608, Nitesh Sethia, prateek479, prajaankit, unstatu, mglaman, mitron, moe4715, tamnv, sardara, Nomes, skippednote, rkjha, mohsen81666, SoumyaDas, zestagio, rahuldolas123, phiit, vbouchet, Outi, orlitzky, trebormc, no_commit_credit, sushilkr, surandesilva, a.milkovsky, saki007ster, pietmarcus, MathieuSpil, tucho, SwapS, zaporylie, savithac, webmozart, prasad_gogate, pminf, nerdstein, mrjmd, prabhu9484, prics, Tom Robert, RajeevK, Prashant.c, RogerRogers, superspring, Salazey, tomreavley, SeanKelly, yohannbzh, paularmand, MHLut, RoySegall, subhojit777, ztl8702, ngocketit, Upchuk, ry5n, yanniboi, Sephi77, sebi, reekris, mbovan, robert-os, saravananr971, pdenooijer, rkoller, sorressean, wmortada, Sonal.Sangale, steelsector, sidharrell, zahord, yobottehg, maxocub, shwetaneelsharma, simply021, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, prabhurajn654, svjuly, Mihai-Alin, myLies, thpoul, syamnath, therealssj, vg3095, yurii_2016, Metal3d, nateszytel, Thew, mogio_hh, wturrell, NobodyLikesGreg, rgpublic, talhaparacha, rajeshwari10, olegiv, tduong, Truptti, mlewand, Matze202, yongt9412, sukanya.ramakrishnan, meyertox, Yogesh Pawar, mkernel, martin107, meanderix, naveenvalecha, pierregermain, PieterJanPut, nicu, vdanielpop, mon_franco, me-sasha, neetu morwani, TonyScott, mitsuroseba, mashermike, shabirahmad, zsofi.major, pratik60, pplantinga, robertdbailey, quietone, Oleksiy, oheller, Zerdiox, pjbaert, RachFrieee, mirom, Patrick Storey, zealfire, soipo, paresha.uchdadiya, nvinayvinay, pashupathi nath gajawada, vastav, rak2008, Saphyel, parthipanramesh, wilsonw, martin_klima, rhabbachi, thegreatone, seranooo5, oussema, ThisIsDog, Sam152, pingwin4eg, stpaultim, mtift, philipz, webwarrior, StuartJNCC, rdrh555, rteijeiro, rbayliss, speely, nkschaefer, slashrsm, sourcesoft, reszli, webcultist, RodrigoBalest, mesr01, sandipmkhairnar, XTCHost, myram, svdhout, olli, pmackay, MarkusDBX, naveko, slowflyer, westie, Sill, vlad.dancer, visabhishek, rudiedirkx, zkday, Noe_, mlehner616, MustangGB, polynya, rlmumford, nlisgo, michlis, TransitionKojo, Snugug, wjaspers, Spleshka, rickmanelius, thomas4019, pmelab, Mirabuck, stefan.r, mrded, sushyl, nod_, xadag, stewart.adam, nyleve101, timofey, MichaelP, RobW, mgriego, Ranko, yannickoo, nicxvan, mitokens, philipnorton42, mparker17, xecstasyx, mitrpaka, thechanceg, thedavidmeister, MegaChriz, tatarbj, mzwyssig, WormFood, Ujin, worldlinemine, svenryen, ricardoamaro, xandeadx, Schnitzel, wroxbox, mducharme, rocket_nova, Sylvain Lecoy, roynilanjan, tkoleary, vacho, rli, mics.programming, vollepeer, Rajesh Ashok, mkapst, sxnc, n3or, typhonius, mondrake, ryanissamson, rudivanes, nikhilasrani, pbonnefoi, aaronaverill, wrg20, rameshbabu.g, NotNotCow, othermachines, omercioglu, michaellenahan, Volker23, Thomas Factory, Maune, russo79, pepperstreet, vprocessor, s_leu, zippydoug, segi, nick_schuch, wusel, pameeela, rdickert, wooody, tim-e, underq, niko-, scristian, smiletrl, ACF, sergeypavlenko, patrickd, weakqueen99, thlafon, seiplax, mirsoft, prashantgoel, mbrett5062, sandzel, pefferen, ursula, a.ross, teroelonen, PrabhuG, myforgedoteu, ParisLiakos, Mark_L6n, sandykadam, minff, wamilton, purabkharat, michaelmol, rwt, mrP, ravi.khetri, mjreich, mdespeuilles, sahain, rajneeshb, zerodeux, pedrop, ytsurk, yannisc, piyuesh23, tarmstrong, vaibhavjain, mirocow, ndewhurst, WilliamB, sidharthap, tuutti, shixish, xaav, Soul88, a1russell, willzyx, tinyrobot, nikkubhai, rkcreation, Matroschker, rbmboogie, Niklas Fiekas: Remove multilingual initiative from MAINTAINERS.txt as completed 2017-02-17 22:37:21 +00:00
xjm d9bc5a1300 Issue #2843399 by Gábor Hojtsy, naveenvalecha, slashrsm: Add media initiative to MAINTAINERS.txt 2017-01-18 08:55:32 -06:00
Alex Pott ad887b70ec Issue #2843407 by tim.plunkett: Add layout initiative to MAINTAINERS.txt 2017-01-14 10:42:55 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 27890385f5 Issue #2834453 by dixon_: Remove dixon_ as maintainer for Comment module 2016-12-12 12:18:18 +00:00
Alex Pott 5d9734544e Issue #2808121 by klausi, xjm, dawehner: Add PHPUnit initiative to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-11-14 17:04:00 +00:00
Alex Pott 51bac4521f Revert "Issue #2808121 by klausi, xjm, dawehner: Add PHPUnit initiative to MAINTAINERS.txt"
This reverts commit 41335f244c.
2016-11-12 08:01:11 +00:00
Alex Pott 982a790502 Issue #1854480 by xjm, fago, jhodgdon, YesCT, tim.plunkett, davidhernandez, cweagans, Crell, Bojhan, David_Rothstein, chx, rcross, LewisNyman, bowersox, Frando, ParisLiakos, yched: Remove inactive maintainers from MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-11-08 09:21:25 +00:00
Alex Pott 41335f244c Issue #2808121 by klausi, xjm, dawehner: Add PHPUnit initiative to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-11-05 08:43:13 +00:00
Alex Pott 7cc1c08fac Issue #2824787 by xjm, tim.plunkett, dawehner, Lendude, damiankloip: Do not list Views UI separately from Views in MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-11-05 05:09:11 +00:00
xjm b156d13bc7 Issue #2820589 by heddn, mikeryan: Add heddn to MAINTAINERS.txt for Migrate and Migrate (Drupal) subsystems 2016-11-02 22:40:07 -05:00
Alex Pott a4744c8788 Issue #2822757: Remove Scott Reeves (Cottser) from the theme system/theme API maintainers 2016-10-28 00:54:55 -07:00
Alex Pott 2daae3fbb9 Issue #2819879 by mikeryan, quietone: Add quietone to MAINTAINERS.txt for Migrate and Migrate (Drupal) subsystems 2016-10-26 10:42:39 -07:00
Alex Pott d92575ca25 Issue #2813971 by cilefen: Remove cilefen from core mentoring coordinators 2016-10-25 12:11:00 -07:00
Alex Pott a7546f71c5 Issue #2818347 by tstoeckler: Make tstoeckler a maintainer of Entity API 2016-10-22 14:33:15 -07:00
Alex Pott 1b5802d05e Issue #2808123 by dawehner, klausi, xjm: Add a Testing framework component to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-10-13 23:29:41 +01:00
Alex Pott 74b8e7ad6d Issue #2807331 by xjm: Add plach as an Entity API maintainer 2016-10-13 21:34:33 +01:00
Alex Pott 3b80c5a5cb Issue #2807689 by cilefen: Add cilefen as a provisional maintainer to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-09-28 13:05:37 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 21620006df Issue #2785891 by xjm, dawehner, tim.plunkett, alexpott, catch, YesCT, daffie, webchick: The distinctions between modules, themes, and other subsystems are not relevant in MAINTAINERS.txt or the issue queue component field 2016-09-14 11:04:50 +01:00
xjm b165600275 Issue #2161337 by mpdonadio, darrick, swentel, effulgentsia, YesCT, xjm, Berdir, tim.plunkett, pguillard, SKAUGHT, sylus, jonathanjfshaw, FluxSauce, DuneBL, jhedstrom, dawehner, generalredneck, pjonckiere, borisson_, Gábor Hojtsy, webchick, miwayha: Add a Date Range field type with support for end date 2016-08-25 20:56:23 -05:00
Dries b4d89a9ec4 Issue #2783483: Make Scott Reeves (Cottser) a full core committer for Drupal 8
(cherry picked from commit 7a3fa2bc2e)
2016-08-25 20:46:07 +02:00
xjm 56a347cab2 Issue #2785489 by timmillwood: Add "Outside in" maintainer to Maintainers.txt 2016-08-17 11:54:39 -05:00
Alex Pott bc3bb2469a Issue #2754597 by dawehner: Add Lendude to MAINTAINERS.txt for the views and views_ui module 2016-08-17 13:04:43 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole bc00f081e6 Issue #2725533 by timmillwood, alexpott, amateescu, webchick, dixon_, larowlan, dawehner, catch, Crell, Bojhan, jibran, Wim Leers, agentrickard, Berdir: Add experimental content_moderation module 2016-08-08 13:26:31 +01:00
Alex Pott 8b62644093 Issue #2777323 by timmillwood: Add dixon_ as Workflow Initiative coordinator 2016-08-05 13:39:33 +01:00
xjm 3f1ad36a88 Issue #2725947 by John Cook, mgifford, naveenvalecha, andrewmacpherson, Wim Leers, cmcnally, stella, stevepurkiss: Add Andrew Macpherson to the MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-07-21 15:03:22 -05:00
stefan.r d430fc9684 Issue #2756209: Add the new Drupal 7 co-maintainers to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-06-28 19:47:16 +02:00
Alex Pott da9e933f17 Issue #2744881: jhodgdon stepping away from MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-06-15 12:34:47 +01:00
Alex Pott f1442cf2e4 Issue #2724259 by swentel: Remove swentel from MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-05-15 23:59:01 -05:00
Alex Pott 5cd36afbe2 Issue #2718719 by dipakmdhrm: Add Wim Leers to REST module in MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-05-05 08:52:30 +01:00
Alex Pott 8da13e6c60 Issue #2719135 by dagmar: DamZ and Dave Reid have wrong links on MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-05-05 08:50:10 +01:00
Alex Pott bb41144fce Issue #2697235 by mpdonadio: Add jhedstrom as co-maintainer for DateTime module 2016-04-29 14:46:24 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 1ce1253287 Issue #2698595 by davidhernandez: Named spelled incorrectly in Maintainers file 2016-04-05 08:39:13 +09:00
effulgentsia dda8487697 Issue #2469431 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, swentel, nod_, yched, dawehner, tstoeckler, catch, borisson_: BigPipe for auth users: first send+render the cheap parts of the page, then the expensive parts 2016-03-01 09:57:13 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 395fbab0b3 Issue #2676680 by klausi: Rename "Phone module" to "Telephone module" in MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-02-29 13:01:41 +09:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 418196b944 Issue #2676682 by klausi: Remove Drupal 6 from MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-02-29 08:45:28 +09:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0da7e5ffe9 Issue #2575549 by Wim Leers, znerol, Fabianx: Add Page Cache to MAINTAINERS.txt 2016-02-10 13:17:25 +09:00
Dries e495c49049 Issue #2662108 by Cottser: Add Scott Reeves (Cottser) as a provisional core committer for Drupal 8 2016-02-03 21:11:16 +01:00
xjm e420d221c8 Issue #2627534 by LewisNyman: Remove LewisNyman from maintainers.txt 2015-12-23 11:07:02 -06:00
xjm 30757314d7 Issue #2613252 by davidhernandez, Cottser: Add Stable maintainer to MAINTAINERS.txt 2015-12-23 10:57:36 -06:00
Dries 36ef4afdb7 Issue #2612692 by Wim Leers: Add Marek Lewandowski as a CKEditor module maintainer 2015-11-16 15:28:54 -05:00
Dries 3c51b6b71b Issue #2569223 by tim.plunkett: Add tim.plunkett to Ajax system in MAINTAINERS.txt 2015-10-26 11:57:04 -04:00
Nathaniel Catchpole d653aaaa6b Issue #2507031 by claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, mitrpaka, webflo, catch, piyuesh23, beejeebus, Berdir: Optimize automatic cron subscriber by moving automatic cron to a module 2015-10-07 10:39:38 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole d0ecad65ac Revert "Issue #2507031 by claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, mitrpaka, webflo, catch, piyuesh23, beejeebus: Optimize automatic cron subscriber by moving automatic cron to a module"
This reverts commit 6e0ce0808c.
2015-10-07 10:39:10 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6e0ce0808c Issue #2507031 by claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, mitrpaka, webflo, catch, piyuesh23, beejeebus: Optimize automatic cron subscriber by moving automatic cron to a module 2015-10-07 10:34:45 +01:00
Alex Pott 97823b5a54 Issue #2429191 by claudiu.cristea, amateescu, yched, nlisgo, Berdir, alexpott, klausi, Wim Leers, xjm, catch: Deprecate entity_reference.module and move its functionality to core 2015-10-06 12:02:22 +01:00
Dries 88151639af Issue #2557945 by mikeryan: Add phenaproxima to MAINTAINERS.txt for the migration system 2015-09-09 20:54:37 +02:00
effulgentsia 5e8523ecb9 Issue #2429617 by Wim Leers, Fabianx, Berdir, yched, dawehner, effulgentsia, catch, borisson_, jhodgdon, martin107, torgosPizza: Make D8 2x as fast: Dynamic Page Cache: context-dependent page caching (for *all* users!) 2015-09-08 16:58:29 -07:00
Dries 8d34a79ea8 git commit -m 'Issue #2522716 by davidhernandez, YesCT: Update mentoring description in MAINTAINERS.txt and add current maintainers alimac, heddn, valthebald, cilefen 2015-08-21 16:22:43 -04:00
Dries ab15cc4fd5 Issue #2512442 by davidhernandez, lauriii, JohnAlbin, jenlampton: Update theme system maintainers 2015-08-21 16:20:56 -04:00
Dries 625b20bce2 Issue #2551929: Add Typed data to the maintainers txt 2015-08-21 16:18:43 -04:00
Dries d954256330 Issue #2508623 by xjm: Remove Frando from MAINTAINERS.txt 2015-07-08 12:12:38 -04:00
Dries 317aae50de Issue #2513692 by pameeela, naveenvalecha, andypost: Remove tim-e from Maintainers.txt for contact module. Add jibran and andypost 2015-07-08 12:10:38 -04:00
Dries 0df55ad123 Issue #2496367 by jibran, nod_,, ashutoshsngh: Add dawehner and pwolanin as Menu subsystem maintainer 2015-06-18 09:45:37 +02:00
Dries a2e1d70be6 Issue #2496789 by lauriii: Add davidhernandez and mortendk as maintainers for Classy theme 2015-06-18 09:43:33 +02:00
Dries 16563faa8c Issue #2504893 by mpdonadio: Add mpdonadio as maintainer for DateTime module 2015-06-18 09:41:04 +02:00
Dries bf85259942 Issue #2503109 by Cottser: Remove Cottser from the Core mentoring leads in MAINTAINERS.txt 2015-06-18 09:36:56 +02:00
Dries b15e4ffbfa Issue #2491333 by Mac_Weber, opdavies: Update MAINTAINERS.txt to use human URLs 2015-05-29 12:59:27 -04:00
xjm 088f8b357a Issue #2491155 by mikeburrelljr, Mac_Weber, opdavies: Update and URLs in core modules (Follow-up to 2489912) 2015-05-24 15:08:46 -05:00
Dries e0c9d38ed9 Issue #2489834 by droplet: Add droplet as maintainer for JavaScript 2015-05-22 13:15:35 -04:00
Dries 5866bee0ec Issue #2474677 by Mac_Weber: Add Mac_Weber to MAINTAINERS.txt for the link.module 2015-05-22 13:13:25 -04:00
Dries 2d586a18af Issue #2457875 by webchick: reorganized MAINTAINERS.txt for new governance policy 2015-05-22 13:10:02 -04:00
Alex Pott 410e69938e Issue #2485611 by Jelle_S: Add Jelle Sebreghts (Jelle_S) as co-maintainer of Responsive Image module 2015-05-08 16:20:35 -07:00
Alex Pott 82d3eb2f65 Issue #2465301 by klausi: Remove entity module from MAINTAINERS.txt, it does not exist 2015-04-04 00:05:47 +01:00
Alex Pott cde28ea599 Issue #2463807 by nod_: Remove seutje from MAINTAINERS.txt 2015-04-02 11:07:14 +01:00
Alex Pott 3425c65b09 Issue #2462681 by jessebeach, Manjit.Singh: Remove jessebeach from the maintainers.txt 2015-04-01 14:00:39 +01:00
Alex Pott 3115159973 Issue #2426935 by jibran, tstoeckler: Make jibran and tstoeckler maintainers of Shortcut module 2015-02-18 11:21:18 +00:00
Alex Pott 27050971c0 Issue #2417089 by davidhernandez: Add an active maintainer for CSS 2015-02-05 09:18:47 +00:00
Alex Pott 2d4be0efbe Issue #2237625 by amateescu: Step 4: Remove amateescu from the maintainers of menu links 2014-11-18 22:09:12 +00:00
Alex Pott 8c3365d9c1 Issue #2375225 by LewisNyman, davidhernandez: Add emma.maria as Bartik maintainer. 2014-11-18 10:08:00 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 8d51bd4125 Issue #2350981 by Mark Carver: Remove Mark Carver from MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-10-06 14:08:57 +01:00
webchick dce8688883 Issue #2350779 by benjy: Update Migrate maintainers in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-10-05 09:31:27 -07:00
Alex Pott fb6ab037d8 Issue #2320263 by steveoliver: Remove steveoliver from MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-08-13 18:22:03 -07:00
Alex Pott 5c89f2dafd Issue #2318245 by mdrummond: Add Marc Drummond as co-maintainer of Responsive Images and Breakpoint modules. 2014-08-09 14:13:12 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6b93ac73a4 Issue #1285726 by kim.pepper, InternetDevels, alexpott, RobLoach: Remove XML-RPC. 2014-07-31 16:12:18 +01:00
Alex Pott 54d5db5523 Issue #2310729 by tim.plunkett: Add tim.plunkett as a maintainer for Forms system, Routing system, and Configuration module. 2014-07-28 22:52:13 +01:00
Alex Pott 680330cc25 Issue #2300611 by nickwaring89: Updating Custom Block module in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-07-10 14:54:09 +01:00
Alex Pott 30440da96f Issue #2300583 by larowlan: Consider adding larowlan and tim-e as contact module maintainers. 2014-07-10 10:43:11 +01:00
Alex Pott 65700ab485 Issue #2282467 by katbailey: Remove katbailey from MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-06-11 14:52:37 +01:00
webchick d0107d496b Issue #950534 by mparker17, mgifford, Mixologic, jbloomfield, erinclerico, theMusician, wmostrey | zirvap: [policy] Consistently use email instead of e-mail in Drupal. 2014-06-09 14:47:53 -07:00
Alex Pott beca96c534 Issue #2276667 by heyrocker: Remove heyrocker as CMI maintainer from MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-05-31 06:49:07 -05:00
webchick 85d39d8403 Issue #2270313 by jessebeach: Remove c4rl and linclark from MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-05-21 20:57:19 -07:00
webchick 5f0b5075bc Issue #2257327 by jessebeach: 'Field system' is missing in maintainers.txt. 2014-05-04 09:32:44 -07:00
webchick bdab94d465 MAINTAINERS.txt: now with fewer typos! :P 2014-05-03 22:37:09 -07:00
webchick 427cd10326 Issue #2249025 by xjm: Update Security topic coordinators section in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-05-03 22:12:17 -07:00
webchick 7d6779b7d6 Issue #2257319 by jessebeach: Change 'Edit' to 'Quick edit' in maintainers.txt. 2014-05-03 20:47:21 -07:00
webchick 6eec9d972e Issue #2018795 by mgifford: Add Jesse Beach as a Accessibility Maintainer. 2014-04-25 20:17:24 -07:00
Alex Pott 3937bda8e6 Issue #2243549 by agerson, cs_shadow | jhodgdon: Text changes needed as follow-up to Menu UI module rename. 2014-04-25 23:26:53 +01:00
Alex Pott 019b6f6a41 Issue #2249021 by xjm: Fix username for ParisLiakos in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-04-25 16:43:14 +01:00
Dries 5c29c0b411 Issue #2248175 by xjm: Add timplunkett as a maintainer for the plugin system. 2014-04-24 15:05:32 +02:00
webchick 2b1bf32b2d Issue #2242747 by xjm: Add alexpott to MAINTAINERS.txt for the Configuration Entity system. 2014-04-17 13:26:48 -07:00
webchick 43de2c72fc Issue #2233289 by beejeebus: Remove beejeebus from CMI maintainers list. 2014-04-04 14:37:08 -07:00
Alex Pott 0e6c631f80 Issue #2226877 by alexpott, xjm: Add mentoring section to MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-03-29 13:13:45 +01:00
Alex Pott ec5aab42f3 Issue #2054499 by xjm, nod_: Add toolbar maintainers. 2014-03-24 09:32:21 +01:00
webchick 21ae3ef209 Issue #2124377 by ellishettinga, Jelle_S, attiks, mdrummond, Schnitzel, InternetDevels: Rename "Picture" module to "Responsive Image" module. 2014-03-16 10:44:51 -07:00
webchick 1fa8170e56 Issue #2208497 follow-up by chx: Another new Migrate maintainer. 2014-03-11 22:45:29 -07:00
webchick eeefed730b Issue #2208497 by chx: Appoint benjy as new Migrate maintainer. 2014-03-03 09:58:09 -08:00
webchick 8ed94dc836 Issue #2197065 by sun: Adjust Simpletest module in MAINTAINERS.txt to reflect reality. 2014-02-24 14:33:52 -08:00
Dries 42ea3f048f Issue #1366710 by chx: Remove chx from MAINTAINERS.txt (except migrate). 2014-02-10 13:23:07 -05:00
webchick 1d8820345b Issue #2185843 by Cottser: Add joelpittet to the list of theme system maintainers in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-02-06 22:56:22 -08:00
webchick 2764138a41 Issue #2190699 by tim.plunkett: Add missing modules to MAINTAINERS.txt. 2014-02-06 20:42:09 -08:00