- slightly improved story.module, node.module and book.module
- made the "default theme" a setting from the setting page
- polished a bit on the export function: we can now export the
book or parts thereof through the following url:
1. http://drop.org/export/book/
(full book)
2. http://drop.org/export/book/nid
(where nid is the node id to start with)
The export routine demonstrates how it can be done yet the
output is too basic and can only improve over time.
- removed droplets
- added (optional) admin_blocks module
- added (optional) affiliate module
- added (optional) about module (only placeholder, under construction)
- fixed some tiny bugs (e.g. quote bug in search.php)
- partionally rewrote some modules to be big, bad and better
- partionally rewrote some modules to be more uniform
- added GNU GPL license to CVS
- installed PHP 4.0.4 on my localhost and now working
towards PHP 4.0.4 compatibility.
- I think I'll baptize the engine "drupal". If you have a
better idea, try convincing me ASAP.
- more testing (also with PHP 4.0.4)
- make "project"-module: download, info, blah blah
- complete documentation