Here's an overview of the changes:
1) Multiple Input formats: they are complete filter configurations (what filters to use, in what order and with which settings). Input formats are admin-definable, and usage of them is role-dependant. For example, you can set it up so that regular users can only use limited HTML, while admins can free HTML without any tag limitations.
The input format can be chosen per content item (nodes, comments, blocks, ...) when you add/edit them. If only a single format is available, there is no choice, and nothing changes with before.
The default install (and the upgrade) contains a basic set of formats which should satisfy the average user's needs.
2) Filters have toggles
Because now you might want to enable a filter only on some input formats, an explicit toggle is provided by the filter system. Modules do not need to worry about it and filters that still have their own on/off switch should get rid of it.
3) Multiple filters per module
This was necessary to accomodate the next change, and it's also a logical extension of the filter system.
4) Embedded PHP is now a filter
Thanks to the multiple input formats, I was able to move the 'embedded PHP' feature from block.module, page.module and book.module into a simple filter which executes PHP code. This filter is part of filter.module, and by default there is an input format 'PHP', restricted to the administrator only, which contains this filter.
This change means that block.module now passes custom block contents through the filter system.
As well as from reducing code duplication and avoiding two type selectors for page/book nodes, you can now combine PHP code with other filters.
5) User-supplied PHP code now requires <?php ?> tags.
This is required for teasers to work with PHP code. Because PHP evaluation is now just another step in the filter process, we can't do this. Also, because teasers are generated before filtering, this would result in errors when the teaser generation would cut off a piece of PHP code.
Also, regular PHP syntax explicitly includes the <?php ?> tags for PHP files, so it makes sense to use the same convention for embedded PHP in Drupal.
6) Filter caching was added.
Benchmarking shows that even for a simple setup (basic html filtering + legacy URL rewriting), filtercache can offer speedups. Unlike the old filtercache, this uses the normal cache table.
7) Filtertips were moved from help into a hook_filter_tips(). This was required to accomodate the fact that there are multiple filters per module, and that filter settings are format dependant. Shoehorning filter tips into _help was ugly and silly. The display of the filter tips is done through the input format selector, so filter_tips_short() no longer exists.
8) A more intelligent linebreak convertor was added, which doesn't stop working if you use block-level tags and which adds <p> tags.
Changes are as follows:
"maintain personal blog" -> "edit own blog" (aggregator.module, blog.module, blogapi.module)
"maintain personal pages" -> "edit own pages" (page.module)
"maintain personal stories" -> "edit own stories (story.module)
forms using the $required argument of the form_ functions.
- Replaced all Optional's and Required's from the taxonomy forms with proper
use of the form_ functions.
Please check your contributed modules too!
* The _validate hook and the _nodeapi('validate') hook of the node API (1) no longer take an 'error' parameter and (2) should no longer return an error array. To set an error, call form_set_error().
* The _form hook of the node module no longer takes a form hook and should not worry about displaying errors. Ditto for _nodeapi('form_post') and _nodeapi('form_pre').
+ Introduced tabs. First, we extended the menu system to support tabs. Next, a tab was added for every link that was (1) an administrative action other than the implicit 'view' (2) relevant to that particular page only. This is illustrated by the fact that all tabs are verbs and that clicking a page's tab leads you to a subpage of that page.
+ Flattened the administration menu. The tabs helped simplify the navigation menu as I could separate 'actions' from 'navigation'. In addition, I removed the 'administer > configuration'-menu, renamed 'blocks' to 'sidebars' which I hope is a bit more descriptive, and made a couple more changes. Earlier, we already renamed 'taxonomy' to 'categorization' and we move 'statistics' under 'logs'.
+ Grouped settings. All settings have been grouped under 'administer > settings'.
+ Update core themes: only Xtemplate default supports tabs and even those look ugly. Need help.
+ Update contributed modules. The menu() hook changed drastically. Updating your code adhere the new menu() function should be 90% of the work. Moreover, ensure that your modue's admin links are still valid and that URLs to node get updated to the new scheme ('node/view/x' -> 'node/x').
administrators will be able to define a custom 403 page, just as they
can define 404 pages now.
This needs to be documented in the "Changes since / migrating to ..."
Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
by the theme.
called but will be as soon the remaining links have been transformed to use
the menu system.)
- Made sure the menu does not render links with no callback and no children.
Like this, the 'create content' link is not being shown when the user has
no permission to add any content.
1) As explained by Al, there is still a glitch with the 'create content'
2) The user module part of the patch did not apply due to Kjartan's earlier
PostgreSQL and MSSQL database scheme as well.
- Made sure the update script updates the correct tables when database
prefixing is enabled. Patch by Bart Jansens.
- Improved the breadcrumb navigation of the book and the forum module as per
Keith Instone's suggestions.
- Updated page titles (or block titles) and links to match. Suggested by
Keith Instone.
- Added missing 'thread' field to the comment table of the MySQL database scheme.
Fixes bug #2590.
- Bugfix: fixed translation problems in the user module and the block module. Patch by Stefan.
- Improvement: made it impossible to delete user role #1 and #2. Patch #38 by Al.
- Improvement: fixed the "Allowed HTML tag" issues. Makes for better code and improved usability. Patch #35 by Al.
NOTE: as soon the compose tips make their way into CVS, most of this code can be removed.
- Bugfix: made the "moderate" field behave. Patch by Al.
- Documentation: revised a large part of the help texts / documentation! Al's 0024.* patches.
- Documentation: added a glossary to the help module. Patch by Al and Michael.
- Usability: first step towards unifying the terminology used in the cloud module. Patch by Al.
- Usability + CSS improvements: revamped the node form and removed all tables. Patch 0027.node.form.rewrite.patch by Al.
- CSS improvements: patch 0026.admin.css.small.improvement.patch by Al.
- Updated the MAINTAINERS file.
==> This fix requires to run update.php!
- Bugfix: made sessions work without warnings when register_globals is turned off. The solution is to use $_SESSION instead of session_register(). This fixes critical bug #1797. Patch by Marco.
- Bugfix: sometimes error messages where being discarded when previewing a node. Patch by Craig Courtney.
- Bugfix: fixed charset problems. This fixes critical bug #1549. Patch '0023.charset.patch' by Al.
- Code improvements: removed some dead code from the comment module. Patch by Marco.
- Documentation improvements: polished the node module help texts and form descriptions. Patch '' by Al.
- CSS improvements all over the map! Patch '0021.more.css.patch' by Al.
- GUI improvements: improved the position of Druplicon in the admin menu. Patch '0020.admin.logo.patch' by Al.
- GUI improvements: new logos for theme Marvin and theme UnConeD. Logos by Kristjan Jansen.
- GUI improvements: small changes to the output emitted by the profile module. Suggestions by Steven Wittens.
- GUI improvements: small fixes to Xtemplate. Patch '0022.xtemplate.css.patch' by Al.
- Some modules such as the buddy list module and the annotation module in the contributions repository are also using session_register(). They should be updated. We should setup a task on Drupal.
- There is code emitting '<div align="right">' which doesn't validate.
- Does our XML feeds validate with the charset changes?
- The forum module's SQL doesn't work properly on PostgreSQL.
- Added node_admin_settings() to let users set node defaults.
* Added _nodeapi("conf")
- Modified form_checkbox() to unset options. (Modified the patch from Ax.)
- Removed the _save() hook.
- Fixed a logical flaw in field_get() and field_set() which would break
- Moved some admin menus around and cleaned up some typos.
+ Removed the "post content" permission and replaced it by more fine-grained permissions such as "maintain static pages", "maintain personal blog", "maintain stories", etc.
o Usability improvements to teasers:
+ Teaser forms are no more. Teasers are extracted automatically but can also be instructed using a delimiter "---". Furthermore, when a post it too short for a teaser, the user won't be bother with teaser stuff anymore.
+ Added an option to set the teaser length, or to disable teasers all together.
+ When previewing a post, both the short (if any) and the full version of a post are shown. This addresses a common complaint; for example, when writing a book page there was no way you could preview the short version of your post.
+ Forum posts can be teasered now. This is particularly helpful in the context of where we promote forum topics.
o Bugfix: replaced all PHP short tags (<?) with long tags (<?php).
o Bugfix: removed hard-coded dependence on comment module.
o Bugfix: when the queue module was disabled, it was not possible to approve updated book pages.
o Bugfix: applied modified version of Marco's node_teaser() fix.
- removed admin options for queue and comment module if the modules are not
- nodes are now auto promoted when queue module isn't enabled.
- moderation result block is now visible by the node author.