Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2850540: fixing issue credit"
This reverts commit 8c01266a8c .
2017-02-19 11:24:30 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2851746 by Berdir, Wim Leers: Support xdebug header in ResourceTestBase and move htttpClient property to right place
2017-02-18 09:23:01 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2852992 by arshadcn: EntityResourceTestBase: only assert presence of Link headers for entity types that have link templates
2017-02-18 09:07:59 +00:00 |
Issue #2701777 by quietone, gaurav.kapoor, ifrik, heddn, maxocub, xjm, ekes: Edit hook_help text for Drupal Upgrade UI module
2017-02-17 21:32:25 -06:00 |
Issue #2845491 by Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, phenaproxima, ultimike: Add documentation to UrlEncode process plugin
2017-02-17 19:22:26 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2850540 by Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott, David_Rothstein, davidhernandez, david.lukac, David Lesieur, David Stosik, David Strauss, david_garcia, dawehner, dcmistry, dclavain, dcam, dbjpanda, dboulet, David Latapie, David Hernández, danillonunes, danigrrl, Dave.Ingram, DanPir, Daniel_Rose, danquah, danylevskyi, Dave Cohen, Dave Reid, daulet2030, dasrecht, das-peter, dasjo, dcmouyard, dcrocks, desiboli, desbeers, dermario, DickJohnson, Didier Misson, develCuy, deveshpal, dileepmaurya, dimaro, digitaldonkey, DjebbZ, devuo, diego21, Dhorkiy, Devin Carlson, Denchev, Deciphered, DeNelo, dddave, ddrozdik, deepakaryan1988, delmarr, derek.deraps, dergachev, derEremit, denutkarsh, denis_kv, denjell, danielnolde, damiankloip, colan, codexmas, codemonkie, Corregidor, clemens.tolboom, colbol, cordoval, Crell, cpelham, Countzero, Cottser, corvus_ch, cosmicdreams, Cogax, Codenator, Claudis, Christopher James Francis Rodgers, CKoch, chrisjlee, chrispomeroy, chx, cilefen, claudiu.cristea, CMS Dude, claudinec, clashar, ciprian.stavovei, ckaotik, cpj, craychee, D4K0, czoper, czigor, cwells, cwgordon7, Damien Tournoud, DamienMcKenna, dagmita, dags, dagmar, daffie, Daniel_Rempe, dado, cweagans, cspitzlay, csakiistvan, crowdcg, crotown, criscom, crispiatico, csc4, csg, Cyclodex, cs_shadow, Cyberwolf, Cyberschorsch, cshuangtw, C_Logemann, dinarcon, disasm, elcuco, elachlan, el7cosmos, eiriksm, ekes, eleisoncruz, elfur, emmene-moi, emma.maria, emarchak, eliza411, emanuelrighetto, eigentor, ehegedus, edurenye, edrupal, edmoran, ecvandenberg, edgewl2, edutrul, edward_or, eftimitac, egouleau, Elijah Lynn, Eli-T, effulgentsia, dschenk, eojthebrave, epari.siva, ezra-g, ezeedub, evilehk, eugenesia, eule, Fabianx, Fannon, fago, fakingfantastic, facine, fabsor, Fidelix, fabpot, eshta, esclapes, er.manojsharma, ErnoVanhala, ErikWegner, epoitras, Eric_A, er.pushpinderrana, ericdsd, Everett Zufelt, Eyal Shalev, EvanDonovan, esbenvb,, ericski, echoz, ecedenyo, dpopdan, dpi, dpearcefl, douggreen, dpacassi, Dragan Eror, Drupa1ish, droplet, drubage, dropfen, dropcube, drewish, drifter, dorficus, donquixote, djevans, djdevin, dixon_, dishabhadra, divined, dlu, dman, dodorama, dokumori, docker, dobrzyns, Dmitriy.trt, Dom., drugan, drumm, dww, dvinegla, Ec1ipsis, DuttonMa, Désiré, dysrama, e0ipso, EclipseGc, EdizonTN, ebrowet, ebeyrent, e2thex, eaton, Dustin@PI, durifal, drupalninja99, DuaelFr, D Szkiba, drunken monkey, c_archer, drupleg, druprad, dudycz, duellj, dubois, dubcanada, dsnopek, dtarc, chrishks, chrischinchilla, Anushka-mp, Antti J. Salminen, Antonnavi, ankitgarg, annikaC, Anybody, Arla, aries, arianek, areke, anrikun, ardas, anish.a, anil280988, andrejsmuzikovs, andrei.dincu, ancamp, anarcat, anavarre, andremolnar, andyceo, anemes, aniket_m, aneek, andythomnz, andymartha, andypost, arkestra, arlinsandbulte, aspilicious, askibinski, ashwinikumar, Aunion, ashutoshsngh, astra, attiks, a_webb, avillager, a_thakur, Bairnsfather, attila.fekete, aturetta, August1914, AshishK-dupe, aroq, Ashish.Dalvi, Artusamak, Arnoldski, Aron Novak, arpitr, ars-, asb, aschiwi, arunaseva,, arshadcn, arskiainen, amourow, amontero, AkshayKalose, AjitS, aimeerae, agoradesign, agrozyme, Alan D., Alan Evans, akalata, akejoha, akahn, ajeverson, ainigma32, aitiba, agentrickard, afeijo, Dries, dan2k3k4, hchonov, achton, adam7, adci_contributor, acrollet, AdrianB, Adam Clarey, Adita, akoe, akozma, aloyr, almaudoh, alippai, alexweber, alimac, altavis, alvar0hurtad0, amitaibu, amitgoyal, ameymudras, ameenkhan07, alweb, amateescu, alex_b, Alumei, alarcombe, alansaviolobo, Alex Bukach, aks22, Albert Volkman, alberto56, alduya, Alex UA, Alice Heaton, alexkb, alexh58, alerque, alexanderpas, axe312, axel.rutz, CalebD, CaDyMaN, Bès, bsztreha, bucefal91, Cameron Tod, Caralin, c960657, c4doug, c31ck, bwinett, c-c-m, bsherwood, bshaffer, boztek, bowersox, botris, borisson_, botanic_spark, brandon.holtsclaw, brantwynn, bryanmanalo, bserem, bryancasler, brianV, BrightBold, BrockBoland, caktux, calebtr, charmi, chakrapani, cha0s, Chi, cesarmiquel, cheops90, chipway, ChristianAdamski, chrisbloomfield, Chris Luckhardt, Chris Dart, chishah92, chr.fritsch, Charles Belov, ChandeepKhosa, carsonevans, Carsten Müller, Carl Johan, calliandra, camoa, carwin, casey, cebasqueira, cedric_a, ceardach, cburschka, catch, cbiggins, borisbaldinger, boran, Bcwald, bbinkovitz, batigolix, basic, basvanderveen, BenK, Benia, bendev, benelori, beejeebus, bechtold, Berdir, bboty, barraponto, banviktor, babasse05, b0unty, azinck, axooh, ayelet_Cr, babruix, badrange, balintk, bannorb, balintcsaba, balagan, BalrajB, BarisW, benjf, benjifisher, blazey, blackdog, Bojhan.core, Bodo Maass, Bojhan, bleen, blue_waters, Boobaa, bookmarvel, bonus, bojanz, blueminds, bobrov1989, BlacKICEUA, BMDan, bforchhammer, BeyersdorferTJ, beretta627, benjy, bensemmel, bfroehle, bgm, bisonbleu, bjaspan, biro.botond, bird-cage, bighappyface, bill richardson, falcon03, faline, kenorb, kekkis, keith.smith, KevinVb, kcouch, keopx, kerby70, kgoel, kfritsche, keyral, kerrymick, kevee, Kevin Morse, KCarlile, Kazanir, Kartagis, Karmen, Buratino42, KarenS, karengrey, karmazzin, kbasarab, kbentham, kattekrab, kathyh, katbailey, kate_kalashnikova, Kifah Meeran, kholloway, koppie, kopeboy, kompressaur, kmharrell, knalstaaf, KRaisor, KrisBulman, kristiaanvandeneynde, kristink2, kriboogh, kreatIL, Kristen Pol, kostyashupenko, klonos, klausi, kiliweb, kikoalonsob, kika, kiamlaluno, kid_icarus, killerpoke,, kim.pepper, kiwad, Konstantin Komelin, Kiphaas7, killua99, KJankko, kardave, kalman.hosszu, joris.verschueren, jordanpagewhite, Jose Reyero, jonasdk, jonhattan, josedanielestrada, joseph.olstad, joshtaylor, joshua.boltz, joshmccormack, JoshuaRogers, josephdpurcell, joshi.rohit100, jomarocas, jojonmaster, johanv, joginderpc, joewatkins, joates, joelpittet, John Cook, John_B,, johnv, johnheaven, JonMcL, Jon Pugh, Jon@s, joyceg, jpd4nt, junedkazi, julien, JvE, juhovh, JulienD, justAChris, jvieille, k4v, kalabro, k4, jwilson3, jvns, jweowu, juanse254, juanramonperez, jstoller, jsbalsera, jrockowitz, jproctor, jrglasgow, Juan Duarte, Julfabre, juancasantito, juankvillegas, juampynr, jthorson, JuliaBayer, JuliaKM, krlucas, kscheirer, Mac_Weber, MacMladen, maciej.zgadzaj, m1r1k, maartendeblock, Malerio, Manjit.Singh, maijs, mallezie, magnjorg, magico, MantasK, maggo, m.c.t, lydie, lucascaro, ltrane, lsmith77, lpalgarvio, lslinnet, lucaschain, lucastockmann, lund.mikkel, lvbeck, luismagr, lucian.cazaciuc, Lukas von Blarer, Luxian, manningpete, manoloka, mark., mario.awad, mariancalinro, marcvangend, marfillaster, mark.labrecque, markcarver, earnie, josepvalls, ershov.andrey, estoyausente, dutchyoda, marcusx, marcushenningsen, Marc Angles, Maouna, Manuel Garcia, manu4543, franz, Marc Hannaford, manuel.afonso, marcus7777, Mariano, marcoscano, marco, marcel66, marcingy, lotyrin, lostkangaroo, laxman.ghavte, lavira, lauriii, laszlo.kovacs, lathan, lazysoundsystem, LeeHunter, leenwebb, leeotzu, lba_emanuel, Lendude, Leeteq, Leksat, larsmw, LatinBoy, l0ke, kurt.iverson, kunal.kursija, LaravZ, ksenzee, lachezar.valchev, lahoosascoots, Lars Toomre, LarsKramer, larowlan, lanthaler, lambic, langworthy, legaudinier, legolasbo, ljcarnieri, lixiphp, litwol, LittleViking, LoMo, lluvigne, lmeurs, longwave, LoveCharge, lonelyrobot, lomasr, loganfsmyth, lokapujya, lisarex, liquidcms, Letharion, Les Lim, leschekfm, leofishman, leonrenkema, LewisNyman, Liam McDermott, lilou, linclark, likin, lhangea, Liam Morland, LinL, joachim, jnicola, guillaumev, grubshka_v2, grisendo, Greg Sims, greggles, gumanist, guy_schneerson, Hadi Farnoud, h3rj4n, gyuhyon, guygg, gvso, Greg Boggs, greg.1.anderson, gobinathm, Grayside, gobilo, gnindl, gnuget, golddragon007, good_man, greenSkin, greenc, grahl, gpapadongonas, googletorp, goudal, Hanno, Haza, herom, henribergius, hellolindsay, hejazee, helenkim, herved, HOG, hguo, hinikato, hgoto, heyrocker, HnLn, heykarthikwithu, hefox, heddn, haripalrao, hargobind, hansfn, hairqles, hampercm, harrrrrrr, hass, Heine, heather, Heihachi88, hbblogger, hatcat, hauruck, gngn, gloob, Gabr1el, Freso, FrenchBarbu, foxtrotcharlie, FredCK, fran seva, franskuipers, fwalch, g089h515r806, fureigh, fubhy, frob, frodeste, foopang, fmizzell, FMB, fietserwin, fgm, fastangel, fenda, FiNeX, Fleshgrinder, fjd, floretan, filijonka, Frank Ralf, FrancescoQ, Frando, g3r4, Gabriel R., genjohnson, generalredneck, geertvd, gdevashi, geerlingguy, geoffreyr, Georgii, giancarlosotelo, giorgio79, george.echim, GiorgosK, GerdC, Gerhard Killesreiter, gbentley, gausarts, gagarine, gaele, gabriel.achille, Gaelan, Garrett Albright, gapple, garphy, gauravjeet, gauravkhambhala, esolitos, gaurav26570, gaspaio, gaurav.goyal, hitesh-jain, hitfactory, jcnventura, Jelle_S, Jeffrey C., jcisio, Jeff Burnz, jcost, jdanthinne, jepSter, jerdavis, jenlampton, jeni_dc, jeanfei, jefkin, jbrown, jayboodhun, Jaypan, JayMN, janoka, jamiezeidler, jan.stoeckler, Jaza, janusman, javisr, jaxxed, jasonyarrington, jaredsmith, japerry, japicoder, Jeroen, JeroenT, jmauro8ac, jlscott, jlbellido, jiv_e, jjcarrion, jmesam, jmikii, John Bickar, JohnAlbin, Jody Lynn, Jo Fitzgerald, jmmarquez, jmolivas, jimyhuang, jimmyX, jessebeach, jespermb, jeroenbegyn, Jerome F, jerdnas, jessehs, jgSnell, JirkaRybka, jibran, jhodgdon, jherencia, jgrubb, jhedstrom, jamiehollern, jamesliu78, ibullock, ianthomas_uk, iMiksu, iampuma, IceCreamYou2, icseh., id.medion, igasi, iliphil, ifux, ifrik, idebr, idflood, iamEAP, hussainweb, Hydra, Hummer, holly.ross.drupal, hkirsman, holist, holtzermann17, hook_awesome, hudo, huss, hswong3i, hron84, hostedpower, hpz, imadalin, InternetDevels, j0rd, j.somers, izus, ivanjaros, izmeez, j2r, jackhutton, jakow, jamesharv, jair, jaimeguzman, Jalandhar, jagalbraith, ivanchaer, itarato, intuited, indytechcook, imkartik, IshaDakota, Ismail Cherri, inwebsolutions, isholgueras, Jacine, JacobSanford, J-Lee, Ivan Zugec, isntall, iszabi, tomsm, webkenny, vyasamit2007, webflo, memoo, LAsan, YesCT, ygerasimov, mcdruid, SteffenR, TwoD, rbunch, my-family, sashken2, stkrzysiak, valthebald, tim.plunkett, tedbow, pounard, OnkelTem, zserno, opi, rvilar, Tor Arne Thune, plopesc, -enzo-, PetrL, @baux, SKAUGHT, willwh, naxoc, paulmckibben, nagwani, mlecha, trevjs, seutje, te-brian, mmatsoo, renat, vzblk, vodde83, pixelwhip, TravisCarden, yuREKLI, mikeker, ndvo, pbland, shenzhuxi, poiu, viirak, ronald_istos, mrsinguyen, nicrodgers, mmilano, tobiasb, starchild, micnap, MrHaroldA, Simon Georges, the_phi, plach, morenstrat, VladSavitsky, sdelbosc, tinker, TR, mas0h, mpg, Rafael Cansinos, ZenDoodles, miro_dietiker, robmc, skyredwang, timmillwood, pwieck, pbuyle, Mathijs Koenraadt, reglogge, phenaproxima, Shellingfox, markie, mustafau,, peximo, no_longer_active_13, mioan, _nolocation, Sumeet.Pareek, rupl, Martin Mayer, rodrigoaguilera, SebCorbin, Ryan Weal, sun.core, pbattino, surgeonbor, tylernichols, rachit_gupta, redsd, szato, maxchock, marthinal, vasi, Peacog, sfyn, mdupont, sushantpaste, Mixologic, mcrittenden, nicholosophy, twistor, mikemiles86, MattDanger, serundeputy, milopca, wuinfo, vegantriathlete, spacereactor, nsputnik, T-lo, rasskull, zeropx, pdrake, vaartio, willyk, maryedith, StryKaizer, tobiberlin, Pinolo, wadmiraal, Stefan Freudenberg, tloudon, vuzzbox, Sethie, Pr0v0dn1k, sylus, pixelite, markdorison, rahul.shinde, vasi1186, voxpelli, prestonso, mpdonadio, WigglyKoala, Vikas Negi, torpy, mecano, mstrelan, tsi, Stalski, Sborsody, vlkff, mhagedon, skipyT, pguillard, willieseabrook, rbosscher, robbertnl, 5ven, mr.baileys, nyirocsaba, pfrenssen, scottalan, nesta_, shanethehat, sense-design, tammo, pkiraly, rooby, mpp, mdrummond, xpound, tsvenson, sir_squall, zuuperman, sylvain_a, roald, wilco, Pol, Roberto Gerola, z.stolar, neclimdul, pwolanin, rszrama, michaelfavia, Robin Millette, naught101, pflame, yched, NITEMAN, stBorchert, markus_petrux, zirvap, mjohnq3, rickvug, stevepurkiss, yoroy, Shai, ultimike, mikl, nevergone, snufkin, thePanz, pp, znerol, Xano, mikey_p, RobLoach, pingers, wojtha, scor, yraffah, phillamb168, sinasalek, mr.york, spoit, parasite, sun, thamas, pillarsdotnet, quicksketch, netbjarne, perusio, roderik, RobertoGuzman, mattyoung, nevets, mfb, Robin Monks, xmacinfo, MichaelCole, omar, Stefan Nagtegaal, moshe weitzman, Steven, petiar, walkah, tetranz, oadaeh, nedjo, mikeryan, silverwing, mvc, nonsie, mgifford, merlinofchaos, natuk, rfay, svendecabooter, sime, Plascual, Uccio, NaX, webchick, paranojik, robertgarrigos, Pancho, toemaz, Owen Barton, Sweetchuck, Michelle, wmostrey, pieterdt, mlncn, noomz, skwashd, Mile23, podarok, yasenp, Thomas_Zahreddin, nbz, Nick_vh, pcambra, vermario, valdo, yurtboy, tstoeckler, mavimo, ressa, xslim, swentel, shuklasp, masipila, mikewink, mbyrnes, Pedro Lozano, stephen.colson, aaronott, vegardjo, prodosh, vasike, mradcliffe, SeanBannister, smokris, redndahead, R.Muilwijk, NonProfit, sdboyer, maxtorete, nikhilsukul, mkalkbrenner, marvil07, rych, Pepe Roni, matt2000, realityloop, netkaiser, rpsu, NancyDru, Sutharsan, ti2m, Sharique, steinmb, msonnabaum, mikispeed, mooffie, Olafski, mrf, theunraveler, yhager, rachel_norfolk, socketwench, mortendk, oriol_e9g, stella, mcarbone, mitchell, twomasc, zroger, Pasqualle, matason, martin_q, psynaptic, tky, zetagraph, ptmkenny, ramlev, philbar, Wim Leers, Steven Jones, Xen, Zoltán Balogh, yang_yi_cn, Shyamala, thehong, salvis, Matt V., quiron, SiliconMind, nadavoid, spearhead93, ximo, Paracetamol, Paul Broon, shnark, marvin_B8, maxterner23, zschmid, Pere Orga, omers, mtomaizy, simolokid, mbaynton, vaplas, oresh, 1ethylotest, mauzeh, zolt_toth, Mojtaba Reyhani, rpayanm, 12345678912345678, Tim Bozeman, no_angel, RavindraSingh, matsbla, stijndmd, smithworx, stefank, pjonckiere, ndobromirov, sic, swastik1608, Nitesh Sethia, prateek479, prajaankit, unstatu, mglaman, mitron, moe4715, tamnv, sardara, Nomes, skippednote, rkjha, mohsen81666, SoumyaDas, zestagio, rahuldolas123, phiit, vbouchet, Outi, orlitzky, trebormc, no_commit_credit, sushilkr, surandesilva, a.milkovsky, saki007ster, pietmarcus, MathieuSpil, tucho, SwapS, zaporylie, savithac, webmozart, prasad_gogate, pminf, nerdstein, mrjmd, prabhu9484, prics, Tom Robert, RajeevK, Prashant.c, RogerRogers, superspring, Salazey, tomreavley, SeanKelly, yohannbzh, paularmand, MHLut, RoySegall, subhojit777, ztl8702, ngocketit, Upchuk, ry5n, yanniboi, Sephi77, sebi, reekris, mbovan, robert-os, saravananr971, pdenooijer, rkoller, sorressean, wmortada, Sonal.Sangale, steelsector, sidharrell, zahord, yobottehg, maxocub, shwetaneelsharma, simply021, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, prabhurajn654, svjuly, Mihai-Alin, myLies, thpoul, syamnath, therealssj, vg3095, yurii_2016, Metal3d, nateszytel, Thew, mogio_hh, wturrell, NobodyLikesGreg, rgpublic, talhaparacha, rajeshwari10, olegiv, tduong, Truptti, mlewand, Matze202, yongt9412, sukanya.ramakrishnan, meyertox, Yogesh Pawar, mkernel, martin107, meanderix, naveenvalecha, pierregermain, PieterJanPut, nicu, vdanielpop, mon_franco, me-sasha, neetu morwani, TonyScott, mitsuroseba, mashermike, shabirahmad, zsofi.major, pratik60, pplantinga, robertdbailey, quietone, Oleksiy, oheller, Zerdiox, pjbaert, RachFrieee, mirom, Patrick Storey, zealfire, soipo, paresha.uchdadiya, nvinayvinay, pashupathi nath gajawada, vastav, rak2008, Saphyel, parthipanramesh, wilsonw, martin_klima, rhabbachi, thegreatone, seranooo5, oussema, ThisIsDog, Sam152, pingwin4eg, stpaultim, mtift, philipz, webwarrior, StuartJNCC, rdrh555, rteijeiro, rbayliss, speely, nkschaefer, slashrsm, sourcesoft, reszli, webcultist, RodrigoBalest, mesr01, sandipmkhairnar, XTCHost, myram, svdhout, olli, pmackay, MarkusDBX, naveko, slowflyer, westie, Sill, vlad.dancer, visabhishek, rudiedirkx, zkday, Noe_, mlehner616, MustangGB, polynya, rlmumford, nlisgo, michlis, TransitionKojo, Snugug, wjaspers, Spleshka, rickmanelius, thomas4019, pmelab, Mirabuck, stefan.r, mrded, sushyl, nod_, xadag, stewart.adam, nyleve101, timofey, MichaelP, RobW, mgriego, Ranko, yannickoo, nicxvan, mitokens, philipnorton42, mparker17, xecstasyx, mitrpaka, thechanceg, thedavidmeister, MegaChriz, tatarbj, mzwyssig, WormFood, Ujin, worldlinemine, svenryen, ricardoamaro, xandeadx, Schnitzel, wroxbox, mducharme, rocket_nova, Sylvain Lecoy, roynilanjan, tkoleary, vacho, rli, mics.programming, vollepeer, Rajesh Ashok, mkapst, sxnc, n3or, typhonius, mondrake, ryanissamson, rudivanes, nikhilasrani, pbonnefoi, aaronaverill, wrg20, rameshbabu.g, NotNotCow, othermachines, omercioglu, michaellenahan, Volker23, Thomas Factory, Maune, russo79, pepperstreet, vprocessor, s_leu, zippydoug, segi, nick_schuch, wusel, pameeela, rdickert, wooody, tim-e, underq, niko-, scristian, smiletrl, ACF, sergeypavlenko, patrickd, weakqueen99, thlafon, seiplax, mirsoft, prashantgoel, mbrett5062, sandzel, pefferen, ursula, a.ross, teroelonen, PrabhuG, myforgedoteu, ParisLiakos, Mark_L6n, sandykadam, minff, wamilton, purabkharat, michaelmol, rwt, mrP, ravi.khetri, mjreich, mdespeuilles, sahain, rajneeshb, zerodeux, pedrop, ytsurk, yannisc, piyuesh23, tarmstrong, vaibhavjain, mirocow, ndewhurst, WilliamB, sidharthap, tuutti, shixish, xaav, Soul88, a1russell, willzyx, tinyrobot, nikkubhai, rkcreation, Matroschker, rbmboogie, Niklas Fiekas: Remove multilingual initiative from MAINTAINERS.txt as completed
2017-02-17 22:37:21 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2853163 by douggreen: ThemeInstaller is missing protected variable declaration for injected themeHandler
2017-02-17 22:00:59 +00:00 |
Issue #2853509 by alexpott: Don't render status messages if there are no messages
2017-02-17 09:03:25 -06:00 |
Issue #2851761 by MariaDenysyuk, andypost: Comment logs messages under both 'content' and 'comment' loggers; make it consistent
2017-02-16 19:32:42 -06:00 |
Issue #2832264 by mpdonadio, jhedstrom: DateTimeItemTest is not valid
2017-02-16 16:07:28 -06:00 |
Issue #2853138 by tameeshb, FlorisMoriceau: Incorrect documentation of hook_views_plugins_pager_alter()
2017-02-16 15:39:47 -06:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2853296 by Wim Leers: Follow-up for #2820743: address remaining @todo
2017-02-16 21:30:18 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2843565 by Berdir, swentel, yched: getViewBuilder('node')->viewMultiple() bypasses render cache"
This reverts commit 3f9882ffdc .
2017-02-16 10:26:44 +00:00 |
Issue #2784311 by, mgifford, andrewmacpherson, xjm, Cottser, tim.plunkett, dman, DomoSapiens: Skip to main content should link to main tag or similar
2017-02-15 19:41:21 -06:00 |
Issue #2840832 by tim.plunkett, DickJohnson, yoroy, DyanneNova, webchick: Add Panels layouts to core
2017-02-15 18:37:46 -06:00 |
Issue #2845484 by Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, Kifah Meeran, Winthropian, phenaproxima, tstoeckler: Add documentation to MachineName process plugin
2017-02-15 18:04:14 -06:00 |
Issue #2845490 by Jo Fitzgerald, wturrell, quietone, phenaproxima, xjm: Add documentation to Substr process plugin
2017-02-15 18:01:36 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2827084 by damiankloip, Wim Leers, dawehner, prics, larowlan, catch, darrenwh: EntityNormalizer::denormalize should not throw UnexpectedValueException, but \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnprocessableEntityHttpException, so we get a 422 response instead of 400
2017-02-14 14:09:58 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2851635 by tim.plunkett, alexpott, dawehner: DefaultSingleLazyPluginCollection retains stale instance IDs
2017-02-14 11:05:36 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2827784 by maxocub, faline, cebasqueira, juancasantito, tstoeckler, Wim Leers, alexpott: LanguageSelectWidget should have options for which language types to show
2017-02-14 09:23:39 +00:00 |
Issue #2851648 by tim.plunkett, jibran: Layout regions should be in the order defined by the definition
2017-02-13 17:17:25 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2120395 by dpi, swentel: Useless test in UserRegistrationTest.php
2017-02-13 22:25:44 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2821112 by vaplas, jibran, esolitos, nicholas.alipaz, gambry, Lendude, SylvainM: Views NumericFilter 'regular_expression' operator is broken
2017-02-13 20:00:56 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2692091 by amateescu, heykarthikwithu, xjm, Berdir: Use the new 'view label' entity access check in the entity reference label formatter
2017-02-13 17:40:45 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2852182 by xjm: Fix list indentation in recently committed committed Migrate documentation
2017-02-13 17:34:58 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2845543 by vaplas, gambry, alexpott: PostgreSQL regular expression match operators works only for text
2017-02-13 17:25:06 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2843934 by mpdonadio, Gábor Hojtsy: datetime.schema.yml does not use the "built-in" date_format type
2017-02-13 16:31:54 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2822190 by webflo, Wim Leers, dawehner, alexpott, effulgentsia, SchnWalter: PathValidator validates based on a RequestContext leaked from the current request, resulting in false negatives during CLI requests and POST submissions
2017-02-13 15:47:12 +00:00 |
Issue #2845478 by gerzenstl, quietone, Jo Fitzgerald, phenaproxima, John Cook, xjm, ultimike: Add documentation to Explode process plugin
2017-02-13 09:19:16 -06:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2843565 by Berdir, swentel, yched: getViewBuilder('node')->viewMultiple() bypasses render cache
2017-02-13 14:32:36 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2841311 by hchonov, tstoeckler: Initialized fields of an entity clone have a reference to the original entity object instead to the cloned entity object
2017-02-13 14:23:49 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2845477 by gerzenstl, Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, phenaproxima, xjm: Add documentation to DefaultValue process plugin
2017-02-13 14:04:38 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2287073 by Berdir, slashrsm, Denchev, jibran, Thew, dasjo, andypost, Arla, zaporylie, marvin_B8, piyuesh23, EclipseGc: Allow views contextual filters to expose the context using argument validation plugins
2017-02-13 13:59:01 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2845492 by quietone, FJ7, phenaproxima: Add documentation to SkipRowifNotSet process plugin
2017-02-13 12:50:08 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2845473 by Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, phenaproxima: Add documentation to Callback process plugin
2017-02-13 11:03:56 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2845481 by Jo Fitzgerald, leslieg, quietone, phenaproxima: Add documentation to Flatten process plugin
2017-02-13 11:02:35 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #1863020 by dawehner, catch, paulmckibben, sunset_bill, damiankloip, Lendude, alansaviolobo, amarnus, CurtisTAG, jlbellido, deveshpal9, rpayanm: View's build fails when an unrelated form on the same page has validation errors
2017-02-13 10:46:28 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2849529 by nicrodgers: Unable to translate boolean custom true and false strings in views
2017-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2843892 by slashrsm, Berdir, dawehner: Query arguments are not persisted when using batch
2017-02-13 10:29:45 +00:00 |
Issue #2851902 by mpdonadio: Replace $date->format('U') with $date->getTimestamp()
2017-02-13 04:11:21 -06:00 |
Issue #2848933 by Wim Leers, tstoeckler: SerializationLinkManagerTest should not enable the rest_test module (because it implicitly enables the rest module)
2017-02-13 04:03:07 -06:00 |
Issue #2850642 by tstoeckler, Wim Leers: Reformat CKEditor build-config.js to match upstream
2017-02-13 03:55:40 -06:00 |
Issue #2845479 by Jo Fitzgerald, gerzenstl, quietone, Kifah Meeran, xjm, phenaproxima: Add documentation to Extract process plugin
2017-02-12 17:01:20 -06:00 |
Issue #2807785 followup by xjm: Fix coding standards for new constants.
2017-02-12 16:51:52 -06:00 |
Issue #2807785 by claudiu.cristea, OwilliwO, mpdonadio, cllamas, klausi, xjm, Berdir, Wim Leers, Mile23, daffie, Prashant.c, dawehner, sneha_surve: Move global constants from *.module files into interfaces
2017-02-12 16:50:41 -06:00 |
Issue #2834848 by tedbow, Wim Leers, alexpott: REST test fails depending on local testing URL
2017-02-12 15:58:36 -06:00 |
Issue #2793207 by SKAUGHT, Yogesh Pawar, Mukeysh, Cottser, webchick, tkoleary, alexpott: Fix off-set and goofy white jagged background of AJAX throbber when clicking Place Block
2017-02-12 15:54:24 -06:00 |
Issue #2848364 by Jo Fitzgerald, quietone: Convert Languages's Migrate source test to new base class
2017-02-12 15:31:29 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2781907 by timmillwood, Sam152: Remove unnecessary constraint from moderation state transition validation
2017-02-12 21:21:11 +00:00 |
Issue #2691971 by imrancluster, lluvigne, andrewmacpherson, royal121, John Cook, emallove, tstoeckler, alexpott, Cottser, ok_lyndsey, webchick: "Update Notifications" #title repeated for drupal 8 installation in configure site page
2017-02-12 14:19:31 -06:00 |