+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
- Fix collapsible fieldsets (broken since to 'IE5 icons alignment' fix)
- Fix JS upload (broken due to mysterious form submission abortion bug)
Thanks Bèr for letting me use VNC :).
Comment from Steven: It does this by redirecting the submission of the form to a hidden <iframe> when you click "Attach" (we cannot submit data through Ajax directly because you cannot read file contents from JS for security reasons). Once the file is submitted, the upload-section of the form is updated. Things to note:
* The feature degrades back to the current behaviour without JS.
* If there are errors with the uploaded file (disallowed type, too big, ...), they are displayed at the top of the file attachments fieldset.
* Though the hidden-iframe method sounds dirty, it's quite compact and is 100% implemented in .js files. The drupal.js api makes it a snap to use.
* I included some minor improvements to the Drupal JS API and code.
* I added an API drupal_call_js() to bridge the PHP/JS gap: it takes a function name and arguments, and outputs a <script> tag. The kicker is that it preserves the structure and type of arguments, so e.g. PHP associative arrays end up as objects in JS.
* I also included a progressbar widget that I wrote for drumm's ongoing update.php work. It includes Ajax status updating/monitoring, but it is only used as a pure throbber in this patch. But as the code was already written and is going to be used in the near future, I left that part in. It's pretty small ;). If PHP supports ad-hoc upload info in the future like Ruby on Rails, we can implement that in 5 minutes.
NOTE: this patch works well, but the improved node edit form still has
some rough edges. It is important that we continue to improve
usability. Give it a try.
TODO: update the "Migrating themes from Drupal 4.6 to Drupal HEAD"-page in
the Drupal handbook!
TODO: update the themes in the contributions repository.
This patch adds folksonomy support to Drupal (named internally as "Free tagging"). In a nutshell, the core difference is the input method: unlike normal taxonomies which are administratively controlled, a "free tagging" vocabulary allows tag creation when the node is submitted. It does this through an text input box, as opposed to a dropdown or selectbox. This patch:
* Removes the useless "Preview form" of a vocabulary.
* Alters the vocabulary table to include a new "tags" column.
* Adds a new "Free tagging" preference on vocabulary creation/editing.
* Modifies the vocabulary overview to support pagers for free tagging vocabs.
The new code integrates tightly with the existing taxonomy code. The only additional processing occurs on node save and edit, where we parse through the tags associated with a node. All other display (and thus, code) remains the same.
- Mass-delete functionality (with confirmation)
- Flexible filtering for the overview table based on status, type and taxonomy.
- Missing drupal_goto's
- Clean up watchdog messages
- Remove some dead code
We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
* Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
* The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
1) Clean up the text analyser: make it handle UTF-8 and all sorts of characters. The word splitter now does intelligent splitting into words and supports all Unicode characters. It has smart handling of acronyms, URLs, dates, ...
2) It now indexes the filtered output, which means it can take advantage of HTML tags. Meaningful tags (headers, strong, em, ...) are analysed and used to boost certain words scores. This has the side-effect of allowing the indexing of PHP nodes.
3) Link analyser for node links. The HTML analyser also checks for links. If they point to a node on the current site (handles path aliases) then the link's words are counted as part of the target node. This helps bring out commonly linked FAQs and answers to the top of the results.
4) Index comments along with the node. This means that the search can make a difference between a single node/comment about 'X' and a whole thread about 'X'. It also makes the search results much shorter and more relevant (before this patch, comments were even shown first).
5) We now keep track of total counts as well as a per item count for a word. This allows us to divide the word score by the total before adding up the scores for different words, and automatically makes noisewords have less influence than rare words. This dramatically improves the relevancy of multiword searches. This also makes the disadvantage of now using OR searching instead of AND searching less problematic.
6) Includes support for text preprocessors through a hook. This is required to index Chinese and Japanese, because these languages do not use spaces between words. An external utility can be used to split these into words through a simple wrapper module. Other uses could be spell checking (although it would have no UI).
7) Indexing is now regulated: only a certain amount of items will be indexed per cron run. This prevents PHP from running out of memory or timing out. This also makes the reindexing required for this patch automatic. I also added an index coverage estimate to the search admin screen.
8) Code cleanup! Moved all the search stuff from into search.module, rewired some hooks and simplified the functions used. The search form and results now also use valid XHTML and form_ functions. The search admin was moved from search/configure to admin/search for consistency.
9) Improved search output: we also show much more info per item: date, author, node type, amount of comments and a cool dynamic excerpt à la Google. The search form is now much more simpler and the help is only displayed as tips when no search results are found.
10) By moving all search logic to SQL, I was able to add a pager to the search results. This improves usability and performance dramatically.