Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #3276618 by catch, mherchel, eojthebrave, Gábor Hojtsy: Olivero sets inconsistent classes for active trail between menu and book
2022-04-27 15:54:58 -07:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3244621 by mherchel, rikki_iki, catch, cathwaldron, rachel_norfolk, alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy: Olivero: JS error when secondary tabs are present
2021-11-10 18:32:39 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3231416 by mherchel, ankithashetty, Gauravmahlawat, chetanbharambe, davidwbarratt: Olivero should not expect its default menu blocks to always exist
2021-10-25 11:35:34 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3225241 by mherchel, andy-blum, Gauravmahlawat, shaal, jwitkowski79, nod_: Olivero primary menu JS completely breaks if site-builder specifies over 2 levels deep
2021-10-12 16:53:51 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3226019 by Gauravmahlawat, hmendes, Indrajith KB: Olivero: Update links in template file
2021-08-09 15:32:27 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3213074 by mherchel, Indrajith KB, Gauravmahlawat: Olivero: Refactor second-level-navigation.es6.js to meet Drupal's JavaScript coding standards
2021-06-29 13:15:24 +03:00 |
Issue #3208000 by Gauravmahlawat, mherchel: remove toolbar.html.twig template as #3174422 is fixed
2021-05-13 17:29:13 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3190120 by mherchel, KapilV, pragati_kanade, djsagar, andy-blum, bnjmnm, andrewmacpherson, Abhijith S, KarinG, Gauravmahlawat, benjifisher, AndyF, katannshaw: Olivero: Focused level-2 nav items should always be in viewport during keyboard navigation
2021-05-07 18:10:57 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3182200 by andy-blum, kiran.kadam911, mherchel, tushar_sachdeva: Follow proper BEM syntax within secondary navigation menu
2021-04-30 14:50:49 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3196874 by andy-blum, mherchel: BEMifying Olivero's book pager
2021-04-30 14:33:57 +03:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3202808 by andy-blum, mherchel: malformed twig in book-tree tremplate
2021-03-24 12:03:28 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3190140 by nmorin, mherchel, bnjmnm, andrewmacpherson: Collapsible nav button text should be more descriptive
2021-02-24 09:08:24 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3176893 by mherchel, ravi.shankar, anushrikumari, kostyashupenko, proeung, bnjmnm: Make the book navigation markup and CSS in Olivero follow BEM
2021-02-05 16:15:31 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3173007 by mherchel, kishor_kolekar, komalk, raman.b, kostyashupenko, paulocs, proeung, bnjmnm: [Code Review] Provide a BEM methodology to comments.pcss.css partial
2021-02-05 15:56:46 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3120567 by humbl_dev, Ramya Balasubramanian, xjm: Variable comment in menu-local-tasks.html.twig refers to wrong variable
2020-12-06 12:14:42 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3176906 by markdorison, sarvjeetsingh, paulocs: Correct twig documentation in various Olivero templates
2020-11-06 15:40:58 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #3111409 by mherchel, proeung, larowlan, alexpott, lauriii, Gábor Hojtsy, andrewmacpherson, catch, xjm, andypost, rahulrasgon, rabbitlair, mrconnerton, poojakural, boulaffasae, jerseycheese, shimpy, Indrajith KB, DuneBL, kiran.kadam911, komalkolekar, keboca, hawkeye.twolf, andrewozone, Maithri Shetty, alexdmccabe, sd9121, Sreenivas Bttv, katannshaw, mgifford, nod_, webchick, mtift, rainbreaw, Berdir, brianperry, thejimbirch, Dom., q0rban, nitesh624, hansa11, himanshu_sindhwani, kostyashupenko, shaktik, bnjmnm, sharma.amitt16, sonam.chaturvedi, steinmb, shaal, ressa, Ramya Balasubramanian, Sebacic, pradeepjha, tanmaykadam, thedrupalkid, vinitk, volkswagenchick, viappidu, vebrovski, Ujval Shah, Webbeh, Yuri, trebormc, msuthars, mrinalini9, bash247, chetanbharambe, ellenoise, anevins, andriyun, CocoM, JayKandari, ambuj_gupta, hussainweb, jhodgdon, Pooja Ganjage, ju.vanderw, jwitkowski79, MaxPah, Lokender Singh2, jponch, KarenS, KarinG, Lal_: Add new Olivero frontend theme to Drupal 9.1 core as beta; later make it stable and the default
2020-10-16 12:43:55 +03:00 |