David Rothstein
Issue #1614292 by brockjo, Albert Volkman | neclimdul: Fixed image_style_delete_form() doesn't take form_state() by reference (prevented image styles from being deleted on PHP 5.4).
2012-06-09 16:45:50 -04:00
Issue #1398740 by TravisCarden: Fixed Typo in status message: 'The %style has been revert to its defaults.'.
2012-03-26 22:38:49 -07:00
The Great Git Migration
Stripping CVS keywords
2011-02-25 02:06:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #1067980 by Takafumi, Damien Tournoud: missing t() in image.admin.inc.
2011-02-21 20:07:51 +00:00
Angie Byron
#942060 by Sweetchack: Add draggability to the new image effect row in image style table.
2010-11-21 07:24:53 +00:00
Angie Byron
#563382 by eMPee584, eojthebrave, drewish: Fixed when editing image style, link to sample image broken
2010-10-21 20:50:43 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #882694 by mgifford, sun, ksenzee, bleen18, yched: add missing form element titles for accessibility.
2010-10-20 01:31:07 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #140783 by sun, chx, effulgentsia, David_Rothstein, webchick: a select list without #default_value() always passes form validation.
2010-10-04 18:00:46 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #756762 by effulgentsia, fago, sun: AJAX should follow same rules for whether to call drupal_rebuild_form() as non-AJAX submissions.
2010-09-27 00:53:56 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #140783 by sun: a select list without #default_value() always passes form validation.
2010-09-24 21:36:22 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #908282 by jbrown: theme_image() performs I/O.
2010-09-22 03:24:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #769226 by Owen Barton, alanburke, sun: fixed JS/CSS preprocess should default to FALSE.
2010-07-30 02:47:28 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #482816 by sun, Rob Loach: make a consistent wrapper around submit buttons.
2010-04-24 14:49:14 +00:00
Angie Byron
#746500 by eojthebrave: Fixed Overriding default image styles does not work with more than one effect and has potential to overwrite existing effects.
2010-04-22 21:43:59 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #716496 by JohnAlbin: documentation updates for theme functions.
2010-04-13 15:23:03 +00:00
Angie Byron
#482816 by sun and Rob Loach: Add a consistent wrapper around submit buttons.
2010-01-03 21:01:04 +00:00
Angie Byron
#602522 follow-up by effulgentsia: Fix a couple of straggler missed operation link conversions.
2009-11-08 13:23:41 +00:00
Angie Byron
#602522 by effulgentsia, sun, and moshe weitzman: Make links in renderable arrays and forms (e.g. 'Operations') alterable.
2009-11-03 05:27:18 +00:00
Angie Byron
#602938 by quicksketch: Provide default styles in image.module (add hook_image_default_styles()).
2009-10-16 00:52:46 +00:00
Angie Byron
#216098 by kwinters, jgoldberg, drawk, sun: Make drupal_goto() use the same parameters as url().
2009-10-15 16:18:46 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #572618 by effulgentsia, pwolanin, sun: all theme functions should take a single argument. Code clean-up and performance improvement. Woot.
2009-10-09 01:00:08 +00:00
Angie Byron
#571086 by sun and merlinofchaos: Added a 'wrapper callback' that executes
before a form builder function, to facilitate common form elements. Clean-up
from form_builder changes from CTools patch. Has nice side-benefit of making
all form functions' signatures consistent.
2009-09-18 00:12:48 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch by #565496 by dropcube, pwolanin: changed Allow dynamic attaching of other types of stuff to render() structures.
2009-09-05 15:05:05 +00:00
Angie Byron
#497118 by chx, catch, pwolanin, JoshuaRogers, and Jacob Singh: Remove the function registry. While the hope was that this would result in improved performance for low-end hosts, it comes at the expense of critical development experience problems and less benefit than something like APC. Class registry remains intact to facilitate autoloading.
2009-08-24 00:14:23 +00:00
Angie Byron
Of all the patches to accidentally commit without a message. :( Rolling back registry rip. Let's try that again.
2009-08-24 00:10:46 +00:00
Angie Byron
*** empty log message ***
2009-08-24 00:02:05 +00:00
Angie Byron
#550228 by tobiasb and sun: Fixed double-escaping of title callbacks in Image module.
2009-08-23 02:19:02 +00:00
Angie Byron
#326539 by JohnAlbin, sun, cha0s, ultimateboy, Rob Loach, Damien Tournoud: Convert 'class' attribute to use an array, not a string.
2009-08-22 14:34:23 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #550228 by Bojhan: added 'Media' category on 'Configuration and modules' page.
2009-08-20 10:48:03 +00:00
Angie Byron
#517814 by jmstacey, justinrandell, pwolanin, drewish, Jody Lynn, aaron, dopry, and c960657: Converted File API to stream wrappers, for enhanced private/public file handling, and the ability to reference other storage mechanisms such as s3:// and flicker://.
2009-08-17 19:14:42 +00:00
Angie Byron
#540798 by kjy07 and Jody Lynn: Require image style names.
2009-08-13 02:03:29 +00:00
Angie Byron
#371374 by quicksketch, drewish, eojthebrave, and dopry: ImageCache UI in core. Hell yeah! :D Resizable, scalable, croppable, grey-scalable, rotatey images for all.
2009-07-21 07:09:47 +00:00