Commit Graph

14847 Commits (0f9c1354d1077e5d13dc57090de802b00b0adbe4)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dries Buytaert 8cdf750e0e - Patch #1066118 by Barrett: hook_field_widget_form() has punctuation error. 2011-04-12 22:54:25 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 00361a2c78 - Patch #1107376 by jhedstrom: weight not a property of a field instance, so doc shouldn't say it is. 2011-04-12 22:49:18 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 6022a6dc9a - Patch #1110064 by jeffschuler: two @defgroup comment fixes. 2011-04-12 22:47:12 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 1d0c020cc4 - Patch #1095498 by ohnobinki: toolbar toggle link rendered without escaping ampersand as an html entity. 2011-04-12 22:30:42 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 93ece29192 - Patch #766624 by aspilicious: dashboard lacks rtl styling. 2011-04-12 22:04:24 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 157fdb2373 - Patch #766624 by aspilicious: dashboard lacks rtl styling. 2011-04-12 22:03:53 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 8c7f3cc7f6 - Patch #1017882 by Gábor Hojtsy: required elements buggy with #states. 2011-04-12 22:01:13 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 6b24718e7a - Patch #1118502 by pwolanin: path module should use a different weight than search module on admin/config. 2011-04-12 21:27:07 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 62f978fcb1 - Patch #1120928 by catch: {history} table is owned by system module. 2011-04-12 21:16:58 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 452bac6da5 - Patch #1012768 by agentrickard: fire hook_menu_link_delete() before removing the data row. 2011-04-12 20:44:14 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 2d39a11e82 - Patch #1023190 by Berdir: wrong merge query in aggregator_save_item(). 2011-04-12 20:42:11 +02:00
webchick 4b3d9a0154 Issue #839556 by dalin, jrchamp, effulgentsia, dmitrig01, David_Rothstein: fix isset regression in tablesort, add tests, and cleanup theme_process_registry(). 2011-04-10 16:26:08 -07:00
webchick ee09da916c Issue #999538 by Josh The Geek: default.settings.php still refers to 'aggressive caching'. 2011-04-10 16:18:36 -07:00
Dries Buytaert 12b3ed9060 - Patch #1031148 by Berdir: select-all checkbox is not added when updating a table with #ajax. 2011-04-10 23:51:58 +02:00
Dries Buytaert f3b693cf03 - Patch #985982 by iLLin: overlay resizes toolbar after closing. 2011-04-10 23:49:40 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 1e0b3e25e3 - Patch #935258 by Stevel, Josh Waihi: defaults not changed in changeField on postgresql. 2011-04-10 23:45:30 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 0d05031835 - Patch #998612 by longwave: drupal_render() doesn't render 0 when set into #markup property. 2011-04-10 23:38:58 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 37f60420d1 - Patch #1062370 by mikeryan: vocabulary machine_name() length limited to 21, in UI only. 2011-04-10 22:46:08 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 62b8fd96ff - Patch #1032024 by grendzy: comment_form_submit() overwrites author/visitor cookie when moderating/administering comments. 2011-04-10 22:42:32 +02:00
Dries Buytaert d762662597 - Patch #1037358 by sanduhrs, Azol: locale.datepicker.js minor fixes (js consistency). 2011-04-10 22:28:10 +02:00
Dries Buytaert c2108cd0ad - Patch #1099254 by hansfn: typo in modules/system/ 2011-04-10 22:19:55 +02:00
Dries Buytaert ac8ad4a21a - Patch #897140 by fgm: system.methodSignature returns incorrect and incomplete data. 2011-04-10 22:16:59 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 90334a83ad - Patch #1120698 by skwashd, Dave Reid: typo in MAINTAINERS.txt. 2011-04-10 22:00:43 +02:00
Dries Buytaert c5425cbfba - Patch #1065020 by Berdir: fixed E_STRICT warning when downloading/viewing a file or image. 2011-04-10 21:42:20 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 5e1e44c4c0 - Patch #733306 by atchijov, carlos8f: add static caching for drupal_parse_info_file(). 2011-04-10 21:39:14 +02:00
Dries Buytaert c8c0e0b04b - Patch #1075886 by franz: typo on help text. 2011-04-10 19:15:23 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 0aba395ce1 - Patch #598586 by grendzy, deekayen: watchdog() assumes is defined. 2011-04-10 18:59:06 +02:00
Dries Buytaert b522d3dc5a - Patch #608478 by David_Rothstein: remove leftover code and variables 2011-04-10 18:29:03 +02:00
Dries Buytaert c884fafa63 - Patch #1050686 by David_Rothstein: theme region names are no longer translated. 2011-04-10 18:25:31 +02:00
Dries Buytaert 49a5c2944e - Patch #722920 by andypost: slightly optimize the block upgrade path. 2011-04-10 18:17:17 +02:00
webchick f01fb0ec04 Issue #1110862 by Reidsy: remove reference to search-theme-form.tpl.php in search.module. 2011-04-05 23:19:22 -07:00
webchick 791af06d2b Issue #1089430 by manarth: improved code comment. 2011-03-28 08:55:25 -07:00
webchick 5b45a85ca7 Issue #749992 by jhodgdon: menu system / menu module distinction is not obvious to folks new to Drupal. 2011-03-28 08:52:43 -07:00
webchick 1e3714af4d Issue #988318 by jhodgdon: translation_form_node_form_alter() doc says it implements the wrong hook. 2011-03-28 08:51:42 -07:00
webchick 8fbf445fa0 Issue #1106528 by joachim: field_attach_form_validate() documentation indentation is incorrect. 2011-03-28 08:49:12 -07:00
webchick d5b3e46468 Issue #1106636 by pwolanin: use system_get_info() API function instead of unserializing from DB to get module names. 2011-03-28 08:47:46 -07:00
webchick d8679a62e4 Issue #1105384 by claar: system_admin_menu_block_page() description not one line. 2011-03-28 08:45:05 -07:00
webchick fb6dce6091 Issue #1021406 by ygerasimov: fixed typo in documentation 2011-03-28 08:43:43 -07:00
webchick 170208b275 Issue #1037352 by David_Rothstein: clarified usage of 'warning' parameter. 2011-03-28 08:42:12 -07:00
webchick e7390c50b5 Issue #1097972 by boombatower: Fixed hook_field_extra_fields_display_alter() incorrect example code. 2011-03-28 08:39:48 -07:00
webchick f1ba363a8c Issue #1041440 by jhodgdon: hook_cron() falsely claims it will only be called if cron.php is run. 2011-03-21 11:34:00 -07:00
webchick 66f93d7106 Issue #1041902 by jhodgdon: hook_entity_info() doc header has a couple of omissions. 2011-03-21 11:29:21 -07:00
webchick 11a177068d Issue #1037352 by jhodgdon: hook_permission() is missing doc about 'warning'. 2011-03-21 11:27:13 -07:00
webchick 19f821ef7d Issue #1082624 by Barrett: hook_form() doc references example project and shouldn't in D7/8. 2011-03-21 11:19:48 -07:00
webchick 7c81e60109 Issue #1031692 by jhodgdon: entity_load() doc should not say to use for more than one load only. 2011-03-21 11:17:05 -07:00
webchick 34c6cdd66b Issue #1022924 by yched, chx: Fixed critical bug: Updates are broken for deleted fields in installs upgraded from rc1. 2011-03-10 01:40:12 -06:00
webchick 6dabf4fc47 Issue #1087092 by danillonunes: Fix documentation for drupal_map_assoc() function 2011-03-10 01:17:43 -06:00
Dries Buytaert 074848d097 #1065968 by droplet: fixed function node_get_recent(). 2011-02-28 20:55:25 -05:00
Dries Buytaert 768208f8dd - Patch #1076394 by pillarsdotnet: improved test code. 2011-02-28 20:36:37 -05:00
Dries Buytaert 540ee5f440 - Patch #1071494 by Takafumi: typo in menu.module. 2011-02-28 20:14:44 -05:00