Alex Pott
Issue #3017935 by chr.fritsch, Wim Leers, alexpott, phenaproxima: Media items should not be available at /media/{id} to users with 'view media' permission by default
2018-12-07 14:10:26 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2934424 by chr.fritsch, benjifisher, tstoeckler, phenaproxima, xjm, marcoscano, larowlan: Media has no collection route
2018-01-10 07:26:04 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2831274 by slashrsm, seanB, Wim Leers, chr.fritsch, phenaproxima, naveenvalecha, marcoscano, webflo, Gábor Hojtsy, amateescu, Boobaa, iMiksu, mtodor, effulgentsia, xjm, Berdir, tim.plunkett, dawehner, tkoleary, tstoeckler, tedbow, alexpott, yoroy, catch, Bojhan, andypost, jhedstrom, jibran, aspilicious, boztek, cbr, bigbaldy, alex0412, dagmar, blueminds, ekes, Dave Reid, Sam152, bojanz, pixelmord, jonathanshaw, CTaPByK, webchick, samuel.mortenson, dbt102, dishabhadra,, rakesh.gectcr, rasikap, paranojik, pameeela, neardark, NormySan, Primsi, nicolas.rafaelli, romainj, royal121,, vpeltot, woprrr, vilepickle, toni04, scheban, tduong, temkin, tim-e, mbovan, mashermike, felribeiro, giancarlosotelo, hctom, euphoric_mv,, edurenye, eelkeblok, H1ghlander, Jaesin, hkirsman, ja_ca, NickWilde, joachim, joshi.rohit100, marcingy, NerOcrO, Mixologic, jcisio, jfrederick, Lukas von Blarer, Maouna: Bring Media entity module to core as Media module
2017-05-19 13:57:59 +01:00 |