Alex Pott
Issue #3159535 by jackniu, jungle, longwave: Fix "finegrained|perfoming|fieldeset" typos in core
2020-07-16 21:39:36 +01:00 |
Issue #2546248 by scythian, XaviP, darrenwh, mikebell_, ingaro, urbanlegend, jhodgdon, davidhernandez, andypost, joelpittet, emma.maria, cdykstra, Cottser, LewisNyman, joachim: Use consistent style to mention HTML tags in code comments
2016-05-26 14:12:15 -05:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2473945 by Cottser, rachel_norfolk, axe312, davidhernandez, yannickoo, emma.maria, cilefen, akalata, jaxxed, LewisNyman: Prefix form-item classes with js-
2015-09-09 16:00:24 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2473951 by Cottser, cilefen, yannickoo, davidhernandez, LewisNyman: Prefix form-required classes with js-
2015-08-04 11:54:55 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2473955 by Cottser: Prefix form-wrapper classes with js-
2015-06-14 21:28:52 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #1493324 by tim.plunkett, dmsmidt, mgifford, bleen18, davidhernandez, crasx, mparker17, stefan.r, YesCT, joelpittet, tstoeckler, larowlan, vijaycs85, swentel, rpayanm, Bojhan, LewisNyman, emma.maria, BarisW, njbarrett, rteijeiro, nod_, sun, joshtaylor, mrjmd, webchick, marcvangend, kattekrab, SKAUGHT, bowersox, andrewmacpherson, Manjit.Singh, RavindraSingh, Wim Leers, BLadwin, aspilicious, mortendk, mausolos, jessebeach, Gábor Hojtsy, anandps, falcon03, franz, andypost, rooby, rootwork, Cottser, Xano: Inline form errors for accessibility and UX
2015-06-12 14:54:11 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2329901 by lanchez, lauriii | davidhernandez: Move form classes from preprocess to templates.
2014-10-08 11:52:46 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2152217 by joelpittet, mgifford, vijaycs85, jjcarrion, sun: Remove theme_form_required_marker() from the theme system - use CSS instead.
2014-05-08 14:40:44 +01:00 |
Issue #2152209 by longwave, joelpittet, steveoliver, hussainweb, shanethehat, jenlampton, kpa, AnythonyR, EVIIILJ, kgoel, Cottser, dsdeiz, hanpersand: Convert theme_fieldset() to Twig.
2014-03-07 14:26:17 -08:00 |