- Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski.
- Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"! Patches by Michael Frankowski.
+ Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
+ Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
- Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/code-clean.sh" script.
"implemented pieces of kjartan's original nodeAPI patch. the mingling
of other modules into node.module logic decreases (a good thing). for
example, the string "taxonomy" now appears nowhere in node.module
- moved the saving of taxonomy terms when submitting a node out of
node.module and into taxonomy.module
- moved the deletion of comments while deleting a node out of
node.module and into comment.module
- improved usability of node forms by including node type in the title
of the box and page"
- Renamed '---' to '<!--break-->'.
- Removed hard-coded call to the statistics module from the node module.
Patch by Gerhard.
- Removed tables from poll module. Modified patch by Al. Changes to Al's
patch are:
"polltext" -> "poll-text"
"pollfg" -> "poll-foreground"
"pollbg" -> "poll-background"
- Changed some 'statistics.foo's to 's.foo's. Patch by Gary.
[If this closes any bug reports, please update them on drupal.org.]
The syntax for db_query_range() was enhanced so it matches db_query(). So
you may pass extra arguments of the SQL statement which are checked via
check_query() and then substituted into the SQL statement. After these
optional arguments, you always pass $from and $count parameters which
define your range. Most often, the $from is 0 and the count is the max
number of records you want returned. Patch by Moshe.
- The pager_query() function for PEAR was enhanced so that it adds proper
GROUP BY statement counting the number of records to be paged. Patch by
James Arthur.
- MSSQL database scheme by Moshe.
*nodes* in addition to comments. This will be helpful for tracking down new
book nodes, blog posts, news items, and other stuff which isn't interesting
enough to be promoted to the home page.
* After having a chat with Dries we have agreed on the logics (or
more specifically he told me how its supposed to work). The queue
module is just a method to make moderation public, but its not
necessarily the only way. This brings the power back.
- Minor interface tweaks (names, case changes, etc).
- Fixed error that would show when you tried to view the profile of a
blocked user.
- Added node_admin_settings() to let users set node defaults.
* Added _nodeapi("conf")
- Modified form_checkbox() to unset options. (Modified the patch from Ax.)
- Removed the _save() hook.
- Fixed a logical flaw in field_get() and field_set() which would break
- Moved some admin menus around and cleaned up some typos.
The following modules need updating:
* glossary module
* feed module (Breyten's version)
* mailhandler module
* notify module
* project module
* smileys module
* admin module
* style module
* taxonomy_dhtml module
To avoid unexpected problems menu_add() is deprecated (it will print an
error message when used) and menu() should be used instead.
- Added a _nodeapi hook that in time will replace the _node hook. Trying
to make as few changes to existing code as possible until the new api
is stabilized.
- Modified node_form() to add administration options from other modules
using the _nodeapi hook.
- Modified node_save() to fetch which fields should be saved to the node
table from the _nodeapi hook.
- Moved comment and queue options from node_form() and node_save() to
the modules _nodeapi hooks.
- Removed all instances of '$user->nodes'.
- Committed Moshe's taxonomy patch - minus the node_compact_list() bit. It needs a bit more thought/work. This patch changes the links of taxonomy pages/feeds so update your custom code and themes accordingly!
Themes should now use "taxonomy_link("taxonomy terms", $node)" to get an array of taxonomy term links. The old construct is deprecated and should be changed.
// old theme blob:
if (function_exists("taxonomy_node_get_terms")) {
foreach (taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid) as $term) {
$terms[] = l($term->name, NULL, array(), "or=$term->tid");
// new theme blob:
if (module_exist("taxonomy")) {
$terms = taxonomy_link("taxonomy terms", $node);
// old URL:
// new URL:
or "operation" link.
- Made the main page of the administration section show an overview of all
watchdog entries with such action link.
- Fixed typo in PostgreSQL database scheme.
- Removed a broken filter which caused some line breaks to be stripped.
- It is now possible to create short teasers and the '---' delimiter can
be outside the allowed range but not more than a factor two.
- Fine-tuned teaser extraction in absence of the '---' delimiter.
+ Removed the "post content" permission and replaced it by more fine-grained permissions such as "maintain static pages", "maintain personal blog", "maintain stories", etc.
o Usability improvements to teasers:
+ Teaser forms are no more. Teasers are extracted automatically but can also be instructed using a delimiter "---". Furthermore, when a post it too short for a teaser, the user won't be bother with teaser stuff anymore.
+ Added an option to set the teaser length, or to disable teasers all together.
+ When previewing a post, both the short (if any) and the full version of a post are shown. This addresses a common complaint; for example, when writing a book page there was no way you could preview the short version of your post.
+ Forum posts can be teasered now. This is particularly helpful in the context of drupal.org where we promote forum topics.
o Bugfix: replaced all PHP short tags (<?) with long tags (<?php).
o Bugfix: removed hard-coded dependence on comment module.
o Bugfix: when the queue module was disabled, it was not possible to approve updated book pages.
o Bugfix: applied modified version of Marco's node_teaser() fix.