Issue #2850973 by alexpott, kferencz91, jonathan1055, dawehner: ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called with incorrect dependency list

Nathaniel Catchpole 2017-11-30 14:35:47 +00:00
parent 06c7b727bc
commit f9cde09bd1
5 changed files with 113 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -854,9 +854,9 @@ services:
arguments: ['@router.route_provider', '@path.current', '@url_generator']
# @todo Try to combine those tags together, see
- { name: service_collector, tag: non_lazy_route_enhancer, call: addRouteEnhancer }
- { name: service_collector, tag: non_lazy_route_enhancer, call: addDeprecatedRouteEnhancer }
- { name: service_collector, tag: route_enhancer, call: addRouteEnhancer }
- { name: service_collector, tag: non_lazy_route_filter, call: addRouteFilter }
- { name: service_collector, tag: non_lazy_route_filter, call: addDeprecatedRouteFilter }
- { name: service_collector, tag: route_filter, call: addRouteFilter }
- [setContext, ['@router.request_context']]

View File

@ -292,78 +292,85 @@ class ConfigManager implements ConfigManagerInterface {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval($type, array $names, $dry_run = TRUE) {
// Determine the current list of dependent configuration entities and set up
// initial values.
$dependency_manager = $this->getConfigDependencyManager();
$dependents = $this->findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, $names, $dependency_manager);
$original_dependencies = $dependents;
$delete_uuids = [];
// Store the list of dependents in three separate variables. This allows us
// to determine how the dependency graph changes as entities are fixed by
// calling the onDependencyRemoval() method.
// The list of original dependents on $names. This list never changes.
$original_dependents = $this->findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, $names, $dependency_manager);
// The current list of dependents on $names. This list is recalculated when
// calling an entity's onDependencyRemoval() method results in the entity
// changing. This list is passed to each entity's onDependencyRemoval()
// method as the list of affected entities.
$current_dependents = $original_dependents;
// The list of dependents to process. This list changes as entities are
// processed and are either fixed or deleted.
$dependents_to_process = $original_dependents;
// Initialize other variables.
$affected_uuids = [];
$return = [
'update' => [],
'delete' => [],
'unchanged' => [],
// Create a map of UUIDs to $original_dependencies key so that we can remove
// fixed dependencies.
$uuid_map = [];
foreach ($original_dependencies as $key => $entity) {
$uuid_map[$entity->uuid()] = $key;
// Try to fix any dependencies and find out what will happen to the
// dependency graph. Entities are processed in the order of most dependent
// first. For example, this ensures that Menu UI third party dependencies on
// node types are fixed before processing the node type's other
// dependencies.
while ($dependent = array_pop($dependents)) {
// Try to fix the dependents and find out what will happen to the dependency
// graph. Entities are processed in the order of most dependent first. For
// example, this ensures that Menu UI third party dependencies on node types
// are fixed before processing the node type's other dependents.
while ($dependent = array_pop($dependents_to_process)) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface $dependent */
if ($dry_run) {
// Clone the entity so any changes do not change any static caches.
$dependent = clone $dependent;
$fixed = FALSE;
if ($this->callOnDependencyRemoval($dependent, $original_dependencies, $type, $names)) {
if ($this->callOnDependencyRemoval($dependent, $current_dependents, $type, $names)) {
// Recalculate dependencies and update the dependency graph data.
$dependency_manager->updateData($dependent->getConfigDependencyName(), $dependent->getDependencies());
// Based on the updated data rebuild the list of dependents. This will
// remove entities that are no longer dependent after the recalculation.
$dependents = $this->findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, $names, $dependency_manager);
// Remove any entities that we've already marked for deletion.
$dependents = array_filter($dependents, function ($dependent) use ($delete_uuids) {
return !in_array($dependent->uuid(), $delete_uuids);
// Based on the updated data rebuild the list of current dependents.
// This will remove entities that are no longer dependent after the
// recalculation.
$current_dependents = $this->findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, $names, $dependency_manager);
// Rebuild the list of entities that we need to process using the new
// list of current dependents and removing any entities that we've
// already processed.
$dependents_to_process = array_filter($current_dependents, function ($current_dependent) use ($affected_uuids) {
return !in_array($current_dependent->uuid(), $affected_uuids);
// Ensure that the dependency has actually been fixed. It is possible
// that the dependent has multiple dependencies that cause it to be in
// the dependency chain.
// Ensure that the dependent has actually been fixed. It is possible
// that other dependencies cause it to still be in the list.
$fixed = TRUE;
foreach ($dependents as $key => $entity) {
foreach ($dependents_to_process as $key => $entity) {
if ($entity->uuid() == $dependent->uuid()) {
$fixed = FALSE;
if ($fixed) {
// Remove the fixed dependency from the list of original dependencies.
$affected_uuids[] = $dependent->uuid();
$return['update'][] = $dependent;
// If the entity cannot be fixed then it has to be deleted.
if (!$fixed) {
$delete_uuids[] = $dependent->uuid();
$affected_uuids[] = $dependent->uuid();
// Deletes should occur in the order of the least dependent first. For
// example, this ensures that fields are removed before field storages.
array_unshift($return['delete'], $dependent);
// Use the lists of UUIDs to filter the original list to work out which
// configuration entities are unchanged.
$return['unchanged'] = array_filter($original_dependencies, function ($dependent) use ($delete_uuids) {
return !(in_array($dependent->uuid(), $delete_uuids));
// Use the list of affected UUIDs to filter the original list to work out
// which configuration entities are unchanged.
$return['unchanged'] = array_filter($original_dependents, function ($dependent) use ($affected_uuids) {
return !(in_array($dependent->uuid(), $affected_uuids));
return $return;

View File

@ -97,6 +97,17 @@ class Router extends UrlMatcher implements RequestMatcherInterface, RouterInterf
$this->filters[] = $route_filter;
* Adds a deprecated route filter.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\FilterInterface $route_filter
* The route filter.
public function addDeprecatedRouteFilter(FilterInterface $route_filter) {
@trigger_error('non_lazy_route_filter is deprecated in Drupal 8.5.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, should use route_filter, see', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$this->filters[] = $route_filter;
* Adds a route enhancer.
@ -107,6 +118,17 @@ class Router extends UrlMatcher implements RequestMatcherInterface, RouterInterf
$this->enhancers[] = $route_enhancer;
* Adds a deprecated route enhancer.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\EnhancerInterface $route_enhancer
* The route enhancer.
public function addDeprecatedRouteEnhancer(EnhancerInterface $route_enhancer) {
@trigger_error('non_lazy_route_enhancer is deprecated in Drupal 8.5.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, should use route_enhancer, see', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$this->enhancers[] = $route_enhancer;
* {@inheritdoc}

View File

@ -117,9 +117,12 @@ class ConfigTest extends ConfigEntityBase implements ConfigTestInterface {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function onDependencyRemoval(array $dependencies) {
// Record which entities have this method called on.
// Record which entities have this method called on and what dependencies
// are passed.
$called = \Drupal::state()->get('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
$called[] = $this->id();
$called[$this->id()] = $dependencies;
$called[$this->id()]['config'] = array_keys($called[$this->id()]['config']);
$called[$this->id()]['content'] = array_keys($called[$this->id()]['content']);
\Drupal::state()->set('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', $called);
$changed = parent::onDependencyRemoval($dependencies);

View File

@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ class ConfigDependencyTest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
// Ensure that alphabetical order has no influence on dependency fixing and
// removal.
return [
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']],
[['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']],
[['c', 'd', 'a', 'b']],
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']],
[['e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a']],
[['e', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b']],
@ -316,6 +316,25 @@ class ConfigDependencyTest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
// Entity 5 will be fixed because it is dependent on entity 3, which is
// unchanged, and entity 1 which will be fixed because
// \Drupal\config_test\Entity::onDependencyRemoval() will remove the
// dependency.
$entity_5 = $storage->create(
'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[4],
'dependencies' => [
'enforced' => [
'config' => [
// Set a more complicated test where dependencies will be fixed.
\Drupal::state()->set('config_test.fix_dependencies', [$entity_1->getConfigDependencyName()]);
\Drupal::state()->set('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
@ -323,14 +342,22 @@ class ConfigDependencyTest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
// Do a dry run using
// \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManager::getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval().
$config_entities = $config_manager->getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval('module', ['node']);
// Assert that \Drupal\config_test\Entity\ConfigTest::onDependencyRemoval()
// is called as expected and with the correct dependencies.
$called = \Drupal::state()->get('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey($entity_3->id(), $called, 'ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() is not called for entity 3.');
$this->assertSame([$entity_1->id(), $entity_4->id(), $entity_2->id(), $entity_5->id()], array_keys($called), 'The most dependent entites have ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called first.');
$this->assertSame(['config' => [], 'content' => [], 'module' => ['node'], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_1->id()]);
$this->assertSame(['config' => [$entity_1->getConfigDependencyName()], 'content' => [], 'module' => [], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_2->id()]);
$this->assertSame(['config' => [$entity_1->getConfigDependencyName()], 'content' => [], 'module' => ['node'], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_4->id()]);
$this->assertSame(['config' => [$entity_1->getConfigDependencyName()], 'content' => [], 'module' => [], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_5->id()]);
$this->assertEqual($entity_1->uuid(), $config_entities['delete'][1]->uuid(), 'Entity 1 will be deleted.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_2->uuid(), reset($config_entities['update'])->uuid(), 'Entity 2 will be updated.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_2->uuid(), $config_entities['update'][0]->uuid(), 'Entity 2 will be updated.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_3->uuid(), reset($config_entities['unchanged'])->uuid(), 'Entity 3 is not changed.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_4->uuid(), $config_entities['delete'][0]->uuid(), 'Entity 4 will be deleted.');
$called = \Drupal::state()->get('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
$this->assertFalse(in_array($entity_3->id(), $called), 'ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() is not called for entity 3.');
$this->assertSame([$entity_1->id(), $entity_4->id(), $entity_2->id()], $called, 'The most dependent entites have ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called first.');
$this->assertEqual($entity_5->uuid(), $config_entities['update'][1]->uuid(), 'Entity 5 is updated.');
// Perform a module rebuild so we can know where the node module is located
// and uninstall it.
@ -443,8 +470,11 @@ class ConfigDependencyTest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
$this->assertSame($expected, $config_entity_ids);
$called = \Drupal::state()->get('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
$this->assertFalse(in_array($entity_3->id(), $called), 'ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() is not called for entity 3.');
$this->assertSame([$entity_1->id(), $entity_4->id(), $entity_2->id()], $called, 'The most dependent entities have ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called first.');
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey($entity_3->id(), $called, 'ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() is not called for entity 3.');
$this->assertSame([$entity_1->id(), $entity_4->id(), $entity_2->id()], array_keys($called), 'The most dependent entities have ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called first.');
$this->assertSame(['config' => [], 'content' => [], 'module' => ['node'], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_1->id()]);
$this->assertSame(['config' => [], 'content' => [], 'module' => ['node'], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_2->id()]);
$this->assertSame(['config' => [], 'content' => [], 'module' => ['node'], 'theme' => []], $called[$entity_4->id()]);
// Perform a module rebuild so we can know where the node module is located
// and uninstall it.