Issue #3309104 by Bhanu951, acbramley, mondrake, ravi.shankar, smustgrave, daffie, alexpott, quietone, mstrelan: Replace REQUEST_TIME in Functional and FunctionalJavascript tests
@ -264,9 +264,10 @@ trait FunctionalTestSetupTrait {
$request = Request::create($request_path, 'GET', [], [], [], $server);
$request->setSession(new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage()));
// Ensure the request time is REQUEST_TIME to ensure that API calls
// in the test use the right timestamp.
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', REQUEST_TIME);
// Ensure the request time is \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() to ensure
// that API calls in the test use the right timestamp.
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime());
// The request context is normally set by the router_listener from within
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class BlockContentRevisionsTest extends BlockContentTestBase {
$logs[] = $block->getRevisionLogMessage();
$blocks[] = $block->getRevisionId();
@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ class BlockContentSaveTest extends BlockContentTestBase {
public function testDeterminingChanges() {
// Initial creation.
$block = $this->createBlockContent('test_changes');
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $block->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a block sets default "changed" timestamp.');
// Creating a block should set the changed date to the current time
// which is always greater than the time set by hooks we're testing.
$this->assertGreaterThan(979534800, $block->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a block sets default "changed" timestamp.');
// Update the block without applying changes.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class CommentBlockTest extends CommentTestBase {
// Add some test comments, with and without subjects. Because the 10 newest
// comments should be shown by the block, we create 11 to test that behavior
// below.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
for ($i = 0; $i < 11; ++$i) {
$subject = ($i % 2) ? $this->randomMachineName() : '';
$comments[$i] = $this->postComment($this->node, $this->randomMachineName(), $subject);
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class CommentTranslationUITest extends ContentTranslationUITestBase {
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$values[$langcode] = [
'uid' => $user->id(),
'created' => REQUEST_TIME - mt_rand(0, 1000),
'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - mt_rand(0, 1000),
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatterInterface $date_formatter */
$date_formatter = $this->container->get('date.formatter');
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class DefaultViewRecentCommentsTest extends ViewTestBase {
$comment->comment_body->format = 'full_html';
// Ensure comments are sorted in ascending order.
$time = REQUEST_TIME + ($this->defaultDisplayResults - $i);
$time = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + ($this->defaultDisplayResults - $i);
$comment->changed->value = $time;
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ abstract class ContentTranslationUITestBase extends ContentTranslationTestBase {
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$values[$langcode] = [
'uid' => $user->id(),
'created' => REQUEST_TIME - mt_rand(0, 1000),
'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - mt_rand(0, 1000),
$edit = [
'content_translation[uid]' => $user->getAccountName(),
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class DateTimeFieldTest extends DateTestBase {
// has the same interval. Since the database always stores UTC, and the
// interval will use this, force the test date to use UTC and not the local
// or user timezone.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 87654321;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 87654321;
$entity = EntityTest::load($id);
$field_name = $this->fieldStorage->getName();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, 'UTC');
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class DateTimeFieldTest extends DateTestBase {
// has the same interval. Since the database always stores UTC, and the
// interval will use this, force the test date to use UTC and not the local
// or user timezone.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME + 87654321;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 87654321;
$entity = EntityTest::load($id);
$field_name = $this->fieldStorage->getName();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, 'UTC');
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class DateTimeFieldTest extends DateTestBase {
// has the same interval. Since the database always stores UTC, and the
// interval will use this, force the test date to use UTC and not the local
// or user timezone.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 87654321;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 87654321;
$entity = EntityTest::load($id);
$field_name = $this->fieldStorage->getName();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, 'UTC');
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class DateTimeFieldTest extends DateTestBase {
// has the same interval. Since the database always stores UTC, and the
// interval will use this, force the test date to use UTC and not the local
// or user timezone.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME + 87654321;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 87654321;
$entity = EntityTest::load($id);
$field_name = $this->fieldStorage->getName();
$date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, 'UTC');
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class DbLogTest extends BrowserTestBase {
'channel' => 'testing',
'link' => 'foo/bar',
'ip' => '',
'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
'timestamp' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(),
\Drupal::service('logger.dblog')->log(RfcLogLevel::NOTICE, 'Test message', $context);
$query = Database::getConnection()->select('watchdog');
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ class DbLogTest extends BrowserTestBase {
'request_uri' => $base_root . \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri(),
'referer' => \Drupal::request()->server->get('HTTP_REFERER'),
'ip' => '',
'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
'timestamp' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(),
// Add a watchdog entry.
$this->container->get('logger.dblog')->log($log['severity'], $log['message'], $log);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ trait FakeLogEntries {
'request_uri' => $base_root . \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri(),
'referer' => \Drupal::request()->server->get('HTTP_REFERER'),
'ip' => '',
'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
'timestamp' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(),
$logger = $this->container->get('logger.dblog');
@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ class NestedFormTest extends FieldTestBase {
// Display the 'combined form'.
$assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('entity_2[changed]', (string) REQUEST_TIME);
$assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('entity_2[changed]', (string) \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime());
// Submit the form and check that the entities are updated accordingly.
->setValue(REQUEST_TIME - 86400);
->setValue(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 86400);
$elements = $this->cssSelect('.entity-2.error');
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ class FileFieldPathTest extends FileFieldTestBase {
$date_formatter = $this->container->get('date.formatter');
$expected_filename =
'public://' .
$date_formatter->format(REQUEST_TIME, 'custom', 'Y') . '-' .
$date_formatter->format(REQUEST_TIME, 'custom', 'm') . '/' .
$date_formatter->format(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), 'custom', 'Y') . '-' .
$date_formatter->format(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), 'custom', 'm') . '/' .
$this->assertPathMatch($expected_filename, $node_file->getFileUri(), "The file {$node_file->getFileUri()} was uploaded to the correct path.");
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class FileFieldRevisionTest extends FileFieldTestBase {
$connection = Database::getConnection();
'changed' => REQUEST_TIME - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
->condition('fid', $node_file_r3->id())
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class FileFieldRevisionTest extends FileFieldTestBase {
// would set the timestamp.
'changed' => REQUEST_TIME - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
->condition('fid', $node_file_r1->id())
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ abstract class LocaleUpdateBase extends BrowserTestBase {
// Setup timestamps to identify old and new translation sources.
$this->timestampOld = REQUEST_TIME - 300;
$this->timestampMedium = REQUEST_TIME - 200;
$this->timestampNew = REQUEST_TIME - 100;
$this->timestampNow = REQUEST_TIME;
$this->timestampOld = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 300;
$this->timestampMedium = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 200;
$this->timestampNew = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 100;
$this->timestampNow = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
// Enable import of translations. By default this is disabled for automated
// tests.
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ abstract class LocaleUpdateBase extends BrowserTestBase {
* in source and translations strings.
protected function makePoFile($path, $filename, $timestamp = NULL, array $translations = []) {
$timestamp = $timestamp ? $timestamp : REQUEST_TIME;
$timestamp = $timestamp ? $timestamp : \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
$path = 'public://' . $path;
$text = '';
$po_header = <<<EOF
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class LocaleUpdateCronTest extends LocaleUpdateBase {
// Prepare for test: Simulate new translations being available.
// Change the last updated timestamp of a translation file.
$contrib_module_two_uri = 'public://local/';
touch(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($contrib_module_two_uri), REQUEST_TIME);
touch(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($contrib_module_two_uri), \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime());
// Prepare for test: Simulate that the file has not been checked for a long
// time. Set the last_check timestamp to zero.
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ class LocaleUpdateInterfaceTest extends LocaleUpdateBase {
// Override Drupal core translation status as 'translations available'.
$status = locale_translation_get_status();
$status['drupal']['de']->type = 'local';
$status['drupal']['de']->files['local']->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
$status['drupal']['de']->files['local']->timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
$status['drupal']['de']->files['local']->info['version'] = '8.1.1';
\Drupal::keyValue('locale.translation_status')->set('drupal', $status['drupal']);
// Check if translations are available for Drupal core.
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Updates for: Drupal core');
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Drupal core (' . $this->container->get('date.formatter')->format(REQUEST_TIME, 'html_date') . ')');
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Drupal core (' . $this->container->get('date.formatter')->format(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), 'html_date') . ')');
$this->assertSession()->buttonExists('Update translations');
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class NodeAdminTest extends NodeTestBase {
public function testContentAdminSort() {
$changed = REQUEST_TIME;
$changed = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
$connection = Database::getConnection();
foreach (['dd', 'aa', 'DD', 'bb', 'cc', 'CC', 'AA', 'BB'] as $prefix) {
$changed += 1000;
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class NodeRevisionsAllTest extends NodeTestBase {
// Set the revision timestamp to an older date to make sure that the
// confirmation message correctly displays the stored revision date.
$old_revision_date = REQUEST_TIME - 86400;
$old_revision_date = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 86400;
->condition('vid', $nodes[2]->getRevisionId())
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class NodeRevisionsTest extends NodeTestBase {
// Set the revision timestamp to an older date to make sure that the
// confirmation message correctly displays the stored revision date.
$old_revision_date = REQUEST_TIME - 86400;
$old_revision_date = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 86400;
->condition('vid', $nodes[2]->getRevisionId())
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ class NodeSaveTest extends NodeTestBase {
$node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title']);
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $node->getCreatedTime(), 'Creating a node sets default "created" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $node->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a node sets default "changed" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $node->getCreatedTime(), 'Creating a node sets default "created" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $node->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a node sets default "changed" timestamp.');
// Store the timestamps.
$created = $node->getCreatedTime();
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class NodeTranslationUITest extends ContentTranslationUITestBase {
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$values[$langcode] = [
'uid' => $user->id(),
'created' => REQUEST_TIME - mt_rand(0, 1000),
'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - mt_rand(0, 1000),
'sticky' => (bool) mt_rand(0, 1),
'promote' => (bool) mt_rand(0, 1),
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class FrontPageTest extends ViewTestBase {
$values['promote'] = TRUE;
$values['status'] = TRUE;
// Test descending sort order.
$values['created'] = REQUEST_TIME - $i;
$values['created'] = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - $i;
// Test the sticky order.
if ($i == 5) {
$values['sticky'] = TRUE;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class NodeIntegrationTest extends NodeTestBase {
for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) {
// Ensure the right order of the nodes.
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => $type->id(), 'created' => REQUEST_TIME - ($i * 5 + $j)]);
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => $type->id(), 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - ($i * 5 + $j)]);
$nodes[$type->id()][$node->id()] = $node;
$all_nids[] = $node->id();
@ -26,24 +26,24 @@ class NodeRevisionWizardTest extends WizardTestBase {
// Create two nodes with two revision.
$node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node');
/** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'article', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME + 40]);
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'article', 'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 40]);
$node = $node->createDuplicate();
$node->changed->value = REQUEST_TIME + 20;
$node->changed->value = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 20;
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'article', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME + 30]);
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'article', 'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 30]);
$node = $node->createDuplicate();
$node->changed->value = REQUEST_TIME + 10;
$node->changed->value = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 10;
$this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'not_article']);
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'not_article', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME + 80]);
$node = $node_storage->create(['title' => $this->randomString(), 'type' => 'not_article', 'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 80]);
$type = [
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class SearchMultilingualEntityTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// The request time is always the same throughout test runs. Update the
// request time to a previous time, to simulate it having been marked
// previously.
$current = REQUEST_TIME;
$current = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
$old = $current - 10;
$connection = Database::getConnection();
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class SearchRankingTest extends BrowserTestBase {
'title' => 'Drupal rocks',
'body' => [['value' => "Drupal's search rocks"]],
// Node is one day old.
'created' => REQUEST_TIME - 24 * 3600,
'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 24 * 3600,
'sticky' => 0,
'promote' => 0,
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class SearchRankingTest extends BrowserTestBase {
case 'recent':
// Node is 1 hour hold.
$settings['created'] = REQUEST_TIME - 3600;
$settings['created'] = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 3600;
case 'comments':
@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ class StatisticsAdminTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('1 view');
// statistics_cron() will subtract
// statistics.settings:accesslog.max_lifetime config from REQUEST_TIME in
// the delete query, so wait two secs here to make sure the access log will
// be flushed for the node just hit.
// statistics.settings:accesslog.max_lifetime config from
// \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() in the delete query, so wait two secs here to make
// sure the access log will be flushed for the node just hit.
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class CronRunTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* Ensure that the automated cron run module is working.
* In these tests we do not use REQUEST_TIME to track start time, because we
* In these tests we do not use \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() to track start time, because we
* need the exact time when cron is triggered.
public function testAutomatedCron() {
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class UserCreateTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer users']);
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $user->getCreatedTime(), 'Creating a user sets default "created" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $user->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a user sets default "changed" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $user->getCreatedTime(), 'Creating a user sets default "created" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $user->getChangedTime(), 'Creating a user sets default "changed" timestamp.');
// Create a field.
$field_name = 'test_field';
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class UserEditTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$this->assertSame(1, (int) \Drupal::database()->select('sessions', 's')->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField());
// Make sure the changed timestamp is updated.
$this->assertEquals(REQUEST_TIME, $user1->getChangedTime(), 'Changing a user sets "changed" timestamp.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime(), $user1->getChangedTime(), 'Changing a user sets "changed" timestamp.');
// Make sure the user can log in with their new password.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class UserPasswordResetTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// Set the last login time that is used to generate the one-time link so
// that it is definitely over a second ago.
$account->login = REQUEST_TIME - mt_rand(10, 100000);
$account->login = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - mt_rand(10, 100000);
->fields(['login' => $account->getLastLoginTime()])
->condition('uid', $account->id())
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class UserPasswordResetTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// Create a password reset link as if the request time was 60 seconds older than the allowed limit.
$timeout = $this->config('user.settings')->get('password_reset_timeout');
$bogus_timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - $timeout - 60;
$bogus_timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - $timeout - 60;
$_uid = $this->account->id();
$this->drupalGet("user/reset/$_uid/$bogus_timestamp/" . user_pass_rehash($this->account, $bogus_timestamp));
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You have tried to use a one-time login link that has expired. Request a new one using the form below.');
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class UserPasswordResetTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You have tried to use a one-time login link that has expired. Request a new one using the form below.');
// Create a user, block the account, and verify that a login link is denied.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 1;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 1;
$blocked_account = $this->drupalCreateUser()->block();
$this->drupalGet("user/reset/" . $blocked_account->id() . "/$timestamp/" . user_pass_rehash($blocked_account, $timestamp));
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class UserPasswordResetTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// Ensure blocked and deleted accounts can't access the user.reset.login
// route.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 1;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 1;
$blocked_account = $this->drupalCreateUser()->block();
$this->drupalGet("user/reset/" . $blocked_account->id() . "/$timestamp/" . user_pass_rehash($blocked_account, $timestamp) . '/login');
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class UserPasswordResetTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// Logged in users should not be able to access the user.reset.login or the
// user.reset.form routes.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - 1;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 1;
$this->drupalGet("user/reset/" . $this->account->id() . "/$timestamp/" . user_pass_rehash($this->account, $timestamp) . '/login');
$this->drupalGet("user/reset/" . $this->account->id());
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class UserPictureTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// would set the timestamp.
'changed' => REQUEST_TIME - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - ($this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') + 1),
->condition('fid', $file->id())
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class UserRegistrationTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$this->assertEquals($name, $new_user->getAccountName(), 'Username matches.');
$this->assertEquals($mail, $new_user->getEmail(), 'Email address matches.');
// Verify that the creation time is correct.
$this->assertGreaterThan(REQUEST_TIME - 20, $new_user->getCreatedTime());
$this->assertGreaterThan(\Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 20, $new_user->getCreatedTime());
$this->assertEquals($config_user_settings->get('register') == UserInterface::REGISTER_VISITORS ? 1 : 0, $new_user->isActive(), 'Correct status field.');
$this->assertEquals($config_system_date->get('timezone.default'), $new_user->getTimezone(), 'Correct time zone field.');
$this->assertEquals(\Drupal::languageManager()->getDefaultLanguage()->getId(), $new_user->langcode->value, 'Correct language field.');
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class UserChangedTest extends ViewTestBase {
$this->drupalGet($path, $options);
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Updated date: ' . date('Y-m-d', REQUEST_TIME));
$this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Updated date: ' . date('Y-m-d', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ trait AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait {
/** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request_stack */
$request_stack = \Drupal::service('request_stack');
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', REQUEST_TIME);
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime());
$request->setSession(new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage()));
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ trait AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait {
/** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request_stack */
$request_stack = \Drupal::service('request_stack');
$request = new Request();
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', REQUEST_TIME);
$request->server->set('REQUEST_TIME', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime());
$request->setSession(new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage()));
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class BulkFormTest extends BrowserTestBase {
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
// Ensure nodes are sorted in the same order they are inserted in the
// array.
$timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - $i;
$timestamp = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - $i;
$nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode([
'title' => 'Node ' . $i,
'sticky' => FALSE,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class DefaultViewsTest extends ViewTestBase {
$this->createEntityReferenceField('node', 'page', $field_name, NULL, 'taxonomy_term', 'default', $handler_settings, FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED);
// Create a time in the past for the archive.
$time = REQUEST_TIME - 3600;
$time = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 3600;
$this->addDefaultCommentField('node', 'page');
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class DefaultViewsTest extends ViewTestBase {
$columns = ['nid', 'created_year_month', 'num_records'];
$column_map = array_combine($columns, $columns);
// Create time of additional nodes created in the setup method.
$created_year_month = date('Ym', REQUEST_TIME - 3600);
$created_year_month = date('Ym', \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - 3600);
$expected_result = [
'nid' => 1,
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ class ItemsPerPageTest extends WizardTestBase {
// Create articles, each with a different creation time so that we can do a
// meaningful sort.
$node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME]);
$node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME + 1]);
$node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME + 2]);
$node4 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME + 3]);
$node5 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME + 4]);
$node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()]);
$node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 1]);
$node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 2]);
$node4 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 3]);
$node5 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'article', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 4]);
// Create a page. This should never appear in the view created below.
$page_node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME + 2]);
$page_node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => 'page', 'created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 2]);
// Create a view that sorts newest first, and shows 4 items in the page and
// 3 in the block.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class PagerTest extends WizardTestBase {
// conditions that are meaningful for the use of a pager.
$this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'page']);
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
$this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => REQUEST_TIME - $i]);
$this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() - $i]);
// Make a View that uses a pager.
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class SortingTest extends WizardTestBase {
// Create nodes, each with a different creation time so that we can do a
// meaningful sort.
$this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'page']);
$node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => REQUEST_TIME]);
$node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => REQUEST_TIME + 1]);
$node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => REQUEST_TIME + 2]);
$node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()]);
$node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 1]);
$node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['created' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 2]);
// Create a view that sorts oldest first.
$view1 = [];
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class ClickSortingAJAXTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
// Create a Content type and two test nodes.
$this->createContentType(['type' => 'page']);
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Page A', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME]);
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Page B', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME + 1000]);
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Page A', 'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()]);
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Page B', 'changed' => \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() + 1000]);
// Create a user privileged enough to view content.
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
@ -973,21 +973,11 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/block_content/src/BlockContentTypeForm.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/block_content/tests/src/Functional/BlockContentRevisionsTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$loaded might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 9
path: modules/block_content/tests/src/Functional/BlockContentRevisionsTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/block_content/tests/src/Functional/BlockContentSaveTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$callable in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1038,11 +1028,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/comment/src/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentBlockTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$position might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1058,16 +1043,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentTestBase.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentTranslationUITest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/Views/DefaultViewRecentCommentsTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$data might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 2
@ -1128,11 +1103,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/content_translation/src/Controller/ContentTranslationController.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/content_translation/tests/src/Functional/ContentTranslationUITestBase.php
message: "#^Variable \\$unrestricted_tab_count might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1163,11 +1133,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/datetime/src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/DateTimeFormatConstraintValidator.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 4
path: modules/datetime/tests/src/Functional/DateTimeFieldTest.php
message: "#^Method Drupal\\\\datetime_range\\\\Plugin\\\\Field\\\\FieldType\\\\DateRangeFieldItemList\\:\\:defaultValuesForm\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1193,16 +1158,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/dblog/dblog.module
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 3
path: modules/dblog/tests/src/Functional/DbLogTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/dblog/tests/src/Kernel/DbLogTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$items in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1213,11 +1168,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/field/tests/modules/field_test/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/TestFieldMultipleFormatter.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/field/tests/src/Functional/NestedFormTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$values might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1288,16 +1238,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/FileFieldItemList.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/file/tests/src/Functional/FileFieldPathTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/file/tests/src/Functional/FileFieldRevisionTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$unexpected in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1498,21 +1438,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 5
path: modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleUpdateBase.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleUpdateCronTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/locale/tests/src/Functional/LocaleUpdateInterfaceTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$error in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1784,46 +1709,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/node/src/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeAdminTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeRevisionsAllTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeRevisionsTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeSaveTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeTranslationUITest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 3
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/Views/FrontPageTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/Views/NodeIntegrationTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 5
path: modules/node/tests/src/Functional/Views/Wizard/NodeRevisionWizardTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$changed in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -1947,16 +1832,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/search/src/SearchPageRepository.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/search/tests/src/Functional/SearchMultilingualEntityTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/search/tests/src/Functional/SearchRankingTest.php
message: "#^Call to an undefined method Drupal\\\\serialization\\\\Normalizer\\\\EntityNormalizer\\:\\:getCustomSerializedPropertyNames\\(\\)\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -2222,16 +2097,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/user/src/RoleForm.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserCreateTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserEditTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$name in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -2242,31 +2107,11 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserLoginHttpTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 5
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserPasswordResetTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserPictureTest.php
message: "#^Call to an undefined method Drupal\\\\Tests\\\\user\\\\Functional\\\\UserRegistrationRestTest\\:\\:getExpectedUnauthorizedEntityAccessCacheability\\(\\)\\.$#"
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserRegistrationRestTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/UserRegistrationTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/user/tests/src/Functional/Views/UserChangedTest.php
message: """
#^Call to deprecated method expectWarning\\(\\) of class PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\TestCase\\:
@ -2533,46 +2378,11 @@ parameters:
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/modules/views_test_data/
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/BulkFormTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/DefaultViewsTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/GlossaryTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$link might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 1
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/TaxonomyGlossaryTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 6
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Wizard/ItemsPerPageTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Wizard/PagerTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 3
path: modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Wizard/SortingTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ClickSortingAJAXTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$rand1 might not be defined\\.$#"
count: 2
@ -2588,11 +2398,6 @@ parameters:
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/StyleTest.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 2
path: modules/views/tests/src/Kernel/RenderCacheIntegrationTest.php
message: "#^Variable \\$relationship_handler in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#"
count: 1
@ -2867,16 +2672,6 @@ parameters:
count: 1
path: tests/Drupal/TestSite/Commands/TestSiteInstallCommand.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: tests/Drupal/TestSite/Commands/TestSiteInstallCommand.php
message: "#^Call to deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME\\: Deprecated in drupal\\:8\\.3\\.0 and is removed from drupal\\:11\\.0\\.0\\. Use \\\\Drupal\\:\\:time\\(\\)\\-\\>getRequestTime\\(\\); $#"
count: 1
path: tests/Drupal/Tests/BrowserTestBase.php
message: """
#^Call to deprecated method getConfig\\(\\) of class GuzzleHttp\\\\Client\\:
Reference in New Issue