Issue by mdrummond, lokapujya, Cottser, Jeff Burnz, Les Lim, Gábor Hojtsy: Convert site elements (site name, slogan, site logo) into blocks.

webchick 2014-03-03 08:38:08 -08:00
parent 9ba8e07517
commit e0522e1905
11 changed files with 480 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ class BlockFormController extends EntityFormController {
public function form(array $form, array &$form_state) {
$entity = $this->entity;
// Store theme settings in $form_state for use below.
if (!$theme = $entity->get('theme')) {
$theme = $this->configFactory->get('system.theme')->get('default');
$form_state['block_theme'] = $theme;
$form['#tree'] = TRUE;
$form['settings'] = $entity->getPlugin()->buildConfigurationForm(array(), $form_state);
@ -226,10 +233,10 @@ class BlockFormController extends EntityFormController {
// Theme settings.
if ($theme = $entity->get('theme')) {
if ($entity->get('theme')) {
$form['theme'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $entity->get('theme'),
'#value' => $theme,
else {
@ -239,7 +246,6 @@ class BlockFormController extends EntityFormController {
$theme_options[$theme_name] = $theme_info->info['name'];
$theme = $this->configFactory->get('system.theme')->get('default');
$form['theme'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $theme_options,
@ -251,6 +257,7 @@ class BlockFormController extends EntityFormController {
// Region settings.
$form['region'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',

View File

@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ class BlockStorageUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestBase {
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = '';
$expected[] = ' <div class="content">';
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = ' </div>';
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = ' </div>';
$expected[] = '</div>';
$expected[] = '';
$expected_output = implode("\n", $expected);
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($output), $expected_output, 'The block rendered correctly.');
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($output), $expected_output);
// Reset the HTML IDs so that the next render is not affected.
@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ class BlockStorageUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestBase {
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = '';
$expected[] = ' <div class="content">';
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = ' </div>';
$expected[] = ' ';
$expected[] = ' </div>';
$expected[] = '</div>';
$expected[] = '';
$expected_output = implode("\n", $expected);
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($output), $expected_output, 'The block rendered correctly.');
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($output), $expected_output);
// Clean up this entity.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\block\Tests\BlockSystemBrandingTest.
namespace Drupal\block\Tests;
* Provides testing for the branding block functionality.
class BlockSystemBrandingTest extends BlockTestBase {
* Modules to enable.
* @var array
public static $modules = array('block', 'system');
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'System Branding Block',
'description' => 'Tests branding block display.',
'group' => 'Block',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setUp() {
// Set a site slogan.
->set('slogan', 'Community plumbing')
// Add the system branding block to the page.
$this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_branding_block', array('region' => 'header', 'id' => 'site-branding'));
* Tests system branding block configuration.
public function testSystemBrandingSettings() {
$site_logo_xpath = '//div[@id="block-site-branding"]//a[@class="site-logo"]';
$site_name_xpath = '//div[@id="block-site-branding"]//div[@class="site-name"]';
$site_slogan_xpath = '//div[@id="block-site-branding"]//div[@class="site-slogan"]';
// Set default block settings.
$site_logo_element = $this->xpath($site_logo_xpath);
$site_name_element = $this->xpath($site_name_xpath);
$site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
// Test that all branding elements are displayed.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_logo_element), 'The branding block logo was found.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_name_element), 'The branding block site name was found.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was found.');
// Turn just the logo off.
->set('settings.use_site_logo', 0)
$site_logo_element = $this->xpath($site_logo_xpath);
$site_name_element = $this->xpath($site_name_xpath);
$site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
// Re-test all branding elements.
$this->assertTrue(empty($site_logo_element), 'The branding block logo was disabled.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_name_element), 'The branding block site name was found.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was found.');
// Turn just the site name off.
->set('settings.use_site_logo', 1)
->set('settings.use_site_name', 0)
$site_logo_element = $this->xpath($site_logo_xpath);
$site_name_element = $this->xpath($site_name_xpath);
$site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
// Re-test all branding elements.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_logo_element), 'The branding block logo was found.');
$this->assertTrue(empty($site_name_element), 'The branding block site name was disabled.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was found.');
// Turn just the site slogan off.
->set('settings.use_site_name', 1)
->set('settings.use_site_slogan', 0)
$site_logo_element = $this->xpath($site_logo_xpath);
$site_name_element = $this->xpath($site_name_xpath);
$site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
// Re-test all branding elements.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_logo_element), 'The branding block logo was found.');
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_name_element), 'The branding block site name was found.');
$this->assertTrue(empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was disabled.');
// Turn the site name and the site slogan off.
->set('settings.use_site_name', 0)
->set('settings.use_site_slogan', 0)
$site_logo_element = $this->xpath($site_logo_xpath);
$site_name_element = $this->xpath($site_name_xpath);
$site_slogan_element = $this->xpath($site_slogan_xpath);
// Re-test all branding elements.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($site_logo_element), 'The branding block logo was found.');
$this->assertTrue(empty($site_name_element), 'The branding block site name was disabled.');
$this->assertTrue(empty($site_slogan_element), 'The branding block slogan was disabled.');

View File

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
{{ title_suffix }}
<div{{ content_attributes }}>
{{ content }}
{% block content %}
{{ content }}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\system\Plugin\Block\SystemBrandingBlock.
namespace Drupal\system\Plugin\Block;
use Drupal\block\BlockBase;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Provides a block to display 'Site branding' elements.
* @Block(
* id = "system_branding_block",
* admin_label = @Translation("Site branding")
* )
class SystemBrandingBlock extends BlockBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
* The URL generator.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface
protected $urlGenerator;
* Stores the configuration factory.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
protected $configFactory;
* The current user.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
protected $current_user;
* Creates a SystemBrandingBlock instance.
* @param array $configuration
* A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
* @param string $plugin_id
* The plugin_id for the plugin instance.
* @param array $plugin_definition
* The plugin implementation definition.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
* The factory for configuration objects.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface $url_generator
* The url generator service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $current_user
* The current user.
public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, array $plugin_definition, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, UrlGeneratorInterface $url_generator, AccountInterface $current_user) {
parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
$this->configFactory = $config_factory;
$this->urlGenerator = $url_generator;
$this->currentUser = $current_user;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, array $plugin_definition) {
return new static(
* {@inheritdoc}
public function defaultConfiguration() {
return array(
'use_site_logo' => TRUE,
'use_site_name' => TRUE,
'use_site_slogan' => TRUE,
'label_display' => FALSE,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function blockForm($form, &$form_state) {
// Get the theme.
$theme = $form_state['block_theme'];
// Get permissions.
$administer_themes_access = $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer themes');
$administer_site_configuration_access = $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer site configuration');
if ($administer_themes_access) {
// Get paths to theme settings pages.
$appearance_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('system.themes_page');
$theme_settings_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('system.theme_settings_theme', array('theme' => $theme));
// Provide links to the Appearance and Theme Settings pages
// if the user has access to administer themes.
$site_logo_description = $this->t('Defined on the <a href="@appearance">Appearance</a> or <a href="@theme">Theme Settings</a> page.', array('@appearance' => $appearance_url, '@theme' => $theme_settings_url));
else {
// Explain that the user does not have access to the Appearance and Theme
// Settings pages.
$site_logo_description = $this->t('Defined on the Appearance or Theme Settings page. You do not have the appropriate permissions to change the site logo.');
if ($administer_site_configuration_access) {
// Get paths to settings pages.
$site_information_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('system.site_information_settings');
// Provide link to Site Information page if the user has access to
// administer site configuration.
$site_name_description = $this->t('Defined on the <a href="@information">Site Information</a> page.', array('@information' => $site_information_url));
$site_slogan_description = $this->t('Defined on the <a href="@information">Site Information</a> page.', array('@information' => $site_information_url));
else {
// Explain that the user does not have access to the Site Information
// page.
$site_name_description = $this->t('Defined on the Site Information page. You do not have the appropriate permissions to change the site logo.');
$site_slogan_description = $this->t('Defined on the Site Information page. You do not have the appropriate permissions to change the site logo.');
$form['block_branding'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => $this->t('Toggle branding elements'),
'#description' => $this->t('Choose which branding elements you want to show in this block instance.'),
$form['block_branding']['use_site_logo'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Site logo'),
'#description' => $site_logo_description,
'#default_value' => $this->configuration['use_site_logo'],
$form['block_branding']['use_site_name'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Site name'),
'#description' => $site_name_description,
'#default_value' => $this->configuration['use_site_name'],
$form['block_branding']['use_site_slogan'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Site slogan'),
'#description' => $site_slogan_description,
'#default_value' => $this->configuration['use_site_slogan'],
return $form;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function blockSubmit($form, &$form_state) {
$this->configuration['use_site_logo'] = $form_state['values']['block_branding']['use_site_logo'];
$this->configuration['use_site_name'] = $form_state['values']['block_branding']['use_site_name'];
$this->configuration['use_site_slogan'] = $form_state['values']['block_branding']['use_site_slogan'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build() {
$build = array();
$site_config = $this->configFactory->get('');
$logo = theme_get_setting('logo');
$build['site_logo'] = array(
'#theme' => 'image',
'#uri' => $logo['url'],
'#alt' => t('Home'),
'#access' => $this->configuration['use_site_logo'],
$build['site_name'] = array(
'#markup' => $site_config->get('name'),
'#access' => $this->configuration['use_site_name'],
$build['site_slogan'] = array(
'#markup' => Xss::filterAdmin($site_config->get('slogan')),
'#access' => $this->configuration['use_site_slogan'],
return $build;

View File

@ -153,6 +153,14 @@ function system_help($path, $arg) {
function system_theme() {
return array_merge(drupal_common_theme(), array(
// Normally theme suggestion templates are only picked up when they are in
// themes. We explicitly define the block__system_branding_block theme
// suggestion here so that the template in core/modules/system/templates
// is picked up.
'block__system_branding_block' => array(
'base hook' => 'block',
'template' => 'block--system-branding-block',
'system_themes_page' => array(
'variables' => array(
'theme_groups' => NULL,
@ -1218,6 +1226,21 @@ function system_user_timezone(&$form, &$form_state) {
function system_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
switch ($variables['base_plugin_id']) {
case 'system_branding_block':
$variables['site_logo'] = '';
if ($variables['content']['site_logo']['#access'] && $variables['content']['site_logo']['#uri']) {
$variables['site_logo'] = $variables['content']['site_logo']['#uri'];
$variables['site_name'] = '';
if ($variables['content']['site_name']['#access'] && $variables['content']['site_name']['#markup']) {
$variables['site_name'] = $variables['content']['site_name']['#markup'];
$variables['site_slogan'] = '';
if ($variables['content']['site_slogan']['#access'] && $variables['content']['site_slogan']['#markup']) {
$variables['site_slogan'] = $variables['content']['site_slogan']['#markup'];
case 'system_powered_by_block':
$variables['attributes']['role'] = 'complementary';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{% extends "@block/block.html.twig" %}
* @file
* Default theme implementation for a branding block.
* Each branding element variable (logo, name, slogan) is only available if
* enabled in the block configuration.
* Available variables:
* - site_logo: Logo for site as defined in Appearance or theme settings.
* - site_name: Name for site as defined in Site information settings.
* - site_slogan: Slogan for site as defined in Site information settings.
* @ingroup themeable
{% block content %}
{% if site_logo %}
<a href="{{ url('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home" class="site-logo">
<img src="{{ site_logo }}" alt="{{ 'Home'|t }}" />
{% endif %}
{% if site_name %}
<div class="site-name">
<a href="{{ url('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">{{ site_name|e }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if site_slogan %}
<div class="site-slogan">{{ site_slogan }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -120,6 +120,16 @@ function bartik_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
function bartik_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
// Add a clearfix class to system branding blocks.
if ($variables['plugin_id'] == 'system_branding_block') {
$variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'clearfix';
* Implements theme_menu_tree().

View File

@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ a:active,
.region-header a,
.region-header li,
#name-and-slogan a,
.site-branding-block a,
#secondary-menu-links li a {
color: #fffeff;

View File

@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ pre {
#page .ui-widget,
.comment-form label,
.node-form label,
@ -342,35 +343,43 @@ {
.skip-link:focus {
outline: 0;
#logo {
.site-logo {
float: left; /* LTR */
padding-left: 5px; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #logo {
[dir="rtl"] #logo,
[dir="rtl"] .site-logo {
padding: 15px 10px 15px 15px;
#name-and-slogan {
.site-branding-text {
float: left; /* LTR */
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 10px 8px;
[dir="rtl"] #name-and-slogan {
[dir="rtl"] #name-and-slogan,
[dir="rtl"] .site-branding-text {
margin: 0 15px 30px 0;
#site-name {
.site-name {
font-size: 1.6em;
color: #686868;
line-height: 1;
h1#site-name {
h1#site-name, {
margin: 0;
#site-name a {
#site-name a,
.site-name a {
font-weight: normal;
#site-slogan {
.site-slogan {
font-size: 0.929em;
margin-top: 7px;
word-spacing: 0.1em;
@ -521,7 +530,9 @@ h1#site-name {
[dir="rtl"] #logo,
[dir="rtl"] .site-logo,
[dir="rtl"] #name-and-slogan,
[dir="rtl"] .site-branding-text,
[dir="rtl"] .region-header .block,
[dir="rtl"] .region-header #block-user-login .form-item,
[dir="rtl"] .region-header #block-user-login .item-list li {
@ -1757,13 +1768,16 @@ div.admin-panel .description {
.region-header {
margin: .5em 5px .75em;
#logo {
.site-logo {
padding: 5px 0 0 5px; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #logo {
[dir="rtl"] #logo,
[dir="rtl"] .site-logo {
padding: 5px 5px 0 0;
#name-and-slogan {
.site-branding-text {
padding: 10px 10px 8px;
#main-menu-links {
@ -1804,20 +1818,25 @@ div.admin-panel .description {
.region-header {
margin: 1em 5px 1.5em;
#logo {
.site-logo {
padding: 15px 15px 15px 10px; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #logo {
[dir="rtl"] #logo,
[dir="rtl"] .site-logo {
padding: 15px 10px 15px 15px;
#name-and-slogan {
.site-branding-text {
padding: 26px 0 0;
margin: 0 0 30px 15px; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #name-and-slogan {
[dir="rtl"] #name-and-slogan,
[dir="rtl"] .site-branding-text {
margin: 0 15px 30px 0;
#site-name {
.site-name {
font-size: 1.821em;
#main-menu-links {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{% extends "@block/block.html.twig" %}
* @file
* Bartik's theme implementation for a branding block.
* Each branding element variable (logo, name, slogan) is only available if
* enabled in the block configuration.
* Available variables:
* - site_logo: Logo for site as defined in Appearance or theme settings.
* - site_name: Name for site as defined in Site information settings.
* - site_slogan: Slogan for site as defined in Site information settings.
* @ingroup themeable
{% block content %}
{% if site_logo %}
<a href="{{ url('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home" class="site-logo">
<img src="{{ site_logo }}" alt="{{ 'Home'|t }}" />
{% endif %}
{% if site_name or site_slogan %}
<div class="site-branding-text">
{% if site_name %}
<strong class="site-name">
<a href="{{ url('<front>') }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">{{ site_name|e }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if site_slogan %}
<div class="site-slogan">{{ site_slogan }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}