Issue #2417647 by Wim Leers, effulgentsia: Add leading slash to paths within 'user-path:' URIs, to allow 'user-path:' URIs to point to the <none> route
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class ConfirmFormHelper {
// If a destination is specified, that serves as the cancel link.
if ($query->has('destination')) {
$options = UrlHelper::parse($query->get('destination'));
$url = Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $options['path'], $options);
$url = Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $options['path'], $options);
// Check for a route-based cancel link.
else {
@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ class PathValidator implements PathValidatorInterface {
if ($parsed_url['path'] == '<front>') {
return new Url('<front>', [], $options);
elseif ($parsed_url['path'] == '<none>') {
return new Url('<none>', [], $options);
elseif (UrlHelper::isExternal($path) && UrlHelper::isValid($path)) {
if (empty($parsed_url['path'])) {
return FALSE;
@ -319,6 +319,33 @@ class Url {
* Creates a new Url object for 'user-path:' URIs.
* Important note: the URI minus the scheme can NOT simply be validated by a
* \Drupal\Core\Path\PathValidatorInterface implementation. The semantics of
* the 'user-path:' URI scheme are different:
* - PathValidatorInterface accepts paths without a leading slash (e.g.
* 'node/add') as well as 2 special paths: '<front>' and '<none>', which are
* mapped to the correspondingly named routes.
* - 'user-path:' URIs store paths with a leading slash that represents the
* root — i.e. the front page — (e.g. 'user-path:/node/add'), and doesn't
* have any exceptions.
* To clarify, a few examples of path plus corresponding 'user-path:' URI:
* - 'node/add' -> 'user-path:/node/add'
* - 'node/add?foo=bar' -> 'user-path:/node/add?foo=bar'
* - 'node/add#kitten' -> 'user-path:/node/add#kitten'
* - '<front>' -> 'user-path:/'
* - '<front>foo=bar' -> 'user-path:/?foo=bar'
* - '<front>#kitten' -> 'user-path:/#kitten'
* - '<none>' -> 'user-path:'
* - '<none>foo=bar' -> 'user-path:?foo=bar'
* - '<none>#kitten' -> 'user-path:#kitten'
* Therefore, when using a PathValidatorInterface to validate 'user-path:'
* URIs, we must map:
* - 'user-path:' (path component is '') to the special '<none>' path
* - 'user-path:/' (path component is '/') to the special '<front>' path
* - 'user-path:/some-path' (path component is '/some-path') to 'some-path'
* @param array $uri_parts
* Parts from an URI of the form user-path:{path} as from parse_url().
* @param array $options
@ -328,6 +355,21 @@ class Url {
* A new Url object for a 'user-path:' URI.
protected static function fromUserPathUri(array $uri_parts, array $options) {
// Both PathValidator::getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck() and 'base:' URIs
// only accept/contain paths without a leading slash, unlike 'user-path:'
// URIs, for which the leading slash means "relative to Drupal root" and
// "relative to Symfony app root" (just like in Symfony/Drupal 8 routes).
if (empty($uri_parts['path'])) {
$uri_parts['path'] = '<none>';
elseif ($uri_parts['path'] === '/') {
$uri_parts['path'] = '<front>';
else {
// Remove the leading slash.
$uri_parts['path'] = substr($uri_parts['path'], 1);
$url = \Drupal::pathValidator()
->getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck($uri_parts['path']) ?: static::fromUri('base:' . $uri_parts['path'], $options);
// Allow specifying additional options.
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class FieldUI {
$options['query']['destinations'] = $destinations;
// Redirect to any given path within the same domain.
$next_destination = Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $options['path']);
$next_destination = Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $options['path']);
return $next_destination;
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class LinkFormatter extends FormatterBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInter
// attribute.
// @todo Does RDF need a URL rather than an internal URI here?
// @see \Drupal\rdf\Tests\Field\LinkFieldRdfaTest.
$content = str_replace('user-path:', '', $item->uri);
$content = str_replace('user-path:/', '', $item->uri);
$item->_attributes += array('content' => $content);
@ -53,6 +53,20 @@ class LinkWidget extends WidgetBase {
$scheme = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if ($scheme === 'user-path') {
$uri_reference = explode(':', $uri, 2)[1];
// @todo Present the leading slash to the user and hence delete the next
// block in There, we will also
// remove the ability to enter '<front>' or '<none>', we'll expect '/'
// and '' instead respectively.
$path = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH);
if ($path === '/') {
$uri_reference = '<front>' . substr($uri_reference, 1);
elseif (empty($path)) {
$uri_reference = '<none>' . $uri_reference;
else {
$uri_reference = ltrim($uri_reference, '/');
else {
$uri_reference = $uri;
@ -76,6 +90,31 @@ class LinkWidget extends WidgetBase {
// Users can enter relative URLs, but we need a valid URI, so add an
// explicit scheme when necessary.
if (parse_url($string, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === NULL) {
// @todo Present the leading slash to the user and hence delete the next
// block in There, we will also
// remove the ability to enter '<front>' or '<none>', we'll expect '/'
// and '' instead respectively.
// Users can enter paths that don't start with a leading slash, we
// want to normalize them to have a leading slash. However, we don't
// want to add a leading slash if it already starts with one, or if it
// contains only a querystring or a fragment. Examples:
// - 'foo' -> '/foo'
// - '?foo=bar' -> '/?foo=bar'
// - '#foo' -> '/#foo'
// - '<front>' -> '/'
// - '<front>#foo' -> '/#foo'
// - '<none>' -> ''
// - '<none>#foo' -> '#foo'
if (strpos($string, '<front>') === 0) {
$string = '/' . substr($string, strlen('<front>'));
elseif (strpos($string, '<none>') === 0) {
$string = substr($string, strlen('<none>'));
elseif (!in_array($string[0], ['/', '?', '#'])) {
$string = '/' . $string;
return 'user-path:' . $string;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function _menu_link_content_update_path_alias($path) {
/** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\MenuLinkContentInterface[] $entities */
$entities = \Drupal::entityManager()
->loadByProperties(['link__uri' => 'user-path:' . $path]);
->loadByProperties(['link__uri' => 'user-path:/' . $path]);
foreach ($entities as $menu_link) {
$menu_link_manager->updateDefinition($menu_link->getPluginId(), $menu_link->getPluginDefinition(), FALSE);
@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ class LinksTest extends WebTestBase {
$parent = $base_options + array(
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu-test/hierarchy/parent'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu-test/hierarchy/parent'],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $parent);
$links['parent'] = $link->getPluginId();
$child_1 = $base_options + array(
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child'],
'parent' => $links['parent'],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $child_1);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class LinksTest extends WebTestBase {
$links['child-1'] = $link->getPluginId();
$child_1_1 = $base_options + array(
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child2/child'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child2/child'],
'parent' => $links['child-1'],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $child_1_1);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class LinksTest extends WebTestBase {
$links['child-1-1'] = $link->getPluginId();
$child_1_2 = $base_options + array(
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child2/child'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child2/child'],
'parent' => $links['child-1'],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $child_1_2);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class LinksTest extends WebTestBase {
$links['child-1-2'] = $link->getPluginId();
$child_2 = $base_options + array(
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu-test/hierarchy/parent/child'],
'parent' => $links['parent'],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $child_2);
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class LinksTest extends WebTestBase {
$options = array(
'menu_name' => 'menu_test',
'bundle' => 'menu_link_content',
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:<front>']],
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:/']],
$link = entity_create('menu_link_content', $options);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class MenuLinkContentDeriverTest extends KernelTestBase {
// Set up a custom menu link pointing to a specific path.
'title' => 'Example',
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:example-path']],
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:/example-path']],
'menu_name' => 'tools',
$menu_tree = \Drupal::menuTree()->load('tools', new MenuTreeParameters());
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class MenuLinkContentUITest extends ContentTranslationUITest {
protected function createEntity($values, $langcode, $bundle_name = NULL) {
$values['menu_name'] = 'tools';
$values['link']['uri'] = 'user-path:admin/structure/menu';
$values['link']['uri'] = 'user-path:/admin/structure/menu';
$values['title'] = 'Test title';
return parent::createEntity($values, $langcode, $bundle_name);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class MenuLinkContentUITest extends ContentTranslationUITest {
$menu_link_content = MenuLinkContent::create(['menu_name' => 'tools', 'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:admin/structure/menu']]);
$menu_link_content = MenuLinkContent::create(['menu_name' => 'tools', 'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/admin/structure/menu']]);
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class PathAliasMenuLinkContentTest extends KernelTestBase {
$menu_link_content = MenuLinkContent::create([
'title' => 'Menu title',
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:my-blog'],
'link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/my-blog'],
'menu_name' => 'tools',
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class MenuCacheTagsTest extends PageCacheTagsTestBase {
'title' => 'Alpaca',
'menu_name' => 'llama',
'link' => [[
'uri' => 'user-path:<front>',
'uri' => 'user-path:/',
'bundle' => 'menu_name',
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ class MenuTest extends MenuWebTestBase {
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
// Paths were set as 'node/$nid'.
$node = Node::load(str_replace('user-path:node/', '', $item->link->uri));
// Menu link URIs are stored as 'user-path:/node/$nid'.
$node = Node::load(str_replace('user-path:/node/', '', $item->link->uri));
$this->verifyMenuLink($item, $node);
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ class MenuTest extends MenuWebTestBase {
* Attempts to add menu link with invalid path or no access permission.
function addInvalidMenuLink() {
foreach (array('-&-', 'admin/people/permissions', '#') as $link_path) {
foreach (array('-&-', 'admin/people/permissions') as $link_path) {
$edit = array(
'link[0][uri]' => $link_path,
'title[0][value]' => 'title',
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class UserPathUri extends ProcessPluginBase {
list($path) = $value;
if (parse_url($path, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === NULL) {
return 'user-path:' . $path;
return 'user-path:/' . $path;
return $path;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class MigrateMenuLinkTest extends MigrateDrupalTestBase {
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->isEnabled(), TRUE);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->isExpanded(), FALSE);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->options, ['attributes' => ['title' => 'Test menu link 1']]);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->uri, 'user-path:user/login');
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->uri, 'user-path:/user/login');
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->getWeight(), 15);
$menu_link = entity_load('menu_link_content', 139);
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class MigrateMenuLinkTest extends MigrateDrupalTestBase {
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->isEnabled(), TRUE);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->isExpanded(), TRUE);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->options, ['query' => 'foo=bar', 'attributes' => ['title' => 'Test menu link 2']]);
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->uri, 'user-path:admin');
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->link->uri, 'user-path:/admin');
$this->assertIdentical($menu_link->getWeight(), 12);
$menu_link = entity_load('menu_link_content', 140);
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class LinkFieldRdfaTest extends FieldRdfaTestBase {
// Set up test values.
$this->testValue = 'admin';
$this->entity = entity_create('entity_test', array());
$this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'user-path:admin';
$this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'user-path:/admin';
// Set up the expected result.
// AssertFormatterRdfa looks for a full path.
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ class LinkFieldRdfaTest extends FieldRdfaTestBase {
public function testAllFormattersFront() {
// Set up test values.
$this->testValue = '<front>';
$this->testValue = '/';
$this->entity = entity_create('entity_test', array());
$this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'user-path:<front>';
$this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'user-path:/';
// Set up the expected result.
$expected_rdf = array(
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class ShortcutSetController extends ControllerBase {
'title' => $name,
'shortcut_set' => $shortcut_set->id(),
'link' => array(
'uri' => 'user-path:' . $link,
'uri' => 'user-path:/' . $link,
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class ShortcutCacheTagsTest extends EntityCacheTagsTestBase {
'shortcut_set' => 'default',
'title' => t('Llama'),
'weight' => 0,
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:admin']],
'link' => [['uri' => 'user-path:/admin']],
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ShortcutLinksTest extends ShortcutTestBase {
$saved_set = ShortcutSet::load($set->id());
$paths = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'link');
$this->assertTrue(in_array('user-path:' . $test_path, $paths), 'Shortcut created: ' . $test_path);
$this->assertTrue(in_array('user-path:/' . ($test_path == '<front>' ? '' : $test_path), $paths), 'Shortcut created: ' . $test_path);
if (in_array($test_path, $test_cases_non_access)) {
$this->assertNoLink($title, String::format('Shortcut link %url not accessible on the page.', ['%url' => $test_path]));
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class ShortcutLinksTest extends ShortcutTestBase {
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/link/' . $shortcut->id(), array('title[0][value]' => $shortcut->getTitle(), 'link[0][uri]' => $new_link_path), t('Save'));
$saved_set = ShortcutSet::load($set->id());
$paths = $this->getShortcutInformation($saved_set, 'link');
$this->assertTrue(in_array('user-path:' . $new_link_path, $paths), 'Shortcut path changed: ' . $new_link_path);
$this->assertTrue(in_array('user-path:/' . $new_link_path, $paths), 'Shortcut path changed: ' . $new_link_path);
$this->assertLinkByHref($new_link_path, 0, 'Shortcut with new path appears on the page.');
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ abstract class ShortcutTestBase extends WebTestBase {
'title' => t('Add content'),
'weight' => -20,
'link' => array(
'uri' => 'user-path:node/add',
'uri' => 'user-path:/node/add',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ abstract class ShortcutTestBase extends WebTestBase {
'title' => t('All content'),
'weight' => -19,
'link' => array(
'uri' => 'user-path:admin/content',
'uri' => 'user-path:/admin/content',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class ShortcutTranslationUITest extends ContentTranslationUITest {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function createEntity($values, $langcode, $bundle_name = NULL) {
$values['link']['uri'] = 'user-path:user';
$values['link']['uri'] = 'user-path:/user';
return parent::createEntity($values, $langcode, $bundle_name);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class UrlTest extends WebTestBase {
// Test \Drupal::l().
$text = $this->randomMachineName();
$path = "<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>";
$link = \Drupal::l($text, Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $path));
$link = \Drupal::l($text, Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $path));
$sanitized_path = check_url(Url::fromUri('base:' . $path)->toString());
$this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by _l().', array('@path' => $path)));
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class BreadcrumbTest extends MenuTestBase {
$menu_links = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('menu_link_content', array(
'title' => $edit['title[0][value]'],
// @todo Use link.uri once is in.
'link__uri' => 'user-path:taxonomy/term/' . $term->id(),
'link__uri' => 'user-path:/taxonomy/term/' . $term->id(),
$tags[$name]['link'] = reset($menu_links);
$parent_mlid = $tags[$name]['link']->getPluginId();
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ class MenuLinkTreeTest extends KernelTestBase {
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu')->create(array('id' => 'menu1'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu')->create(array('id' => 'menu2'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu1', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu1', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu2', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu1', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu1', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->create(array('link' => ['uri' => 'user-path:/menu_name_test'], 'menu_name' => 'menu2', 'bundle' => 'menu_link_content'))->save();
$output = $this->linkTree->load('menu1', new MenuTreeParameters());
$this->assertEqual(count($output), 2);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class FormTestRedirectForm extends FormBase {
if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('redirection')) {
if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty('destination')) {
// The destination is a random URL, so we can't use routed URLs.
$form_state->setRedirectUrl(Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $form_state->getValue('destination')));
$form_state->setRedirectUrl(Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $form_state->getValue('destination')));
else {
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ abstract class FieldPluginBase extends HandlerBase implements FieldHandlerInterf
$more_link_path = Unicode::substr($more_link_path, Unicode::strlen($base_path));
$more_link = \Drupal::l($more_link_text, CoreUrl::fromUri('user-path:' . $more_link_path), array('attributes' => array('class' => array('views-more-link'))));
$more_link = \Drupal::l($more_link_text, CoreUrl::fromUri('user-path:/' . $more_link_path), array('attributes' => array('class' => array('views-more-link'))));
$suffix .= " " . $more_link;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Url extends FieldPluginBase {
public function render(ResultRow $values) {
$value = $this->getValue($values);
if (!empty($this->options['display_as_link'])) {
return \Drupal::l($this->sanitizeValue($value), CoreUrl::fromUri('user-path:' . $value), array('html' => TRUE));
return \Drupal::l($this->sanitizeValue($value), CoreUrl::fromUri('user-path:/' . $value), array('html' => TRUE));
else {
return $this->sanitizeValue($value, 'url');
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ class ViewListBuilder extends ConfigEntityListBuilder {
if ($display->hasPath()) {
$path = $display->getPath();
if ($view->status() && strpos($path, '%') === FALSE) {
$all_paths[] = \Drupal::l('/' . $path, Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $path));
$all_paths[] = \Drupal::l('/' . $path, Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $path));
else {
$all_paths[] = String::checkPlain('/' . $path);
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ class ViewUI implements ViewEntityInterface {
if (isset($path)) {
$path = \Drupal::l($path, Url::fromUri('user-path:' . $path));
$path = \Drupal::l($path, Url::fromUri('user-path:/' . $path));
else {
$path = t('This display has no path.');
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function standard_install() {
'shortcut_set' => 'default',
'title' => t('Add content'),
'weight' => -20,
'link' => array('uri' => 'user-path:node/add'),
'link' => array('uri' => 'user-path:/node/add'),
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function standard_install() {
'shortcut_set' => 'default',
'title' => t('All content'),
'weight' => -19,
'link' => array('uri' => 'user-path:admin/content'),
'link' => array('uri' => 'user-path:/admin/content'),
@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ class PathValidatorTest extends UnitTestCase {
* Tests the isValid() method for <none> (used for jumplinks).
* @covers ::isValid
public function testIsValidWithNone() {
* Tests the isValid() method for an external URL.
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class UrlTest extends UnitTestCase {
$url = Url::fromUri('user-path:invalid-path');
$url = Url::fromUri('user-path:/invalid-path');
$this->assertSame(FALSE, $url->isRouted());
$this->assertSame('base:invalid-path', $url->getUri());
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class UrlTest extends UnitTestCase {
$result_url = Url::fromUri('user-path:valid-path');
$result_url = Url::fromUri('user-path:/valid-path');
$this->assertSame($url, $result_url);
@ -602,8 +602,11 @@ class UrlTest extends UnitTestCase {
$url = Url::fromRoute('entity.test_entity.canonical', ['test_entity' => '1']);
['test-entity/1', $url],
['<front>', Url::fromRoute('<front>')],
['<none>', Url::fromRoute('<none>')],
$url = Url::fromUri($uri, $options);
$this->assertSame($url->toUriString(), $uri_string);
@ -613,10 +616,23 @@ class UrlTest extends UnitTestCase {
public function providerTestToUriStringForUserPath() {
return [
['user-path:test-entity/1', [], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1'],
['user-path:test-entity/1', ['fragment' => 'top'], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1#top'],
['user-path:test-entity/1', ['fragment' => 'top', 'query' => ['page' => '2']], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1?page=2#top'],
['user-path:test-entity/1?page=2#top', [], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1?page=2#top'],
// The four permutations of a regular path.
['user-path:/test-entity/1', [], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1'],
['user-path:/test-entity/1', ['fragment' => 'top'], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1#top'],
['user-path:/test-entity/1', ['fragment' => 'top', 'query' => ['page' => '2']], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1?page=2#top'],
['user-path:/test-entity/1?page=2#top', [], 'route:entity.test_entity.canonical;test_entity=1?page=2#top'],
// The four permutations of the special '<front>' path.
['user-path:/', [], 'route:<front>'],
['user-path:/', ['fragment' => 'top'], 'route:<front>#top'],
['user-path:/', ['fragment' => 'top', 'query' => ['page' => '2']], 'route:<front>?page=2#top'],
['user-path:/?page=2#top', [], 'route:<front>?page=2#top'],
// The four permutations of the special '<none>' path.
['user-path:', [], 'route:<none>'],
['user-path:', ['fragment' => 'top'], 'route:<none>#top'],
['user-path:', ['fragment' => 'top', 'query' => ['page' => '2']], 'route:<none>?page=2#top'],
['user-path:?page=2#top', [], 'route:<none>?page=2#top'],
Reference in New Issue